Rave on ch.3

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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"Is the coast clear?" I ask "Yeah" Gregg says

suddenly our friend Time drives up in his beat to hell pick up

"Get in" he shouts "Now!" we do without any argument

and were off Tim speeds off "What are you doing?" Gregg

asks "No, time" Tim says and turns a corner and parks.

"How many times have I told don't go out alone" "Tim your -" I say

"You think he's gonna protect you, that's a joke" "Hey, that's enough"

I said "Tim your not my dad" I say "How old are you?"

"16" I say "You?" Tim asked "19" Gregg said "Well I'm 24 and I'm the

closest thing to a father you've got" and with that we drove off in silence.

rave on ch.2

Gregg tries swinging for Brick but the officer grabs him wrestling him to the ground and putting him in handcuffs "Stay the fuck down" the officer says the officer escorts Gregg to his squad car. "Let him go!" I yell grabbing the officer's arm "Let...

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Weird pyschedelic dream continued...

I just woke up... a second ago... nitro comes out of the portal in the year 2032 he looks around takes off his shades and sniffs nitro gets off his motorbike he is then confronted by the Terminator who steps forward "You will not find zee...

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Weird pyschedelic dream

I've been having this dream lately, the dream starts out with me walking down a path of colors, like a kaleidoscope of light and guitar riffs I am then transported to like the late 60's I think anywhere between 1967 to 69-ish. When I get there I...

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