I - Awakening

Story by Cyaneyed on SoFurry

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Part 1

I have slept for quite some time. I remember dreaming, vivid hallucinations, colors that I could not describe to you in the time in which I slumbered. I have been unconscious and unaware of the world around me, failing to utilize my talents and gifts. I have been dead, for I have not been living. It is easy for us, those of us who are introverts, anxious, and hesitant to fall back and duck our heads into a computer screen. It is effortless to pretend that the real world does not exist, and that we are not missing out on life's precious gifts. So I think, as I lay here, eyes lazily opening for the first time in what feels like centuries, that I will try to be different. I will make a valiant effort to make the most of the time I have been given here, in all realms, be it this community, a video game, or the home in which I live.

Jesus Christ, what is going on.

I looked around but my eyes were met with nothing but darkness. Panic did not ensue, merely a curiosity as to what was happening to me. My head ached mildly and I felt as though I had been punched squarely in the gut, but I had no memory of...anything, actually. I blinked, squinting my eyes. Perhaps that was why I was not panicking. Did I die? I couldn't die. I was...am young. I am healthy, for the most part. Where am I?

You are with me, Cyan.

A voice spoke to me through the blackness. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I crossed my legs and remained still, flicking my tongue across my teeth in an attempt to not spout obscenities at the voice.

"And who are you?" I retorted.

A friend. I am here to help you. I know you will have many questions, and in time they will be answered, but you must learn to trust blindly once more. You have become a cynical, depressing human being, where once you were a shining beacon of light and hope to all who beheld you. I am here to help you reclaim that light.

"And what if I like the darkness?" I spat back stubbornly, lifting my muzzle in a slight snarl.

Silly wolf, you have always been and always will be a child of the light. You know this as well as I. No use in denying or arguing what I say, we both know you will heed instruction. Please, do not make this more difficult than it has to be. You have a long journey ahead of you. All questions will be answered. You will be safe, I promise.

I let out another sigh. The feminine voice was oddly soothing, but not so much as to where it did not make the fur of my neck stand on edge. I did not like not knowing. But, I imagined I would find out soon enough.