Heat Dream - Bonus chapter 1 (Milo x Peggy)

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#14 of Heat Dream

A small bonus chapter while I work on the next main one, about half the length of the previous chapter. I know once again I've taken forever but I hope this helps to fill the time before the next main chapter is ready for all of you.

Big thank you to Folwilliar for once again taking time out of his own artistic brilliance to proof read for me. Seriously check out their channel toohttp://www.furaffinity.net/user/folwilliar/

There was a small tavern on a long empty road in the middle of the night, only a few miles east of Dobermide itself. A quiet home residence converted into a ground floor establishment for patrons and living space upstairs. Few humans and humine really knew of this place's existence, it was not exactly crowded even on a good day. Tonight for example there were only two or so cars parked out front with the odd motorcycle leant against a burnt out old telephone pole. The cold winds were starting to pick up outside it, the modestly sized wind chime hanging in the doorway filling the night sky with its music.

The biting cold was hardly felt inside the establishment itself, a traditional fire place filling the main room with a warm orange glow. The embers crackling softly as a jukebox in the corner droned on to itself with its preset music selection.

There were only a few customers there that evening, main reason being it was a weekday and late in the evening. There was a group of three burly looking bikers sitting in a corner booth, they were engrossed in their game of poker as they drank. A heavy set blonde human smoking a cigar as he looked over his hand for the fifth time that minute. Joining him were two much more ripped humines, one being a blank and the other a blank. If this had been any other establishment, their illegal gambling would have been quickly ended and they would be out of the door in minutes. But in this bar, as long as things didn't get gruesome and violent then a blind eye was usually turned to what was deemed forbidden. There was the occasional noises of celebration and unspoken anger but otherwise they kept to themselves.

Across the room from them were a small group of four teens playing and watching a game of pool, all of them drinking of course. They were seemingly on a double date, based on the amount of exploring hands and making out. Again as long as they kept their kissing and touching to just that, there were no real complaints from the bar staff.

There were not many humines that would have had the heart to stay and keep this bar up and running despite lack of real economic profit. But this bar's current owner as well as occupant of the upstairs living quarters was not a typical humine. She was a Pekingese hybrid with quite the history behind her, plus a slightly more filled out backside back there too. She was in the past a much loved actress, despite only starring in one of the many canine movies being made at the time. Her larger than the average size plus her astounding singing voice had made her stand out from the crowd. Her name was simply 'Peg' and she used to be one of the top performers in canine showbiz, filling many a movie theater with her astounding voice.

She was casually frying up some curly fries for the young customers at the pool table, her iconic flowing hair held back in a hair net. She noticed a spotless spare frying pan on the wall beside her and looked at herself in its reflection. Despite the years that had gone by she still looked stunning, even with the hair net on her head and the one covering her long tail. Because of her robust hips and chest back in her feral body, she had grown into this new form a bit rounder in the right places. From her wider then average hips and rear end up to her profound and busty chest, she turned the eye of plenty of men and women that had stopped by for a drink.


The dreary sounds of the jukebox were interrupted by the bar's front door flying open, the gale force winds from outside making it slam against the wall next to the frame. The sudden commotion alerted the three Humines in the booth as the wind threatened to blow away their cards. The group at the pool table looked over, then instantly started sniggering and giggling to themselves at what they saw.

Standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, his hair a ruffled mess and soaked in strawberry scented liquid was Milo. His jacket was clearly stained all over, judging by the formation as if something had been poured right over his head. Even his tail was matted down and sticky. Milo, with slight difficulty, closed the door behind him and made his way over to the bar as he avoided eye contact with the other patrons. He ignored anything he heard whispered about his appearance around him. He focused his humine ears instead on the slight squelching sounds coming from his own shoes making contact with the wooden bar floor. Taking a seat at the bar he didn't even bother looking at the bottles that lined the wall behind the bartender. He just knew he needed something alcoholic in his system to diminish his memory of the last few hours.

Peg paid little mind to the front door slamming open, assuming it was just some patrons on their way out this close to closing time. Realizing how close it really was she filled a plate with the fries and headed out of the kitchen and towards the bar counter.

"Ok guys and girls at the pool table, it might be last minute but your orders ready" placing the plate on the counter she looked up at the clock on the far wall.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen I'll be closing up for the night in about 30 minutes so this is going to be last..."

Suddenly a strange smell wafting in the air took her out of her train of thought, causing her to sigh in exasperation "Ok listen boys I told you already, no outside food in here." As she took the fries she had prepared and handed them to the group of teens, she tried to recall what that scent was. She knew for a fact that she didn't sell anything that sweet smelling but couldn't pinpoint what it was or where it was coming from.

Once she had returned to behind the bar, the curvy and busty Pekingese was taken aback by how strong the stench suddenly was. After wafting the smell from her nose Peg glanced over to the newest occupant sitting at the counter. What she saw answered one question but certainly warranted a few more. Whether it was the stench of strawberry dessert emanating from him or the fact he seemed so depressed, she knew he needed a friendly ear.

"Well look at you, seems like you've just had a wild evening hon"

Milo sighed heavily and groggily lifted his head off the bar counter, looking lazily into Pegs smiling blue eyes. An aggravated frown covered his face as he could still feel his hair matted to his head and his forehead.

"Oh yeah, it's been wild night alright" Milo replied , with more venom in his voice then he had intended. "I'm sorry but this is one night I would really rather forget if you catch my drift."

Turning her back to the downtrodden humine Peg bent down and picked out a fresh beer bottle from the fridge, opening the cap she placed it in front of him. "Well ok honey but I can tell you right now" she began as she took his wrist in her grasp and eyed the bruises around it "it's not like I slip aspirin into these things before I doll them out."

Milo solemnly looked at the still sore marks on his wrists from the handcuffs he had been 'convinced' to wear earlier that evening. Gripping the chilled beverage off the bar and taking a swig, he chose his next words carefully as he spoke "Listen it's not really because of what I did tonight that I feel this depressed, its more because of what I didn't or couldn't do"

"I see, so your sad because only this was the highpoint of your night" Peg asked sarcastically signaling his wrist bruises. "I don't know about you but when a night out involves handcuffs and some kind of strawberry topping, I call it a night well lived."

"No no its more than just, well it was also, you see I didn't uuhhh" Milo stuttered before putting a hand to his throbbing forehead. "Look don't ask me why but there isn't much I can say about what happened tonight" Milo began "It's just that someone that had faith in me being able to help them with something they really cared about, I let them down and it hurts."

"Hey we all make mistakes, if you tried then I don't see what else you really could of done sug" Peg replied, showing sympathy and she held his hand in hers reassuringly.

"It's not just that" Milo continued as he looked up into Peg's eyes "it's only because I let her down that I have been given an opportunity to fix my life and a fresh start, that's why it hurts."

Pegs heart just melted as she watched Milo shed a tear before rubbing his eye dry and taking another long swig from his beer bottle. She knew she had to do something for him, even it is was just getting rid of the smell of dessert he was giving off.

"Look I don't usually do this honey, but today I'm feeling very generous" she said as she lifted up the doorway part of the bar counter. "Why don't you head upstairs and wash that strawberry stuff out of your fur."

Milo was stunned to say the least, glancing through the doorway behind the bar and then at her with uncertainty. It made sense to be a tad nervous when a mystery bartender invites you behind the bar just before closing time.

"No seriously that's ok, ill just get out of here and shower at my apartment no big deal."

"Look cutie, you could say I'm offering my help because I feel like you deserve a break out of pity..." What started as a honest smile on her face soon turned into a not so innocent smirk. "Or maybe that scent your currently wearing is making me want to tear off your clothes and hold you captive for the next week." She then reached up and peeled off her hairnet, letting the locks of her hair spill out over her ears and one of her eyes with its sheer volume. "Either way an at least semi-attractive woman is asking you to head upstairs and take off your clothes." She couldn't help but blush slightly when she noticed how taken aback Milo seemed to be by her new appearance. "I'll just stay down here and close down the bar, why don't you go upstairs and make yourself comfortable."

Milo just sat on his barstool in mesmerized bewilderment as her hair seemed to just fall perfectly into place in slow motion. The feeling of guilt was still in his head, but now it had been forced into a dark corner of his mind. After suddenly snapping back to reality and getting to his feet, Milo walked past peg and headed through the doorway and up the stairs at the end of the hallway.

Once he had made it upstairs Milo followed the hallway to the open bathroom door at the end of it. On the way there he admired the decor she had chosen for her living space. It was not modern by any means, it was decorated more like a countryside B and B he had visited once.

Milo stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him, sighing in relief as he could finally take off his sticky stained clothes. Even though it had happened quite a while ago his shirt and jeans made a wet slapping sound when they landed on the tiled floor. Looking at himself in the large mirror over the nearby sink Milo inspected his reflection. He wasn't muscular by any means, yet the cardio that came with his P.I. job had really done a number on his stomach and thighs. After a few more seconds of checking himself out and trying to fix his hair he decided it was finally time to wash off. He was glad that Peg had decided to go with a walk in shower over a bath tub, made it so much easier to reach the shower's dials. His good mood was suddenly ended when he turned the main dial, the water sprayed out much faster than he had anticipated. When the spray hit him right in the face he couldn't help but let out a yelp in shocked surprise as the water was near ice cold. He staggered back a few paces and hugged his sides as he started to shiver, looking at the temperature setting confirmed it was in fact set closer to hot then cold.

Milo was taken out of his confusion when the door behind him suddenly opened, revealing Peg with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh darn it, I forgot to warn you this thing acts up at first" she sighed as she stepped past her now completely naked friend and leaned close to the dial on the shower. "You have to jerk the dial to the hottest setting for a few seconds to get the water to heat up." She kept her back to Milo as she fumbled with the dial to get the right temperature, her round hips swaying softly side to side as she worked.

Milo was now just lost for words, despite the fact they had met literally a few minutes ago Peg seemed to have no problem walking in and past him while he had no clothes on. He instinctively covered his crotch with hands as he watched her work, not sure what to think right now. She had been giving off the signal that she was interested in him yet at the same time she seemed to just be sympathetic. Was she waiting on him to make the first move? she was after all blatantly swaying her plush backside in his direction. But what if she was just quirky and this was all innocent, he didn't want there to be any more trouble today after what he had already went through.

Unfortunately the mental images of what he had already done that evening had an effect on his naked crotch. He could feel his erection pushing against his hands as it got harder and longer, having shrunk after the sudden stream of ice water splashed against it just now. Trying to take his mind off it he noticed that Peg was certainly taking her time, bent forward in front of him for what seemed like minutes. 'Either she has some kind of OCD or she is obviously waiting for me to make my move' Milo thought before finally plucking up the courage to act on it.

He walked the few smalls steps towards Pegs presented backside, he didn't just grasp her like an animal though. With what little free thought he had left in his hormone driven brain he gave her one last chance to turn down his upcoming advances. Carefully and strategically he pushed his hips forward at a slow pace, seconds later his now fully hard and throbbing erection was prodding right into her bottom.

Peg had seemingly removed her apron before just walking in on him, leaving her lower half in only a efficiently long skirt. Although it did not show off much of her legs with its length there was certainly a tightness in the waist area to really show off her soft round curves.

From his point of view Milo could easily see the jutted out pair of protrusions that were her buttocks, her lush cheeks pushed outward by the angle she was leaning in. The aroused humine could of sworn he felt his mouth water and his erection throb as he went for broke, pushing his long dick right into the valley of her rear. He was practically the meat between Peg's generous buns as he basked in the warm softness of her crack, there was no way Peg couldn't feel his hardness back there.

Yet suddenly just as Milo was about to take hold of her hips and start kissing her neck Peg decided to stand back at attention again, her small of her back now being roughly prodded by Milo's hard dick.

"Well that should be a reasonable temperature for you ok" she said cheerfully, a genuine and innocent smile on her face as she turned back to face him. "I'll just get these clothes in the wash for you, ill just make up a bed for you in the spare room." Just like that she was walking out the door and back out into the hallway with her arms full of his sticky clothes. She was showing no sign that she had noticed Milo's erection pushed up against her butt mere seconds ago.

Milo just stood under the water spray and showered in silence, trying to clear his mind of what had just happened. To be honest he was just happy that his hair and fur was nice and silky smooth again, having borrowed some of her shampoo that was sat on the shelf. It was actually kind of soothing after everything that had happened, he just tried to close his eyes and relax as the warm water hit his face.

Only when Milo closed his eyes, the mental images started appearing clear as day. Some of them were the events of earlier that day of course, but the main focus was on Peg. From her low cut shirt that had laid hidden behind her apron until just now, to the way her rump was practically presented to him seconds ago. Although his body was mostly relaxed there was a part of him that wasn't at all, between his soaking wet legs was a hard throbbing erection. The frustrated humine hadn't even thought about plus sized women in that way before now. He had always had his eyes on the slim model like form of women like Georgette, Angel and of course Dixie.

Just as Milo was about to just go ahead and grip his stiff dick and just relief himself right there, he started to feel the temperature of the shower water drop. It was when he started to feel his body start to shiver that Milo just gave up hope on it happening and turned off the water. His fur dripping water on the cool tiled floor as he reached out and grabbed a nice fluffy towel. The Egyptian cotton felt good on his now chilly body as he wrapped the towel around his waist, coming to the realization that he now had nothing to wear except the towel.

'Oh that's right that bar woman took my clothes to be washed, guess I won't be going anywhere for awhile.'

Milo walked down the hallway towards the bedroom he saw earlier, his feet warming up on the soft carpeting as he went.

'Guess I'll just have to sleep in the buff tonight' Milo thought to himself, if I can even get any sleep tonight with the tension down there.'

"Oh honey there you are, can you come in here for a second" Peg called out to Milo as he walked by her open door. Watching him over her shoulder as she combed her long flowing hair in front of her vanity mirror. Once she was sure she looked as captivating as possible she stood up to face the door, wearing a thin silk robe over her full figure.

"Sure thing, I actually wanted to ask about when my clothes would be uuuhhh why are you only in a robe right now?" Milo asked. He immediately averted his gaze and stared at the now very interesting wall to his right. He could almost feel the heat radiating from his face from the intense blushing he was doing.

"Oh calm down honey I'm not just standing here in a robe honestly" Peg smirked as she watched Milo slowly turn back to face her. She slowly reached down to her waist and untied to sash holding her robe closed "I'm also wearing these"

Milo's eyes suddenly opened as wide as dinner plates when he watched Peg's silk robe be untied then dropped to the ground around her feet. She was barely wearing a matching pitch black, tight fitting bra and small, very revealing black panties. What Milo had seen of her breasts from her low cut shirt earlier didn't do them justice, they had to be DD cup for sure. Her puppies were simply bulging rather obscenely, her bra was definitely at least one size too small. He just couldn't take his eyes off them, he could even see her hard and perky nipples pressing out against the garment obscenely.

"It looks like I have your full attention now, or should I say at full attention" Peg said as she looked down with a giggle.

Milo pulled his eyes away from Peg's amazing chest long enough to notice where she was looking, panicking he lowered his hands and tried to cover up his now throbbing erection.

"Hey now kid, don't be all selfish with me" Peg mock scowled as she walked over to him and slowly got down on her knees. "If I go to the trouble on putting on this tight as heck lingerie, I want to see this part of you in return"

Peg looked up at Milo with a look of satisfied relief on her face, she had purposely worn a too small bra and it felt good to let her breasts out. Her sensitive pink nipples hardened almost immediately as she uncovered them, taking a second to rub her throbbing mounds as the fresh air made them shiver. "Aahh that feels a lot better" the Pekingese bitch sighed after she lifted and cupped herself, much to Milo's enjoyment. Peg had amazing breasts in Milo's opinion, they of course we're quite large to match the rest of her plump body. With nipples the size of quarters and thick suckable tips. They looked so soft and squishy to the touch as he watched Peg squeeze them for his viewing pleasure.

After teasing him for a few more seconds, she decided he was hard enough and ready for her to really make him howl. The moisturizer still on her fingers was beginning to dry out after all the friction of stroking her partners now throbbing member. She reached up onto her nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube, coating the palms of her hands and her fingers with it once she got the cap open. "Hhmm I can tell your loving this so far hot stuff" Peg sighed as she started stroking the lube all over his stiff erection, making the light shine off its slippery surface. "That's good isn't it honey," she smirked when she noticed Milo was clenching his teeth. She noticed Milo's legs starting to shake with a look of sly satisfaction on her face as she looked up into his half open eyes "How about you take a seat on the bed so I can help you ease your tension."

Milo gladly took Peg's advice and sat back on the nearby bed, sinking slightly into the plush thick duvet that covered it. He purposely left his legs spread slightly apart, letting his throbbing member twitch as the tip poked his belly. He was at this point almost as hard as when Angel had devoured him to the balls earlier that day, he could not wait to feel Peg do the same thing. Although saying that he was glad he could sit down as he felt like he was going to climax right then from just the firm stroking of pegs masterful moist fingers, his balls ached slightly from having to hold back his load just a little longer.

Peg flicked back the hair covering her beautiful eyes as she looked over Milo's throbbing stiff member from the moist pre-covered tip down to his warm bloated balls. She pressed her nose against his nuts and breathed in deeply, sighing in pleasure as she filled her lungs with his viral young scent. Her eyes closing blissfully as she worked her way up to the now purple tinted head and licking her lips. "Mmmm come on stud, give me your hot tasty cum right into my round belly" she moaned as her tail wagged back and forth behind her.

With practiced precision Peg was easily able to capture Milo's cock between her warm soft breasts, holding it firmly between her twin cream colored mounds. She could feel it pulse and throb against her skin as she started to stroke the shaft up and down, the heat radiating off it warming up her chest even further. Peg kept her head down so she could watch his manhood vanish between her bust, then let the head poke out covered in lubrication and glistening in the light. "Mmmmm its been a while since I felt such a youthful erection between my soft tits, hope you have more then one load left in you kid"

His captors soft furry prison that was her bust was making his hard dick feel like it was melting, the heated lube that coated his shaft didn't help either. Milo's trembling hands clenched the soft bedding around him tightly as he watched peg go to work on his already sensitive penis "oh Peg this is too much to take, it feels like I'm going to cum already" he whined as his balls rose up underneath her boobs.

Peg gave him a knowing smirk before devouring every inch of his manhood with ease, her breasts slapping back down against her chest as she milked him thoroughly with her talented mouth. She was ruthless with her lashing tongue against the underside of it, now hungering for his hot load down her throat as she sealed her lips around his shaft. She knew the first cum shot wasn't going to take her long to get if he was that worked up, he was practically on a hair trigger when he saw her outfit. Peg's additional lewd over the top moaning and gagging around his manhood was just overkill at this point, she could sense him reaching his limit between her lips.

Milo's reaction was immediate as he held her head, keeping his erection balls deep in her slutty sucking mouth. He cried out loudly as his eyes closed tightly in ecstasy, every hair on his body standing on end as he spurt load after load deep down her throat and into her belly. He watched Peg flick the hair out her eyes as she looked up into his, a smile on her face around his member as she swallowed again and again.

Milo was left weak in the knees as he sat back on the bed, beads of sweat glistening down his chest and back as he enjoyed the afterglow. "Wow, that was just amazing Peg" he murmured as he caught his breath and got his bearings "clearly you know from experience how to wear a guy out" he lifted his hand and stroked her head, running his fingers through her long wavy hair that covered her eyes on any given day with contentment.

Peg released her hold on his still erect dick and lifted her head, licking her lips of the gathered drool and the small amount of his cum that she wasn't able to take earlier. "Hhhmmm well cutie you sure came a lot just now, I'm glad that a young guy like you was able to keep up," Admiring her handy work with a satisfied smirk, she watched him pant for breath for awhile until she laid back next to him. "How about one last round honey, get over here and take control for a change."

The still recovering blank looked down at her by his side, his eyes roaming over her gorgeous plus sized body. Her thick thighs spread slightly on the bed, he could tell from his viewpoint that her pussy was glistening wet from when she was sucking him earlier. He was tired of course but he knew he wouldn't be able to pass up such a tempting offer, literally laid out right in front of him.

Peg was suddenly taken by surprise when Milo did just that, in a flash he was already standing between her thighs and spreading her legs. Her wandering hands caressed her damp and soft breast as well as his slimmer and firmer thigh as she looked up at him with a smile of content and anticipation. Milo had by no means been the first boy or girl she had had in this position before but it had been so long since she last felt the satisfying pleasure of a stiff male. "Come on you big strong dog" she groaned giving him a come hither look on her blushing face "Go ahead and fuck me like a real man". Looking down between her trembling legs she could see his cock pulsing through need, his grip on her legs tightening slightly in desire for her.

Looking down at her plump and beautiful figure Milo knew he was going to have to pace himself if he wanted to last very long inside her. Looking down at her from her long slick hair, over her busty round breasts, all the way down to her crotch that looked like it was practically dripping with need.

He slapped the still sensitive head of his pole against her warm inviting petals a few times before spreading them as he slowly entered her pussy. He couldn't hold back a long drawn out moan as he felt the surprisingly tight insides caress and grip his manhood as he pushed in the first few inches. He could barely handle how hot it was inside her as her aching pussy seemed to suck his cock in even deeper as he spread her wide with his youthful erection.

Peg let out a startled gasp as she felt him slowly but without pause push every inch of his dick balls deep inside her, her toes curling in pleasure. Despite having every inch of it in her mouth and between her tits he still surprised her with his size as he felt so deep inside it made her stomach flutter with butterflies. "Ooo what a dog" she groaned as he began pulling himself out of her hot crotch until the thick head of his member spread her pussy lips wide open.

Milo let go of her legs and placed his hands on her big breasts, one hand cupping each of her busty tits firmly as his hips began to move. The room was filled with the sound of his crotch smacking firmly against hers, a squishy wet sound as both of them groaned and moaned from the sensation each time. Milo's skilled fingers pinched at Pegs thimble sized nipples, plucking and strumming at them to make her arch her back and whine like a bitch in heat. He had of course slept with other women in the past but until that moment he hadn't done it with a woman as rounded and plump as Peg. He could feel his breathing coming out as pants as he squeezed and caressed Peggy's plump and jiggling bust.

The frame of the bed collided with the bedroom wall over and over at a steady pace as Milo busied himself with playing Peg's body like a fine instrument, enjoying the whines and squeals he was getting from her as the tip of his pummeling cock struck her most sensitive and clenching depths. After having his fill of her robust chest he decided he was really going to take control, pulling himself out completely and ordering her to bend over like the needy girl she was.

"Mmmm well I must say handsome, I'm loving this dominant side you've suddenly grown" Peg teased as she got on all her hands and knees. She lowered her chest onto the bed, her boobs squished against the soft bedding as she raised her ass high. She could feel Milo's gaze on her lush backside as her tail wagged for him, she often didn't think young men would be interested in her butt given it had grown over the years, but if anything it seemed to have this stud hypnotized. "Come on baby, you've got this bitch waiting for your bone, get over here and bury it."

Milo aimed his aching erection and pushed it easily back into her waiting hot pussy, a shudder going through his body and his hands gripping deeply into her hips. As soon as he was once again balls deep in her hot furnace, he went straight back to pistoning himself in and out at a quick pace, his crotch smacking against her fat ass and making it bounce and ripple against him "Oh yeah bitch, you like that?" he asked as he gave her right ass cheek a rough smack with his palm, quickly followed by his left on the other one. He was just being ruthless at this point, his fingers deep in her fur as he just drove himself deep inside her again and again "Mmm damn this ass really does feel like a big cushion for pushin," he joked as his balls lifted up, ready to fill her with his hot thick final load of the evening.

"Gggrr stop with the talking and make me cum," Peg scowled, desperate herself to be pushed over the edge into a monumental climax. She shoved back her butt to match his pace as she sweated openly on the once clean bed covers.

With one last balls deep and crotch grinding deep into ass crack thrust Milo could no longer stand it, his cum felt like it was almost burning hot as it shot out of his dick and deep into Peg's pussy. He leaned on her back and whimpered in almost pain as his last orgasm tore through him like a knife, leaving him trembling against her back.

They stayed like that for what felt like forever, Peg's legs and hips managing to somehow support Milo's body as he gave her breasts a groping in the glorious afterglow.

"Mmm so, think we can do this again sometime my dear?" Milo asked with a big grin on his blushing face

"Well I will have to move some stuff around in my planner but i think I can squeeze you in," Peg responded. They shared one last deep kiss before they cuddled together, both on the one bed.