A Warm Fire in a Blizzard - Chapter III

Story by Kenneth Beltan on SoFurry

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#1 of A Warm Fire in a Blizzard

A Warm Fire in a Blizzard

© Kenneth Beltan


Ulysses carried the last of their finished dinner out to the living room. They'd moved the table there so they could look out the large bay windows into the night. The wind was starting to pick up, and snow had just begun to fall. The blizzard had arrived, and they wanted to watch. He set the main course and couscous on the table and turned to watch his father working the fire. He looked comfortable and right like that, squat before the grate and moving the logs about. He also looked rather sexy, Ulysses thought with a grin. He had no shirt on, only a pair of jeans. His tail was swishing lazily over his rump.

"Father, dinner's ready," Ulysses said quietly. Everything was so quite, he didn't want to raise his voice and break the mood.

"It smells wonderful. You're a good cook, my boy." His father gave him a warm smile, which Ulysses couldn't help returning.

Jeremiah got up and padded over to the table, and the two Ferals set down to eating. The lights had been turned out, and the room was lit only by the fireplace and some candles. It made for a very peaceful atmosphere, and both men felt greatly relaxed by it. The salmon had turned out better than Ulysses had hoped, and the wine choice also proved to be well selected.

After a few minutes, Jeremiah spoke up.

"What should we do while this storm rages?" he asked before lifting his wine glass to his mouth.

"I guess we could do some house work where needed. We brought books, movies, video games, a couple board games. We could also shut ourselves away and play with ourselves to pass the time." Ulysses grinned wide at his own cheekiness.

Jeremiah gave his usual warm laugh. "How about a torrid incestuous affair? A man of my age needs new stories, and our current setting is almost tailor-made for it."

"Oh, gods!" Ulysses almost chocked on his food from laughing. "That would be different at least!" He imitated himself as a hapless victim. "Oh, Daddy, no! I don't think we should!"

"Yes, son, come on a be a good boy for Daddy," his father answered, playing the part of the cheesy predator from a bad movie.

"Oh, no! Ooo, Daddy, yes, yes!"

The two couldn't take it anymore and started laughing hysterically (even though they both secretly liked the idea). When they finally began to calm down, their sides were soar and they were wiping tears from their eyes.

"Well, we'll certainly enjoy ourselves no matter what, I think," Jeremiah said. "It doesn't take much to make us laugh at least."

Ulysses nodded in agreement. "If only I could laugh about more things in life. Maybe my job wouldn't take so much out of me."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you for years." Jeremiah took another another sip of his wine. "But do you listen to me? Nooooo!"

"Quiet, old man!" Ulysses barked, still grinning.

"Make me." Jeremiah scratched his nose with his middle finger.

"How rude."

Jeremiah chuckled to himself. "I'm in the mood for a movie tonight. I vote The Shining."

"The Shining? Why that one?" Ulysses wondered, taking another bite of his salmon.

"Because we're already going crazy."

"I thought were already that way before coming here."

His father shrugged. "Then it'll be good either way."

A rather fast gust a of wind struck the house, making it shake slightly as it howled outside. "I'm glad our country's been putting all its utilities underground," Ulysses said. "Otherwise our power'd go out for sure, and no one would be out to fix it for days."

"Yeah, and we wouldn't be able to watch our movie either," Jeremiah added nonchalantly.

They talked easily as the supped and watched conditions intensify outside. The wind was gradually strengthening, and the snow was getting heavier. In a few hours, they figured they wouldn't even be abel to see outside.

When they finished eating, Ulysses went back to the kitchen to clean up and get dessert while Jeremiah went back to tend the fire. There wasn't much to do, but he liked to sit in front of it. He was thinking as he idly stirred the coals and logs about. His thoughts were of a mostly erotic nature. Since the first time he'd pissed himself snowmobiling that day, his dick had refused to stay totally flaccid for long. He'd had many full hard-ons today, and even now was about half erect. He knew he probably shouldn't have indulged his watersports interests; they had served only to make him hornier.

His thoughts shifted back and forth from how he might seriously propose the idea of fooling around to his son and of how he could make sure to get enough time alone to paw off. He reasoned that waiting for his son to drift off to sleep and then sneaking off to the bathroom would be a safe bet. He could even sneak up into the attic and give himself a blow job. He'd be able to make some noise there. How to seduce his own son was more difficult.

He knew his son had been interested in his body as a teenager, but then teenagers were by nature very curious, horny creatures. Jeremiah had been interested in his father's body as a teenager -- then again, his interest had never ceased. Perhaps it was the same with Ulysses. If he was still interested, however, he hid it completely. At least Ulysses preferred men.

Then there was the way that sex would inevitably change the nature of their relationship. He hoped that it would just make them closer, that it would be a sort of delightful side-benefit. As their relationship was now, they were very much bosom buddies and had been since Ulysses had become an adult. He could almost see it as friends-with-benefits kind of arrangement. They weren't just friends, though. They were still father and son. Jeremiah honestly couldn't see, though, why that had to exclude a mutually enjoyable sexual relationship. It certainly would be nice to have Ulysses as a sex partner. He was a very attractive man, and something about him being his son just added to the eroticism of it all. He sincerely hoped his son shared his views about the whole thing.

Jeremiah reached down and rubbed himself between his legs. He could feel where his thick tube was resting in his pants, and he got harder from his stimulation. He sighed and soon stopped touching himself. Ulysses could return at any moment, and Jeremiah wasn't yet ready for his son to see him with a tent. Then again, talk about an unequivocal demonstration of intentions.

He heard his son padding back into the room, his foot pads almost silent on the hard wood floor. He looked over his shoulder as his son carefully put a loaded tray down on the table. He walked past his father over to the side portion of the cornered sofa and picked up the coffee table they'd laid there the other night when they made room for their sleeping bags. He put the table down carefully and walked back to the table to retrieve the tray.

"What's for dessert?" Jeremiah asked.

"Spiced tea with baklava and halva."

"Ooo!" Jeremiah turned as his son put the tray down, a slight bulge still in his pants. "I can't wait to dig into this."

"Let's get the movie going, shall we?"

Ulysses walked over to cupboard a few feet from the fireplace and opened the doors. Inside were the audiovisual components of the entertainment system: a Mac Mini which had recently replaced many components, the receiver, and the turntable. He hit the power button on the computer and receiver, then flipped a switch that lowered a large screen from the ceiling. He flipped another switch which turned on a projector mounted on the ceiling behind the screen. He walked over to his bag, took out his stack of DVDs, and carried them back over to the AV cupboard. He stuffed them on an empty shelf and quickly picked out the film they wanted. By now the computer had booted, and the desktop was soon coming into focus on the screen as the projector warmed up. He put the disk into the front of the small box of a computer and padded over to the sofa.

Jeremiah already had the wireless mouse out and was hitting the play button. A cup of tea and a piece of each confection was on a plate by his cup.

"Ready, sprout?"

Ulysses plopped down in the corner section of the sofa a few feet from where his father way. He pulled the coffee table a little closer to him, poured some tea from the pot into his cup, and took a piece of baklava. "Ready."

They settled in, and Jeremiah hit play.


The two men were now halfway through their second movie. The storm outside was stronger, the wind howling and pounding the house. They had both been engrossed in the first, but on the second round, Jeremiah's attention kept straying from the screen to his son. He kept looking at Ulysses' crotch because his pants were bunched up around it enough that he could easily make out the outline of his cock. It was pointing again at Jeremiah, laying across Ulysses' leg. It was making Jeremiah's own penis hard. In fact, his erection was at full, but it was thankfully pointed away from his son, and Jeremiah also had his left leg up on the sofa completely blocking any view of his crotch from Ulysses' vantage point. The elder Feral was gently rubbing himself again, and this time he figured there was no harm in letting him release at least a little steam this way. Ulysses was totally focused on the film, and Jeremiah was alert enough in case his son should turn his head.

Jeremiah's imagination had been running freely. He had imagined watching Ulysses grow hard in his pants; he imagined him with his penis sticking out through his jeans; he imagined him stroking or sucking himself; he even imagine his son standing before him, plowing his face with his hard cock. No doubt about it, he was lusting after his son in a big way now and trying hard to figure out a way to realize his desires. He had to get his mind of it or he'd never cool down. Once again, he reluctantly took his paw from his cock and started watching the movie. At least it wasn't necessary to pay too much attention to most martial arts films, he thought wryly.

They continued on in silence, only moving occasionally to grab more baklava or halva. On one such occasion, Ulysses was settle back into his seat and happened to glance over at his father. He was slightly slouched in his seat, whereas he'd had his feet up on the sofa earlier. He was watching the movie intently, but then Ulysses noticed he was idly pawing himself between the legs. It was obvious he didn't really realize he was doing it, but it immediately stirred a feeling of arousal in Ulysses. He could just make out the position of his father's cock, and he could tell by its size that he was partially erect. He looked away in case his father should notice he was staring. He shifted his position casually; his father didn't notice. Now Ulysses could more easily cut his eyes to his father's crotch.

For the next several minutes, Ulysses' gaze traveled back and forth. His cock was partly hard again, but he was fighting to keep it from growing too much. His father seemed to still be about half erect, but he had since stopped pawing himself. Ulysses could help think of that day when he watched his father's penis growing. If only he could have watched the whole show, he thought. Once again he wondered what his chances of getting to fool around with his old man in the future were. He couldn't help it and gave himself a good rub before turning back to the film.

Ulysses was surprised. He had never seen his father doing anything like that before. Of course, it could have just been a freak occurrence. Then again, that was two in one day, he realized. First, he'd got to wear his father's wet clothes and pee in them himself, and then he got to watch his father pat himself. All of this in one day. He was on a lucky streak! He hoped it would continue.

The thought of it was not helping his cock, however. In spite of his earlier release, he found himself getting turned on. He looked down at himself to see if he was obvious and was greeted with a slight bulge, nothing yet too offensive. He cut his eyes again at his father and saw he was again pawing at himself, this time it seemed with some deliberate intention. Ulysses felt a bit warm suddenly and breathed out silently. He slowly drew in a large breath to help calm himself down, but it only served to make him hotter. Realization suddenly hit him like a wall. It was subtle still, but he could clearly detect the scent of arousal in the air -- and it wasn't only his own. He recognized it from the whiff he'd gotten from his father's sleeping bag that morning.

He panicked at what to do. His own father's pheromones were turning him on, and he was sure he was probably sending some his father's way by now. He closed his eyes and set to clearing his mind. He held his cup of tea just under his nose so its own perfume would overpower his father's arousal in the immediate vicinity of his nose. He breathed calmly and was slowly able to bring himself under control. He felt his penis deflating, and he was cooling off. He was thankful he'd taken up yoga so many years ago and kept at it.

Jeremiah was trying to fight the warmth coursing through his body. He was watching the screen, but his mind was blank as he could make it. For a short time, his own arousal had been enough to get his own son going, but he seemed to have since fought it off. He hoped against hope that his son hadn't noticed it was his father's scent on the air. There was a chance, as he didn't believe Ulysses had ever smelled him aroused before. Those weren't the kind of scents people who weren't sexual with you typically knew. Then again, his son was sharp as a surgical knife. It wouldn't be too hard to put two and two together.

Oh, but his son smelled so alluring. He had a kind of fine pine and leather in his musk. Jeremiah found it especially intoxicating when interlaced the warm scent of arousal and wondered what his son smelled like fully aroused. How he would love to just put his nose in Ulysses' fur and inhale him as deeply as possible while in the throws of sex.

Stop it, damn it! He scolded himself. I gotta get some air. He drank the rest of his tea down and got up off the sofa.

"Don't pause it, I'm just going for can of lychee juice," he said so normally and causally he amazed himself. He padded quickly out of his son's view and into the kitchen.

Ulysses actually bought it for a moment, but after a bit he realized that the scent of his father's arousal had noticeably dimmed. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. It really was his father that he was smelling; this just confirmed it more concretely. He also had a suspicion that his father actually needed to leave the room to cool off. For the first time, Ulysses seriously wondered if his sexual attraction to his father was reciprocal.

Jeremiah padded up to the fridge and dug out his juice. He was breathing a bit heavily as he tried to calm down. He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a tin of garlic crackers. He opened the lid and immediately popped a cracker into his mouth.

He must have realized, he thought to himself. What was wrong with him all of a sudden? All these years he'd managed to keep control of himself, only faltering slightly several times but never seriously. This was far beyond any slip he'd made. It wasn't even a faltering; it was a spectacular fall. Don't panic, he told himself. The world wasn't coming to an end, and they were both stronger than this. They'd deal with it.

He just hoped his son hadn't realized that his own father was lusting after him.

His dick was surprisingly flaccid and in relatively short order. Jeremiah gathered up his snacks and padded casually back out to the sofa. His son only gave a momentary glance up at him that said nothing before settling back on the fight scene. Jeremiah sat down, put the tin of crackers between them, and opened his juice. He took a slow drink and and felt better as the cool, tropical juice washed down his esophagus. Ulysses didn't seem to be rattled in the slightest, and he felt a sense of affectionate jealousy. Things suddenly didn't seem to serious, and it was doing wonders for his nerves.

For his part, Ulysses had decided not to worry about any of it and decided to just let things happen as they would. It wouldn't do to push this if it wasn't meant to happen, and he could be perfectly content with his fantasies. He still held onto the hope that he'd get to see more than his father rubbing himself.

The movie soon concluded, and the two Ferals stood up to stretch. It was about ten-thirty, so the night was still young. Yet the two felt tired though neither of them wanted to turn in quite yet. They shut down the projector and rolled up the view screen, but Jeremiah decided to play some soft music. They moved the coffee table again and set up their sleeping area.

Jeremiah was settling into his spot. He had decided to keep his pants on. He didn't trust himself at the moment naked or even just with his underwear on. He looked uneasily at his son as Ulysses took off his shirt but calmed when he saw that was all Ulysses intended to take off at the moment. He shifted to get comfortable before laying down and moved to adjust himself slightly in his pants. He cut his eyes reflexively as Ulysses plopped down next to him but was taken off guard when his eyes caught Ulysses'. His son's eyes, in a the span of a second, cut from Jeremiah's crotch where his paw was still making adjustments to his own gaze; Ulysses gave him a secretive sort of smile in that instant and then looked off toward the fire as he lay back, his paws behind his head. His eyes were closed, and he looked completely relaxed. Jeremiah couldn't read anything else.

What did that smile mean? He didn't dare ask it out loud. Ulysses saw him ever so briefly adjusting himself, let him know it, and then smiled before laying back like it was nothing. His temporary sense of security was shattered, and the uncertain dread that his son suspected his attraction returned. He realized then that he was still staring at his son and quickly looked away. His penis was growing steadily in his pants, and he knew this was one erection he was not going to be able to stop. He lay down on his side, facing away from his son, and tried to act normally.

Ulysses was grinning as wide as the Cheshire Cat. He knew he'd knocked his father off kilter, and he was wondering what would come of it. He knew his father might just act as though none of it had happened. In fact, that seemed to be exactly the choice he was exercising now. It actually amused Ulysses, but the thought that he could decide to change his mind was exciting him greatly. Like his father, he was slowly getting hard. He reached down and adjusted himself so he dick pointed over his hip.

Ulysses looked up to the large bay windows at the far left of the room and watched the storm. The frame around the panes of glass were gathering a steady pile of snow. He could only see the dimmest white, but he could hear the storm raging. He then heard something he didn't expect, a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. It was a small clap, the the flash was obviously distant, but he witnessed it all just the same. It wasn't so common for lightning and thunder to accompany a winter storm, so it was exciting to to see and hear it.

Another thing then caught his attention and surprised him. He once again could smell his father's arousal in the air. He shifted his gaze to his father's back but could only see a relaxing man. He imagined his father allowing his cock to harden completely while staying relaxed so not to give himself away. He figured it wasn't far from the truth if his father was giving off pheromones like he was. He must be really in need, Ulysses figured, if he couldn't suppress his arousal. You had to really get going to start releasing pheromones.

Ulysses started feeling himself warm up again and contemplated whether or not to fight it this time. His father's cinnamon musk was very pleasant by itself, but it had a warmer, spicier character when he was aroused. Ulysses inhaled it deeply while trying to do be quiet about it. As the scented air filled his lungs, he felt his senses come alive in a rush that made him shiver. He could feel his father's lust coursing through his body, invigorating every part of him with warmth and life. The multitude of sensations felt almost psychedelic. Even smoking catnip didn't match this, he thought drolly.

Jeremiah wanted to moan. He was sure his son could smell him a mile away. He could certainly smell Ulysses, and his scent was getting strong. In fact, the whole room was starting to reek with their arousal. He was still undecided as to what to do. He wanted to roll over and onto his son. He wished that his son would reach out and touch him in some way to let him know that he wanted it as badly as Jeremiah did. He could almost taste Ulysses' pheromones now. Heat and pleasure were rushing through his body like rapids in a river. He was even leaking pre from his cock, which was hard as a rock in his underwear and begging for attention.

Jeremiah had to do something, and the only thing he could think to do was to inhale the air as deeply as possible, and when he did, he knew hadn't been careful enough to make it totally silent. He felt his son's pheromone almost explode over his body. He was getting quite intoxicated now, and his resolve was crumbling. Surely Ulysses wanted it or he wouldn't be letting his arousal saturate the room so obviously. Jeremiah stopped fighting it and took another deep breath. He knew the more he took in, the more pheromones he would release into the air. Ulysses in turn would become more aroused and pass it back along to his father.

The cycle was working at full pace now, and neither cat had any intention at this point to stop it.

Ulysses was now breathing deeply as his father, and also like him, he wasn't masking it. He could even hear small moans from his father after each deep intake of pheromone-saturated air. His penis was as big and hard as it could get, and it was uncomfortable in his pants. He found his paws wondering down to his fly before he stopped them. He wanted his father to do it.

Lightning suddenly illuminated the world outside. Another clap of thunder, this one much louder than the first, boomed in the night shortly thereafter. Both cats heard it, and the suddenness of it sent adrenaline coursing through them, amplifying their highly aroused states.

Ulysses looked to the window as more lighting sporadically lit up the night, illuminating the thick, billowing shower of snow falling to the Earth. He was dazzled by it and momentarily frightened by it. His emotions were being batted around by all the crazy chemistry going on in his body, and he craved the feeling of a body around his.

"Hey, Dad, you should look out the window," he found himself saying before it registered meaning upon his brain.

Jeremiah knew that was outreach he had wanted from his son, and he was terrified to respond to it. He found himself turning onto his back all the same, unable stop himself from his intense arousal. His eyes fell on the window for a few moments, watching the light show and the snow blowing around madly. They soon lost interest, however, and fell to his son's. Jeremiah was on his back now, and the arousal in his pants was easily visible. The desire in their eyes was unmistakable, impossible to interpret any other way.



Jeremiah moved first. He slowly climbed over his son and startled his hips. He lowered himself onto his son, sliding his arms under his torso to embrace him. They moaned together as their chests came into contact with the others. Their cocks rubbed together as they held each other close. Jeremiah buried his nose into his son's fur and breathed deeply. The full impact of Ulysses' arousal slammed into Jeremiah so hard he cried out from it and a spray of pre wet the front of his underwear. Ulysses took that moment to take in his father's sent, puling his upper torso to his nose, and let out an equally overwhelmed cry of passion.

They two looked at each other in the eyes again. Ulysses had a brief moment of clearheaded thought and realized the heaviness of what they were about to do.

"You sure about this, Dad?" he asked breathlessly. "I'm game if you are."

Somewhere in Jeremiah's overwrought brain he understood his son's words. He felt a surge of immense relief wash over him along with a great love and respect for his son. He wasn't capable of words then, so he expressed it physically. He bent down and locked his lips to Ulysses', kissing him long and hard. Ulysses eagerly returned the kiss, pulling his father closer to him, and loosing himself in their lust.


They held the kiss long, their tongues dancing together, their hot, moist mouthes filled with the taste of their individual erotic scents. When they broke the kiss, they were both gasping for air. Jeremiah was momentarily unsure what to do, his mind not working right. He then looked down and saw a sight he'd dreamed off for years. His son was obviously well-endowed, and he was sporting an impressive tent. His paw shaking with anticipation, he reached down and placed his palm over the outline of the shaft. He could feel Ulysses tense under his paw and gave the member a firm gripping. He brought a second paw to his son's crotch and began to rub the phallus with both paws.

Ulysses moaned and tensed, his own paws exploring his father's back, rear and legs. He looked between his father's spread legs and could see him poking out the side of his jeans, too. With his right paw, he massaged the tip of Jeremiah's cock, rubbing over the head with his thumb.

Jeremiah had enough and decided it was time to get rid of the damn pants. He moved his paws to the front of Ulysses' pants and began to undo them, his son watching, riveted. In no time, he had the button open and was pulling the fly down. He gripped the pants and underwear and started yanking them off his son's body. Ulysses raised his rump off the floor to assist in the process and found himself naked in short order.

Ulysses looked at his father staring down at him like a hungry wolf spying a tasty meal beneath his muzzle. His father ran paws slowly up Ulysses thighs, inching closer and closer to their prize. He cried out again as his father finally wrapped a his fist around his shaft while the other cupped his pendulous testis.

Jeremiah could hardly believe he was now holding his son's cock in his paw. The dark brown shaft was hot against his paw and fingers, standing a foot in length, and hard as granite. Pre was dripping out of the tip, running down over the large head and under his grip. He started stroking Ulysses, testing his responses.

He felt a wave of hunger hit him, and he wanted more. Impulsively, Jeremiah lowered his head to the penis and virtually inhaled half the member into his maw. The sudden wet warmth that enveloped Ulysses' cock caused him to gasp and bring his paws instinctively to his father's head. His father started working his way further down Ulysses' shaft, inching ever closer to the base. He deep-throated his son and buried his nose in the pubic fur. He let up after a few seconds and lifted his lips to just under the head before going back down. He moaned low in his throat. The taste of his son's penis was as good as the rest of him, and the hot, slightly salty skin felt smooth and pleasing on his tongue, as did the now copious amounts of pre filling his mouth. He swallowed what his son has leaked so far and shuddered as his cock squirted another stream of pre in his pants.

Jeremiah nursed on Ulysses' cock for a several minutes, taking his cues from his son's cries. He could tell when Ulysses was getting close and would bring him near and then let off again. He repeated the process several times, frustrating his son, whose paws were more and more insistent in their guidance of his father's head and its motions on his cathood.

Ulysses was closer than he had been all night now, and he was sure his father would let him climax this time. His paws had since become occupied in the sleeping beneath him, squeezing and twisting it in his throes. Suddenly his father pulled off his cock and stood up. He didn't take kindly to the pleasure being so abruptly stopped and looked up at his father to see what he was up to. Jeremiah stood over him with that same hungry wolf look on his father. He looked rather intimidating and erotic standing there like that with his broad, powerful shoulders and his cock pushing out an impressive tent in his pants. Where the head of his cock pressed out, there was a large pre-stain.

"Take it easy, boy," Jeremiah said in a husky, erotic growl.

He proceeded to undo his pants and shucked them off his body, kicking them aside. His erection looked even more impressive in his underpants, and Ulysses' mouth was actually watering in anticipation of finally seeing his fantasy fulfilled. The wet spot from the pre was larger and looked almost like a rather different sort of wet spot. His father pulled his underwear off his hips and them fall to his feet. His cock sprang up and slapped his belly, and he ran his paw up and down his long, thick shaft for his son's delight. His cock stood out as long as his son's and had a wide two-inch girth. The skin was glistening as Jeremiah worked his pre over his penis. He finally knelt down in front of Ulysses' face and pushed his cock past his lips.

"Suck it, boy. Make your father proud and show him what you can do."

Jeremiah started thrusting slowly, and Ulysses took great pleasure in stepping up to his father's challenge. Jeremiah ran his fingers through his son's head fur, rubbing him between the ears and encouraging him. He was not disappointed in his son's abilities, as Ulysses quickly demonstrated that he could deep-throat as well as his father could. He allowed his lust to manifest itself in words and spurred Ulysses on, saying his name over and over.

The amount of pre flowing into Ulysses' mouth was impressive, and it was also thickening noticeably. Ulysses had the feeling his father was getting close to shooting very quickly and began to pull off. He was stopped before the penis was even halfway out of his mouth. His father had other ideas and held his head firmly as he plowed his mouth, grunting and moaning, determined to work himself to a fast, hard climax.

"Not so fast, boy. Daddy hasn't finished," Jeremiah growled.

Ulysses couldn't help loving it, loving his father talk that way, being dominated so effortlessly. He was accustomed to being on top with most of his partners, but he was getting an even bigger thrill from being told what to do.

His father was moaning louder now, his voice tightening, and Ulysses knew his father was about to blow. He then felt the first volley of cum spray the roof of his mouth, and his father halted his hips, holding Ulysses' held perfectly still as he growled and unloaded abundantly into his son's eager mouth. Blast after blast of thick, hot seamen shot into Ulysses' mouth and down his throat. After a lengthy orgasm, his father stopped ejaculating and released his son's head and withdrew his penis enough to let his son clean him off. He was still hard, to his son's surprise, and he still had a hungry look in his eyes.

"You holdin' in there all right, son?" Jeremiah asked his son.

"Are you?"

"You haven't seen anything yet." He grinned.

Jeremiah slid back quickly, his cock in his paw, and lined it up with Ulysses' rear.

"You think you can take me?" He pushed himself up against Ulysses' opening to emphasize his question. Ulysses nodded automatically, his hormones still overpowering his brain.

With no further ado, Jeremiah pushed his way into his son, groaning at the soft warmth firmly embracing his cock. When he was to the hilt, he began thrusting at a medium pace, trying out his son's rear and gauging his reaction. His son's intense cries of pleasure convinced him to increase his speed, as he could tell he'd found his son's prostate, and was soon doing a steady, quick pound, rocking his son's whole body. He was getting close again and knew he wouldn't last long.

Ulysses felt very filled by his father's very large member, feeling every inch of it slide in and out of him. He could feel his father's testicle slapping against his own, heavy as his own and as sensitive. He locked his legs around his father to draw him closer, his paws occupied still squeezing his sleeping bag.

Jeremiah then took his son's cock in his paw and began jacking him off in time to his thrust. Within seconds, he knew his son was going to cum from it all and bent over and once again took his son's cock into his mouth. He gave Ulysses a few good sucks before he began shooting off like a geyser. Jeremiah wasn't moving on the cock but was still stimulating the prostate. Ulysses was clamped hard on Jeremiah's cock as he made tiny thrusts, just enough to rub the organ deep in Ulysses' body and stimulate himself further. He could feel the spurts of cum race up the shaft under his fingers and the balls tensing in his paw. He kept his mouth around the end of Ulysses' penis, sucking it as it shot its offering, his head held in place by his son powerful paws.

Jeremiah himself had been very close, and taking a few blasts of his son's cum was enough to set him over the edge, too, and he began to fire into his son once more as he continued jerking his hips sporadically. It was all he could do not to bite down on his son's cock as he shot hard. Ulysses could feel his father's climax, the hot cum slapping his prostate along with his penis, and it made him cum harder.

Both men stopped cumming about the same time. Ulysses could feel his cock deflate a bit, but his father was having none of it. He pulled out of his son, lined his cock up with his son's, and began to masturbate them both at the same time. He had Ulysses hard again in no time, and his fast administrations were bringing him surprisingly fast to another orgasm. His father began to moan loudly again and was soon shooting all over over them. Ulysses groaned as his father's cum rained down on his member, hot and sticky. His third orgasm was shorter than the first two, but it was still copious. Jeremiah let his own cock go and began working just his son. Within a minute, he was cumming hard again, growling as his father stimulated high shoots from his penis. Soon he couldn't take anymore stimulation and stopped his father's stroke, just letting his penis finish its business. It was then over, and Ulysses let his arms fall to his sides. He was spent, and he hadn't even cum as many times as his father had.

Jeremiah allowed himself to fall to the sleeping bag next to his son and panted from his exertions. His mind was returning quickly to him, and the afterglow of their sex was sweeping away the carnal lust and replacing it with a warm satisfaction and peace.

Ulysses rolled over and lay his head on his father's shoulder, his arm laying on his father's chest. He gave him a quick hug and kisses his cheek. Sighing, he closed his eyes and enjoyed being close to his father. Jeremiah lazily put an arm around his son and drew him a bit closer. He looked down at his son and blew between his ears.

"Hey, champ, you all right?" he asked.

Ulysses looked up, and his face spoke of pure contentment. "I'm better than that, Dad. That was amazing. You wore me out."

Jeremiah chuckled. "I'm honored to hear it. I hope we'll have more patience and stamina in the future." He smiled, then quickly added sheepishly: "If you want to, that is."

"Oh, yeah, I want to. No question about it."

"I love you, Ulysses."

"I love you, too, Dad."

Jeremiah kissed his son between his ears and hugged him close.

They would have to get up and shower before they went to sleep or suffer dry cum in their fur in the morning. Neither felt like getting up just yet, though, and so they lay there, catching their breath and enjoying their post-coital trance.

The wind still howled wildly loudly outside, the mercury was now well bellow eighteen, lightning streaked from cloud to cloud, and thunder was still exploding over it all. Father and Son felt somehow apart from it all, enclosed in their own sphere of tranquility and pleasure.

Ulysses had fallen into a soft sleep, but his father was keeping watch over them. He gently pet his son's head as he stared at the fire. He felt no regrets, nor fear or doubt anymore. He was surprised how untroubled he felt but had no complaints about it. The serenity and warm affection he felt right now were impenetrable, and one couldn't ask for more complete peace than that.