Story by Virgil Grey on SoFurry

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You and I get to your place and settle in. The walk wasn't really that far but we remove our coats and sit on the bed. I think to myself, I wonder what could make this night even better. What a silly question. We both know the answer to that. It was fairly obvious. I can see you're already undressing me with your eyes. It's an aggressive lust radiating from you. But it's not a dominating aggression, it's more of a submissive urge. You know what you desire and I know that you know what to do to get it. You know that I'm not going to deny it, or you. If I'm honest with myself, I wish to take you, it only helps that I know you want me to. I desire you and you desire me. Right now in this very moment all we care about is lust. Nothing else. We wish to satisfy ourselves using each other.

We shift our bodies to the side of the bed. I get up and walk to the front of you. You're looking up at me and I down at you. I have shifted myself into the power position with you bellow me. I order you to strip while I watch. You waste no time, you comply, removing your cloths, slowly, starting with your top. You remove it revealing your supple slender body to me. I grab a chair that was sitting off into the corner and sit it in front of the bed, why not have a front row seat while I'm being served. I sit in the chair and you get up off the bed and turn around, your back facing me. You take your skirt off, leaning forward as you do it. You peak back to confirm that I'm watching but for the moment I'm captivated. Even though you're a boy you have these nice curves, almost like a girl. Your skirt drops to your feet. You look back again and you see my erection bulging with approval. There is a wet spot. Precum is leaking through my pants. The sight of your round shapely butt in your panties caused me to drip a little more. Much to my pleasure you have slipped those off too, your bare ass exposed to me. You give me a little wiggle, teasing me to do something with it.