The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 19: Night Shift

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#19 of The Rowans and The Greys

Judy Hopps loved being a cop, but there were some annoyances. She and Nick had been put on night shift the previous Monday after two of the regulars on the shift managed to get the stomach flu. It was only a temporary assignment, but it meant that they'd had to completely change their sleep/wake cycles only to have the joys of switching them back. For now though, the fox and bunny were enjoying another coffee, the caffeine helping them stay awake as their bodies continued to fight being awake so late into the evening.

"So, Carrots," Nick was just about to say something when the radio crackled, "Car 2-4-0. Car 2-4-0. We have a 2-4-5 at Pack and 22nd."

The two looked at each other before the fox reached out to flip on the siren and lights while the bunny grabbed hold of the transmitter as her foot pressed down on the gas pedal, "Dispatch, this is Car 2-4-0, we're on our way." The gigantic, tank like vehicle lurched out of its parking spot, and into the empty street.

Judy handed Nick the transmitter, "Gotta focus on the road."

The tod just nodded as he pressed the microphone, "Dispatch this is Car 2-4-0. Do you have any further information for us?"

The mammal on the other end of the line seemed to pause, "Car 2-4-0, suspect forced their way into the house and held up the owner at gunpoint. Owner is holding them until police arrive. An ambulance has also been dispatched to the location."

"Dispatch this is Car 2-4-0. What's the location?"

"2233 Pack Street. Owner is one Kody Grey, alias Raynard Kody Schaiferhund."

Judy nearly slammed on the brakes as she heard the name, "WHAT!"

"It's not time to discuss this, Carrots! Drive! Drive! Drive!"

The rabbit smashed her foot down on the gas pedal, the vehicle whipping around a small Nipponese car in front of them.

RJ had jumped in her bathtub for a quick shower before sliding into a black version of her earlier crop top and mini skirt ensemble from earlier that day, only this time, she had decided to completely forego the underwear and complement her look with a collar. She'd been happy with the way it all turned out, so much so that part of her considered adopting the look whenever she and Kody got together.

The raccoon was just about half way to the fox's house when she heard a loud siren and saw rotating blue and red lights. Her initial reaction was to attempt to pull over, but she couldn't because there were cars parked on the shoulder of the street. Luckily for RJ, the vehicle whipped around her, the officers completely ignoring her as they roared down the road.

"I wonder what that was about," the sow raccoon said softly as the police car sped off into the night. Unfortunately, about five minutes later, RJ caught up with the police car outside of Kody's house, seeing it and another one parked right next to an ambulance.

The first thing Kody did after he pulled away from his father's ex-wife as she crumpled down to the floor was tell his mother to call the police. The second thing he did was to grab her Walter. The small pistol looked almost comical in his grip, almost like a child holding onto a squirt gun than something that, in the wrong hands, could cause a great deal of bloodshed.

He wasn't sure how long it would take the police to get there as his humming ears started to tune into his mother's sobbing voice talking to the 9-1-1 dispatcher. The one thing he did know, was that Kimberly Heinz was in no state to hurt anyone. The fox pointed the firearm away from her and up at the ceiling. His finger depressed the magazine release button, the still full metal rhombus falling down to the floor with a clatter, before pulling back on the slide to eject round that had been automatically loaded into the chamber. Years of practice started to take hold as he pushed down on the barrel slide button as he pushed the slide forwards, releasing the barrel from the body of the pistol, disassembling it just before tossing the pieces down on the ground.

The mutt was howling and whimpering, grasping for air and screaming about how she thought her hip was broken, that and her continued ranting about how everything was his fault. Kody just rolled his eyes as he grabbed the scruff of her sweater to drag the woman away from the door.

Once she was out of the way, Kody slowly plopped down on his rump, his chest heaving up and down as the adrenaline rush started to die off. He had just started to relax as the front door burst open. Four officers poured into the room, two of them had pistols drawn and two others were carrying some sort of pistol shaped taser. One of them was a fox, one was a wolf, one was a polar bear, and the last one was a bunny. Out of the group, two of them looked familiar; the tod and the rabbit.

Officers Snarlov and Fangmire had been the first to arrive on the scene, the two of them taking charge of the situation as they waited for back up and the ambulance to arrive. The grey wolf and polar bear had taken up positions behind the passenger side of their squad car, pistols drawn and pointed at the house.

Officer Hops and Officer Wilde slammed on their breaks as the pulled right in behind the other ZPD vehicle, the two leaping out to take up their own temporary fighting positions. "What's the situation," the rabbit had asked as she drew her own standard issue 9mm. Snarlov looked over at her, "Right now, ve halv-eent hoard a ting. De repourt from de howz and de nay-boars said der voz won shot fierd."

"The meat wagon is on its way, but we don't know what's going on in there," Fangmire added. Judy and Nick didn't care for the nickname the wolf and a few other of the ZPD officers had given to ambulances, but it was often an accurate assessment. The fox, polar bear, wolf, and rabbit looked at each other before they all nodded. "Stak on me," the arctic bruin said as he lowered his own 9mm, pointing it down at the ground.

The four officers lined up behind one another; Snarlov in front, Fangmire and Wilde in the middle, with Hopps bringing up the rear. Judy and Nick were the only two to holster their firearms, pulling out their own standard issue tasers that looked a great deal like a very flat pistol. The four of them bent over, arms pointed to the ground as they hurried to the front door just as the ambulance pulled up behind the two squad cars.

Normally, when they'd assault a building, they'd duck and cover behind one of the walls, staying away from any windows, but this house was small and very old. Stacking in front of the door was a terrible idea, but it was their only option. Snarlov roared out, "Z-ye-P-ye-Dee! Opeen ap!"

When there wasn't an immediate response, everyone looked worried. Fangmire blurted out, "We've already got probably cause." The polar bear nodded, not even giving the wolf's words a second thought. One massive leg rose up and kicked out, the bruin putting his entire weight behind the kick. Because he was so massive, the door gave way. Part of Judy was surprised he didn't manage to knock the thing off its hinges as it flew open to smash into a wall, but there was no time to think.

They poured inside, firearms and tasers drawn as they scanned the area. A vixen was gasping at the group, clutching a bath towel tightly around her, while a domestic canine was rolling around in pain. Parts of what had once been a pistol were scattered around the floor while a very familiar looking fox was leaning against the far wall.

The officers all looked at each other, before they began to holster their side arms. Snarlov moved over to the screaming, howling, cursing mutt on the ground as Fangmire made his way over to the door, waving at the medical personnel to enter the house. Hopps leaned down to grab her microphone, "Dispatch, this is Officer Hopps. All clear."

"Hopps?" the chunky tod said with a curious look on his face as Nick slowly made his way over to him, "Hey Ray... I mean, Kody. Long time, bud."

Kody gave the other fox a queer look, as if he was trying to remember who he was, but his body was so full of adrenaline that his memory wasn't working as well as he'd hoped. "Who are," the tod started to say before Nick interrupted, "It's the uniform, isn't it? It's me, Nick."

"Nick? Wilde," the fox said, his memory slowly starting to come back to him, "I haven't seen you since... High School?"

"Yep, it's me," Nick replied with a chuckle. Kody slowly started to regain some of his memory, "Yeah. Bonnie told me you were a cop now."

Judy slowly made her way over to the two tods, her gaze moving to look at Kody. "Mom said you looked a lot like Gideon," the bunny said before holding out her hand, "Judy Hopps."

The fox nodded as he took her hand, "Kody Grey. Sorry we didn't meet in... uhm... less... dramatic circumstances."

The rabbit was just about to say something when she and Nick were pushed out of the way by a reddish-yellow vixen. The woman tossed her arms around the fox, tears running down her cheeks as she held him tightly, her bathrobe loosening a little. "Oh God! My baby! I thoughts I'd lost y'gain!"

Kody held his mother tightly, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "It's all right, mama. I'm fine."

Nick's eyebrow raised and Judy's face flushed, "Uhm... Hi Jo." The bunny spun around to look at her partner, "We should get her a blanket."

"And coffee," he replied as he looked over at the Emergency Medical Technicians who were carting the domestic dog out of the house on a stretcher, "Hey, we need a blanket over here."

Fangmire and Snarlov had been doing most of the coordinating with the EMT's so when they finally left, the wolf and bear were able to fully take in the rest of the scene. Fangmire's eyes had raised a bit at the sight of the lovely, older vixen in nothing but a towel, a chuckling smile on his face, "I'll get the blanket."

Snarlov had rolled his eyes his partner. "Fine. Yoo doo zat. I vill be tak-ink der state-mints." The massive arctic bruin pulled out a pad as he walked over to Nick, Judy, Jo, and Kody. "Mee-stair Goo-ray, vill yoo be press-ink char-geez?"

Kody blinked a few times, "Are you fucking kidding? Of course I'm going to fucking press fucking charges!"

Nick was surprised at the language coming out of Kody's mouth. He'd never thought he'd ever hear Ray Schaiferhund curse, but then again, that was High School. People change. Judy on the other hand almost died from shock at hearing such filth.

Jo gave her son a bop on the nose, "I tolds ya. Y'ain't gonna use that langage round me or guests."

Snarlov chuckled as he pulled out a pen, "I vill be need-ink yoor o-feesh-al state-mints den."

Kody started on the tale of what happened, everyone listening intently as Fangmire returned with a blanket. He casually draped it over the vixen, giving her a big warm toothy grin. Jo's only response was a courteous smile and a, "Thank ya, shoog," that made the wolf blush more.

The polar bear was writing as fast as he could, even though he spoke English, it wasn't his first language, so most of his notes were written down in the Cyrillic alphabet. "Tank yoo, Mee-stair Goo-ray foor de state-mint. I vill be need-ink won fram yoor ma-ma."

Fangmire, who up until then had been idly staring at the vixen, spoke up, "I can help you with that, Snarlov."

The gigantic polar bear rolled his eyes as the two tods and doe bunny raised an eyebrow. "I vill nat be need-ink yoor halp, Fang-my-air. I kan han-dall dis," he said as he made his way over to Jo, offering the vixen a hand to help her up. The woman smiled and took his paw, sliding up onto her feet as she held onto the blanket that covered her skimpiness. The two moved to a table in the kitchen, slowly starting to talk about what she knew.

Fangmire looked a little bit dejected, but Judy butted in. "Fangmire, I need your help cordoning off this place. We don't want," the bunny was just about to finish when a raccon burst through the door to slam into Kody, her arms wrapping around him as she burred her muzzle into his neck while tears streamed down her face. Judy let out a sigh, "We don't want something like this to happen."

Kody wrapped his arms around the sobbing raccoon, his hands moving up and down her back as he kissed the top of her head. "I'm all right, RJ. Shhh... Everything's going to be fine," he said, trying to calm her down as their tails curled around one another.

Judy looked a little upset, her foot starting to tap against the floor as Nick leaned over to chuckle into one of her long ears, "Jealous?"

The bunny snorted, "No. It just means Crime Scene is going to have a lot more work on their hands."

Snarlov finished his interview with Jo before making his way over to Fangmire, Hopps, and Wilde. "I halv der state-mints and kontakt een-for-mat-cee-ya. Seens dey vill be press-ink char-geez, ve may need dem to kam een four four-der een-tear-v-yooz," the polar bear said as he looked between the bunny, fox, and wolf before looking over at the raccoon who was hugging Kody tightly, "Hoo eez dat?"

"Question of the night it seems," Nick quipped as he turned his head to look over at the raccoon-fox couple, "So, R... Kody. Who's the girl?"

Kody had finally calmed RJ down enough to where he could concentrate on the officers. "This is RJ. She's," he looked down at her, "She's my girlfriend."

Nick chuckled as he turned to look at the other three policemammals, "Simple question, simple answer."

Snarlov nodded as looked over at Kody, "Mee-stair Goo-ray, vill yoo be need-ink a loy-yar?"

The tod shook his head, "I will, but I already have one in mind."