New Years Day fun

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Here is the final chapter to my holiday story this will have some sex so be warned

Sanchez awoke in the morning, because of a call from the hospital. Mark has made a great recovery and can go home the doctor said on the other line. Sanchez was happy to hear Mark was coming home, he was still nervous because of the fight before the incident. Mark was just as nervous but couldn't contain himself he was all giddy and wanted to get out. Sanchez got dressed took a pop tart and drove to the hospital. He got to the hospital after about thirty minutes because of traffic. He parked his car once he made the turn in. He got to the clerk at the desk and said, "I am here to pick up Mark in room 34b".

She looked over the file and said, "Ah yes here we are he is the one in the room waiting impatiently" they shared a chuckle as he was given a visitors badge. He went through the double doors to the right and went straight to the room. He knocked lightly on the door and went in when he heard a familiar voice say, "Come in". Mark was sitting there trying to relax by watching tv, however when he turned his head he got off the bed and was so happy he jumped into Sanchez's arms. They shared a long passionate kiss, however the fact may be they said nothing to each other they both longed for the day they can kiss again. After what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes they stopped. The nurses that hit on Mark earlier were mouth a gape when they realized he was gay. He just chuckled when he noticed a few girls saddened, because Mark was a cute fox.

They walked out of the building and into the car, they drove off home which wasn't a far ride and since their way was clear with no traffic it was a fast trip. Mark and Sanchez were happy once again and forgot all about the previous fight they had. Mark was so happy, however he wanted to get his love to laugh so he put on Cowboy by Chipz. The songs lyrics sang "Cowboy Cowboy riding in a rodeo can I be the one for you, cowbow cowbow you're my little romeo let me be your cowgirl too." Sanchez stopped the car even though they were only a few blocks from home. He leaned over and kissed Mark they shared a long passionate kiss. They both noticed that their member was trying to peer out because their sheaths were being forced against the underwear. Sanchez broke the kiss after a little while and started rubbing up and down his fox.

Sanchez started pulling down Mark's pants but stopped when he got a little thump on the head. Mark smirked at him and said, "Not here silly wolf we will be seen." Sanchez just stopped and went back to driving home. They ariived home and noticed no one was there. Sanchez took the note off the table and read it. Sorry honey we are at Daves setting up for tonight be home in a few hours. Mark read it over his shoulder and murred as he felt Sanchez rubbing on his crotch. Mark said while moaning, "Pup.. moan... Lets take this...moan... to the room" They went upstairs and the door was shut so Sanchez started showing his dominance, he pushed Mark against the closed door and started rubbing hard and fast as he kissed him constantly. After a few they stopped opened the door and went to the bed. Sanchez was still going at it with his wolf dominance without thinking he pushed Mark on to the bed, however Mark liked to be submissive he was rather dominant for a fox. Mark turned the tables when Sanchez got on top of him. Mark just tickled his lover in his worst spot possible and was now the one on top.

Sanchez was mad and it showed but he calmy stated, "No hun today I get top". Sanchez just pushed off Marks chest carefully and found his way back on top. Mark's ears went back showing he was now submitting to his wolf. Sanchez gave him a wink and said, "That is a good fox" he gave a little pet on the head getting a devilish grin from Mark. Sanchez ripped off his clothes and pulled off Marks. Sanchez and Marks members were bothing out of their sheaths now and at full attention. Sanchez put some lube on and applied some to Mark's openeing. Sanchez said, "Get ready your going to get pricked".

Mark chuckled as he said, "Getting pricked by a prick isn't that just irony"? he got a glare but didn't see it. Sanchez wanted to get revenge the fun way, so he decided to go in with no warning or saying he forced it hard and hilted fully inside. He was happy when he heard a yelp from his lover. Mark turned his head to see his lover and said, "You are going to regret that" Sanchez shivered a little wondering what will happen.

Sanchez started thrusting lightly getting his lover used to his big size. They both moaned in unison and Sanchez kept going a little faster at each passing minute. The moans were now very constant and loud. Sanchez grabbed Mark's member and started stroking in unsison with his thrusts. Mark loved the sensation and moaned louder and harder. Sanchez was close and he knew it, his knot was formed already and he wanted so badly to tie. He was in a state of ecstasy. Mark said, "Tie..." Sanchez didn't need a second as soon as he heard those words he started thrusting faster and harder. There was a loud pop and an even louder moan. Sanchez thrusted a few more times and reached his climax. Mark felt more full then ever when Sanchez did his final thust and went in a few more inches. The warm slick fluids rushing in Mark made him go over as well. Sanchez just fell on top of Mark as they lay there exuasted.

The hours flew by since they fell asleep. The musk was heavy in the air, however it really didn't matter because only they were home. Mark awoke first and lightly shook Sanchez and said, "Come on hun we need to take a shower" Sanchez woke up and rubbed his eyes. They headed to the dresser took a few nice clothes for tonight and took their nice long warm shower. They just got dressed and were about to leave when Caren came in and came up to them. She stopped for a moment showed them her ripped skirt and then went to her bedroom to get a dress on.

Mark and Sanchez just went on their way to Dave's house few houses down. The barbeque was great and the fireworks display lasted till two am. They set off a few at a time in the air when it hit midnight. By now it was late and they didn't have the energy to go home. Mark said, " Care, Max, and Dave can we just sleep here since were all tired"? Dave just nodded as they went in. Mark and Sanchez slept on the couch, Caren slept in the guest room and Max and Dave slept in their own room they had shared. The pounding of the wall from Dave and Max could be heard loudly through the house.

Caren yelled out, "If you guys have sex can it be a little quieter when our children are present" Dave and Max blushed when they heard her. Mark and Sanchez couldn't help but laugh knowing she just didn't want to hear her ex having sex in the same house. Max and Dave continued their ritual of mating throughout the night.

Mark yelled, "Mom let the kids have their fun we don't mind" Sanchez chuckled knowing that wwas purposely done. The pounding from the room halted once more and Max sighed as he heard Mark say that. Mark replied, "Mom if you are all that worried maybe us grown ups can have some fun too Sanchez want to join our dads"? Sanchez glared at him as to say stop its enough.

Mark started laughing when Dave came out and said, "Kids can we please have our fun in peace yeesh" Mark saw Dave fully naked and blushed he has never seen another fox naked. Dave just chuckled as he said, "What Mark its not like you haven't seen a fox naked before. Mark was surprised at Dave when he decided to get closer. Dave said, "I thought you wanted to join us go on take it in your hands and suck me" Mark just turned away and shook his head no.

Sanchez came over to Dave and said, "Dude stop he is mine not yours he was just kidding earlier" Dave just laughed turned around and forced himself into Sanchez's maw. Mark was so jelous he grabbed at Dave and pushed him off. sanchez said, "Thanks love and Dave that wasn't nice you are a lot older then me that was disgusting".

Dave just chuckled and said, "Actually dude I am not much older just ten years about" Sanchez was shocked to hear his dad was with a younger fox. Dave looked at the both of them and kissed them on the cheek before returning to the room. The banging continued for a long while. Mark and Sanchez couldn't sleep they were pondering what Max saw in Dave other then someone to get in bed with.

The morning was here and they went home. Dave said, "Thanks for the fun last night we should do that more often" and he winked at Sanchez and Max. Mark couldn't take the flirting going on so he left. Sanchez right behind him trying to calm his love. Max turned to Dave and sighed. Caren went home as well, however she did stop to thank Dave for the hospitality. Max and dave went inside and just watched tv all day.

Mark and Sanchez were in their room sleeping the day away. Caren stayed up watching soaps all day. By the time Sanchez awoke Mark was taking a shower. Mark was surprised to see Sanchez come in and take a shower with him. Sanchez grabbed the fur shampoo and helped his love wash. He grabbed Mark's sheath and started rubbing. Mark just smirked and said, "Silly wolf that is clean already" Sanchez just smirked and continued rubbing until Mark's member was out and hard. Mark moaned and they took a really long shower as Sanchez wanted to finish giving him a nice handjob. Sanchez plan worked but Mark said, "Great love now i have to wash off the cum off the wall. He grabbed the shower head and pushed it down the drain. They went back to the room after getting done and dressed.

Sanchez took Mark to Red lobster and asked for a candle lit table and they shared a nice meal. Sanchez got down on one knee and said, "Mark will you please marry me" Mark just stood their speechless but had a few tears down his face. Mark nodded and hugged Sanchez tightly. They finished their meal went home and Max, Dave, and Caren was shocked as well but congratulated them.