White Room Stage 3 / Part 1

Story by Renz on SoFurry

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#4 of White Room

Warning the following contains Adult Material Please do not read if you under the age of 18.

Sorry I actually forgot I had written this story and so have returned to finish it for the whole 3 people who read it. Sorry this is so short but I couldn't bring myself to write more for this chapter. Part 2 on the way.

Zak moaned as he returned to the world of the living the third time. He blinked as he tried to clear his head. It didn't work. He decided that for the time being relying on his other senses was best. From touch he was told that yet again he was in one of those sadistic chairs. Smell told him that the air was clean... very clean. Zak remembered he was some sort of deranged wolf now, which included deranged wolf smell. His nose also picked up the smell of sex that still resonated from his crotch. Zak focused on his ears, what could they hear?


Zak scrunched his face, his hearing had improved drastically it was almost like there was someone next to him.

"I Said Bravo #305" repeated the voice as something metallic hit Zak on the head.

"Ouch." He cried as he squinted his eyes to force his attackers face into focus. It didn't work the world was still a white blur.

"Very few make it this far, and even less pass with such flying colors." The voice continued interrupting Zak's train of thought.

"I'm honored do I get a medal?" Zak asked as he tried to sit up, and was held down by the plastic restraints. Zak really hated those restraints.

"Oh and a sense of humor, though crude at best." The voice cooed.

Zak focused on the voice it only struck him now that it was female. "Who are you where am I!" He demanded as he turned his head in the direction he thought the voice was.

"Oh I bet you would love to know." The voice laughed from the opposite direction. "What you men subject yourselves to for money." She chastised playfully.

Zak growled and froze in surprise; he didn't know he could growl.

"Bad dog." The woman yelled and smacked Zak's nose with whatever she had hit him with before.

"Listen If I'm a dog that makes you a Bitch; now tell me what the hell is going on!" Zak roared as he pulled at his restraints.

"I'm only making you keep your side of the bargain."

"What Bargain!"

"The one you are keeping."

Zak growled again this woman's games were wasting his time.

"If you don't like your situation you have nothing but yourself to blame." The voice sighed.

"Who are you?" Zak asked desperately hoping for one straight answer. With that his eyes finally began to refocus allowing his surroundings to come into view. He turned to look at his assailant and gasped. In front of him was a tall woman wearing a nice gray suit, high heels, and had her hair tied back in a ponytail.

"You!" Zak coughed in disbelief.

"Me." Said the girl who only moments before Zak had been unwillingly raping. "How's it going love?"