Chapter 1 of forged bonds.

Story by Lucifur Morningpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Forged Bonds

Nicolae Dalca (Nikki to his friends) is your average 24 year old, gray, gay college fox, oh, and nephew to one of the biggest gay hating bigots in the country. He doesn't want much in this world, a good Job, a nice house, and a loyal guy would do it. But his choice in partners never seems to pan out. Swearing off males he decides to focus on his studies. But, what's a Fox to do when the sexiest wolf ever comes into your life?

Gabriel Knightt is 27, newly released from the Army, and looking for a new life. While getting back into civilian life, he finds the cutest fox he has ever seen and tries his luck at dating, while trying to assist the police in catching a serial killer that is killing members of the LGBT community.

It is hard, but he is managing to keep both worlds

separate. That is, until the killer sets his sights on his fox. What should he to do when the love of his life is in danger but, is to much of a fox to admit he is over his head to run for cover?

To read the whole book, you can find Forged Bonds here:


Stepping Out:

March 27, 2014

"Come on Nikki, come to Howler's with us," Kodi whined again, as he flopped down on the couch, dramatically laying his black muzzle on Nikki's shoulder, making the fox strain his neck to look the solid black husky in his crystal blue eyes.

He knew this ploy, his friend used it on him anytime he wanted Nikki to do something he didn't want to. He would bat his puppy dog eyes and let the tip of his tail thump against the couch till he said yes. The problem was he just wanted to sit around watching old black and white movies, eat some strawberry cheesecake ice cream, and feel sorry for himself.

He had broken up with his latest boyfriend, Chris. Things just hadn't worked out. The truth was he had caught the cheating cougar in bed with his chemistry partner Tim, a cream colored mongoose that had blue metallic stripes running down his back and a red paw print dyed on his right butt cheek, just under his tail. Something Nikki wished he hadn't known. That's what he gets for showing up unannounced. At least his chemistry professor, Dr. Connors, let him switch partners for the rest of the semester without asking for too many details. He was a kind old squirrel who had heavy graying around his ears and muzzle but kept the classes interesting and easy to focus.

He exhaled bitterly, "Fine I'll go." he nudged Kodi playfully with his shoulder as he attempted to rise from the couch.

Kodi's tail wagged back and forth excitedly as his ears perked all the way up happy that once again he had gotten his way. "Yay, it will be good for you to get out tonight," he giggled. Grabbing Nikki's bushy gray tail pulling him back to the couch so he could hug his friend. "I didn't like Chris anyway he was a jerk and from what the rumor mill put out. He caught fleas from that lab guy and they spread so bad he had to get shaved."

Nikki laughed half surprised. He hadn't heard that. He hadn't seen the cougar since the night he broke up with him after finding the mongoose on top of him. "Are you serious?"

"Yep, Michelle, the tabby cat from my trig class told me. that's why no one has seen him out at any of the clubs." he laughed a deep hearty laugh as he let go of Nikki, "Now go shower and get changed for the club, I want to leave soon."

Nikki just smiled at that and headed for the bathroom to get ready. He turned before shutting the door and looked back at his friend who had already turned his attention to a canid's wellness magazine, stretched out lazily on the couch. "Hey Kodi, thanks, hon, I don't know what I would do without you."

He dismissively waved a paw as he continued reading and that is all he needed. He closed the door and turned the shower on letting it get hot while he undressed and brushed his tail out, still shedding his winter coat. It had been a mild winter but his coat still came in thick and now as the first days of spring had started he was brushing loose fur out of his tail every night. When the steam from the shower started fogging up the mirror, he stopped combing and hopped in letting the hot water wash away his thoughts and stress, prepared for a fun night out with his friends.

After stopping to pick up their friends Kyle and Josh, a couple who seem to be breaking up and getting back together every couple of weeks, this week they appeared to be together. They arrived at the only gay bar in Fredrichville a little after nine. It was surprising it was even here considering it was a military town and the center state of the clerical collar. The bar itself was a little building on a back street of the town. The purple neon letters glowed the name in all caps flickered as they all got out of Kodi's old beat up Volts-Rover Fox. The vehicle was in need of a severe cleaning and paint job on the outside, and the upholstery was in need of repair, but the husky kept the engine running well and never drove her hard.

Kyle got out and stretched his arms up over his head, which looked comical since they barely reached over his large fennec ears. "For fox's sake Kodi Bear, you need to get a bigger ride. I feel like one of those gross little fish Josh likes to eat from a can." he smiled using the nickname Nikki had given Kodi when they first met and mistook him for a black bear because of his midnight colored fur at a welcome party their freshmen year.

Josh walked around the car to stand behind the smaller Fennec that stood about a foot shorter than the six foot three red fox. He proceeded to pull the shorter fox against his chest nuzzling one of his large ears, "I can think of something that does like tight, cramped places." he said pressing the groin of his pants against his boyfriend's rear.

"Easy you two, the night has only started." Kodi laughed as he pressed the automatic lock button on his key chain making the WR chirp as it locked. Nikki just smiled as he followed the husky's lead in heading towards the entrance, the two foxes taking up the rear.

The bar was full for a Wednesday night, and it was only about ten thirty. In a half hour or so the drag show would start. It wasn't a high-end place, nor were the drag queens, but it was a fun show worth the laughs.

The smell of the incense overwhelmed the group as they walked in, causing Nikki's eyes to water a bit. The owner used it to cover up the stronger scents of other patrons. Unfortunately, the owner was an old Wolverine lesbian, and her sense of smell wasn't as good as most of the canid's who frequented the bar.

But tonight there must have been some strong scents floating around tonight because the scented powders were scattered out more than usual.

"Must have some skunks in tonight" Nikki choked out trying to adjust to the smell. Sure enough, sitting across the bar where a pair of female skunks, chatting as they sat on a couple of stools. One appeared to be holding some fruity looking drink while talking happily to the other, who was dressed in a red flannel shirt complete with blue jeans and a Mohawk haircut, listening intently, one paw resting on the other's thigh.

"Hell, that female looks like she has more testosterone than every guy in this place," Nikki whispered to the others as they made their way to an open booth across the room.

They all shared a laugh at that as Josh let Kyle slide into the booth, Nikki got in on the other side with Kodi sliding in next to him. He sat against the wall. Otherwise, he knew he would be getting up every time the husky saw a cute tail that might be single, or at least up for a romp.

"First drinks on me tonight," Josh said as he got up to head to the bar. Josh had graduated the previous year with his bachelor's in electrical engineering and quickly gotten an entry level job making ok money. Since then anytime they went out he would offer to buy drinks for the poor college students, no one argued against it.

He left without asking their order since they all drank the same thing every time they came here. It was a ritual they did each week which generally happened on Thursdays, but they moved it to Wednesdays since Josh had Thursdays off and could sleep off his hangovers.

"So we haven't seen you the last couple of weeks, glad you decided to come out tonight and forget about that lame ass cat," Kyle said pulling attention to Nikki.

His ears lowered as he thought about Chris again, "Yeah, Kodi finally bugged me into coming out tonight," he felt the husky's tail thumping the cushioned seat between them turning to smile at his friend before continuing. "I guess it's for the best. We had been dating for a couple of months and hit a rut of interest in each other, and our interests didn't coincide together," saying it that way made the cheating hurt a little less, really they hadn't even had sex for a week before he caught him with Tim.

Josh had shown up while Nikki was in mid thought, he hadn't even noticed he was sitting with them again until the taller fox slid a drink in front of him.

He looked at the murky looking liquid in front of him then up at Josh, who was sitting there with a grin on his red muzzle. "What is this?" Nikki asked as he leaned over the glass and sniffed the dark mystery drink. A second after the smell hit his nose he knew, "Jägermeister" he coughed as the alcohol stung his nose making his friends laugh.

"Yes, Jäger, this will help you feel happy and forget your troubles," Josh said, taking a drink of his crown and coke, Nikki assumed since that is what he usually drank.

"And maybe some of your inhibitions." chided in Kodi, making Kyle snort and choke on the cheap bar wine he was drinking.

"Thought you guys were the responsible friends, not the ones who got me into trouble." he laughed sarcastically as he looked down at the swirling oil colored substance. Then without another thought, he reached for the glass and downed the drink. Tossing the bitter tasting liquid against the back of his throat he felt the sting of alcohol rushing down his esophagus landing heavily in the pit of his stomach, he should have eaten something before coming here.

The table cheered then started their general discussion of who was dating who, what each person has been up to that week. Nikki hadn't realized how much he had missed in his friend's lives by sulking the last couple of weeks avoiding everyone and everything, but he caught up fairly quick.

Hearing how some leopard almost broke Josh and Kyle up by trying to sleep with Kyle at the college library, then telling Josh that they had had sex after Kyle had blown him off. His actual words were something along the lines of, "I wouldn't cheat on my male with someone with a kitten's dick." which, brought on the retaliation of telling Josh. Then he heard about Kodi's struggles in his English class, which was a surprise to Nikki since they lived together and he hadn't said anything to him before now. "You were dealing with a breakup, and I didn't want to bother you," he said, his black ears laying back half way.

Kodi's caring floored him emotional, and whether it was the alcohol taking effect or the love he felt for his best friend swelling inside him, he leaned in to pull the husky into a tight embrace, then turned to the others. "You guys are the best" they all smiled, as the lights dimmed signaling the start of the drag show.

Like I said before you didn't come to Howler's for the drag shows, though they are good for a laugh or two of the people performing going all out to be whom they want to. The beautiful thing was the laughter was never malicious here. Outside, in the world surrounding the bar judgment laid in wait to attack you at every turn, but here one could be whoever or in many cases whatever you wanted.

The show started with the bars hostess, Miss Kristy Kreme, a rather large set brown bear whose real name was Mitchell when he was not in thigh high skirts or flashy female wigs.

He started the show by telling the drink specials of the night, though most of the patrons are seasoned drinkers and pay little attention until a drunken raccoon whistles across the stage slurring very graphic come-ons" to the bear. Who, gracefully returns a tease about her last name being Kristy Kreme because she tastes as sweet as a bear claw.

That gets laughs and attention from most everyone and from there she called out the first act of the night Ursula Uranus, a rather petite male raccoon, with a dirty blond dyed tuft of fur on his head, cut up blue jeans, and a black skull and crossbones top. "She" was sporting some rather large, shapely, though obviously fake breasts. Which sober, one could see the padded fabric bouncing around the V-cut shirt as she danced around the stage attempting to lip synch to the song Kiss Me Deadly. Though drunk, it made for an entertaining time and for Nikki the Jäger was doing just that.

For the next hour, everyone laughed, hollered, whistled, and cheered the performers as they performed. In all the show only consisted of about six dancers, comprised of five drag queens and one drag king, a feisty butch gopher whose rendition of the song Gangsters Paradise made even the drunkest of the audience lower their ears in agony.

Then, around midnight Kristy Kreme came back on stage, ending the show and opening the stage and dance floor for anyone who wanted to dance.

That's when it happened; that is when this tall piece of wolf opened the front door of the bar pulling much of the attention of the room to him including Nikki's.

"Woof, who's that hot piece of tail?" he asked, pointing across the room to the wolf, who had moved with two other males to the pool tables in the back.

Josh and Kyle both turned to see what had the husky so excited. "Damn" they both agreed in unison.

Nikki had to agree with his friends, that black and white wolf was something nice to ogle. He continued to look at the wolf and couldn't help but watch his tail sway back and forth as he walked to the opposite side of one of the tables.

He walked tall and proud next to his friends, a tan and brown wolf and a black panther. They all watched as he and the panther took over a small booth while the other wolf walked to the bar.

Waiting for the bartender to order some drinks, Nikki assumed. Looking back at the sinfully sexy wolf next to the panther, he couldn't help but feel the way he was sitting he was watching the whole bar like a predator sensing an imminent attack from somewhere in the bar. It felt eerie in a way making Nikki's fur bristle around his neck.

Though, he didn't seem to pay any one individual attention outside of his friends. The mysteriously black and white wolf just seemed to spill and aura of awareness from his pores.

Nothing should be that hot Nikki thought, as he watched him chatting with his friend. He had never seen a fur pattern like that in here before either. The way the dark black fur seemed to flow up the right side of his face swirling halfway around his muzzle against the bright white fur on the left side of his face.

It didn't seem to mix where the two colors touched but rolled against each other like water mixed with oil and made Nikki wonder if the same effect ran down the rest of the wolf's body, which caused the fox to shift in his seat to get comfortable again.

No one should have that kind of power he thought. Yeah, a power like that should only belong to the gods.

The wolf that split from the group and went to the bar had indeed been getting drinks as he returned with two pitchers of beer and a stack of quarters he laid on the table next to the pitchers.

The wolf who brought the beers took a couple of quarters and slid them into the pool table in the back corner making the machine pop to life releasing the balls from their cage, spilling out into the open pocket waiting to be racked.

The black and white wolf stood up from where he had been sitting; that's when Nikki noticed the Jacket he had been wearing. How strange, He thought, cocking his head slightly to the right, he's dressed in a long coat when it had been nearly eighty-five degrees outside today and still was in the high sixties even this late at night.

It almost looked black in the fluorescent lighting of the bar, but Nikki was sure it was a dark blue. It looked almost military but not the kind he used to seeing around here. It was a double-breasted coat from what he could see from the other side of the bar, and it stretched down to about mid length of his shins it laid unbuttoned across his chest revealing a gray colored button up shirt underneath. The back was split up the middle so his tail could move freely and damn he looked good in it. Yes, sir, this was one H-A-W-T guy.

In the back of his mind, Nikki couldn't help but think he knew the wolf from somewhere and with a body like that he knew he wouldn't have forgotten where.

Still chatting with his friends, the giant wolf removed his coat which the sight of tighter fitting clothes on him only made the pressure below the fox's belt that much worse and it seemed to be doing the same for Kodi. He could feel his tail wagging between them that much faster.

"I'm going for it," said Kodi and he rose from the table, an enormous drunken grin plastered across his white canine teeth and panting tongue.

"Don't bother," Nikki grabbed for the husky's bouncing tail as he turned to leave, "guys like that are usually stuck up prudes, thinking they are so pretty they are better than anyone else. he'll probably try to use you as a one night lay and not call you again" his ears lay back at his words, his depression returning a bit as the alcoholic haze started to dissipate from his head.

"I don't care," he turned back grin still stuck to his muzzle, "A guy that hot could use me as a chew toy for the night and I would still be happy" and off he went trotting across the bar.

Nikki watched as his friend navigated through the small crowd, Josh and Kyle betting sexual favors on whether or not he would score.

He admired that about his friend, he was never afraid to approach someone he was interested in and strike up a conversation. Nikki, on the other paw, was always nervous in the field of getting a date, or even a one-night stand though he didn't care much for anonymous sex. Guess that is one reason he had stayed with Chris in the first place because he hated trying to show he was interested in someone without it just being bout the sex.

Still to get a piece of meat like the one Kodi was hunting he agreed being a chew toy might not be that bad if that's the thing biting. Yeah, baby, he could bite on me all night, no problem. Again he felt his sheath stir. Bet it would be amazing panting heavily under that giant body after a full night's exertion. That had to be the Jäger talking. I never think this wrong. Then again, he had never seen someone this stunning before either.

He focused away from his dirty thoughts as his friend made it to the pool table the two wolves were playing.

He watched as Kodi initiated conversation his tail still going a mile a minute. His ears perked up as the wolf said something. Then, with his tail in time all three shot down unexpectedly.

He stepped back slowly and slunk back to the table. When he reached his friends, it wasn't hurt Nikki could see in his eyes it was anger.

"What Happened?" they all asked in unison as he dropped heavily next to Nikki.

He looked up a tic working at his jaw. "That guy's a prude all right," he said, crossing his arms like a little kid who had just been told no, to having a cookie before dinner. "I tried to start a conversation with him, but he just blows me off without even looking at me, he says not interested" a slow growl building in his chest.

Kyle burst out laughing "HA, I win hon. That means you have to do what I say tonight your tail is all mine." the Fennec's large tan ears rose as he rubbed his paws together evilly.

Josh pulled him close making him yelp in surprise, "sweetie, you know I'd do whatever you wanted even if you didn't win." he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek lovingly then on the lips more passionately.

Laying a paw on Kodi's shoulder, "Forget that guy, I told you he would be a jerk." how could he blow Kodi off so coldly he's such a nice guy, he thought. If he got his paws on that guy, he would put him in his place. Yeah, he would tell him what a jerk he was and just because he is sexier than sin and built like a brick wall, with those toned muscular arms and those long tight legs, and perfectly formed rear. Wait, that's not what he meant. Damn, he was supposed to be mad at the guy for being a jerk to Kodi not fantasizing about him. "Forget him he's not worth your time if that's how he is." Yeah, that sounded like the right thing to say.

"Grrr, I don't think he is even gay. The way he blew me off he didn't seem interested at all." the husky grumbled some more.

"Yeah, maybe he doesn't know he's in a gay bar." teased Kyle, in between his make out session with Josh.

"I'm getting another beer" he was up and gone before any of them could get a word in edgewise.

"Guess I'm driving home tonight."

"You sober enough for that" Josh asked, licking Kyle's ear getting a shivery twitch of excitement from him.

Nikki smiled at their open love for each other and not just in the confines of the gay bar, but they would be holding paws and kiss out in public too, not giving a damn about who had an issue with it. They cared for each other, and that's what mattered to them - when they weren't breaking up. Now that he thought about it maybe that is why they broke up so often, to make up just as much. Passion defiantly was not lacking in their relationship.

Maybe that's why the black and white ass over there was so mean because he hadn't gotten laid in a long time.

Kodi came back with another beer and sat down lapping at it before he even made it to the seat. They continued talking some more, Kodi throwing in what a jerk the guy was from time to time but, cheering up more after about a half hour as they watched more and more guys try and each one failing the same as Kodi.

"Maybe he's a species type." Nikki suggested "you know like he only dates other wolves or something. "As a Badger attempted to get the wolf's attention with an extra beer as he walked up to the table he and his two friends now occupied. Again, after one sentence from the wolf, the badger left ears lowered in defeat.

"Or, like I said before maybe he is straight." Kyle pointed around the room to the four other furs which had made advances on the wolf, "I mean I have never seen a guy turn down everyone who tries to talk to him."

"Who cares, let's go dance for a bit before we leave." Nikki started nudging the husky next to him playfully to get him out of his bad mood, and that seemed to do the trick.

He got up, half smiling now that the beer was taking effect on him again. They went out onto the dance floor and danced together for a couple of songs. Josh and Kyle moved off on their own in the crowd.

A skinny cougar moved up dancing beside them then moved up behind Kodi placing a paw against the husky's hip, and he bounced back and forth to the beat of the techno music playing.

That made him grin as he winked at Nikki and turned around to dance with his new "friend," which was all right with Nikki. He was getting hot so he walked to the bar for some water since he wasn't drinking anymore tonight so he could drive sober. The Wolverine was moving around like lightning taking and filling drink orders. She filled a small clear plastic cup with water and was off to another person making their drink. Water was free, so he took his drink and headed for the open booth they sat at before and sat down for a breather.

He was smiling again it felt good to be out with his friends and to be honest the thought of Chris didn't faze him, much. He peered through the group of people dancing looking for his buddies. He could see Kodi still dancing with the cougar. Well more like musical groping more than dancing. He would probably bring the cougar back to their place tonight for a game of bury the bone.

A few seconds later he found the two foxes playing a similar more aggressive version of the same game and seemed indifferent to anyone watching.

How could they do that and not have any shame he wondered but threw that one up to that much testosterone things were bound to happen. He had even gotten rated R on the dance floor a few times though that only happened when he was drunk. Like on his twenty-first birthday and nearly had screwed a coyote he had met, right there on the dance floor of the club his friends took him to celebrate.

He laughed in his head remembering that night. He was so wasted that he hadn't caught on that the coyote was a stripper his friends hired for the evening. That also explained why such a hot guy had picked him to dance with anyway. It wasn't that Nikki thought himself ugly or anything, he just felt his gray fur didn't make him stand out. He loved the color it just didn't pop nor did his clear almond brown eyes.

It occurred to him thinking about fur color he hadn't seen that sexy stud of a wolf in a while. He must have left with his friends. Better off that way, the jerk was just blowing off everyone all night anyway. Still, the view wasn't bad too look at while he was there.

Kodi came bouncing up to him a few minutes later, the cougar in tow. "Hey Nik-kai, this is uh - Jeff, right?"

"Heh, Jared," he laughed wrapping his arms around the husky's waist and nibbling his neck, making him giggle.

"Jared right, he's gonna come hang with me tonight. Would you mind driving the guys home so I can rid with, J-A-R-E-D, since he doesn't know the way?" enunciating the cougar's name sarcastically to get a rise from him, it seemed something else was already rising.

Nikki could smell the lust on both of them. Thankful he wouldn't have to be in the small WR with them and the two foxes. He agreed and took the keys, hugging Kodi before he left. Now, where had the two foxes gone? That made him think about a joke he heard about how to find a fox. What do you need to find a group of foxes hiding in a cave? Nothing, just listen for the yiff. He laughed at the stereotype that foxes were all vocal lovers and perpetually horny. It hadn't played right in his life.

Sure he enjoyed sex, but when he was with Chris they hadn't slept together much before they broke up, and that had been fine with Nikki, ok, maybe not fine, but he hadn't run off to find sex somewhere else, unlike the cat had done.

Finally, he spotted them walking out of the bathroom together. Something told Nikki they weren't using it for it intended purpose, which that was downright gross in his mind. Fondling some cute guy in a drunken stupor was one thing but giving a sexual favor in a dirty stall was disturbing to him.

Yeah, not even super stud from earlier could get me to put out in a stall. Again thinking of the wolf brought images of what he looked like under his clothes. I bet every inch of him is toned just like those big muscular arms. That thought made his member throb with a need it hadn't had in a while. Ok, so maybe the stereotype did apply to him a bit.

He pulled the keys from his pocket as his friends made it to where he had been sitting. "Kodi found himself a cute kitty for the night, so I'm driving. You guys look ready to go too." he smiled gesturing to Kyle's unzipped zipper and the very noticeable bulge in his exposed green boxers.

Kyle covered himself quickly with an embarrassed yelp as Josh burst out laughing agreeing that they were ready to go.

'might as well leave it hon, from the look of Josh's pants I don't think it would stay up much longer anyway." he laughed as he headed towards the exit.

Twenty minutes and two half naked foxes later he dropped them off. He made a pit stop at an all-night coffee shop to give Kodi at least an hour to his "friend," He didn't mind. Something about Kodi when he walked into a crowd, his essence just screamed sex and the willing came to give it to him. Maybe it was a husky thing or canine thing, whatever it was it worked for him.

He did worry though because his friend did hook-up a lot and it worried Nikki he might catch something if he wasn't careful. It was something that always got brought up at the PFLAG meetings he went to at college. The chance for sexually transmitted diseases was always being used to target the gay community, though the same threats existed in all walks of life. Species, especially zealous religious types were always showing up to events and slamming them with scriptures, demonizing them as damned souls, hell bent on corrupting youths to add to the souls bound for hell.

Then there were always his favorite signs, GOD MADE AIDS FOR GAYS. That one always made him laugh. He believed whatever god you came from made you the way you are, loved you no matter who you ended up loving. The way we are is because that's how we are supposed to be. People being different is not the same as being broken.

Like the Bible taught, you love your pack and in the end, whether fox, wolf, otter, lion or even sheep we are all pack in spirit, and we should embrace each other for our differences, do not attack each other over them.

It was about two-thirty in the morning when he ordered his caramel latte from the barista behind the counter.

She was a small cream colored mouse, and though she looked fatigued, she smiled sweetly and took his order. He sat down to mull some more thoughts in his head about the protesters at last year's pride event. There had been a lot of angry protestors there more so than usual including The First Hope Baptist Church and their leader, Pastor Samuel Wakke.

Deep in thought, Nikki hadn't heard the mouse come up behind him, and he jumped when she set his latte down on the table. "Hey fox," she giggled "didn't mean to give you a heart attack." She said, sitting down across from him.

"Oh, hey Brit, sorry was thinking and didn't hear you come up." he took the cup sniffing the sweet caramel mixed with the bitter coffee smell before taking a sip.

"You're in here rather late tonight, did Kodi make a "friend" at the bar, again?"

Nodding his head, he took another drink of his latte. He had come in here about a year ago giving Kodi some privacy like he was doing tonight and met Brittany for the first time. He had been surprised to learn she was in some of the same pre-law classes as himself and even more surprised that she wanted to be a lawyer. She didn't seem to have a tough bone in her body, she was always so sweet to everyone and didn't speak loud often. But when she did you knew you were in for it.

Like one time when he had stopped in to grab a coffee after studying at Kyle's all night for a test, some stoners had come in and started lighting up. She blew up on them and chased them out with a broom of all things threatening to tear their family jewels off and shove them somewhere highly unpleasant.

They chatted for a while about classes and future test. Brittany told about her boyfriend proposing to her at the restaurant they had their first date. She also invited him to her wedding and said he could bring Chris if he wanted, which brought on him telling her how they broke up, again. About him saying their relationship hadn't been much of anything.

He looked at his watch seeing it was about a quarter after three. Twirling his empty cup around he decided it was safe to head home, so he gave Brittany a hug and told her he'd see her again and would love to go to her wedding, boyfriend or not.

Back to the apartment, he unlocked the door then knocked three times warning Kodi he was about to come in. He heard his voice call for him to come in almost immediately after. That either meant they had finished messing around or they were in his room and not on the couch. They came up with the knock system after the second time Nikki walked in on Kodi in the lap of some guy.

He walked in to find the husky curled up in his boxers on the couch watching a movie. He turned shutting and locking the door behind him. "I take it he left already."

"Yeah, like a half hour ago. I sent you a text. Did you not get it"? He said gesturing for his friend to sit next to him.

"Oh, I forgot to turn my phone back on after we left the club. That was fast wasn't it"? He sat down pulling his phone out to turn it back on.

"Cats, what can I say they are quick." he laid his head on Nikki's shoulder, "Not like us canid's who go and go and go." he laughed making Nikki laugh in return, more so from the vibrations of Kodi's laughter tickling his neck.

"I could have told you that one. Remember I just left one," the fox laughed, but Kodi's ears went back, and Nikki knew he thought he brought up a sad subject. "It's ok, tonight out with you guys made me realize how little Chris and I worked together." he hugged Kodi to reassure him and told him he was going to head to bed.

He had Thursday off from class but had a PFLAG meeting at nine in the morning and wanted to get at least four hours of sleep. He made his way to his room. Closing his door, he pulled the salmon colored polo shirt he was wearing off and tossed it to the floor where his khaki pants soon followed. He connected his phone to its charger on the nightstand next to his bed then got under the covers.

He laid there for a few minutes but found himself unable fall asleep. The night of dancing and alcohol enriched pheromones had him stiff in one part of his body. Sliding his paw down across his chest and under the covers, he found the source of his insomnia.

Slowly he began rubbing his paw against his already full member slowly moving up and down the start of his knot. He stroked himself feeling the soft sheets teasing the tip as his paw continued working up and down. Reaching over to his night stand he opened the drawer and took out a tube of lotion. Popping the top, he spread some in his paw, the liquid slick against his hard, needy cock felt cool and added to the need he felt.

The problem was he could only get to the edge of release. He tried thinking about Chris for about ten minutes, but it was only making him bored and hard. If he couldn't get off, he would be tossing all night trying to get to sleep. That's when he thought about the tall, sexy wolf. Yeah, baby that would do the trick, feeling his cock twitch its agreement.

Closing his eyes, he imagined the huge wolf laying his large form on top of him. His long heavy frame pressing an equally long bulge against his leg. Slowly the wolf would move his black and white head close to Nikki's, his hot wolf breath breezing across his nose as he imagined the wolf looking at him with sharp blue eyes. Then pressing his muzzle heavily against Nikki's in a deep passionate kiss. His tongue, sweeping against Nikki's teeth begging for entrance to taste and explore his muzzle more.

His paw swept against his shaft, moving up and down, as his other paw moved against his sack rolling the jewels they held in softly between his fingers. His breath began to quicken as heat ran over his body at his thought.

Given entrance, the wolf would concur his mouth, swirling against the fox's tongue and tasting every crevice as it swept over the roof of his mouth making him moan in pleasure. The wolf's paws would start to stroke his side, moving slowly down, claws tracing lines through his fur as they go lower and lower with each stroke towards the pounding need between his legs.

Nikki whined as he imagined the feel of the wolf he had only seen from a distance, imagining the power he held in taut muscles constricting and retracting as he claimed Nikki as his with each passionate kiss.

Slowly, the wolf's paw moved down across his hip and over to his inner thigh, lightly grazing the fox's full member and down. Another deep kiss as his tongue glided across his own, the wolf pulling back licking his nose as he moved to look Nikki in the eyes. Moving his steady paw up to constrict around his hard throbbing member.

Nikki yipped as he squeezed his paw against his cock feeling it build with need imagining it was the wolf's.

"You are so beautiful," he'd say. Then move in for another deep kiss. He pulls back again and moves his muzzles to his neck kissing it softly again and again as he moves his way under his muzzle where he nips lightly his hot breath steaming his fur. His paw stroking up and down across his shaft making him shiver in delight, as pressure runs over his tip down his hard knot, to the base of his shaft.

With purpose and need, he would kiss a trail along his neck, down across his chest and further. Licking and blowing lightly down his stomach he stops, kissing circles around the edges of his navel, tickling Nikki he gasps at the sensations flooding his body. The wolf's paw still on his hard throbbing cock.

Then he pulls back his paw stops stroking him but stays firmly in place against the base of his swollen member. He peers up as Nikki tilts his head forward to watch the wolf move inches from his tip. His thick, steamy breath tickling making him twitch with anticipation.

Then without any warning, he dips down to the base of his of his cock his tongue pressing firm against his member hot and slick he licks up and up all the way to the tip. Making Nikki moan out in pleasure seconds before he opens wide and takes his whole cock into his hot moist muzzle. His tongue is pressing against his shaft as it begins moving, swirling around his cock tasting, exploring and dominating him to his core.

Letting out a loud moan of pleasure his whole body surged with the sensation of electricity flowing through every vein in his body, overwhelming his senses with the thoughts of the wolf as his paw strokes feverishly, building him to the edge of the cliff of release. No, not building sprinting to it. As the world is lost to him, images of the wolf's muzzle thrusting down and sucking hard as his body leaps over the cliff in a desperate need to fall through the air. He bucked forward into his paw, as the other gripped tight around his thick swollen knot.

The pressure coming in heavy, thick shots of seed onto his chest with every electrified pulse, as his body arched forward. His light yips becoming powerful howls stretching out with each blinding spurt. The smell of his male musk crashing thick in his nostrils, imagining how it would mix with the wolf's wild scent and he collapsed back into the bed, panting to regain himself.

As the euphoria started to wind down, he got out of bed and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, dampening it to wipe his fur off. He would clean properly in the morning. As he turned the light out and headed back towards his room, Kodi called him from the entrance of his room.

"Geez fox, you making porn in there?" he giggled, ears flicking with anticipation of an answer.

Nikki looked back at his friend, his ears burning and whiskers twitching. He hadn't thought that he had made so much noise. Giving a grin to show he wasn't embarrassed, he wasn't going to let Kodi get the last word in on this one and said, "Sorry, just let my imagination escape me."

he turned swaying his tail high in the air as he slid his door shut and slipped back into his bed.

Laying back in bed content and sated, he rolled over, pulling a pillow close to his chest and allowed unconsciousness took him over.