Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Prologue

Story by Katsumi Ferryhill on SoFurry

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#2 of Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight

Just outside the city of Black Sage, our brave warrior is preparing himself and his squad for the upcoming battle, which he was about to march into. Their mission,to recapture the city from the invading Nekomata army who was slowly taking over the Kingdom of Tavrinth. The canines of Tavrinth believed the Nekomata were thought to be nothing more than demons. Who resided to the far Easts, though the ideology soon faded with time as battles were won and lost. Never had any attempt to form communications with, nor did they didn't even know that the Nekomata, let alone any other race besides themselves. Their ships were seen over the coast line. No one knows who fired the first shot, the canines records say they did and that they were nothing more than invading demon force.

Either way it did not matter to them, the first ships were easily destroyed by the heavy cannons of the Salish City, but soon after even stronger ships showed up. Just as the people of Salish showed the ships no mercy, They to received none by the incoming ship artillery, and there began the current 50 year war that has been ranging on and on, With this little bit of history let us look into the present where Darelan is about to march his squad into battle and thus starting another of trillion missions that has already happen over the last 50 years.

"Squad 7 report in" yelled a large canine looking commander as he looked over the maps and battle plans trying to find any holes that may be exploited. While he reviewing everything, a six foot solid black wolf slowly walked in, wearing the stander uniform. His eyes being a deep crimson red, gave him the look of a demon. His arm and paw raised in a stander salute as he looked toward his commander, waiting for a response.

While the commander looked over his order, the wolf slowly approached with the clanking of metal as he made his way over. "Sir Squad seven, squad leader reporting" his ears twitching as he waited for a response. "Ahhh Darelan good to see you again Old friend, how have you been?" the commander asked as he made a couple marks on the map. "Sir? With all do respect I'm nothing more than a soldier under your command." Replied Darelan lowering his arm and slowly approaching the command. The guards with their guns slightly raised at the ready, intently watching the black wolf's ever movement.

The commander, reaching up, scratched his won ear a little sighing softly before slowly looking up at Darelan. "Non since old friend, you know as well as I do how much we've been threw together." glancing back and forth between his two guards as he took short breath continuing. "I know the stigma that your wrought with, the beliefs our race has against you, and to it I say screw them. You know as well as I do how much you have contributed to this war. Even if some don't want to full recognize it."

With a slow drawn out sigh, the commander then looked up at Darelan "Well I guess its time to get down to business now, there's a war to fight." His head lifting and looking towards his friend, he spoke softly. "Listen, understand I've been pushing squad hard over these past few engagements and that your due some rest. But unforgettably today time is not in a abundance. Our scouts have notice heavy enemy reinforcements with inside their city shield. Most of which seems to be heavy artillery being set up. We both know that if their able to fully activate this new equipment then our advancement on this front will grind to a halt and it will be another meat grinder like last time. There for I must ask the impossible of your squad. You and squad 7 are to hit the center with everything you can carry. You should be able to appear like the main force with as much firepower as your A.C.I.S. Units can carry. Your squad how ever will be nothing more than a decoy for our demolition squad. So don't go doing anything stupid. Just hit them hard and force as much of their units to focus on you."

"Are you sure on that?" Darelan asked as he looked over the maps before glancing into his commanders eyes. "Yes take everything your crew can carry, our guys need at least ten minutes to get sneak in and then another twenty to set up. Your que to fall back a bit will be the massive explosions, after which you will be reinforced with the main battalion as they push in from your flanks so be sure to install your I.F.F. beacons so your not mistaken for the enemy." As Darelan looked over the map a little more shook his head some "Yes sir we will do what we can for as long as we can. But remember we're not invisible, and most likely when the backup comes they will need to bring us more ammo." Turning, Darelan slowly made his way towards the exit of the tent only to hear his commander say one last time "Remember friend no heroics, I need your whole squad alive"

After leaving the commander, he made his way toward the A.C.I.S. Suit-up unit, and raising his paw up to his com unit on his head. "Attention Squad 7!!! We have orders!!! Form up over at A.C.I.S. and start getting ready. I will brief you, after I arrive." After which he hit a second button labeled link up and a form feminine voice spoke up, "A.C.I.S. AO booting up, all systems coming online, current status dis connected from body. Kitty online and reporting for duty." Smiling a little he then resumed speaking "Nice to hear ya again Kitty, its time to get to work, relay message to technician full suit up, we need heavy set ups, no DMRs, only rifles, machine guns, and extra shielding. Today we are going to have a prolonged engagement with only our five man squad.

Only after a few moments of walking, he soon arrived at the entrance to what appeared to be an underground building, surrounded by sandbags and camo canvas to hide its presents, and thus he glanced over the men as they came to attention with out so much as a word. "At ease men, we all know I hate when you do it, we've been threw a lot together and I know we've had our differences at the start but that was then. Today is like no other...." A few moments of silence past before he continued. "No I take that back today is not like any other day. Today is a bit different, the enemy has brought up artillery units and as we speak they are being assembled. Thus we've been tasked with something very difficult. Our mission is to act as a decoy for demolition squads that are sneaking in from the flanks, This mission will not be easy and is going to be long. Once we hear the donation of the explosives, we will then fall back to a safe point ,and await reinforcements and rearming, before pushing hard on the Nekomata forces."

"Other than that, no hero business today. We hit them, and we hit them hard that it. Now suit up, get some food and lets get ready for battle." His speech finished, he pressed threw the large doors into what turned out to be a very long, buried trailer, where lines of suits sat waiting for each perspective personal. Darelan quickly made his way over to his suit setting down into the seat and leaning back into the back plate of the unit while the technician started attaching the suit to him. It took the entire squad nearly an hour to finish fully suiting up, giving them plenty of time to nap a little and eat before it was time to start the pre checks. "Sir we're ready for your units movement testing now please finish up and start making your way back to the arming bay for your weapons and packs" They spoke quietly while he slowly put on his helmet finally linking up his A.O., Kitty, to the rest of the unit. Raising to his feet the technicians monitored each joint before giving the green light, allowing Darelan and the rest of the squad to make their way to the back.

They quickly made away to the back to collect their gear each in turn speaking to the gunny officer and taking their preferred weapons and ammo. As Darelan approached the officer, the canine looked up at him in disgust. "When are they going to get rid of your sneaky ass we cant trust you with this equipment, if it wasn't for your rank and my orders I'd send your ass out with with nothing more than a plastic spoon at least then we wouldn't have to worry about you stabbing us in the back." Ignoring the rant Darelan just replied simply and quietly, "I'll take my stander lay out of 2 9mm mag lock pistols, shotgun fully loaded with one in the chamber, along with my rifle with AP heads. Also today I'll be needing my pack loaded to capacity with clips and 3 rations, no water and 5 grenades in there as well." Grumbling and growling a bit the canine looked up at the tall wolf and simple replied "Fine with that set up, you'll have 20, 50 round, mags in your pack, along with 100 shotgun rounds, and 10, 20 round, 9mm clips, and stander issue combat plasma sword..... Alright your all set now please leave me alone I got better things to do."

As Darelan yawned a little waking up from the quick nap he had before arming he joined up with the rest of his squad as they started their long march. "Kitty start log recording" he said along the way. "Star date 182558.8, stander calendar June, 10th, 2140, time 11:30 am, In 15 minutes we will be arriving at rally point Alpha before and pushing north towards the city and with in 30 minutes of the rally point we should encounter combat with the Nekomata forces. Our mission is simple; we are to be a diversion for the demolition squads to take out the shield generators. I have informed my troops to kit out to max as I have as well. Kitty, my A.C.I.S. will include a document of my power suit load out. With my current orders I am expecting anywhere from light to heavy Casualty, if not my entire squad being wiped out, this is why I am presenting a pre engagement log in the event something happens to me so that command knows what happen. With that I say good luck and god speed to everybody today..... Kitty end recording." With a beep it had ended.

1 hour 15 Minutes later

Explosions and gun fire can be heard all over, feline looking creatures scrambling everywhere and taking cover where they can while returning fire, having been engaged by the 7thsquad, the fighting had been fierce and drawn out over a giant area. "Sir what's taking them so long, the demolition teams should have already finished!" yelled out one of the his team mates over the coms. "I know I know just keep engaging I'll get a hold of command and find out" Darelan lean out from the corner and using the digital combat scope sent ten rounds down range wounding 1 and killing 3 others, "Kitty connect me to command and give me an ammo and power load out" he yelled. While he once again leaned over, sending more rounds down range. Once more he took cover as he started changing his mags out having empty another clip "Kitty hurry the fuck up" he yelled glancing over the bio readings for his squad. Two of them had already been killed and the fighting was getting fiercer by the minute. "We've got the whole damn city bearing down on us we need fall back sir!!!" yelled another one of the squad members. He sighed as he lean out opening up again with his rifle. He was about to yell again when Kitty finally spoke up "Current power is 25%, ammo remaining 5 rifle mags, 4 hand grenades, 6 grenades for the launcher, 8 pistol mags, and suit is undamaged because of shielding. However I am unable to reach command, radio is operating with in parameters so I'm guessing the issue is on their end, without the destruction of the generators, and communications lost with command I would suspected that they expected our plan and possible flanked us and moved towards our FOB. I recommend we with draw back and assist there if we find it destroy then a full retreat." She spoke quickly while, subsystems locked on to target after target. Sighing he shook his head some and spoke quickly"Recover all drones and then form on me." Upon getting the green lights from all remaining members, letting him know all drones had been recovered, he yelled out "Fall back to base on my lead" as Kitty then said "Sir I'm having to shut down the shields we don't have the power to support them currently while on the run so avoid the bullets at all costs." As the squad stacked on him , he leaned around the edge and sent the rest of his clip down range in rapid fire mode, yelling out "Cover me!!!" as he took off running towards a set a buildings down the road way, south of them.

Just as he took off, the unit behind him notice a rocket team setting up nearby and by the time he yelled out. Darelan was already heading down the road halfway to the next round of cover. At the same moment the his squad member yelled out "RPG!!" But it was already too late the rocket team had fired and sent their missile streaking threw the air heading right for the Black wolf, As he ran he heard to call and at that moment made the biggest mistake possible with out even thinking about. Stopping almost in the middle of the path and turned around to see the rocket flying right at him..With the squad lead yelling out "Nooo GET DOWN...." it was to late Darelan disappear completely from the their eyes as a giant fireball engulfed him. Forcing the remainder of the squad covered their eyes from the blinding blast, as the sound of a massive explosion reverberated everywhere. When they finally were able to look down towards his location. All they saw was a crater, smoke, and nothing but static over the coms. No debris, no body, no sign of any living being have just been in that spot. It was as if he simply never existed.

Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Chapter 1

Chapter 1The Start of a New Beginning                "Beep, beep, beep!!!!!" The alarms sounded inside of his suit as I turned my head just in time to see the missile streaking towards me as I was running across the way, towards the next hunk of cover...

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Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Prologue

Just outside the city of Black Sage, our brave warrior is preparing himself and his squad for the upcoming battle, which his army was about pushed into. Their mission was to recapture the city from the invading enemy who was slowly taking over the...

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Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Charater Information

Information on charaters below give a little back ground information for the story series I'm starting called Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight. I decided to try and set this up to give my readers a little bit of a mental image of how my charaters are and...

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