Behind Closed Doors
"Ladies and gentlemen, it hurts me to say this, but it is the truth. The Gods want you to know it, and it falls on my shoulders to tell you." The impressive-looking black wolf scanned the room. Every eye was on him, each fur hanging on his every word. He allowed himself the slightest smile. He would have it no other way. "There is a war on." Everyone gasped as he nodded seriously. "The media is biased. They will not allow the truth out, but the truth is that we are at war." A gigantic lion rose and for a moment, the wolf thought that the savage was going to attack. Damn cat! The wolf thought, finding refuge within his mind. No one could see what was going on in there. No one ever would, if he had anything to say about it.
"Who is this enemy, reverend?" The wolf smiled.
"The homosexuals." He replied. "The queers, who destroy the sanctity that the Gods have granted unto us, their children." The crowd murmured loudly. "Whether they operate in hiding or, Gods forbid, out in the open, they are our enemy." He nodded earnestly. "As they are the enemy of the God of Creation and the God of Sustaining." Furs throughout the congregation began to nod in agreement. They are putty in my paws! The reverend thought gleefully. "I pray that, someday soon the God of Destruction will visit upon them the wrath for which He is known!" He was yelling now, spit flying from his muzzle as he thrust his paw into the air. "Praised be the Gods! Blessed be their children!" The congregation echoed it before filing out. Several of them walked up to him to speak.
"Heck of a sermon, reverend." An elderly wolf said, firmly shaking his paw.
"Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I do my best."
"How do you do it?" The lion from before asked, engulfing the reverend's paw in his own.
Canines are endowed with reason beyond your simple imagination, cat! The reverend thought venomously. "I am truly blessed with a persuasive voice, friend." He replied with a grin. The lion chuckled.
"Indeed you are." He said as he turned away. At long last, only a few remained in the temple. The reverend was about to leave as well when he felt a slight tug at his suit sleeve. He turned and discovered a fox a few years younger than him standing there.
"How can I guide you, friend?" He asked, grinning welcomingly. The fox stared into his eyes. My. You're quite a specimen of canine superiority, aren't you? The fox's fur glistened under the bright lights of the temple. His eyes glowed with intelligence unequaled and the reverend felt it impossible to completely ignore the energy arousing deep within him.
"I could use some guidance, that's for sure." The fox whispered. The wolf nodded.
"How so? Is there a sin you'd like to get off your chest?" The fox nodded nervously.
"Definitely." He glanced around the temple. "Is there somewhere private?" The wolf smiled.
"Of course. Follow me to my office." He led the fox out of the temple and into his small, but comfortable office. "Have a seat." He directed as he sat down behind his desk. "Now then. What sin is this?" The fox was silent for a few moments as he gathered his strength.
"It's difficult." The fox stammered. The wolf nodded slowly, his paws folded on the desk in front of him.
"I do not judge. It is for the Gods to judge." The fox nodded.
"Forgive me if that I say that isn't quite comforting." The wolf smiled weakly.
"All is forgiven in the temple." He replied. "Take your time." The two canines sat in silence.
"Reverend," the fox began. "I first came to this temple about two months ago. Back then, I was involved in some sinful things. I drank a lot and I stole from my job to pay for the vile, sinful drinks. I had hit rock bottom, and I really needed help."
"That is how many come to join the flock." The reverend said. The fox nodded.
"That's not all. I chose this temple because some friends told me that the reverend," he paused. "You, I guess, really make the Word come to life in a way that they had never seen before. I came and discovered that you did indeed have a certain enthusiasm that the other reverends did not." The reverend smiled in a way that he hoped would pass as humble. "However, as I watched you more and more, I couldn't help but feel a more than pious attraction to you." The reverend stared at the fox.
"What are you saying?" His voice was more curious than anything else. When the fox failed to answer, he rose and laid his paw on the fox's shoulder. "Tell me, that your sin might be absolved." The fox trembled, tears in his eyes.
"I fell in love with you. I hoped that if I continued to enter the temple, the Gods would cleanse my soul, but every time, I just came to adore you more. I tried to go to other temples, but I kept finding myself back here. Your sermons spoke to my heart, not my mind. You who are so much more welcoming and loving than any other reverend." The wolf nodded.
"I understand, friend." He grasped the fox's head so that their eyes were locked. "Close your eyes and silently beg the Gods to cleanse you. I will act as an intermediary, that your prayer will be heard." The fox wordlessly obeyed. The wolf stared at the fox. He is an angel, sent by the Gods as a reward for hailing their holy Word. The wolf mused. Thank the Gods he is not a filthy cat. Without any further hesitation, the wolf passionately kissed the fox. When they pulled away, the fox was in shock.
"But. It's a sin." The reverend laughed.
"Is it?" The fox nodded.
"You said so yourself." The wolf shrugged.
"To err is mortal." He kissed the fox again, this time slipping his tongue into the other's mouth. The two remained locked together in such a way for what felt like an eternity. The wolf pulled away, shrugging out of his suit jacket and loosening his tie.
"What are you doing?" The fox asked nervously. The wolf smiled seductively.
"You've waited two months. Why wait a second longer?" He considered this and smiled as he unbuttoned his own shirt. In a surprisingly short instant, the canines were as nude as the day they were born. The wolf fell to his knees as though he was praying, but this time, he would be worshipping a carnal deity.
"Are we really doing this?" The fox whispered. The wolf glanced up at him.
"Our very ancestors believed that that instant during orgasm where your mind is completely blank is the closest you can get to the Gods in this life." With that, he bowed his head and took the fox in his mouth. The fox moaned sensuously as waves of euphoria washed over him. He had fantasized about this, sure, but having it come true was beyond even his wildest dreams.
"What about the war?" He wondered aloud. The wolf smiled roguishly.
"I am subduing an enemy combatant right now, am I not?" He returned to the task before him, taking the fox's throbbing erection into his mouth. Against such an assault, the fox stood no chance, crying out in pleasure as he came in the wolf's mouth. Shortly thereafter, still panting, he spoke.
"You were right. I knew the Gods, if only for a moment." The wolf smiled and kissed the fox again.
"Did I not guide you into a better relationship with the Gods?" The fox considered this.
"Gods! You did indeed!" The reverend smiled as he began to gather his clothing with the purpose of redressing. "Wait! Don't you want me to return the favor?" The reverend stared at the fox.
"Are you not yet subdued, enemy of the Gods?" He hissed. "Do you still entertain such sinful thoughts?" With a growl, he pulled the fox up by the nape of his neck and threw him over the desk. The fox's hindquarters were right in front of the reverend's slowly erecting penis. The reverend struck with a single-minded intensity that surprised the fox almost as much as the member forcing its way into his ass. The black wolf pulled in and out, grunting rhythmically. The fox moaned as the wolf's thick cock hit his prostate again and again. He cried out loudly as he felt the wolf explode deep within him and he too reached orgasm, his cum falling on the floor of the reverend's office. The reverend withdrew, short of breath, but he soon regained his composure. He stared down at the fox, sitting on the floor next to his own cum.
"I cannot have your sinful seed in my office." He said. "Lick it up." The fox trembled, but obeyed. The wolf smiled sadistically as the fox did his bidding. By the time the fox was done, the wolf had reassumed his reverend persona. "For sinners such as yourself, sin can only be purged through emersion." The fox nodded, still in shock. "You are to return to my office every week after temple for personal counseling such as this."
"For how long?" The fox asked nervously. The wolf stared at him curiously.
"As long as it takes, friend." He said simply. "At this point, it seems that it will take months to cure you, but I am willing to help you through this trial to reach the Gods and their splendor." The fox grabbed his pants and was about to pull them on when the wolf held up a paw. "Wait. We cannot have you purged of sin here only to regain it elsewhere." He pulled open a drawer in his desk and pulled out a chastity belt. "These are technically meant for teens who cannot withhold their virginity until marriage, but it will also help in your case." He expertly imprisoned the fox's shaft in the belt. "I do hope that I will see you in temple next week." the fox nodded.
"Yes, reverend." He said sadly as he turned and left. The wolf watched him leave, smiling with pleasure. He had to take on some great burdens on the path to the Gods, but it was his life's calling, his passion. He sighed and settled into his paperwork without a second thought about recent events.