The great wolves V

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#5 of The Kiroth Wars (old)

_Another chapter on another day. By the time this is uploaded the prior 4 chapters are probably not reviewed yet so there was no chance for me to get criticism on the whole construct - I will try to use criticism to improve as soon as it starts coming.

This chapter contains explicit sexual content - this time its between two female wolves. This chapter is also going to give some more background to the characters and their world._

The Kiroth Wars - The great wolves V

Kor yawned and stretched slowly. Every bone in his body seemed to hurt this morning. After mating Tessa all of the females had been very eager for him to do the same with each of them and quite at once, but his long abstinence didn't even allow him to mate one more. Not wanting to neglect any of his beautiful wolves he had done his best to pleasure them by other means. He had been quite successful, even though he could tell they would have much preferred the real thing. It had taken all of his remaining strength to satisfy them all. Now he just needed rest, lots of it.

In a corner of the shed Tamara and Delia had found a new game. Usually their affection would only have been the daily mutual cleaning, but their young minds were still ablaze with the images of the day before. It was impossible to tell which of them had started, but they were quite busy with each other. They tried to play out all of what they had learned, starting with kisses and quickly moving on to cuddling up really closely, while exploring each other's chest for their tender bits. Soon they had found what they were looking for and began to lick contently.

After some short minutes of murring pleasure curiosity got the better of them again and they continued further on the road they had taken. With Delia turning around they were now in a side-by-side sixty-nine position and immediately began lapping at each other's folds. This wasn't a new sensation to them, having cleaned each other so often, but today it would have to be more then that. Carefully both girls began probing the insides of the other, twitching their hind legs and moaning slightly. Tamara gently pawed at Delia's thighs while Delia ran her own paws over her friend's belly and tailhole.

Delia was the first to get more daring and pushed her tongue deep into Tamara, causing her to whine in rapture, exposing her swelling clit. Wanting to give her friend the same pleasure, Tamara began to move her tongue around inside of her, drawing out the juices of her growing excitement. Delia decided to play with the little new toy in front of her and began poking her cold nose against Tamara's clit while speeding up the pace of her tongue. Tamara howled joyfully into her friend's wet orifice, feeling her orgasm approach, as she also speeded up, her tongue dancing over and inside of Delia's trembling sex.

Both females began to pant and growl as they deliciously neared their peaks. However, Delia came first - wanting her friend to cum with her, she sucked her clit roughly into her muzzle, massaging it frantically with her tongue until she felt her heavy release. Both girls felt nothing but total bliss as they spilled themselves wildly over and into each other's faces, still eagerly lapping to draw out as much of this incredible feeling as possible, each wanting the other to feel just as wonderful as herself.

When the pleasure was finally ebbing away they still felt a latent need that was unsatisfied. They began licking each other's nethers again, this time more slowly and sensually, trying to hold a stable level of enjoyment for as long as possible. They had shared an experience that made them even alot closer friends then they had been before, maybe abit more then that. And they had not only found a way to calm the need, but also to cherish it.

Luscia was lost in thought. For a reason that she herself could not quite fathom she kept an eye on Tessa eversince Kor had mated her. The way she cleaned herself, the way she moved - it all interested her. She wasn't jealous - dominant yes, but not jealous. Still only a part of her was thinking about when and how she would be the one to be mated. Before yesterday Kor had always been reluctant to go further then touches and it had been something like sport to try get him there. Now that she understood that he would no longer hold back, the same considerations crossed her mind that had clouded her mate's heart so often before. for the first time she understood his long hesitation.

Very soon now they would come into heat. Had they been free and untroubled this would have made it a wonderful spring for her and undoubtedly for the other females too. Running free and enjoying all that nature had to offer - this painted colorful images into her canine mind that only served to show her the true gravity of the dull reality. Being a wolf, even a sentient one, she did not often let her mind wander. She lived for the moment, breathed for today and walked towards tomorrow. Now she was at a dead end and instinct alone would not save her. For the first time in years she thought back.

Blurry memories of a forest clearing, her parents, her family. Such an innocent happiness. Then the war had come to the beautiful valley that was her home. It had not been a war against her pack, they had simply slaughtered them because they were in the way. An angry tear dropped from her face and shattered on the ground. And then the others had come and taken the survivors. They had given them food and never mistreated them, but also took away their freedom. She could not hate the Kiroth for capturing her - too well did she know that she would not have survived without her pack had it not been for their food and shelter.

She had come to understand the Kiroth quite well in all the time she had spent with them. Especially because their ways were quite similar to those of the wolves. The Kiroth would ruthlessly take what they needed, but they would never take more then that. They would slaughter men, women, young and old alike, but only after the same had been done to them. They had strict rules, they highly respected bravery and they would protect their homes and families with their lives without hesitation.

She knew perfectly well that herself and the other females were intended as breeders, meant to raise their children to become slaves, to be used and spent in this endless madness of a war that was not even their own. A sudden disgust came over her as it dawned to her how willingly she had played into their hands so far, how she had allowed herself to forget, how she had betrayed freedom - how little of an alpha she actually was. She would never forget again.

_This chapter contains two independant threads - some F/F lovemaking as well as more serious story development. I hope the two are interconnected well enough (one thread being done I started the other).

The next chapter will be all focused on character dev, I believe, before bringing about some changes - otherwise things would sooner or later become really boring._