The Fox Estate - 02 - I Am the Law

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#2 of Fox Estate

I know I promised this ages ago, but... well... stuff and things. I have no good excuse, I'm just lazy, haha. But here it finally is! The continuation of what happens to that poor horse who just so happens to tease a bit too far...

The rest of the work day flew by pretty quickly after the tiger and the fox had finished up. The fox had waited for most of the important work to be finished before giving his orders of course, so all there was to do was clean up a few loose ends here and there. A few more facts and figures, a few polishing touches on a spreadsheet and graph or two, and of course the tiger's own delayed workload soon graced the fox's computer screen for his review. That left the fox just enough time to finish reading his own report and make any notes he needed to. But before too long everything was tidy and ready to go for the next day, leaving the fox smiling as he slowly put his computer into sleep mode and gently pushed away from the table.

He'd let everyone else go as soon as their tasks were done, so he was left alone in the room with just the constant hum of the computers and the buzzing of all the muted television screens gently ringing in his large ears. Oh, and with one rather soggy pair of pants as well due to the tiger's load slowly dribbling on out of him as he sat and finished up his work. He gave off a small grumble at the expected, but still annoying mess as he reached on down and grabbed the roll of paper towels from underneath his desk once again. He quickly ripped off a sheet and turned to wipe down the expensive leather of his chair seat just to get any residual moisture off it. It certainly wasn't the first time there'd been cum and bodily fluids splashed across it though, and he had to hand it to the leathersmiths... his chair had taken it rather well with no signs of stains anywhere.

With a small smirk at that observation he slowly slid off his pants, kicking them off with a little grunt as he reached for the roll yet again. He got a fresh sheet and slowly used it to clean up and over his rump and tail base - that thick cum and lube making quite the mess as it had been allowed to soak into his fur all that time. But then again it didn't bother him as much as most might have thought, knowing how neat he liked to keep his fur normally. He knew what he liked, and what he liked was cum. He WAS a fox after all. And although it matted down his fur and left him smelling like a musky tiger, that was all part of it's charm. He was well aware of the consequences of going hip to hip with such a large beast with such a large cock. He knew what to expect afterwards, and he even seemed to like the feeling of a load leaking back out of him. It was a very accomplished feeling, and the fox couldn't help but think of good times as he slowly dragged that tissue between his ass cheeks to clean up the mess.

With a few final passes around his rump and his jock strap straps he finally tossed the towel into the wastebasket and left his pants on the floor. Whoever was on clean-up duty would get them no doubt, leaving him free to walk back out towards the rest of his house with his bare ass on full display. Of course no one even gave him a second look as he did, the fox seeming all too casual as his bare buns rubbed against one another with each step, still sliding over each other easily from the residual cum and lube. This was far from the first time he'd left a room like that, and there was absolutely no question why to anyone who saw him. There might be a little chatter behind the scenes as everyone got the story behind what had happened, but he didn't mind a little gossiping between his partners either. He made sure that he made at least one thing clear - if anyone showed him good intent he'd reward them with their own little surprise. Just like that stallion this morning....

Fuck, it was almost impossible to get Frederick out of his mind, even as the fox was probably still dripping a load out from under his tail with every step. He knew that he could summon him right at this moment, just pin him down and ride him until the fox was finally spent of course. But no, that'd be too easy. He wanted it to build up a bit... wanted it to really let it settle into his system... make sure he was firing on all cylinders and gave no mercy when it was time - giving the stallion truly what he deserved whether he liked it or not. But that came at a price as the fox gave a little whimper himself, feeling his bulge harden at the thought as he made his way towards his main closet for a new pair of pants.

He'd have to try some way of blocking out the thought though... something distracting... Now that he had some free time he figured a good book would be just what he needed. Something to get lost in, something to take his mind out of this world and into another one. One without beautifully displayed horse cocks that he wanted to gnaw on to no end... So slowly, with another soft squeeze to his erection, he slipped on a fresh pair of pants and began to make his way towards his library to pick out something suitable.

The fox was a big fan of reading in general. All sorts of genres and book types graced his library, stuffing the shelves full of the cheesiest sci-fi to the sugariest romance to the most dark and demented horror. He slowly made his way up towards the small but stuffed room, trying to figure out what would be the best to get that horse's cock and body out of his mind. A good fantasy or sci-fi story would probably do. Something that he might have to pay some attention to, yet familiar enough to where his mind wouldn't have to work too hard to process it. He needed all the energy he could get for later of course. And with a little digging on his bookshelf he came out with something he hadn't read in a good few years, dusting it off as he slowly took a seat in his large, comfortable chair and cracked it open.

The book did it's job as he fell back into the familiar story, although a few new details did pop on up here and there that he didn't notice before. That kept him busy enough as the time flew on by, dinner quickly approaching as the fox sunk deeper and deeper into the pages and his chair. Only occasional flashes of horse cock made him send a paw down to his groin, giving it a little squeeze here and there as he gave a frustrated grumble each time. 'Damn that horse was going to get it' he repeated in his mind before trying his best to re-focus, slowly settling back into his story before his mind could wander farther.

Before he knew just how much time had passed he looked up from his book to see a large moose at the door, gently knocking on the frame with a rather light tap despite his massive paw's size. "Pardon me Sir, but dinner is almost ready," he added in with a little polite bow, making sure to flex just a little bit in the process to let the fox enjoy the sight. Of course he did, but not even a buff and flexing moose could distract the fox from his true desire tonight - his thoughts almost instantly flashing back to the horse as he got a good eyeful of brown fur and muscle.

"Thank you Colin," the fox said softly, marking his spot in his book and slowly starting to peel himself up and out of that chair. "I'll be down in a moment," he added, letting his eyes get one final look over the moose's frame as he turned and made his way out of sight with a nod. The fox gave a little groan himself before adding in a stretch or two, loosening up his back muscles and getting some blood flowing back into his legs after a few hours of relaxing. But with one last deep breath he started to follow along, sliding out of the room and slowly making his way to the dining room.

Of course that stallion was already there and waiting for him, if only to further tease the fox by being the one to hold out his chair out for him. The fox shot him a firm glare, but only got a softly smirking smile back as the equine made sure the fox remembered him from this morning. His bright blue and yellow undies were still on firm display, that cock still semi hard inside them and threatening to bust out through those tightly laced undies at any moment. And to further accentuate what he was packing the equine just so happened to have his hips pressed firmly against the back of the chair he was holding out, leaving his cock, balls, and package sneaking out and around to the side. With the back of the chair holding back his hips that package was free to bulge out rather fully in contrast, leaving him looking even bigger than he normally did, much to the fox's... discomfort.

"Here you are Sir," the equine added with a small smile, rather bad at hiding the fact that he was trying to tease. But the fox knew - the fox knew from a mile away as he sent a quick look down to that package, and just so happened to slip a few fingers through the lacing as he got close and started to sit down. His fingers wiggled in quickly, reaching for that fat horse shaft and giving it a firm squeeze as it digits dug hard into the spongy flesh. But it was a quick gesture as the fox soon pulled his paw away and quickly placed it back down onto his arm rest as if nothing had happened. Of course anyone watching had seen it rather clearly, but the fox made no mention of it as he was slowly slid on in towards the table, acting as casual as he could with his erection throbbing yet again.

Thankfully as everyone else took their positions at the table food wasn't far away, giving the fox something else to focus on besides that equine sitting just a few seats over. He did his best not to look over as he ate and the discussion at the table shot back and forth between the weather and a new exercise regiment a few of his partners were trying out. That at least gave the fox room to scan over a few other bodies, liking the results of course as he gave his thumbs up to everyone. And yet it was still hard to push the feel of that warm and firm cock on his fingers out of his mind yet again, framed so nicely by those damn teasing underwear.

He grumbled softly to himself again, a common theme for the day, as he finished up his food rather quickly this time. He waited patiently for most of his partners to catch up and chow down their own meals, but as the last were starting to finish up he slowly pushed himself away from the table and rose back up onto his feet. "A good day to you all," he added with a smile to all those at the table, "but I'm going to retire a bit early tonight."

After a round or two of sweet dream wishes and good nights from all the studs around the table the fox smiled and let his gaze fall down onto the horse - the one that had been teasing him all day even though he wasn't even there for most of it. "Frederick," he finally said, staring at him firmly and even making the large mountain of an equine shiver just a bit as the fox's eyes pierced heavily into his own. "Meet me up in my room in half an hour. We have something to discuss." And even before the stallion even had a chance to reply with anything but a small nod the fox had spun around on a foot paw, quickly starting to walk back off towards his own quarters.

The fox did have a good bit to set up in the meantime after all. And with things like this he didn't really like sending out someone to gather up the supplies for him either. He liked to lay his own paws on the leather to give it that personal feel. Luckily there was plenty of equine gear around, the fox having a soft spot in his heart and under his tail for those well hung studs. Most of it was in his own personal closet which made things even easier. So as he walked on up and opened the door to that large walk-in closet a well worn bridle graced his paws first almost on entry. The thick and rubbery bit was next, along with a nice strong set of leather reins which had seen their share of tugging and pulling over the past few years. Topping off the fox's collection was a nice set of blinders and a rather sturdy riding crop, all gracing his paws and arms with an excited shiver as he collected the gear and moved along. A few more surprises here and there and the fox was finally finished, taking his haul towards the bed and slowly laying everything out methodically, making sure it was all ready to go. It was only then that he finally got a little moment to clean up and warm up - his pants and shirt sliding off easily to leave him just in his slightly messy jock strap.

He made his way quickly towards the other closet and grabbed a nice pawful of horse-shaped silicone replica dick in one paw, and a big bottle of mixed lube in the other. The fox was rather well experienced at this point, so it didn't take long for him to be down on his knees, that lubed cock tip pressing up against his pucker with the fox sliding down nice and deep onto it with a soft groan. No matter how good he was he could always use a warm-up, especially when an actual stallion was going to be in the toy's place within a few moments. The toy was smaller than the stud's cock for sure, but it still got the fox's insides ready for what they were going to be feeling in a moment, allowing him to open up and relax a bit as his body slowly got accustomed to what was on the horizon.

He didn't want to spend too long on that toy though. His cock was quick to harden at the sensation, and it was left craving more and more attention with each bounce. He looked up at the large clock over his bed and saw that he had about five minutes left, the fox expecting his partners to follow his word to the letter of course. And Frederick was one of the older partners the fox had around, so he'd arrive exactly on time for sure - not a minute too early or late. That left the fox enough time to pop off the dildo and slowly push it to the side. He left himself on all fours and quickly brought up a syringe with a decently long tube attached to the tip. He dipped the tip in the lube bottle next to him and sucked up a good bit of the slick liquid, mostly filling the large syringe before aiming that tubing up and under his tail. With the previous warm-up that tube slid in rather easily, pushing deep into his insides to finally deposit that slimy coating right into his gut, leaving him shivering just a bit at the cool sensation once he depressed the plunger and held it down firmly for a good few seconds.

But slowly that lube started to warm up, leaving him wiggling a bit as he pulled the tube out of his rump and stood back up to let the thick lube dribble down and coat his insides thoroughly. There was no such thing as too much lube when dealing with an equine, the fox had learned that VERY well over the years. In the final moments he had to himself he picked up a towel to clean up his ass cheeks from all the leakage and lube splatter, just managing to get his fur semi-presentable before there was a firm knock on his door. The fox smirked and tossed away the towel, slowly sliding on over to grab the riding crop in it's place. He gave it one firm smack against his other open paw palm before he slowly said, "Come in Frederick..."

The horse hesitated for just a moment before he slowly cracked the door open and stepped in, his normally proud and tall frame hunched just a bit in submission as the large stallion knew he was going to get it. He didn't even need to see the bed full of supplies to know what was in store for him, the large and towering horse taking a few gentle and almost nervous steps closer before bowing his head even more in front of the fox. "You called Sir?" he added with a soft whimper imbedded in his normally powerful voice.

A firm smack of that riding crop against the fox's palm made the horse jump just a bit as the fox grinned at his reaction, slowly staring back down at the horse's ever bulging groin and then back up towards the equine's slightly hidden face. "Down." the fox added quickly, pointing his crop towards the floor with a sudden twist and snap into position. The equine was quick to obey, the large mountain of muscle and flesh kneeling before the fox with almost no second thought as a few more nervous flicks of his tail lashed against his rump and thighs behind him. The fox grinned at his control over the equine, always loving that rush of power. He knew the equine could easily overpower him, take advantage of him... hell, even kill him in a heartbeat for sure. But to have such a beast bending over at his will, bowing and shivering in his presence, under his total and ultimate command... that was a rush he simply couldn't get any other way.

With the equine down on his knees the fox could almost look directly into his eyes now, especially when the stallion relaxed his posture and nearly sat back down onto his own legs behind him. The fox smirked a little, sending the riding crop's tip down to slide gently over one of the equine's thighs, only for it to end up right on the lacing of his now painfully straining underwear. "Oh Frederick..." the fox added softly with a sigh, taking a gentle tone as that leather tip gently continued to slid up and down the lacing, bouncing gently from strained strand to strand as the cock underneath kept everything nice and tight. "You've caused me a lot of trouble today, you know that?"

" Sir..." the equine said with a soft shiver at the contact to his groin, breathing deeply and heavy as his muscles twitched in response. "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to..."

A firm slap to the thigh with the crop got the equine to shut up, the sting relatively minor but the fox's purpose undoubted. "Oh, you did. You certainly did..." he added sternly, sending that crop back to gently and slowly travel over the strands of those strained underwear once again. The equine had nothing to say back besides a small whimper as he felt the treatment continue, his paws slowly turning into fists as the strain of his cock was no doubt really starting to trouble him. But the fox loved seeing it, keeping the treatment up for a moment as he slowly added in, "These new underwear of yours... I must say... they are one of the sexier things I've ever seen in my life."

"T...thank you Sir..." the equine added with a squirm and gasp as that crop tip grinded firmly at the displayed flesh of his cock in between the bindings.

"That being said, I found them to be rather... distracting..." the fox added, now really driving the crop in between the laces and pushing firmly right against that bare cock, leaving the equine wincing just a bit at the extra added pressure. But the fox wasn't letting up, leaning his body forwards and adding even more weight to that crop as he softly whispered into one of the equine's flicking ears, "and I don't like losing control of my thoughts...."

"S...sorry... Sir..." the equine let out again, getting another heavy slap of that crop up against the same thigh in the same place that it had hit before. That left the stinging a decent bit more noticeable this time, making the equine squeeze out a soft little muffled whinny at the sensation. But otherwise he kept himself quiet as the fox's frame leaned over him a more, trying his best to hold himself up firm in the face of danger.

"Mmmm, and for that I have no choice but to punish you Frederick, as much as it pains me..." the fox added with a heavy grin, twisting the crop a bit against that hard cock flesh to watch the equine squirm and let out a strong gasp again. Of course it didn't pain the fox in the slightest, and any pain the equine might have received from it was probably welcome as well. But that didn't stop both of them from breathing hard, almost close enough to feel the heat from one another now as the fox finally pulled his crop from that groin, giving the equine a momentary reprise with a firm gasp shooting from the horse's mouth at the release of the pressure.

"So you get full gear today..." the fox added, using his riding crop to slide up from the equine's junk and over his muscled belly and chest, all the way to under the equine's chin to lift it up a bit. First he centered the equine's gaze on his own grinning muzzle, his eyes staring firmly down into the large but submissive equine's own all the while. But slowly he slid the crop tip up and to the equine's cheek, gently pushing his head over towards the direction of the large bed and all it's laid out gear.

"Y... yes Sir..." the equine added with a little gulp, looking back at the leather covered bed and accepting his fate... as if he really had a choice.

The fox did smile a bit at that admission though, loving to hear the equine say it as he gently pulled the crop away from his body for one small moment. He let the crop dangle free from his paw, held only by that wrist strap against his frame, as the fox finally took a step over towards the bed to gather up that bridle. The equine bowed his head just a bit as the fox's paws fell over the slender leather, the horse feeling it drape over his head a moment later as the fox worked quickly to secure all the straps in place. Once it was secure the fox's paws went back to get the thick rubber bit, latching it onto one side and dragging it through the equine's open mouth to secure it to the other end. The reigns were next, clipping onto the strong rings embedded in the bridle to leave the fox with something nice to tug on.

And tug he did, giving the equine a firm tug down to make him bow his head even more, just to test the tightness of everything of course. He grinned widely at the feeling, watching the horse squirm softly in his grasp before the fox tugged back up on the reigns again, twisting them up in his paw so he had enough tension to lead that equine's muzzle back and forth - wherever he wanted it to go. Once satisfied with his control and range of motion he slowly loosened some slack in the line and stepped back over towards the bed, those blinders gently sliding into his empty paw with another firm grin.

The fox didn't use them all too often, so they were a little less used than the other gear. But slowly they slid into place as well, clipping onto that bridle and making sure the equine couldn't see more than an inch or so to each side - this pair specifically adapted to fitting an anthro's specific dimensions. It wasn't a full blindfold because the fox wanted the equine to see at times, but it was just another level of control and almost humiliation as the equine gave a soft sigh and a little shiver while his sight was mostly taken away from him.

"Good boy..." the fox said back, giving the equine a small demeaning pat to the head as the equine let out a little nicker in return. He was still breathing heavily for sure, and his erection was still raging hot and heavy despite the continued and near painful pressure of his cock against those very tight strands holding it back. But the fox wouldn't let him suffer for all too much longer, now finally having him geared up just as he wanted. With a grin he grabbed his riding crop again and gave a few firm swats to the equine's outer thigh and rump, slowly tugging up on the reigns as well to have the horse slowly lift up and off his knees.

"Up onto the bed... towards the headboard..." the fox added in a firm tone, slowly leading the large equine past the remaining gear and up onto the side of the bed, leading him into position with a few firm taps of that riding crop onto his hips, sides, and wherever else the fox thought needed a good smack. He watched as the equine slowly and carefully climbed on up, his vision rather restricted of course, and made his way to a stable spot near the top of the bed while crawling on all fours. He was quickly joined by the fox who hopped up slowly after him, only to stand up fully on the bed and yank the stallion up to a kneeling position once again.

The fox was content with the positioning for now, slowly taking those reigns and sliding them back over the equine's head like a true rider would hold them. He took a small step behind the horse and pulled the reigns further back, tugging him slightly towards the headboard as the fox looped the end around a solid piece of wood jutting out of the intricate design. It was a firm enough spot to hold the equine in place for now, although if anything intense were to happen it wouldn't be the first time the fox had to replace the headboard either. But with the horse settled in place the fox gave a nice smirk and slowly slid back off to the front of the bed, grabbing the rest of the fun stuff he'd managed to pull out of the closet.

He slowly sauntered back over, hiding the gear from the equine's limited sight with an evil smile until the fox had just about reached him once again. It was only then that he dropped the cuffs behind the kneeling equine and slid that silvery and shiny large ring into view as well. "As much as I love watching you squirm..." the fox added with a grin, pausing just a bit to enjoy the horse's small twitching movements a bit more, "I'm sure I could do even better. You finally ready to be unlaced?"

The equine gave off a few more firm squirms in place as his hot cock pressed against his underwear as hard as ever, throbbing out heavily and threatening to simply tear the fabric at any moment now. But he did give a slow and straining nod at the fox's words, increasing it in speed the longer the fox let him suffer in his current state. But the fox wasn't entirely merciful, giving a heavy grin and gripping the crop once again, giving the equine a light smack to his nodding cheek just for fun. "I asked you a question Frederick, and I expect a verbal answer in return."

"Y...yes Sir..." the equine whined back out, a little muffled by his bit but still quite audible. He gave his hips a needy hump and squirm as his cock throbbed hotly once again, far too sensitive from being constrained by his underwear for so long to handle much more. "Please Sir, untie me... untie my cock.... It hurts....."

With that the fox gave a firm grin and slowly slid down to his own knees in front of the equine, dropping the crop entirely now as he used his full set of paws to slide on in and get a good grope of that full package. The equine whined and whinnied more and more as the fox was a fiendish little devil, prolonging the equine's suffering just a bit more as his paws worked over that now rock hard groin and bulge. Those poor underwear were indeed in danger of ripping in two, the seams stretched guitar string taught and those laces in front just about popping straight through the grommets holding them in place. But yet the fox continued on squeezing, rubbing, torturing the equine more and more, feeling that hot cock crying out to him for release and unable to get it.

He smiled widely, enjoying watching the poor horse squirm and flex for him back and forth all the while. But, there was always a danger to push things too far, and just as the fox was getting to that point his paw finally landed on that large bow towards the top of those underwear. He grasped one end of that neatly tied bow and slowly started to tug, watching the loops start to shrink as more and more of the lace was tugged through the knot. And then, with one loud fabric stretching pop, the lace finally went slack... or at least as slack as that massive cock would allow it to go in the blink of an eye.

With that pop and final release of that knot came a heavy shivering gasp from the equine, his whole body tensing up as the pressure around his groin was suddenly released in one quick pulse. It wasn't a total release, but it was enough to get the blood flowing properly again, cock throbbing hard and starting to grow quickly in a heavy rush as the fox continued to tug open that lace more and more. It was a bit difficult due to the still constant pressure the horse's cock was putting on everything, but the fox was certainly persistent and crafty enough to make it work. Getting both paws free and into the mix he was finally able to loosen the lacing just enough to have that huge cock flop on out, busting free over top of the loosening fabric. That final release of tension left the equine gasping and knickering loudly, his body shivering as his cock was finally free, able to flop out limply onto the sheets of the bed in front of him.

But the fox didn't have much time to enjoy the view, he had to work quick at this point. That cock was filling with blood as if a dam had just broken behind it, and if he waited too long he'd miss his chance. He grabbed that metal ring in his paw and quickly started to slide it right over that throbbing cock tip, forcing it over that expanding head and quickly down the rest of that shaft. Down towards the base the fox had to work hard though, reaching into those now loose underwear to dig the equine's heavy nuts out with a few firm scoops. And once they were out he had to squeeze and press them slowly, but still rather firmly through that metal ring as well, finishing off that cock ring before the cock got too thick to fit. And that was one of the biggest cock rings the fox had, one of the largest ones he ever seen made even. So it was no small task to try and corral everything to fit through that firm metal loop.

But thankfully he'd made it just in time, enjoying the view as he sat back to watch that cock fill up with blood right before his eyes. And he could only grin a bit more as he watched all that blood get trapped inside right after. That left the already giant equine shaft throbbing and bulging all the more, making the equine gasp and arch his back at the new strain that began shooting on over him. He'd gotten his initial release of pressure once his cock had finally busted out of his underwear, but now that pressure was building again giving him only that momentary relief that the fox had allowed. He was back to straining once more, his cock flesh hardening as the heavy throbbing of his heartbeat made that cock bounce softly each time it rang out.

The fox was almost mesmerized by that shaft at this point, taking a good moment just to let his eyes dance over every impressive vein and each hot pulsing bit of flesh - his muzzle drooling in appreciation all the while. But finally, after getting a good eye-full, the fox's paws slowly started to slide down and make first contact to that hot flesh. He was gentle at first, not wanting to push the strained equine too far to start with as his paws gently cupped that sensitive length and gently abused shaft, cradling it and stroking over it's very hot and rigid length with a few slow passes. The fox added a heavy wad of spit down onto it as well before too long, rubbing his paw through the saliva to help slide his paw pads up and down, soon leading his motions towards that slowly flaring tip. And once there he gently teased his fingers up and around that large head, tracing every little ridge and valley as he watched the equine squirm more and more at his tantalizing touches.

The big stud was pretty much teased into submission as the fox worked his magic. Each touch to his cock left his back arching and his breathing slowly growing heavier and heavier, the large horse totally under the fox's control as a few heavy drips of drool started to leak down around his bit. His heavy huffs and grunts were muffled because of it, but they were still ringing out loudly enough in the room for sure to let half the house know what was going on. His hands were clenched in tight fists at his sides as his hips reflexively gave a few thrusts into the fox's paws all the while, craving more and more of that heavy attention. But a firm press right under the stallion's belly with the fox's small but firm paw made the equine's own hips slow to just the occasional twitch, letting the fox take control once again and enjoy it at his own pace. It was torture, straight up torture for the equine. But then again there was a reason he'd been here in the fox's service for a few years. His hot and throbbing cock didn't lie, he loved it.

On and on the fox played and teased, as if worshiping that large pillar of meat in front of him, until he could barely stand the gentle teasing himself. It was a beautiful cock, especially when it was caught in that cockring, making it throb and grow to sizes most would simply have nightmares about. But the fox wasn't one of those, happily starting to squeeze and play a bit rougher with that cock now that the sensation had died down just a little bit for the equine. But those paws didn't stay alone for long, the fox's mouth watering at the sight as he finally couldn't hold himself back any longer. Down onto all fours he went, nearly pressing his chest against the bed, before he brought himself to stare right down the barrel of that amazing cock throbbing hotly and needfully right in front of him.

His mouth and jaw quickly opened up as far as they could go, but even then he needed a little help as he pushed down against that firm flesh with his tongue and lips. The added pressure gave his body some extra incentive to open up, and with a heavy wet pop that flared head soon found itself wrapped up in the fox's wet warmth for the first time. Securing a tight seal around that head with his lips he slowly let them push apart wider as he drove in, sliding an inch or two deeper with a little work. The fox's jaw size prohibited him from doing too much more with that cock up front, but he did his best to let his tongue slobber and rub all over that pre-drooling head, getting a good and heavy taste of the horny equine with each little pass. Of course that made the horse whinny rather firmly as that hot attention fell right over his sensitive cock tip, that shaft bobbing up to life as it throbbed and pressed against the roof of the fox's mouth rather firmly. But the fox kept him under control, holding that shaft down with his paws while he slowly kept up the gentle strokes all over that length.

He did his best to bob softly up and down that shaft, although he couldn't get too much travel as that cock could only dive so deep. Nevertheless he made the best of it, making sure to get a good seal and suck deeply on that head, leaving the equine to squirm and wiggle all the while in his bindings. He loved the feel of so much hot cock filling him up from either end, taking his time to enjoy it with a few happy slobbers and drooling slurps over that tip. His paws worked up a frenzy in the meantime, starting to spread a bit of his own spit down and over that shaft to get the whole thing sloppily glistening in the light of the room. Every bump, every ridge, every vein, and that fat middle ring... his paws traced over them lovingly, nearly worshiping that gigantic cock in awe of it's prowess. And his muzzle was right behind, slurping and leading the charge of pleasure as his tongue wormed its way gently around and even into that large hole right at the tip of the cock.

But before the fox's jaw began to hurt too much from the strain he slowly pulled back, popping himself off that member and gathering his breath as his jaw slowly started to relax. But he didn't need long, quickly sticking out his tongue and diving down the length of that shaft once more as it pressed firmly against the flesh. He rubbed his tongue and even his soft furry cheek against that entire shaft all the way down to the base and towards those balls with one slow, careful movement. He slid up and back a few times as well, enjoying every inch of that massive shaft and coating it with a fresh little dribble of spit each time. But soon enough he ended up down by that sheath, giving it a few little passes and even a nibble or two, sliding down to those heavy balls underneath.

He was quick to coat them with his spit as well, as if marking them as his property with a few heavy and heated passes of his tongue against the large bulges. He brought his paws down as well, heaving up the hefty and ringed-up balls tightly in his paw, feeling their weight and heat as it sent a heavy shiver through his own body. What was brewing in there would be his before too long, and from the way the equine was gritting his teeth he knew he was already struggling to hold back from all the teasing. So the fox didn't push him too much harder, adding a few licks and even nibbles to that leathery scrotal flesh before slowly making his way back up that cock towards the tip, lavishing it with praise and admiration on every inch along the route.

But as soon as the fox's tongue flicked off that cock tip one final time he let that large member drop from his grasp, smacking heavily down onto the bed below. He grinned and caught his breath just a bit, pulling back from that musky cock to get some fresh air and clear his mind for just a small momentary break. His own cock was rather hard, and finally after neglecting it for so long he gave it a few squeezes and a pump or two through the jock, directing it towards the equine's direction but just slightly out of his view. After a few of those he was quick to slide the underwear off finally, leaving his bare cock throbbing in the air as his paw went down to cradle it lovingly. He made sure to push his small but still important erection into the equine's line of sight for just a moment afterwards, leaving it there as he watched that big stallion pant heavily and try to compose himself to resist the teasing. And mercifully the fox gave him a moment to do slow, gently sliding out of his range of vision and back behind him once his own breathing had returned to a normal state.

With a grin he kneeled on down and grabbed those cuffs, slipping one around the equine's nearby wrist and securing it tightly within a moment. The horse knew what was coming, giving a little huff as he slowly wiggled his other arm back towards the fox, feeling it quickly snapped up in the cuff's grip before both were locked together with a loud metallic snap. But the fox wasn't done yet, grinning evilly as he was going to make the stallion pay for that teasing all day. Slowly he got back to his feet and reached over to grab those reins, untying them from the headboard and pulling the loop of material down towards the equine's tail with a steady yank.

The horse gave a heavy neigh at that sensation, gasping softly as his body strained just a bit and arched back, pushing his cock and hips out all the more as he was forced to bend back rather far. And bend he did as the fox tugged that leather band down towards where he'd just hooked the cuffs, looping it through the hooking mechanism and tying it rather tightly in place. With a good bit of tension the job was complete. The equine's chest and hips bowed out as his back curved and his muzzle was sent up towards the sky, leaving him all but helpless as the fox slowly circled back and laid a heavy paw on that cock again.

"Mmmm, how do you feel Frederick?" the fox asked with a heavy grin, not expecting much of an answer as the horse let out a garbled and strained set of syllables in return. "Good..." he added with a smirk as he gently turned to face the now heavily bowed equine. With that cock still in his paw he slid up from his knees to his feet once again, sliding his paw up the length of that cock as he rose up. He felt his paw slide past that medial ring and up towards the tip of that cock, locking back underneath the fat head as he gave it a firm squeeze to hold it in place. Keeping a good and firm hold he slowly stepped over the equine's bent knees and thighs with one big step, straddling him softly as his paw gently aimed that cock back under his own soft and raised tail. With the fox's cock just about level with the equine's chest the fox slowly began to sink down, squatting gently until he felt that cock press up against his warm pucker. The lube he'd pumped in previously was still flowing inside of him, probably enough to handle the giant beast with all the additional pre the horse was known to leak. So with a little wiggle he started to get comfortable, gently applying more and more pressure to his pucker as he held that cock in place tightly with one free paw.

The horse was big, there was no getting around that. And the fox was small - his body pushed to the limit almost right away as that massive head pressed firmly up against his warm and slowly yielding pucker. It was slow going at first as the fox grunted and pushed, wiggling in to try and force that cock head to finally slurp inside of him. The horse more or less held his breath the whole time, feeling the strain growing as more pre was pretty much forced out of him, trying to add as much slickness as he could to the situation. But the fox's hard work soon paid off, leaving him grunting and gasping suddenly as that head finally popped inside of him and dove right on in with a quick and heavy slurp. That left the fox arching his back and squirming a good bit at the strain, but gently finding himself sinking down a good few inches in the process.

The equine let out his own little gasp and surprised whinny as he felt his cock drive up and into that tight warmth. The fox was the only non-equine creature to ever handle his cock like this, so he'd never really gotten much use out of it until he came to the mansion. It was mostly just for show and bewilderment, and perhaps a few porno gigs. But the heat around his cock tip and shaft felt absolutely wonderful as he gave back a few heavy huffs and squirms, having to resist just ramming forwards into those warm guts of the fox. He knew better than that, although his drive was intense, making his hips shake just a bit as the fox carefully and slowly slid down little by little. It was far from uniform though, the fox adding a soft bounce here and there to help open his insides up as he unknowingly teased the equine heavily in the process, leading to both partners choking back heavy grunts and groans of sensation.

It was a long way down, and the fox knew he had to take his time, no matter how much he wanted just to ram down as bad as the equine wanted to ram up. But he was a trained professional, and the fox kept his cool as he inched along further and further. It left both partners squirming and grunting as their heavy breathing filled the room, the gentle creaking of the bed adding to the noise as both bodies shivered at the quick assault of sensations. But before too long the fox found himself halfway down onto that shaft as his pucker suddenly popped over that medial ring, figuring it was a good place to hold for now as he gave his hips a little wiggle and settled in for a breather. "Mmmmph, you get bigger... every time Frederick..." the fox added with a heavy grunt, giving a soft bounce over a few inches of that cock and ring as he placed his paws on the equine's shoulders for support.

The equine just groaned and gargled out something else in reply as his strained body was now shivering in pleasure as well. That hot and wet tightness around his shaft was amazing, and the horse couldn't help but let his mind run a little wild as drool dripped all the way down his cheek and chin. He started to lose hold of his hips too, giving a few gentle thrusts on up and into the fox, shaking that slender body around a bit as the power of the equine was an amazing thing to see. But the fox was quick to squeeze his paws down onto the equine's shoulders rather firmly, making him shiver just a bit more as those claws even started to dig into his skin and fur when he didn't stop suddenly. "Steady..." the fox said as if he was breaking in a feral horse, waiting until the stallion had stopped moving before he continued on with his own gentle pumps up and down.

Although that shaft was huge it didn't take the fox long to get up to a good pace, slowly starting to slide farther up and down that shaft as his rump took it in deeper and deeper on occasion. He held onto the stallion firmly for support as his well toned legs kept up their heavy work, squatting down onto that cock before kicking up and sliding a good bit of that shaft out and through his pucker once again. The fox wasn't really one to make too much noise during sex, enjoying the sensations internally as he just closed his eyes and did his best to keep his pumps steady. But the equine made up for it, squirming and gasping heavily as well as letting out a few more heavy moans and noises through his bit, garbled up into one messy mix of noise as the fox continued to ride him up and down.

The fox was certainly determined to use that cock as best as he could as he grit his teeth and pushed on deeper, taking a firm seat on that cock as it bulged straight out of his belly with a nice and heavy push. He shivered at the feeling and did his best to see just how deep it could go, knowing he could almost get to the base if he really tried. But today wasn't really about testing his limits... it was about getting off. He'd been pent up all day, and with that much cock underneath his tail, splitting his hole open wide, the fox knew he couldn't take much more before needing to get off. He wasn't normally one to cum paw free, but damnit if the equine's cock wasn't grinding just perfectly against his prostate and insides. It was only kept in check by that deep burn he felt trying to force that monster through him, the back and forth slurping and grinding leaving him on edge as the poor grunting fox just kept his legs going harder and harder.

More and more he bounced on that cock until he was just about literally bouncing, the heavy slurps of that member popping through his distended hole rung out in the room all around them with a wet and heavy force. His own tight groans squeezed through his muzzle with each deep hit the cock made into his gut, leaving him drooling and clenching just a bit around that shaft as his insides were tested over and over again. And the equine was in bliss at the heavy sensation as well, almost never getting to experience something like this before becoming one of the fox's partners. It was only that silvery cock ring and heavy bondage that kept him away from his edge for the moment as well, the strain building up to hold him back just enough with each bounce. But the fox was getting close himself, and even as his legs began to tire a bit his arms picked up the slack. They pushed down hard on the equine's shoulders, sliding him up and off that cock, only to let gravity slurp him back down again with a nice firm splurt each time.

He groaned and leaned back just a bit, feeling a little sweat trickling down his body as his ass burned and tingled in all the right areas. His own cock was busy flopping back and forth with each bounce he made, slapping him across the belly and thighs while dripping a little pre all over the equine's body in the process. And as much as he loved the feeling of a shaft inside him like that, he also loved getting off. And his need was great, leaving him to groan a bit and finally slip one paw off the equine's shoulder, sliding it down to grip his cock with a heavy huff. He slowly steadied his position and gave his legs a firm squat before saying, "Mmmmph, thrust Frederick... rut..." in a strained but still heavy and controlling voice.

The equine didn't even have to think twice as his hips kicked into gear. And as the fox slid into a good position to take the pounding the equine made sure to give it to him as best as he could. He had a limited range of motion due to his bindings, but anything he could squeeze out of his muscles was welcome to both partners. Even with all the bindings that cock still was able to travel a good few inches up and down, quickly slurping through the fox's distended insides with the power and force only a horny horse could muster. The fox was happy for a little break himself, arching his back to moan out firmly as the power of the equine came through his insides, rippling them with wave after wave of heavy thrusts, leaving him groaning and tingling all the while at the continued ruthless driving. He held onto the stud's shoulder with one paw and used his other one to wrap tightly around his own cock, stroking it slowly and trying not to get ahead of the equine in the process.

He knew the horse would be getting close - he could tell by his body language. Even with that cock ring on the horse he could only handle so much, leaving him panting hard and gritting his teeth down onto his bit with each heavy pump he gave. The fox was close too, panting up a storm now as he felt that cock drive into his prepared insides over and over again, squelching out some of the lube and a small river of pre the equine had pushed deep inside all the while. "Mmmmph, you're free to... cum Frederick..." the fox added back through nearly grit teeth, huffing hard and sliding just a little lower to get that cock even deeper inside of him with each drive.

As if the horse needed to be told twice he started to rut harder and faster, putting everything his strained body had into it as the fox could feel the force and heavy grunts shooting through him at the action. It went on for surprisingly long, but the fox and horse both hung in there as the stallion's hips finally started to weaken, his load building up and building up... With one last heavy drive he felt his cock explode deep into the fox, leaving the horse gasping and shaking as his muscles bulged and his whole body tensed up from the strain of shooting out pump after pump of thick and rich seed deep into that well clenched hole.

The fox gasped even heavier than the horse did at the sudden filling pumps, his insides quickly filling up to the brim with the torrent of seed. He worked his tired legs to push himself up and off that cock just a bit more with each squirt, trying to make some room for all that gooey liquid to fill him up as the horse's orgasm seemed never ending. And as that cum continued to flow deep into his insides, leaving his belly swimming in a warm flood of cum, he finally felt the pressure push him past his own little wall. That flared head of the horse's still throbbing cock was grinding into his prostate just about perfectly with each twitch, finally making him gasp and shoot his own load across the equine's chest and belly in a set of quick, sudden surges. It was almost like the fox was marking him with his cum as shot after shot of white streaked across that brown fur, splattering wetly and gently drooling into the cracks and crevices of the equine's muscled body. And as the fox finally wiggled the last of his load out of his cock tip he could only grin while watching the mess he made slowly dribble down over the stallion's pecs and abs. His bright white cum stood out quite vividly against that dark brown fur as the trail continued to drip, adding more and more coverage to that sexy equine's body with every passing moment.

Both males panted heavily in their exhausted state as they just laid still for a moment. The equine slowly did his best to un-arch his back and body, already sore from the position as his afterglow swept through him slowly. The fox just took a moment to enjoy his afterglow as well as his own heavy breaths rang out in the room. His ass was nice an full of cock and cum, but he could feel it slowly start to dribble on out of him through his distended pucker in a few neat little trails, leaving a few cascading drops of cum dripping down that thick equine shaft to the bed below. But now that his intense need was satisfied the fox finally gave a little mercy to the equine, reaching up a tired paw and slowly unhooking one end of the bit going through his muzzle. It popped off rather heavily with all the tension still on the equine's body and head, making the horse gasp out freely for the first time in a good while. And with a few quick shakes of his head, as well as another strap or two quickly loosened by the fox's paw, that whole bridal started to slide on off from his sweaty head which finally allow his back to return to a somewhat normal position.

The equine was no stranger to such things, and he was careful to make a few slow movements at first to make sure nothing cramped up too heavily on his body. And once the horse seemed to be in good spirits and have a good bit of motion the fox nodded and slowly began to slide down deeper onto that cock with a few wiggling huffs. He strained his now sore insides just a bit more so he could finally get into position, reaching back behind the horse to hit the quick release for his cuffs without having to get off that cock in the process. There was a torrent of a mess waiting just behind that flared cock head inside of him to stain everything in the general area, and although the fox was known to enjoy the mess on occasion today he just wanted to rest in a clean bed after such an intense session. So as the equine's arms stretched out in their new freedom the fox just slowly climbed back up that cock, getting comfy once again before the equine's large and strong hands started to slide underneath his ass cheeks to support his weight for a bit.

Slowly the equine began to lean back now that the fox was cradled securely, gently kicking out his strained legs with a pair of heavy gasps and wiggles to stretch them out as well. It took a little bit as the horse had been bound up for quite a while, but eventually the stallion got feeling back into them. Slowly he slid his body off to the side of the bed, still holding tightly onto the fox, and carefully started to set his large feet down onto the floor one after another. With one soft but straining push he rose on up with the fox still impaled on that cock, gently strolling over towards the bathroom as the fox's paws held on tightly around that stud's neck for the entire journey.

Once they made it into the bathroom the equine slowly made his way over towards the bathtub, still gripping the fox tightly by his ass cheeks as his paws and legs wrapped themselves securely around the large beast. The equine stepped in carefully and cupped those cheeks firmly in his grasp, waiting for the fox to nod a little bit before he slowly started to lift up. Carefully and gently that softening cock started to leave that well fucked hole, the fox giving a few soft grunts and groans as inch by inch it slid back out through his now sore insides. But eventually the equine made it to his still flared head, giving the fox just a moment to catch his breath before firmly yanking on up, popping it out through that distended hole with a heavy gasp from both of them.

And once that cock was free that torrent came just as predicted, cum splattering out of that ass like a wave into the tub as that hole had no hope of holding anything back in its current state. But that was fine just fine for the fox. He didn't mind at all as he felt his wide open hole drip and leak, a wave of white slowly making it's way towards the drain as the equine continued to hold onto the fox's ass up for a good moment or two, letting him empty and drain fully.

But soon enough the flow ceased to a trickle, and then just a few drips as the fox's insides were finally emptied. After a few gentle shakes to make sure everything came out that wanted to, the horse began to carefully lower the fox back towards the ground, placing his feet down onto the floor of the tub and making sure he didn't slip in his own luby and cummy mess. And once both partners were secure in their footing the horse gently turned and switched on the hot water, letting the heavy flow start to rinse off at least the top layer of sweat, cum, and whatever else was stuck to them... and soothe their aching muscles in the process.

It was a rinse not a shower, so before long both partners stepped on out and grabbed a few nearby towels, getting their fur as dry as they could manage. With a small smile the fox tossed his towels over to a corner of the bathroom once he was done, snapping his fingers suddenly as he pointed on down, watching the equine's gaze meet his and then slide over to his pointing paw. The horse knew what that meant as he leaned his large upper body down and puckered up, the fox's lips making contact with his own in a quick little peck of a kiss. "Mmmm, good job Frederick..." the fox said simply with a small nod and smile up at the large beast of a horse as they each pulled away from the gentle kiss.

"My pleasure Sir," the large beast added back, finally yanking off that cock ring from around his balls now and slowly presenting it to the fox with a smile.

The fox took it and set it on the sink's edge with a smirk, adding back, "I'd like it if you spent the night with me tonight."

"It would be my honor," the equine replied quickly with a soft bow, graciously smiling as his wet tail flicked around slowly behind him.

"But, about those undewear..." the fox added as he turned to walk back out towards his bed, skipping the side where all the action took place and sliding into the 'clean' side of the bed. The horse was quick to follow, taking the slightly messier route and flicking up the covers as he slowly slid in underneath them just a bit. He waited patiently, paying full attention to the fox as he slowly slid himself in and underneath the sheets as well. It took him a second to get himself comfortable before he gently turned to the equine and continued with, "I want you to forget about them. Don't wear them for a month or so. Don't even think about them. And then, when we've both forgotten, whip them out yet again and make me punish you for it all over again."

The equine could only chuckle at that request as he nodded a little bit, scooting closer to wrap the small fox up in one massive arm while he pulled him in softly against his chest. He gently laid his chin down in between the fox's large ears as he could only smile and say back, "Mmmm, as you wish Sir..."

The fox gave a little squirm to get into a good position against that strong frame, but before long he was happy and settled, cradled by the strong equine's body nice and securely. He gave a little grind back, leaning against the small mountain of muscle as he could only smile and say, "Good. Good night Frederick."

"Sleep tight Sir," the equine answered in a happily rumbling tone, slowly closing his eyes and letting himself relax as the fox was already drifting off to sleep beside him.