Adolphus' tails 02: Escape and capture

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#5 of Adolphus' tails

Hello again and yes, I am quite aware just how long this has taken me to write. After some time, I decided I had to rewrite what I had already written and surprisingly, it took me three or four months to write the bad copy on my notebook, but only a week to write the good version by paw. Any and all comments can be directed towards [email protected] and always remember that nothing compares to the sound of pencil on paper.

You can take the soldier from the fight, but you can't take the fight from the soldier. - Avanti Halfhorse

Adolphus lay upon the ground and stared up at the sky as he felt his mind spinning wildly through his post-orgasmic haze. Felicity was still atop him, his knot still trying the two of them together, so in order to make herself more comfortable, she sat herself down upon Adolphus' crotch.

"One must always enjoy the feeling of a nice, firm knot," Felicity sighed as she gave her sexual passage a squeeze, forcing Adolphus to wince at the tender pain.

"I must disagree," Kitty grumbled as she turned her head away from the sexual sight in front of her. "I always hated the feeling of the tie."

"You and I have different ideas of pleasure," Felicity noted.

"I don't care, I feel like I need a bath now."

Felicity put her paws on Adolphus' chest and lift her hips up. With the knot still tied within her, she pulled Adolphus' cock at the base.

"Don't you go falling asleep now, bitch," Felicity threatened. "Your job is not complete until your mistress has gone to sleep."

Adolphus gave Felicity an angry stare as he let out a growl.

"So it sounds like your voice is returning," Felicity noted with a smile, "that is good. By the time your knot has deflated, you'll be able to clean your mistress up, doesn't that sound nice, bitch?"

"With all due respects, commander, we do have many more jobs to complete before the day is out and the King may not appreciate the direction of resources towards your own slave hunt."

"Cease your worries Kitty," Felicity ordered. "Gareth has been unable to find any more information on enemy plans as it is. Without more detailed understandings, we have no choice but to wait and see how their plans progress."

"Why not strike now whilst they are unaware of our presence?"

"We have infiltrated their camp, their communications and their intelligence. Even if we struck now, we would put the lives of all our informants at risk, force the enemy commander deeper into hiding and destroy a lot of hard work. For now, we wait."

Felicity gave herself another pull against Adolphus' know and with the wet plop, it came free.

"That feels good," Felicity moaned as her head dropped forward.

"Can I go please, Commander?" Kitty asked, her voice sounding as if she were about to be sick.

"Go," Felicity said with the wave of her paw. "He is bound, I can take care of him."

Adolphus was amazed at the amount of mixed fluids that was spilling out of the mare's cunt, now that she had removed his flesh plug. She stood above him for a few minutes whilst she let more and more of the fluids dribble forth and coat his crotch.

"It certainly is a lot, isn't it, Bitch?" Felicity asked as she gave her pelvic muscles a flex, forcing another glob of fluids to fall out. "Normally I would force you to drink all of your mess, but I think it fair that you learn to 'appreciate' the flavor first, before I drown you."

Sure that the majority of their cum had been expelled from her body, Felicity knelt over Adolphus' chest and grabbed the back of his head, forcing his bound muzzle close to her wet, vaginal opening.

"You can still use that tongue of yours, Bitch," Felicity ordered harshly, "so start licking my marehood before I drown you in my nectar."

It appeared as though she had thought of everything and Adolphus found he could open his muzzle enough to let his tongue slide out between his teeth. He realized that if he didn't make with the licking, she was going to drown him. Despite the fact she had forced a lot of cum from inside her body, strands of sexual lubricants still clung to her vaginal lips.

"I said lick, Bitch."

Adolphus knew he had no choice. With his tongue extended, he ran it along the slit presented before him. It sounded, by the way Felicity moaned, he was on the right track. A strong taste of hay coated his tongue, mixed with the slightest tastes of raw meat. He couldn't say the flavor was to his likings, but when it appeared he didn't have a choice, he could imagine how it could be worse.

He continued to lick, collecting the sticky fluid on his tongue and hoping he would soon be finished. The strong smell of aroused mare flooded his nose and hay drenched his pallet, the two sensations were rather intoxicating and he had to continuously remind himself where he was. It was also sounded that Felicity was enjoying the attentions of his tongue as she started to gasp and pant. When the fur around her crotch was damp with his saliva, but clean of cum, Felicity looked down.

"I would be satisfied with your work," Felicity taunted, "were it not for the fact you aren't quite done."

Using the index and middle fingers, Felicity parted the outer lips of her labia to show her new bitch the sticky pink flesh of more work.

"Keep licking bitch," Felicity threatened, "you aren't finishing until I am done."

As he stared between her fingers, he saw her vaginal muscles flex and more cum spilled forth. If she was insatiable, Adolphus felt his tasks would be unending, but with the threat of such punishments as she had demonstrated before looming above, he had few choices, but to sate her lust. His tongue was sore, as was his jaw, but she was pushing his muzzle closer.

She was unsure as to why he was holding back, especially considering his rough canine tongue was certainly bringing her closer and closer to her climax. She had always enjoyed it when Celdepah had gone down after pumping her full of his infertile stallion seed, it was almost as if he enjoyed it more than mounting, but the fear and anger in the eyes of her new pet made it all the more worthwhile, if only he wasn't so restrained.

"Lick, bitch!" Felicity yelled as she forced his nose and muzzle right up against her opening. "Finish or I will let Razher have his way with your rump!"

The fear of a straight male had at the mention of the idea of being sexually violated by a stallion always brought forth their best and now, her bitch was licking with great vigor. Felicity let her eyes close a bit as she felt her body start to spasm and stiffen in anticipation of climax and she knew it would be worthwhile. With the top of each lick, she could feel his wet canine nose pressing against her swollen sensitive clitoris. By Faredae, she would enjoy this. He kept licking furiously as she arched her back in anticipation, he was obviously oblivious to her state.

"Deeper bitch," Felicity ordered in hurried pants, "get your muzzle deep within me."

He obliged and as she felt his muzzle open up her passage, she reached her orgasmic peak. With a neigh louder than the one before, her vaginal walls grabbed desperately at the muzzle that penetrated her. She could feel his tongue within her licking in desperation and fear, it was obvious he wasn't aware of just happening, but he would learn this in time.

As she slowly sailed down from her second climax of the afternoon, she looked down at her wolf toy panting in a desperate attempt to catch his breath, his muzzle coated in the liquids of climax.

"You show talent bitch," Felicity panted, her own breath away from her, "but you have much to learn before I consider you worthy of my chambers."

He growled at her, which she stopped by gently dropping the toe of her hoop onto his erect cock.

"Manners will definitely come first though."

With her sexual needs satisfied, Felicity stood up and walked over to where she had stashed her equipment, now no longer interested in seduction or suggestion.

"Don't think escape is an option," Felicity warned as she dug around in her clothes. "I need to wash."

With a washcloth and a bar of soap in her paws, Felicity walked over to the small pool and slipped into the cooling waters, which was a relief from the heat of the day and the oppressive humidity trapped by the canopy above. She began to use the soap to clean the sweat and cum from her body. Whilst she enjoyed the feeling of being sexually satisfied, she had to remain presentable. She enjoyed the feeling of being clean though, it made her feel comfortable, relaxed and calm. Now, in the afternoon heat, she started to feel, tired...


Felicity woke with a start and saw Razher standing in front of her.

"He's gone," Razher said as he held his bow close to his side, arrow at the ready.

"Damn bitch," Felicity groaned as she rubbed her eyes. "How long was I asleep?"

"Kitty said you sent her away about an hour ago."

"Do we have any idea which way he went?"

"He still reeks of you, Commander, Kitty and Gareth are hunting him now."

Adolphus ran as fast as his legs, though wounded, would carry him. He had managed to find most of his gear, as well as his sword, but his trousers had been cut from his body and he couldn't locate his cloak or shirt. He felt rather fooling running through the forest naked, but the hot weather was a welcome. At least now, he knew nothing was going to lure him away from his course. All he knew was that he had to keep moving, he had to get clear of the forest. He soon came across a stream that he hoped would lead him away from where-ever he was. He started to run downstream, running through the water to try and cool down hopefully washing some of his strong scent away. The smell of that damn mare still hung around him and he knew the odor of her sex would be a strong trail for the wolf bitch to follow. He didn't know why she hung around with horses, but her tracking skills would be advantageous at tracking him. After running for close to an hour, he soon came to the edge of the forest, so he could now get away. The landscape around him would be an advantage now. As the only landmarks were the stream and the forest that lay behind him, he decided to keep to the stream and see where that would lead him.

Walking by the stream for another two hours soon lead him through farmland, so perhaps he would soon come across some form of civilization from where he could buy some clothes and food. The growl from his stomach was getting louder and louder. Around a short bend in the creek, he came across a small area that looked like a local watering station where someone from a local farm came to collect water. If someone came to collect water from here, then perhaps they lived nearby. A break was a break, so he wasn't going to question his luck.

The house itself was a small farmhouse and it looked as though no more than two people lived there. As he snuck around, he could smell that no-one had been there for at least a few hours, so Adolphus decided to help himself to the food and clothes inside. He slowly opened the door and walked in. The house was a little bit larger than some stables he had seen. It was only a one room house with a stone fireplace and a horse stall that opened into the room. Whilst many scents were faint, he could smell the scent of horses hanging on the air. One scent he did recognize was the smell of a rutting stallion, so he knew a pair of horses lived here. Whilst that meant he wouldn't find any meat, at least he knew he would come across some clothes that were about his size and might fit. He moved quickly through the house to see if he could get some clothes or find some food he could eat.

After searching for five or so minutes, Adolphus had only managed to find a small loaf of bread, three apples and some cheese. He ate these quickly as he continued his search for clothes that were not winter garments. He was fortunate that he could at least find a shirt he could wear because the idea of wearing a dress certainly wasn't something he liked. The idea of nudity might not have been frowned upon, but the idea that a mercenary of war would walk around in a dress would be something he would never live down. As he put the shirt on, he heard the sound of horse hooves clip-clopping along a dirt path. He quickly drew his sword and peaked through a crack in the door, afraid that the damn mare Felicity had tracked him down. As he looked, he saw a grey anthro mare, dressed in a dress similar to the ones he had found in the search of the house. She was also carrying a basket that looked as though it contained more food. Perhaps his luck was starting to change for the better. He put his sword aside and hid behind the door. The grey mare opened the door and walked in. Immediately Adolphus pounced, knocking her to the floor and covering her muzzle with his paw. She struggled and tried to call out, but Adolphus was stronger.

"Silence," Adolphus ordered in a loud whisper. "I am not going to hurt you."

The mare looked at him, somewhat scared, but she stopped struggling.

"Now don't scream or else I will hurt you, okay?"

The mare nodded nervously. Adolphus cautiously removed his paw a few centimeters from her mouth.

"I am not here to hurt you," Adolphus growled, his paw still close to her mouth, in case she screamed. "I am trying to escape from a group of mercenaries. I just need food and some clothes and I will be gone. I will reimburse you for what I take, I just do not need any more trouble, is that clear?"

"Yes sir," the mare replied in nervous tones.

"Good, now where can I get some pants?"

"My husband is taur, we don't have any."

Adolphus gave an annoyed growl as he got off the mare and sat with his back leaning against one of the walls.

"I do apologize," the mare said fearfully as she sat up.

"It's fine," Adolphus sighed. "Can't always get lucky. What food do you have in your basket?"

"Some bread, fruit and vegetables for dinner."

Adolphus got up and looked in the basket, finding some potatoes, carrots, pears and a loaf of bread.

"My husband normally brings milk, hay and more vegetables," the mare tried to explain.

"It's okay," Adolphus sighed as he began to eat a pear and some bread.

As Adolphus ate, he noticed the mare would consistently look at him whenever he was looking somewhere else and the moment he caught her looking at him, she would immediately look away from him.

"Is there something wrong?" Adolphus asked as he finished his second pear.

"I am sorry to interrupt your meal," the mare said as she hung her head. "My problem isn't your worry."

"I am grateful for the shirt and food," Adolphus replied. "Despite my actions before, I am not interested in hurting you. I would be willing to return a favour."

"You carry a large sword," the mare noted as she directed her gaze towards Adolphus' sword, "so why should I believe your intentions are noble?"

"I carry a large sword for when I come to deal with others with large swords. It is easier for me to deal with those who don't carry swords in a civilized fashion. Of course, sometimes I have to get aggressive when my intentions are somewhat urgent."

"I see," the mare said as she looked away. "I am a simple farmer's wife, the ways of warriors and soldiers don't concern me, but," her voice became more nervous, "the needs of a mother for a foal do concern me."

Adolphus stopped eating, it certainly was an interesting request.

"You have a husband, does he not agree?"

"He does and we try when my seasons allow, but we suspect he may not be able to give me the foal I desire. You are a strong warrior, someone who would give me a strong foal, so can I you to give me your services? I am on season, now would be the best time. I understand this is an odd request, but please."

He had been beaten, injured, tied up, forced to mate against his will and now, he was being proposed. Today, was in no way, an ordinary day.

"I must thank you for your hospitality," Adolphus replied, "so if you wish to undertake such things, I see no problem."

The mare smiled as she stood up.

"Would you care to join me then?" the mare asked as she gestured towards the bed.

Adolphus got up and walked over to her.

"Please lay down, I promise I will make it enjoyable."

He lay down on the bed as the mare knelt down on the bed, lifting up her dress a bit before walking up until her dress covered Adolphus' crotch.

"Have you had the pleasures of a mare before?" she asked as she sat her rump on Adolphus' crotch.

"Yes," Adolphus replied, the memories of being sexually forced to mate flooding back to his mind, "though I am not sure pleasure would be the word."

The mare started to rub her rump cheeks against Adolphus' cock as she put her paws on his firm chest, tracing a finger over a streak of white fur, marking an old war wound.

"Such a strong body you have."

"War does that to a wolf."

"I hope I have a son who is just as strong as you."

Adolphus put his paws on the mare's dress and started to draw up the fabric so he could see the mare's seasonal sex.

"You feel as if you have quite the body yourself," Adolphus complemented.

The mare giggled as Adolphus ran his paws up her legs, until he felt something strapped to her leg.

"What's that?" Adolphus asked as he went to get a better look, only to find the mare had already drawn a dagger and was now holding it to his throat.

"It's a trap," the mare answered, her voice now sounding more stallion-like.

Almost as if it were on cue, Razher and Kitty burst through the door, their bows drawn in anticipation of trouble.

"Tie him!" the false mare ordered as he pushed the edge of the blade firmly intl Adolphus' neck.

Razher withdrew his bow and dropped both the bow and arrow before trying Adolphus' legs together.

"Nice work Gareth," Kitty said as she walked closer to the bed, pointing the head of her drawn arrow right at Adolphus' head.

"Thank me later," the false mare replied. "As soon as the commander has him locked away at Madame Fiona's, you can pat me on the back."

Razher tied a rope to one of Adolphus' wrists quite tightly before pulling his other wrist so the two were held tightly over Adolphus' chest, before starting to tie his arms together.

"Is he secure?" Kitty asked as she started Adolphus right in the eyes.

"Yes," Razher said as he added a few extra loops around Adolphus' wrists before tying them in place. "Gareth, dismount. Kitty, go signal the commander."

Kitty broke her angry stare, withdrew her bow and walked outside as the false mare, Gareth, removed his dagger from Adolphus' throat and got off the bed.

"She's coming!" Kitty called out from outside.

Razher grabbed Adolphus by the shoulder and pulled him from the bed and onto the floor. Adolphus let out a grunt and yelp as he landed on his belly, his swelling sheath slamming against the packed dirt floor. Gareth stood next to Adolphus with one of his hooves on Adolphus' back.

"No wonder you're unsuccessful at having foals," Adolphus growled.

"He does try though," Razher chuckled.

Felicity walked through the door, dressed in a green uniform, with Kitty a step or two behind her. Adolphus gave a loud growl as he bore his teeth at her.

"Nice work Gareth," Felicity said as she walked over to Adolphus.

"Let's get him locked up Madame Fiona's first, Ma'am," Gareth replied. "As long as he's out of a containment cell, there's the risk he could still escape."

"Good point," Felicity said with a nod. "Now please return the dress to its rightful owner and get back into your forest uniform."

"But Ma'am," Gareth whined.

"Kitty wears it, Tharmina wears it, you will wear it."

"Yes Ma'am," Gareth pouted as he removed his hoof from Adolphus' back and walked outside.

"He certainly is an interesting provisional," Razher noted.

"We need someone like him though," Felicity noted. "His acting and disguise skills are a great asset."

"He's a horny, cross-dressing bard," Kitty scoffed.

"You truly are frigid," Razher sighed as he shook his head.

"Shut your mouth you pervert!" Kitty yelled at Razher.

"Is that a threat against me Lieutenant?"

"The both of you can stand down now," Felicity ordered. "Razher, go organize the mounts."

"Yes Commander," Razher said as he walked out the door.

"I am glad that I don't have to keep the three of you together on a daily basis," Felicity sighed as she gave her temples a rub.

"I do prefer to work alone," Kitty replied. "Razher and Gareth are far too sexual for my likings."

"To be honest Kitty, I am too sexual for your likings."

"Yes Ma'am, but I feel less threatened by you and your desires."

"I am glad to hear that Kitty, I would hate for my favourite shadow hunter to be un-trustworthy."

"Commander, just because I do not like Razher and Gareth does not mean it will affect my professional integrity."

"That is reassuring, because your skills are irreplaceable."

"This job is a lot better than the alternative, Commander."

Felicity pulled a collar from a pouch on her belt.

"Help me prepare Bitch for his trip to Madame Fiona's," Felicity said as she secured the collar around Adolphus' neck firmly.

"Your turn."

"Is it cock?"

"What? NO. Nineteen. Why'd you ask what it was when you hadn't even asked anything about it?"

"Might get lucky. Is it visible?"

"Here, no, but you can see it."

"I thought you could only answer yes or no."

"Kitty, we're playing here. Eighteen."

"Is it made of wood?"

"Umm, parts of it are, technically. Seventeen."

"Is it alive?"

"No, but it contains living things."

"A house?"

"No. Fifteen."

"Is it a building?"

"Technically, yes, but not built by us. Fourteen."

"Wait, not built by us?"

"You ever seen a bird's nest?"

"Is it a bird's nest?"

"Why do you think I'd give the answer as an example?"

The game of 20 questions between Gareth and Razher was starting to get on Adolphus' nerves, atop the hobbles that bound his legs together, forcing him into short, quick steps. He wouldn't mind so much, except with his wrists bound together by a set of cross-bound bracers, he couldn't use his arms to balance himself, so stumbling was common, often making the arrow wound on his thigh sting. Felicity made him walk by the side of her horse, keeping the leash that bound to his collar loose, so that when he stumbled or tripped, he would fall to the ground. He also had been forced to wear the muzzle again, which meant he couldn't open his mouth. All-in-all, he wasn't enjoying the trip. Kitty, Gareth and Razher also rode upon horses, Gareth and Razher in front and Kitty bringing up the rear. He could almost feel Kitty's eyes burning into his back. Escape, if possible, wouldn't come without a fair dose of pain for him. As he continued his walk, he started to wonder just what Felicity and Razher had talked about before they began their journey towards Balazar, because Razher looked rather happy with whatever Felicity had suggested.

"You're not doing that well, are you?" Razher asked as he chuckled.



"Is it an animal or an insect?"

"Yes. Nine."

"Gah, damnit."

"Didn't help?"


"Is it an animal?"

"No. Eight."

"Okay, spiderweb?"

"No, but you're finally moving down the right track. Seven."

"Wasp's nest?"

"Closer, but no."


"No, colder."

"Wood bore hole?"

"No, colder."

"Beehive," Felicity said calmly, as if she weren't even paying attention to their game.

"Not bad commander," Razher said as Gareth gave a groan.

"I can't believe I missed that."

"Razher and I have been playing this game for a while," Felicity chuckled.

"Do you want the next go Commander?"

"No Razher, be fair, it is you and Gareth playing."

"Alright Gareth, pick something."

In his travels, Adolphus had heard many a thing about the city of Balazar. At the end of the Great Polar war, slavery was introduced to control the followers of Thorn. Whilst many cities grew from the profits of slave labor, it was Balazar that grew from the profits of a new slavery. The kingdom of the Caspers wasn't large enough to support a large population, but it had a very useful resource that it could exploit. It sat upon a very fertile crossroad for traders, sitting close to the Golderhai pass, the only way the caravans could cross the Almass range for 1000 kilometers each way. The kingdom of the Caspers controlled the Golderhai pass. With the funding from trade, the Casper family expanded the city, investing thousands into the building of a pleasure district. Soon, sexual slavery was the greatest profit of the kingdom. With wealth came fortune, power and reputation. You could buy a slave from any city, but if it didn't come from Balazar, you shouldn't call them a sex slave. Rumors spoke that whatever your desire might be, the pleasure district of Balazar could sate your sexual hunger, for the right price. Wanted a slave of fine quality and of whatever species you desire? The slave markets could sell you anything. Balazar was filled with wealth, sexual pleasures and more slaves than any other city in the world. Its power and reputation soon brought with it a draconic council representative, the first city and kingdom to have a representative of their own. Balazar, in a mere 500 years, had become a place of real power.

By the time the five of them had made the edge of Balazar, the sun was starting set over the Eastern horizon. (A.H: the rotation of Abecdarian is opposite to that of Earth.)

"We'll head back to the compound and keep him there for the night," Felicity said as they started to move through the crowd. "It's far to late to move him to one of Fiona's holding cells this evening and I need to hurry back home before I am missed any more than what I already am."

"Another formal meeting?" Kitty enquired.

"My father had arranged for me to meet yet another suitor," Felicity complained. "He says with my 25th birthday approaching, I need to be married before my beauty fades."

"I see no reason why you must marry."

"The country has always been ruled by a king," Gareth interrupted, "or at least a male if you use King Gerenie's true title."

"Stallion Queen Gerenie the Beautiful," Felicity chuckled. "Besides, my father has declared Zenith unsuitable to reign, he wants me married so he may bless my husband as the next in line for the throne."

"Which will make him High Commander of the military," Razher noted.

"And father is unwilling to repeal the Queen Commander laws, forcing my retirement upon the coronation of my husband. He would prefer Zenith as King to me as Queen alone."

"You have a plan though Commander?" Kitty asked hopefully.

"I am hoping to find a husband that is willing to pass on to me the reign upon my coronation, but my father's choice of suitors has been rather, well, more suited towards his likes as opposed to my own."