The Warrior's Welcome

Story by zakfett92 on SoFurry

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Hi, everyone. Here's my third story for this site. Listen, I want to apologize if the comments in my previous stories sounded a bit grouchy. I just don't want people bombarding me with requests and commissions. But please, feel free to comment. As always, if you want to, feel free to make fan art, fan comics or even an unofficial sequel.

In this story, a mature rhino woman of a jungle tribe is in desperate need of a man. Luckily, visitors come to the tribe, among whom is a meerkat warrior. Seeing this, she decides to give him a warm welcome.

Inspiration for this story came from this piece of art:

In this story, however, they're all roughly human sized.

The Warrior's Welcome

It was another beautiful, sunny day within the jungle. Flowers were in full bloom and birds sang from the trees. And it was on this beautiful day that Risha, a rhino woman, found herself among other women from the village gathering wild fruit for the tribe. Her people were an indigenous community within one of the few remaining "wild" areas of the world; one of several communities of a similar nature. It was not an easy life, but one with its charm and rewards.

As she picked a papaya from a nearby tree, Risha's thoughts drifted to how her own life was somewhat lacking in certain rewards. Reaching her late thirties, she was starting to really feel the lack of male companionship that had existed for some time. Oh, she had had lovers in the past, to be sure. She even gave birth to a son in her early twenties. Unfortunately, within the past decade, her supply of admirers had slowly tapered off; lured away by younger girls. Though most of her days were happy from her day-to-day tribal responsibilities, the lack of a lover was becoming a thing that regularly returned to her thoughts.

It's a shame, she thought, that the young men cannot see the rewards of coming to the bed of a woman of my years. Oh, the things I could teach them...

Her thoughts were interrupted as the sound of a horn could be heard to the east. All the women ceased their work and turned in that direction. The long toot they had heard was soon followed by four quick ones.

"Visitors!" cried Alissa, a young crocodile girl, excitedly. "Visitors have come to the village!"

Without a second thought, all the women, Risha included, began to scarper back to the village. The horns had indicated that strangers from outside the tribe had come in friendship to meet and possibly trade. Such occasions were considered times of merriment among her people. As quick as she could, Risha ran alongside the rest of them, her loin cloth flapping in the wind.

After a short distance, they had found themselves back at their village. Their community consisted entirely of huts made of timber and straw. This collection of dwellings was fully surrounded by a palisade wall, to protect from enemies in times of war. Such occasions were rare these days, but it was better to be prepared. Dirt paths ran between the various homes, with the larger ones serving as locations for trading stalls. Within the very center of the village, an open circle served as a place for rituals and celebrations. Conveniently, this area stood right outside the large hut that was home to the village's leading matriarch.

The women rushed passed the guards at the gate and made their way to the village center. As they approached, they could already make out a crowd surrounding it and raising quite a commotion. Working their way around the crowd, they finally came to an opening where they could see what was taking place. Standing in the center of the circle were five figures. Most recognizable among them was the matriarch Motara, a hippo woman just a little over Risha's own age. At her side stood two cheetah guards bearing spears for her protection. The other two, on the other hand, were the persons of interest.

One of them was a young meerkat, just newly arrived at the age of maturity. His front was white-furred, while his back was the color of cream. Meanwhile, his hands, feet and ears were a dark brown. Like the men of her own people, he was bare-chested and wore nothing more than a loincloth, holding a spear in his hand. Most likely he was from one of the neighboring tribes. On the other hand, his companion was much more unusual. Not surprising, as very few humans were ever seen in this part of the world. Whenever one was seen, it was like seeing a wonder of nature. Doubtless, he was the one causing the most excitement from the villagers. His white,bare face and arms were totally devoid of fur, while brown, curly hair covered the top of his head. Unlike the meerkat, he wore long trousers, a short sleeved shirt and boots. At his hip, a machete was tied to his belt. He and the matriarch did most of the talking, while the meerkat occasionally chimed in.

Curious as to the situation, Risha asked one of her fellow villagers, a tiger male named Tural, what was going on.

"Our scouts spotted these two wandering towards the village," he said. "We surrounded them before they got here and asked them what their purpose was. The meerkat said the human was a traveler from distant lands who was looking for ancient relics of some ancient people that once dwelled here. The meerkat's chieftain said our matriarch was the one best suited to help him find what he sought. So we escorted them here to let her decide what to do with them."

The information concerning the matriarch's knowledge was true, as Risha knew. To the southern regions of the land, their people knew of the ruins of an ancient city, its origin forgotten long ago. These days, acolytes of their tribal traditions would be indoctrinated there in special ceremonies. No doubt these very ruins had answers that the human traveler was seeking.

As she pondered these thoughts, they continued to speak between themselves. During these talks, which none could hear, Risha found herself continually casting her eyes upon the meerkat. His face was one filled with kindness. Also, though meerkats were skinny by design, this one had gone far in filling out his muscles to their limits. As she looked upon his well-toned chest, her heart beat just a little faster.

"My, isn't he handsome?" asked Alissa, who stood by Risha's side.

Risha was about to respond when she noticed that, rather on the meerkat, Alissa's attention was focused on the human. Looking among the crowd, she noticed that many of the other unmated females (and a few of the mated ones) also had their eyes on him. While Risha could accept that he was probably attractive as humans went, the attention of the females was probably based more on his exotic nature than his physique. She also couldn't help but notice that practically no eyes were placed upon the young meerkat.

It seems a shame,_she thought. _Even if he isn't as exotic as his companion, a warrior of his age ought to have young maidens casting their eyes on him. Such thoughts took her back to a time when she had been a young maiden smitten with her first male. Shivers ran up her spine as memories of their first mating began to flow. Again, she was reminded of how long it had been since she had male companionship.

Finally Motara raised her arms in the air, signaling for silence from the crowd.

"Fellow tribesmen," she called, "today we find ourselves honored by two distinguished guests. Firstly, we have Tumal," she gestured to the meerkat, "a newly risen warrior of the neighboring tribe of Chief Bogo."

Bogo was a wildebeest who ruled a tribe further north-east. There had been good relations between their tribes for several generations, and they would often ally with each other in times of war and hardship.

"But more impressive still, my people," she continued, "we stand in the presence of a human from the distant lands of cities beyond the wild jungles. I present to you, Dorian; a seeker of ancient secrets. He comes here with Tumal to discover what may be learned from old ruins to the south. With my blessing, they shall be given any aid required in their task, and shall find shelter within our walls. I have spoken."

After a moment of paused silence, the crowd cheered with raised arms in the air. While the two guests seemed a bit embarrassed by all the attention they were receiving, they took it all in stride. As the cheers died down, Motara called over a young Okapi named Ponya from the crowd. Ever ready to serve her leader, Ponya rushed to her side and bowed her head.

"Take our meerkat neighbor and prepare an empty hut for him and his companion. They shall stay there as they carry out their research." She then turned back towards the human, Dorian, giving him a warm smile. "You shall come with me and we shall discuss what you should expect at the old ruins."

Motara then turned back towards her hut and slowly made for the entrance, with Dorian following close behind. As she moved, Risha noticed her matriarch make special efforts to wriggle her backside as she moved, sauntering rather than walking. Whether Dorian noticed she could not tell, as she could not see his face. Risha let out a slight chuckle at the sight.

There she goes again, she thought.

Their matriarch was known for many things, both within her own village and among the neighboring tribes. Such things included her skills in diplomacy and her prowess in battle. But one of the traits she was best regarded for was her sexual appetite. Even in her forties, the hippo woman was filled with a passion that would not be denied. Many men had found themselves within her grasp at one point or another, usually remarking on how wonderful the experience had been. Even Chief Bogo had once fallen into her clutches. Risha could only wonder how long it would be before Motara enticed the young human to her bed.

Turning back towards the meerkat, she saw that Ponya was already leading him down one of the dirt paths towards his lodging. While most women either continued to stare in the direction of the human or returned to their tasks, she alone stared after the young warrior.

It doesn't seem right, she thought. Whenever unmated visitors from neighboring villages came among her tribe, they would usually find themselves under the affection of someone who took an interest in them. Such liaisons often resulted in new offspring for a tribe. And even if not, encounters of this sort certainly made journeys more enjoyable. If not for the presence of the human, Tumal would certainly have at least a few admirers among our females. Such a lack of attention might make him feel that he was not welcome. Why, if I were a younger woman, I'd...

Suddenly, she stopped herself mid-thought. This led to a new area of contemplation for her. Though she was no longer a young maiden, she still could be seen by a number of males as desirable. Nature had been kind to her, giving her sensual curves and full breasts. These traits had only been enhanced once her son had been born. Her lack of a lover dealt mostly with the fact that most of the males around her age were already mated, while the younger ones were trying to impress women their own age.

That being said, she certainly knew how to please a man. And just when she was starting to feel her desires would never be met, a young warrior suddenly appears in her village without the slightest bit of attention from her fellow tribeswomen. Under the right conditions, she might easily find a way to convince him of fulfilling her needs. After all, young men could be so easily swayed by a woman, particularly of her years.

Whether he knows it or not, she thought, he's about to get a warmer welcome here than he ever imagined. Now, I just need to prepare.

As she made up her mind, she saw Alissa heading back to fruit-picking with the others. Before she could leave, Risha called for her to wait and approached her.

"Alissa," she said, "there's some... business I need to take care of here. Let the others know I'll be back later."

Alissa gave Risha a knowing smile. "Oh, I see," she said. "Want to stay here and watch for the human some more? Well, I can't say I blame you. Shame that the queen seems to have her eye on him. I can only imagine what he might be like in the furs."

Risha sighed in annoyance. "Why is everyone so obsessed with the human?" she asked. "Can you not see that there is a perfectly enticing young warrior among us today?"

Alissa stood confused at first, but slowly grinned as realization hit her. "Oooooh, so that's where your attention lies, is it?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "You plan to have your way with the young meerkat?"

"And why not?" Risha replied. "I'm still capable of pleasing a man, and such a young warrior deserves a proper welcome. If you and the other maidens don't see fit to give him one, why should I deprive myself of fulfilling my desires?"

"Well, you need not worry about me. If you wish to show the meerkat your tender caresses, I won't stop you. I'll let the others know you'll return later. I wish you luck."

With these words, Alissa continued back to her fellow fruit-pickers. Risha didn't doubt that their conversations would turn toward how she was planning to greet their visitor. Let them, she thought. It doesn't matter. I have more important things to think about; such as finding our guest's hut. With these thoughts, she began her search, mentally preparing for how she would approach her prospective conquest. We'll see if he can resist what I have to offer. Not very likely.

After a short promenade down the dirt path, Tumal was brought to an empty hut by Ponya. On looking inside through the beaded curtain, he found it adequate; holding two beds covered with furs against the far wall and a fire pit in the center of the dwelling. This will suit our purposes, he thought.

"I hope you find your lodgings acceptable, sir," said the young Okapi girl.

"They'll do nicely, young maiden," he replied. "Thank you for your assistance."

"It is my pleasure to assist an honored guest of our matriarch. Will you be needing anything else?"

"No thank you. It has been a long journey and I could use the rest."

"Then by your leave, sir, I will leave you to refresh yourself." With these words, backed out of the hut and ran down the path they had just come.

Her departure made Tumal smile to himself. He could tell she was in a hurry to get another eyeful of his human companion. Such reactions had been the same everywhere they went since the two had started their travels.

Dorian had come to Tumal's village a month ago, searching for secrets of a lost civilization. Chief Bogo had received him kindly and offered what assistance he could. At the same time, Tumal had finally reached the end of his warrior trials. When Dorian felt there was nothing left to find within the vicinity of Bogo's tribe, he had been advised to seek aid from Matriarch Motara. To give him aid in his endeavor, Bogo had designated Tumal, now a newly-christened warrior, as an escort for the traveler. Being a young meerkat in his teens, Tumal was eager to take part in this endeavor that he might see some excitement.

During their travels, the two of them had become good friends. While Dorian was by no means a warrior, he certainly was not "dead weight". He was quite capable of keeping up with the meerkat and assisting in any labor on the journey.

Along the way to Motara's village, they had passed by a number of other tribes. Each time they were invited to stay, Tumal saw all attention immediately focus on Dorian. As humans were almost never seen in these parts, that was hardly surprising. He also noticed that much of the attention Dorian received was from the tribes' females. This was no surprise either, as women were often drawn to what was considered exotic. As of yet, though, Dorian had not indulged in the affections of any women along the way. Part of Tumal wondered if it was because he fancied men, but he hadn't seen him indulge in those affections either.

While he bore no ill will to Dorian for this, the fact that he received so much attention while Tumal himself received so little made him feel a little left out. Having left his tribe just after receiving his warrior status, he had not had the opportunity to attempt romancing any of the young maidens from his village. As such, while he had become a warrior, he had not yet become a man. He hoped that once their travels were over he might be able to turn his attention to such things when he returned to his tribe.

Turning away from these thoughts, he began to lay his pack on the ground. While his companion spoke with the matriarch, he planned to get some proper rest from their journey. As he began to unpack, he did not notice when a figure appeared at the door.

"Greetings, young warrior," said a feminine voice behind him.

At these words, Tumal turned to face the speaker. At the door stood a mature, rhino woman, with a tuft of brown hair upon her head and ruby lips. For dress, she was clad in only a loincloth like his own and a top to contain her generous breasts. Being a young male still untrained in the arts of wooing, his gaze found itself firmly on these. The look of them fairly made him salivate. In a moment, however, his gaze quickly returned to her smiling face.

"Greetings, good woman," he answered, blushing. "Did the matriarch send you?"

"No, I come of my own accord," she replied, stepping into the hut. Each move she made accentuated her curves. "I wished to see if your lodgings were to your liking."

"They are," he replied, trying not to trip over his words. "Thank you for your concern. May I know the name of my visitor?"

"Oh, where are my manners?" She up to him and held the back of her hand to him. "I am Risha, a humble tribeswoman of Matriarch Motara."

Wavering for a moment in the presence of such a confident woman, Tumal gently took her hand and kissed it. "I am Tumal of Chief Bogo's tribe, and it is an honor to meet you."

She placed her other hand on her face and giggled. "My, I did not know the men of Bogo's tribe were so courteous." She placed his hand against her cleavage, giving him a sultry smile. "I shall have to remember that."

Flustered by her words, he withdrew his hand and scurried back to his pack. She chuckled inwardly at his uncertainty, certain she would be getting what she came for. As he fumbled through its contents, he attempted to make conversation.

"Surely your mate must pay you great courtesy," he stated.

"You would be wrong, as I have no mate," she answered. "Oh, I've had lovers before, but nothing that lasted." She took a moment to recall fond memories of younger days. "The most memorable was a young rhino musician who stayed with our tribe for a time. I remember him best as he fathered my only child. He did not know when he finally left what I carried inside me. As I've never seen him since, I assume he either settled among one of the distant tribes or perished."

She lowered her head for a moment in recollection. It had been some time since she had thought of her son's father. Of all the lovers she had had, he was the only one she particularly missed.

Tumal took a moment before responding. "I'm sorry about that. What became of your child?"

This question brought brighter memories to her mind. "A son, just a little older than you. He earned his warrior status, than later left our village to mate with an elephant girl of a neighboring tribe. He occasionally comes back to see me." Deciding this was getting her off track, she decided to guide the conversation in another direction. "And what of you, Tumal? Doubtless, as a new warrior, you must have enjoyed the company of many females by now."

"Uh, unfortunately not," he said, hanging his head. "As of yet, I've not been with a woman in any way."

Unknown to him, rather than thinking less of him, these words enticed Risha to him all the more. A virgin, she thought with glee. A youth untouched by the hands of females, and I will be the one to teach him the arts of pleasure. If she had been told she was meant to be the new matriarch, she could not have been filled with more joy than she held right now.

"Well, now," she said, "that does seem a shame." At that moment, Tumal turned to look at her, only to see her striking a pose with her hands behind her head, her cleavage pushed forward. Her eyes were filled with a seductive glare. "A young warrior like you ought to have a woman who can guide you into manhood."

Feeling another blush coming on from this conversation, Tumal attempted to change the subject. "So, were you there when we were received by your matriarch?" he asked, taking his pack to a bare wall across the room.

"I came in the middle of it, with a bunch of other women from the fruit grounds," she replied. "We're always eager to greet visitors."

"I'm sure. No doubt you were intrigued by my human companion. Most people wherever we go usually are; especially the females."

Alright, Risha, she thought. You have him where you want him, now is the time to claim your prize.

"Actually, Tumal," she replied, "my attention was more focused on you."

"What?" said Tumal, turning to her in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"You see, Tumal, I couldn't help but notice none of our young females took the time to properly welcome you to our village. The idea that a young, virile warrior such as yourself had no fitting greeting from our tribe didn't sit well with me. I was concerned that without a proper reception from us, you might feel you were not welcomed."

As she said these words, the rhino woman slowly sauntered toward the young meerkat. Her contained bosom bounced with every step forward she made. Her eyes once again held a seductive stare that held his own eyes captive, while a sultry smile returned to her face. Having been unprepared for such forwardness, Tumal could only step backward as she approached, finally finding his back against the wall.

"I couldn't let that happen," she continued, coming ever closer. "I'd do anything to make you feel welcome here, young warrior." With little space left between them, Risha closed the gap and pressed her chest against his bare one. Each could feel the other's heartbeat, pumping at incredible speeds. She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Anything."

Before his mind could fully register what was happening, he suddenly found Risha's ruby lips pressed against his own. Her kisses were filled with a desire that would not be denied. At first, Tumal could only stand there in surprise. He could hardly believe that such a voluptuous woman would desire to cast her affections upon such an unskilled lover as himself. After a moment's hesitation, he soon began returning the kiss. A desire that had been burning within his own body had finally been stirred by this mature woman.

As her hands held him in place against the wall, his own felt under her top to feel at her concealed breasts. Slowly, one of her hands reached to the hem of his loincloth, carefully tugging it downward. After a bit of effort, it fell in a pile around his ankles. Her hand pressed smooth against his shaft, and she found that he was mighty. Each of them gave moans of pleasure from the stimulation they received. After a moment more, Risha broke away from the kiss, gasping for breath.

"What a welcome," said Tumal, gasping himself. A grin was plastered all across his face.

"I'm _desperate_to have a warrior between my legs again, Tumal," she moaned. She stretched her legs so that each were on either side of him against the wall. Holding one of his hands against her breast, she grabbed his other hand and placed it under her loincloth. The moistness felt warm and sticky against his fingers. "Can't you see how much I can teach you."

Taking the hand that was pressed against her breast, he tugged it backward against the material of her top. Natural strength combined with his eagerness, he pulled away with such force that the top ripped, falling to the ground. Risha now stood as bare-chested as he was, her breasts on full display. Sensing that the time had come to fully consummate their encounter, Risha turned and walked towards the bed. On reaching the foot of it, she turned back to Tumal. Knowing where this was leading, the meerkat warrior approached her, desire burning in his eyes.

"Come Tumal," she said, her words laced with the promise of passion. "My body is experienced and firm. Let a real woman teach you."

In an instant, Tumal was upon her. Crushing his lips to hers, they fell onto the bed. Her breasts pressed into his chest, while his member rubbed against her thighs. After a minute or so of their tongues entangling each other, the young meerkat pulled back and looked down on his mature lover. Her eyes looked into his face pleadingly.

"Release me, my warrior," she begged.

Without delay, Tumal grabbed a hold of the hem of her loincloth. With one swift tug, the fabric tore apart. Tumal's strength now was such that nothing could keep him from what he desired. Pulling the torn cloth away and tossing it across the room, he took in the sight of the nude beauty beneath him. Never had he seen such an enticing female before. The young maidens of his village were nothing in comparison.

Wanting to savor this experience, he decided to draw it out a little with something he had heard about from older males from his village. Inching backward, he slowly slipped off the bed so he was kneeling on the floor. Before Risha could wonder what he was doing, she found his hands gripped around her ankles and pulled forward to the edge of the bed. This being done, his face was now aligned with her moist womanhood.

"I hope you enjoy this," he said, grinning at her. "Like I said, this is new to me."

Risha was suddenly overcome with pleasure, as Tumal pressed his face directly into her snatch. Cries of ecstasy burst forth from her lips. These cries fillied the meerkat with a certain pride as he slurped at her pussy. The taste was warm, salty and utterly alien. Within minutes, Risha had achieved her climax. But even this pleasure was not enough to fully satisfy her. After all these years without a male, she was determined to go all the way.

"Please, Tumal," she cried. "Please, no more playing. I need you."

Realizing the time had come to fully satisfy their hunger, Tumal raised himself from the floor. Slowly, he returned to the bed and placed himself over his rhino lover once more. His manhood hovered over her waiting pussy. "Are you ready, my love?"

"Yeeees," she moaned. "Give me what I need, my warrior. Let me make you a man."

Without further delay, Tumal lowered himself into her. The sensation was electrifying. All of his senses were filled with the utmost pleasure. As he buried himself into her, both lovers moaned in absolute bliss. Gently, he began to rock back and forth inside her. As he rocked, Risha's legs found themselves wrapping around his waist, determined for his length to not escape her. Meanwhile, Tumal's hands soon wandered to grasp hold of her large breasts. Simply holding them aroused him even more.

Sadly, all good things (especially this good) must come to an end. The constant rhythm of their bodies was building up a pressure that would soon burst, and they both sensed it coming. For Risha, it was a feeling she had been far too long without. For Tumal, the feeling was vaguely familiar from moments of self-stimulation, but multiplied several times over.

"Aaaaah, Risha," he cried. "Aaaahhhh, I can't... hold back any... longer..."

" Oooooh, take me, my warrior ," she replied. " Claim me as your woman! I'm yoooours!!!"

They had not long to wait. Within seconds, Tumal's shaft shot its load of meerkat seed into the mature rhino beneath him. Both lovers let out a scream of ecstasy that could be heard by various huts surrounding them. It mattered not, however, as most of the villagers tried to mind their own business when noises like that rang out, with varying degrees of success.

As the last of his seed left him, Tumal promptly collapsed on top of his partner. It mattered little to Risha, for, as a rhino woman, she was capable of bearing great loads of weight, and Tumal's felt as nothing to her. Both of them spent the next few minutes catching their breath, cuddled in each other's embrace. Being the first to gather his strength, Tumal broke the silence first.

"Thank you, dear Risha," he said. "'til my dying day, I shall never forget this moment."

Risha smiled at his compliment, stroking his cheek. "Very few ever forget their first," she replied. "And thank you, my warrior, for giving me such pleasure as I have not felt in ages."

"I assure you, Risha, it was a pleasure." He rubbed his hand across her nude form, taking in the intricacies of every curve. "Surely you must be a fertility goddess in mortal form, come to enlighten us in carnal pleasure."

"Flatterer," she said, chuckling.

Truly, she wished she could lie here with him in bliss forever. Unfortunately, she still had work to do. The other women were waiting for her to return. And before she could return, she would have to go to her hut and replace her top and loincloth. Grabbing hold of Tumal's chin, she pressed her lips to his in a final kiss.

"I must return to the fruit grounds now, my warrior," she said. She slipped out from under him and slid off the bed. Bending over to retrieve her torn garments, she gave Tumal an excellent view of her rear. Standing up, she turned back to the meerkat and smiled. "I trust you've found yourself properly welcomed by my tribe?"

"The most amazing welcome I've ever received," he replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"Excellent. Then I've performed my duty most splendidly. I do hope you and your friend will enjoy the rest of your stay here."

She bowed her head to Tumal and made to leave the hut. However, as she reached the door, Tumal called out to her.

"Risha, wait," he said. As Risha stood there, he sat there in thought, looking for the right words to say. "What we've done here, it's just that... I was wondering... might we do it again?" His voice was laced with thinly veiled hope.

To be honest, Risha was somewhat surprised. While she could plainly see that he had enjoyed their passionate encounter, she wouldn't have thought he'd want to continue their relations after she had helped him gain his manhood. She felt certain he would instead spend his time attempting to seduce the younger females of the village now that he had some experience. Did he really wish to devote his affections to her instead?

After thinking it over, she decided that she had certainly been happy with their tryst. The young warrior was a natural in the furs and would certainly keep her desires satisfied. If he wished to return to her embraces, why should she turn him away?

"I think that might be arranged," she finally replied. "There will no doubt be a feast in the village center tonight to honor you and your companion. Meet me there tonight, and we might sneak away to my hut later."

Surprisingly, the meerkat's grin became even wider. "Tonight can't come soon enough," he said. "I'll be waiting."

"I'll be counting on it." With that, she blew him a kiss and departed through the curtain.

As he sat there, the events that had just occurred continued to run through Tumal's head. Never could he have imagined that he would obtain his manhood by bedding such a sensual woman as Risha. This would certainly serve as conversation with Dorian later. One thing he knew for certain was that if all that time being overlooked by other females had led him to this moment with her, it had all been worth it. Straightening himself up, he left the bed to regain his loincloth.

Meanwhile, in her own hut, Risha was tying on her replacement garments. Like her lover, she couldn't remove the encounter from her mind either. To think that such a young warrior not only lost his virginity to her, but wished for continued sexual relations. In her mind, she felt certain he would eventually leave her for a female around his own age. But until then, she fully intended to push him to his limits. Finally dressed, she made her way back to the fruit grounds.

Just wait until the others hear about this, she thought.

In both their minds, tonight would surely be magical.

Some Fun of Our Own

Some Fun of Our Own It was starting off as a usual Saturday morning for Lawrence. Having gotten up around eight in the morning, the sixteen year old wolf had spent it mainly watching cartoons. He didn't have to worry about much else. His sister,...

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