Spa Rendezvous

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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Others are happy, relaxed even. But, Davies came here to this spa to relax, and he's not finding it. Seeing couples walk by only made things worse. However, when an eastern dragon makes him an offer he can't refuse... what's a little bit of soreness, anyway?

"Grr..." He growled softly, watching the too-happy pair slip into the private room.

Another pair of dragons, and no doubt more noise from that private suite here in a bit. More to irritate him to no end. Not even sitting with his feet in the hotsprings pool helped relieve his anxious stress. Not because of all the people shuffling around him, but because his mind couldn't let go of the upcoming week. It was bullshit.

"Fuck..." He cradled his muzzle, watching the water, and the people passing by the other side of the pool.

While the water was warm and agreeable enough, he simply couldn't be bothered to hop in. But, all the same, he didn't want to leave either. So, there he was, stuck in a bit of a limbo. Fur half-wet, and half-dry. A pair of rolled-up pants, even. Some noise behind him barely got his attention. His ears flicked, and then he dismissed it, until someone else sat down next to him.

"Someone looks a little grouchy. Having a rough time, here of all places?"

"Grr..." He growled, hoping to scare off the newcomer. The light plop of the other sinking his paws into the same pool told him it didn't work. He swished his own brown and almost-black footpaws in the water.

"Well, if you're not that interested in talking, then I'll wait until you are. Too handsome to leave without seeing a smile on your muzzle." The stranger complimented him.

He was about to make a snappy comeback, but he was distracted when he looked up from the pool. It was another dragon. This time, though, it was an anthro eastern. At least he didn't take up four or five peoples-widths just walking around. Didn't look half bad, either. Light purple, almost pink scales adorned the dragons' frame. The trademark flesh whiskers were alive, vibrant, and definitely all-natural. His muzzle held a half frown as he sized the dragon up.

"... thanks, I guess?" He scratched his neck. What else was there to say?

"Pool's nice, isn't it? Seeing you sit and watch others pass by interested me a bit. What's the story of you being so sad-looking?" The eastern tilted his head a bit. "Well, so long as you don't mind telling."

"Can't take my mind off the upcoming week. I got a lot of shit to do. And it's really killing the mood." He confided. Just remembering he had places to be later made his fur bristle.

"Well, whatever it is, could I offer you a good time? As awful as your upcoming week could be, maybe a bit of enjoyment would take your mind off of it long enough for you to enjoy your vacation." There was no doubt in the way the dragon looked at him. He wanted something under his tail, and fast.

"Hmm... Lemme finish basking a bit." He swished his footpaws through the warm water. They were soaked, but the warm current felt all-too-good to leave.

"Sure." The dragon dipped his tail in, wetting a foot or two of it. The off-white mane fur floated in the water. They sat there a while, just observing the ambiance.

"So, if I'm going to be screwing you, I'd at least like a name." He mumbled, staring at the water more than his companion.

"Rahrn. And you?"

"Davies." They shook each others' handpaws. "Rahrn is a rather quirky name."

"No more so than Davies. Still, they're simple, and work."

"Right on that one..." Pulling his paws out of the water was no easy task. With the warmth rapidly being replaced by relative chill, it caused him to shiver a bit. His throat felt parched, even.

"Drink first? Maybe two?" Rahrn gestured towards the bar a dozen feet away.

"Sure, why not. Bit of alcohol, and then something to rehydrate should do wonders."

Rahrn was about to open his narrow trap, but he thought better of it. It wasn't until they sat down, dripping fur and all, that he talked again.

"Didn't take you as the kind that liked getting drunk." The dragon deadpanned.

"Not drunk, one shot is hardly going to put me anywhere on the scale. Just a customary thing when I'm out and about." He explained, glancing at the dragon.

"Guess you do have a point. I stay away from the stuff. Never sits well with me." He shrugged, scales moving a bit with the gesture.

"One tall glass of lizard punch, and a shot of whiskey, please." Davies mentioned as the bartender passed by. The stag barkeep glanced over to the dragon.

"Don't see a lot of you guys around. Enjoying your trip?" He poured the drinks with finesse, spilling not a drop. He slid them over to Davies.

"'Bout to enjoy it a decent bit more. Hoping to cheer this guy up a bit, too." He ribbed Davies gently.

"We'll see." He sipped at his fruity punch first. Tasted a bit salty, and all too sweet, but it wasn't the taste he was after.

"That being said, a lizard punch as well, and some green apple cola. If it's stocked." Rahrn laid down a crumpled bill he pulled out of his pocket. "And do you still take these?"

"That we do, on both counts. Both glasses coming right up, too." The deer bent over behind the desk, bringing out an almost pristine scanner.

"You seriously carry those around still?" Davies looked at the dragon sideways.

"As much of a collectors' item they are, I still like seeing the places that take 'em." He watched the deer stuff it into the scanner, and then shove it into his pocket.

"100% legitimate. Strange thing to have about, but we're more than glad to take it off your hands. Especially for that amount." He grinned, flat teeth shining in the soft light.

Davies watched curiously as the barkeep put the equipment away. It had been what, fifty years since ordinary bank notes were used commonly? So, that made the dragon a collector, a money printer, or both. But still, it was legitimate... so that made him the former. Another quirk to add to the name.

"Whatever doesn't go to drinks, goes to you my man." Rahrn gave him an equally beaming smile, showing off his muzzle full of canines and fangs.

"Many thanks."

Somehow, he managed to keep his muzzle tendrils out of his drinks. They were hardly prehensile, but Davies had heard at some point that they were... uniquely sensitive. That theory could be tested later though. He alternated sips of his alcohol-infused palate cleanser, and the almost unpleasant punch. Still, one countered the other rather well. And besides, the tastes only remained stuck on his tongue for a moment. But, that moment would more than keep him from being too dehydrated from basking in the pool for... hours? He glanced at the clock, looking past the dragon. It really had been hours! His anxious depressive streak had eaten another chunk out of his vacation...

It took moments for his smile to fall off, and a moment past that for Rahrn to notice.

"Hey now. Clock doesn't matter, not right now." His light handpaws nudged his gaze away from the circular black hole of timekeeping. "No point in worrying unless you have to leave today."

"I guess..." He swirled the last dregs of his whiskey, eyeing the punch.

"Keep worrying like that, and nothing's going to be able to pull you out every time."

Instead of replying, he sipped down the last of the alcohol. Alternating it with the punch made the effects come on more smoothly, and much more easily managed, too. All the same, he hadn't lied. It was only enough to get him to relax a bit. And not a drop more. The punch followed it down, emptying that glass too.

"Could I interest you in a refill for either?" The bartender passed by again, cleaning a glass. It was a slow night, with only one other person at the bar besides the pair.

"A to-go orange soda, if you don't mind." Davies meekly requested.

"Not a problem. And you?" He glanced at the dragon, who had just finished his green apple soda.

"A to-go green apple soda would be nice. Canned preferably." The ice clinked as he set the glass down.

"Will do." He stuffed all of the glasses underneath the counter, and went into the back to retrieve the items.

Davies nudged the dragon, catching his eyes a bit.

"Just how much did you pass him, anyway?"

"'Bout a hundred. Figured it'd convert to a few thousand in currency, not all that much. Just a half-days' worth of work. But, a really nice tip." He explained.

"Wish I had tippers like you when I was a waiter. Times were simpler then." Davies sighed.

"Man." His paws somehow found his way to the German Shepherds shoulder. "With the way you're acting, you might need it worse than me."

"Maybe." He acquiesced. To be fair, it had been a while...

The bartender came back to them getting a little bit too close, the dragon leaning on the somewhat beefier canine.

"Whoa now. Save that for the suites." He sounded more like he was joking, rather than an actual suggestion.

"Heheh." Rahrn chuckled.

"It's the dragon, I swear." Davies rolled his eyes.

"Either way, here's your drinks. Tabs are more than paid for." The cans clinked as he set them on the countertop. They were fresh from the fridge, condensation forming on the outside already.

"Thanks, my dude." Rahrn collected the drinks, already getting up.

It took a moment for Davies to follow, but he mumbled his thanks as the dragon pulled him away. For such a small creature, he had some strength in his arms. Carrying both of the cans in the other hand, even. It was quite the sight, seeing him pull him down a corridor. If he were like some of his co-workers, he'd be offended and more than a little slighted at being lead around like this. But, truth be told, he didn't care. At worst, he was at least about to get some tail. At best, it might shatter the gloomy cloud that had been following him for the last month or so. He bet on the former, but hoped for the latter.

It took a few minutes, but the dragon eventually lead him to an unoccupied suite.

"What's so special about this one? We passed plenty on the way." It was a corner suite, but still nice all the same.

"Corner suite. Noise only comes from two directions, so they pad those directions the best. Means we can be as noisy as we want." He released his death grip on the canines' handpaw, but only long enough to open the door.

For a little sub, he knew what he wanted.


A small pool cut the room in half, or close to it. Probably flowed from the same spring as the one in the main room downstairs. But, it had a few rather interesting amenities. The most striking one... was that there was already a tube of lube out on a small countertop. Did the dragon pre-prep or something?

"I feel like you've been here before." He stated plainly.

"Maybe. Or maybe I asked the staff to supply certain... things." The dragon yanked the pup through the doorway, and shut it behind him.

"In a hurry, then? Sure seem like it..."

"Only to get you in here, and help you out once... or twice." A crooked smile crossed his muzzle as he examined the tube.

"Favorite brand or something?" Davies deadpanned, eyeing the plastic tube.

"Favorite? No. Just works better than what's usually on tap." It looked almost purple in the soft light. He squeezed out a bit onto his fingertip.

Davies had just started pulling his shirt off. By the time he'd thrown it into some corner or another, the dragon had his finger in his muzzle. The german shepherd raised an eyebrow.


"Only lightly. Grape is one of the better ones." Davies grimaced a bit as he swallowed.

"No telling what's in that stuff. Might be best to not chow down on it..."

"All organic, and it goes inside anyway, so it can't be that bad."

The mutt was about to start tugging off his casual jeans, but Rahrn beat him to it. He closed the space quickly, swatting his paws away. Davies was about to comment, but an unzipping sound beat him to it. His belt was next to go, and last the button on his pants. The dragon wasted no time yanking his pants down, almost taking his boxers with them.

"Easy... sensitive bits down there." He suggested.

"No point in wasting too much time."

The masculine scents hit Rahrn on the nose harshly. Even his scent carried whiffs of anxiety and stress. This pup wouldn't be leaving without at least that problem taken care of. And so what if Rahrn would be taking care of an itch of his own, too? The scents and smells alone took him a moment to process. His own tight jeans felt a bit more tight. Wouldn't get used, he knew that much. Davies looked far too dominant for that. All the better, though. He slipped his fingers underneath the waistband, and tugged down gently.

"Well, aren't you excited already..." Rahrn mumbled.

Already, a bit of the canines thick rod was drooling out of his sheath. It felt overly warm to the touch, and had its' own layer of scents on it. The dragon almost drooled at the sight of it. It'd feel amazing. But, first he had to break the ice.


Davies felt the dragon nuzzle at his rod. The soft, fleshy whiskers gently drifted across his rod, and the short mane on the dragons' head felt so, so very soft. When his tongue dragged along the underside, he couldn't help but let out a nasal whine. Even this tiny bit of stimulation had his hands balled into fists. It didn't take but a glance downwards to see he was already making a mess of the dragon, too. As his rod filled out, it leaked pre at a prodigious rate, staining the dragons dark scales a new shade.

Feeling the dragons' tongue along his rod was a lot to handle. His legs shook, and he didn't trust them for a moment. A pair of paws on his hips told him that Rahrn didn't either. Another glance downwards, and he was just in time to watch the dragon take his rod to the root. He was achingly hard, and his knot was already slowly inflating. Hopefully the dragon didn't mind swallowing... or knew to get out of the way first.

"D-don't take too much now. Be careful." Davies managed to stutter a sentence together.

Rahrn rolled his eyes. As if he would give up the treat in his muzzle. Already it was leaking onto his tongue, leaving a salty, and somehow fruity taste. With the canines' own essence leaking down his throat, he almost felt the lube wouldn't have been needed. Still, rather safe than sorry. But, there was time enough to worry about walking straight later. He focused on cramming every inch of the mutts' rod into his throat. The dragons' own felt cramped in his tight pants, but that didn't matter. Could be taken care of later. Besides, the payoff would be so much better with that knot buried elsewhere...

As much as Davies hips began to shake, Rahrn held him steady. Little did the dog know, he could pick him up easily. Well, if his estimates were anywhere near correct, anyway. His tail swept left, right, then left again. Having his nose buried in the canines belly fur barely gave him enough field of view to see that. But, as his throat worked rhythmically, he felt the knot balloon. As nice as it would be to have his mouth plugged a while...

Davies felt the dragon push him back a bit. His paws found their way to the dragons thin, yet well-built shoulders. He could feel his knot inflating, and he could see why the dragon wouldn't want that in his muzzle. But, his lips bumping up against it every time he took it into his muzzle was a good enough substitute. And, when one of his paws wrapped behind his knot, it felt even better. Davies let out his first needy groan. All this stimulation was too much, far too much for him.

It hit him like a sack of bricks filled with concrete. The wet floor barely provided any traction, either. His legs crumpled as the first pulse of many hit him. It worked its way through his body as the dragon caught him without missing a beat. A grunt of exertion, maybe, but as soon as he found himself on the floor, nothing changed. The dragon was right back at it, tongue and throat muscles pulling him roughly over the edge to a blissful orgasm.

Rahrn vacuumed up his partners' rod. He'd slipped, exactly as he thought the dog would. Those weightlifting sessions paid their worth in gold. Still, though, his orgasm hadn't stopped at all. With his lips pressed up against the knot, he gently twisted his muzzle, adding a little more stimulation. Each pulse hit the back of his throat, bypassing his taste buds. What little he did taste was salty.

Still, though, there were better places for it after he'd gotten his sample. He slowly pulled off of the rod, leaving a final kiss on the tip of the rod. Davies handpaws found their way to his head, begging him to keep that soft, warm muzzle around his breeding tool. Rahrns own wrapped around it, gently pulling, letting the last few jets string across his muzzle. It could be cleaned later but... it was kinda hot having the mutt mark his muzzle.

"Messy dragon..." Davies huffed, letting the last bit of his orgasm die out.

"Just the way I like it." Rahrn commented, leaving the mess on his muzzle for another time.

"Thanks for the blowjob, but uh..."

"You're not going anywhere until I get off. But, I have a feeling you'll like that, too."

Davies was far too relaxed to protest. With that paw still wrapped around his knot, it felt like heaven. Occasionally, his rod would add another burst of mess to the dragon. The sound of a belt clinking against the floor caught his ears. Surely the dragon wouldn't think he'd be ready to go again already?

"Are you sure you don't want to let me get that?" He sat up a bit.

"Nope." By the time he'd even asked, the eastern dragon already yanked his pants off.

That wonderful pressure left his rod as the needy dragon revealed more of his lithe form. Like all easterns, he was somewhat skinny. But, unlike most others, he had a bit of muscle on his form. Not enough to look grotesque, but enough that he looked strong. It added to his lithe figure, making him even more attractive than his dark-colored scales let on. Still, even with the eye candy, there was no way the german shepherd was going again this quickly.

Rahrn threw the rest of his clothes onto the pile, twitching his tail out and away from the last vestiges of his pants. He'd be more than willing to wait as long as his partner needed, but... There was no reason he couldn't give him a show while they waited. The lube was already at hand, and he squeezed a bit onto his fingertips. His own ridged, pointy rod already hung out of his sheath at full attention. The lubed paw found its' way to it, and began to softly stroke it. Even with the tiny amount of lube, it made the sensation that much better. The dragon didn't leak as much as the canine did, and so, the lube had its' work cut out for it.

Davies watched the dragon as he began to jerk himself off slowly. While he wasn't usually one for watching others do it, this was an exception. So long as he didn't think he was going to claim his ass. As attractive as the dragon was, he'd be the sub tonight. All the same, when the dragon applied a bit of lube to his other handpaw, it seemed he had the same thing in mind. The purplish goo smooshed between his fingers, making them wet and sticky. He watched as the dragon spread himself open, using his fingers to gently poke and prod.

Of course, it was a bit more of a show when the dragon began to turn around. His tail tip had a bit of fluff on it, and he dragged it under Davies' chin. Following that long, extended bit of bone and muscle brought his gaze right back where Rahrn wanted it. First one finger, then two... it only took a few moments to warm up to three. The dragon hiked his tail up and out of the way, watching over his shoulder. It almost looked as if he were going to go for four, but he stopped. Davies heard the plastic tubes' cap pop again.

A generous amount of lube would make sure he could walk later, Rahrn figured. He smeared it over his paw, practically soaking it in the stuff. He pushed his bodyweight back a bit, feeling the canine still as stiff as earlier. The mutt may not think he was ready yet, but his knot had deflated, and was still harder than steel. A pair of paws found their way to his hips, resting there. The rod fit easily between his cheeks. What little lube had leaked out of the dragon lubed things up a bit, but it wouldn't be nearly enough.

With the short bit of foreplay over, he crouched above the canines' lap. His handpaw worked the lube onto his shaft, stroking gently, and evenly. It didn't take many strokes before it shined with the sheen of the wet, sticky lube. His ears heard no complaints as the dragon squeezed at where the knot had been. It'd inflate again, obviously. But, this time, it'd be right where Rahrn wanted it.

"I... think I'm ready to go again." Somewhere behind him, Davies almost mumbled.

"Good." And he wasn't going to go easy on the canine.

Without missing a beat, he pointed the pointed rod right towards his ass. The dragon crouched a few inches lower, and grit his teeth a bit. The pup panted so heavily, he could feel it on his back. Even with the prep from his fingers moments before, it was tough going. He breathed deeply, letting the first inch of many slide in.

Again, Davies knew that the dragon had no qualms with taking what he wanted. His toned ass was even better than his muzzle had been. If his muzzle had felt heavenly, then his rear was extradimensional. The pressure squeezing on his rod from every angle felt amazing. The warmth was an added bonus. Still, he was so tight, he could almost feel his heartbeat. He could definitely already feel his inside him, heh. Felt like his heart was going to explode, and his eyes were already rolled back from pleasure. His paws gently kneaded at the tight muscles in the dragons' lower back. They felt like iron underneath the scaled skin.

"Ease up... as much as you want it, you're far too tight." Davies suggested.

"Always... like this.... Feels amazing though." Rahrn panted.

His tongue was already lolling out of his muzzle. If his partner hadn't fucked in a while, then the dragon certainly hadn't gotten fucked in a while, either. And with his usual cadre of friends-with-benefits back in town... the visit here left that need unfulfilled. This though, was more than taking care of that. The thick bitch-breaking rod in his ass stretched him open, and felt so satisfying. His handpaw glided across his own rod, only gently stroking. He wanted as much of his pleasure to come from the cock in his ass as possible. The finale was going to be much better that way.

It felt nice to have the two-toned dog knead at his lower back, and his muscles relaxed. The response was immediate as he dropped back down, impaling himself on thick dog meat. Another few inches slid right in. A spurt of pre tickled his innards, and Davies began to take his own initiative. It was awkward going, but he pushed up and into the dragon each time he dropped downwards. Burying more and more of his bone inside his partner.

"You want it... you've got it."

Davies pushed his hips upwards slowly. Rahrn still set the pace, but he added to it. The feeling of the eastern wrapped around his rod was too much to take passively. His paws didn't roam, instead opting to 'assist' the dragon in fitting more and more into him. He pulled downwards, and the dragons' handpaws laid atop his own. With each roll of his hips, he took more and more. But, Davies' had no more length to give. The dragon had finally taken him all the way to the root. Even his where his knot would be was buried inside him. And what an experience it was! The rhythmic contractions of his throat were on par with this, but this had so many other perks, it was beyond comparison.

The aching burn finally subsided as Rahrn dropped into the mutts' lap. The itch under his tail was filled, for now. But, satisfying that set off a bit more than just satisfaction. He still needed more. More that he'd get, and easily. He speared himself on the dog, setting a blistering pace. Davies more than complied, redoubling his efforts. His legs were already shaking from the exertion. Luckily, his partner was more than ready to take some of the effort onto himself instead.

Rahrn yelped as he was pushed onto his hands and knees.

"Well aren't you the needy little sub, hmm? That position doesn't do best for that." Davies' breath was hot on the back of his neck. And his paws were roaming all over his body.

"Agreed. 'Bout time you took part in the tango." Rahrn jabbed at him.

"Well, since you need it so bad... why don't you tell me how much?" A tongue licked along the nape of his neck. Davies stayed frozen in place, and that wonderful, filling feeling stopped.

"Don't stop... hnnn. Please, keep going!" The dragon whined.

"Well, you said please so-" He slammed himself in. If the dragon wanted a rough fuck, then he was going to get it.

He hauled the tail up and out of the way, and then his hands settled on the dragons' hips again. This time, though, he gripped them with a vengeance. He shoved himself into the lithe, submissive little bitch underneath him. With every thrust, his handpaws pulled him back onto his rod. Fast, rough, and dominating. That was what he wanted, and so that was what he was going to get. Davies growled in his ear, a deep, rumbling sound.

It was all Rahrn could do to keep himself from being fucked into the floor. The canine plowed him roughly, having little regard for his comfort. Every thrust shifted his paws a bit, and stretched him open wider and wider. His knot was forming again, and Rahrn knew exactly where it was going to be lodged. It was exactly what he needed, and he let himself submit fully to the rough, dominating german shepherd. Cute little moans, whines, and huffs fell out of his muzzle, to contrast the canines rough growls and panting.

"Grrr... Where you want it?" Davies growled. He'd make the choice for the dragon if he didn't hurry up.

"Inside! Fill me uuu-ahh!"

Davies began to knot-fuck the dragon no sooner than he spoke. Each thrust was a heavy effort, but the stimulation of having his knot pop into, and out of the dragon was intense. As much as he had thought he'd only go once, Rarhn knew how to push all his buttons. Twice would be easy. Three times though... pended on how long they wanted to stay stuck together. One knotting was definitely going to happen, though. And soon, at that.

Rarhn panted heavily. The sudden switch in his partners' behavior let him submit with no hesitation at all. He'd take the lead when needed, but... It was so much nicer to let someone else take charge. And he was doing exactly that with every thrust into his well-used ass. The lube helped, but he had no doubt that, despite his earlier preparations, he'd be walking funny a while. All the better. It'd leave him with a reminder of the wild, rough sex he was having right now. His prostate felt abused, but he still hadn't popped. Even so, even the light touch of his hand was almost overstimulating. Each shove of that knot into him though, brought him closer and closer...

"Ngh, better hope you've got room in there." Davies growled, and mouthed at his neck. A mating bite wouldn't do, but damn if he didn't want to.

A few more rough, erratic thrusts later, his knot inflated to its' full size, locking them together. That didn't stop either of them from pushing onto the other though. Davies hunched over Rarhn, running his paws gently along his belly. His mane rubbed against his fur, and it was a nice contrast to his scales. But, that was just a distraction. Davies found what he was looking for, rubbing his hands along the dragons' hips. A soft gasp, breaking the continuous sound of his submissive little sleeves' panting.

"Please be gentl- aAAAH!"

Davies thought he was gentle, but even stroking gently was a bit much for the dragon. Luckily, he was as close, if not closer. As he felt the dragons' first jets of seed spurt forcefully out of his rod, he was adding his own to his ass. He grunted with every quarter-thrust into the lizard. And, with every thrust, he punctuated it with another gentle tug. The eastern moaned wantonly as he rolled his hips back onto the canine. They both saw stars, making their own messes simultaneously. But, as the dragon began to taper off, Davies was still going strong.

"God... damn..." He barely managed to swear between heavy, panting breaths.

Rarhn pushed back, lifting the canine with ease. His paws kept Davies knotted inside of him, but he shifted around a bit. It wasn't until the canine was on his back on the floor did he stop. He rotated around, shifting the knot inside him until he was laying on the canines stomach, nuzzling at his neck. A bit of seed matted his partners' fur, but both of them were too far gone to even care a jot.

"Thank you... a lot." Rahrn whispered into his ear, planting small nuzzles and kisses on his neck.

"Needed that?" Davies folded his hands behind his head.

"More than you know."

He laid there a moment, enjoying his post-orgasmic bliss. The knot only added to it, and made it last so much longer. It gave him long enough to think up something to say, as well.

"Thank you, though."

"Hmm?" Rarhn looked a bit sleepy, but glanced at the canine.

"You helped me more than you know."

"Glad to hear it. Now, as soon as this knot goes down... maybe I get you my number?" A cocky grin split the eastern dragons' muzzle.

"Oh hell yes. Having this to look forward to every once in a while would make the rest of the year easier."

He chuckled, and Rarhn smiled warmly. They'd both get something out of this arrangement. But, for now, they could only wait while they rode out the knot. But, after that... since he was already going to be sore, a round three couldn't hurt that much.

Maybe a few more after that, too.


(Authors' Notes. Well, here's a little side piece to Tales From Mianka. While Richard and Sal are getting acquainted with each other, this guy couldn't catch a break! Well, until this eastern dragon came by and... Well, you already know the story, you read it! Anyway, thanks for reading, and don't forget to fav, vote, comment, and watch if you want more content like this!

Would also be helpful if you voted in my strawpoll! Here's the link.


Anyway, I was planning on this one being a bit shorter, but oh well. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!)