Good Puppy

Story by JB wolfie on SoFurry

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It was a typical sunny afternoon as JB walked down the street to see his friend Jon It was warm with a cool breeze something JB benefited from wearing his paw shorts and no top, his usual attire as too many clothes bothered him.

His slight frame and build didn't draw much attention and while his pink paws stood out from his light gray fur most didn't spare him a second glance thinking him a young pup as that is how he looked and acted.

He made good time with his swishing walk hips swaying side to side tail aloft. Soon he arrived at Jon's door and gave it a few raps.

Jon answered soon after. Jon was a far cry different to JB dwarfing his 5'6 frame with this massive 6'4 well muscled and toned body. Jon was a lion a very large well muscled lion, he was covered mostly in yellow fur exceptions been his bushy mane of dark brown hair and his long yellow tail ending in a tuft of the same dark brown.

"In or out Pup?" was Jon's greeting to JB. Not as friendly as one would expect for a friend of the friendly pup, but JB was unperturbed.

"In" JB chirped sidling up to then brushing purposely past the lion deliberately making contact. Grinning all the while knowing he was pushing buttons.

Closing the door and following JB into the dimly lit hallway of his home following the now bouncier step of the little wolf. "Your late its 15.20. What took you so long?" Growled Jon knowing full well what JB was about and the more then likely response to his question before asking it.

"Wanted chocolate" smirked JB using his usual childish tone. He turned back to face Jon after entering the living room. A darker room yet then the hallway taken to get there Jon kept the blinds closed and the curtains drawn with good reason.

Most of the large and spacious room appeared to be rather normal coffee and cream walls, plush cream carpet, stylish modern squared lighting fixtures large three seater couch. The oddities however is why the room remained mostly out of public view. A large coushend fleece covered dog bed was in pride of place in front of the marble fire place with large pink initials in the center reading JB. Not too odd for a dog owner perhaps. In fact that would easily explain the studded collar chain leash ending in leather handle, the food and water bowls placed on the mantle.

Harder to explain would be the contents of those bowls coffee in lue of water and chocolate rice cereal in place of kibble. More questions would be raised as to why this beloved pet would have need of an Xbox controller as one was so clearly in recent use. Let alone the more bizarre items such as wrist and ankle restraints, bars, various bottles of lube and odd looking phallic objects resembling a fair few members of the animal kingdom.

"You have chocolate here JB. You know that" a stern sounding Jon prompted.

Reaching into his shorts and pulling out a Bounty "Didn't have this" he said taking a petite bite from the top. "Want some? I'l share."

Jon did not look impressed in the slightest. He knew full well that JB has been slow in coming just to annoy him. JB loved playing little games, always pushing to see what he could get away with. Just like those shorts he wore. JB wasn't a pup. Jon has no idea how old he was, well at least that he wasn't the 12 he looked more likely double that.

JB however never mentioned his age always played the part of the happy pup flaunting that he could do things that adults could no longer do without scorn, like walk scantily clad down a street flounce up to a door 20 minutes late because he wanted a chocolate bar which could not have taken more then 2 minutes for him to acquire.

Striding forward plucking the remaining chocolate from JB's paw Jon then said "No. Bed. Now." he relished in the instant change in JB's demeanor. Out came the pout, gone was the over playful puppy.

"But mine." came the whined words of JB as the slunk over to then flopped down on his bed it giving a whoosh of air as he settled.

"No. You're mine and you were late" came again hash words from Jon who was moving towards JB towering over the small wolf. "Be there for 15.00 you said just around the corner." Jon pushed out his leg on towards JB chest having him go from his sitting position to a lent back one. "Funny isn't it to take so long coming from around the corner?" Jon's tone now more clipped "You must remember how much I like waiting? Or think I have nothing better to do then sit around idle while errant pups waste time."

JB's long whine was all Jon got in return. He had expected this, wanted Jon angry he wasn't in the mood to play Xbox today. He'd been a naughty pup because he wanted a naughty lion. But looking up from his now prone form at the stylish blue jeans of Jon's right leg feeling more then a little of the lions considerable weight pinning him for the briefest instant he thought he may have push one too many buttons this time.

Tossing JB's chocolate onto the mantle seeing his eyes follow it Jon smirked. "Whats wrong pup? Nothing so say no sorry I was late it wont happen again." This was a balancing act for Jon too much harshness JB would break then all playing was off the cards and it would be a night of cuddling, sorrys and blue balls. But get it right he'd have his subby puppy moaning and panting under him till tomorrow.

"Is sorry" came JB's plaintive whine.

"No. Not yet but you will be soon" Jon's now even tone of voice held a lot of promise for them both. He bent down over straddling the prone JB feeling the warmth and smelling the excitement coming from the little wolf. Grabbing the wrist and ankle cuffs and standing once again. "Stand up. Lose the shorts. Arms out feet apart."

JB did just that. After of course fighting down the urge to buck up into Jon when he was just so close above him.

The tone Jon had used called for obedience and not showyness. JB stood dropped his shorts reveling this swelling sheath widened his legs and held out his arms.

Eying JB appreciatively Jon moved to fit the restraints. Pushing JB down first to his knees JB's muzzle at just the right height to be level with his crotch.

Internally JB was doing summer salts he was getting exactly what he wanted. Or so it seemed, he had in fact in his immediate excitement of been faced with the musky still jean covered crotch or Jon forgotten about his recent additions of sturdy black leather restraints.

Grabbing JB's collar and leash and fitting it to his neck completing his usual look. In and about his house Jon could only smile down at JB. Poor pup didn't have a clue this time. Mind a taste wouldn't hurt in fact it would help make the coming point much clearer. Jon unbuttoned his jeans and let down his fly the musky scent of lion wafting out of the recently freed up area. He was hard. He had been for a few minutes now his pointed lion cock leaking a steady steam of milky pre.

Keeping a tight hold on JB's leash he guided him forward so that he could just lap at the tip. It felt amazing and torturous at the same time. How easy it would have been to thrust forward all the way to the base of his 9 inch cock filling JB's cheeky mouth with lion meat fucking his muzzle till he came holding JB there until he had swallowed the load and then have him clean off the tip

He wanted to. He really did. But that's what JB wanted too. He could tell those lustful shining brown eyes begging so sweetly to let him have more, to let him do better then the kittenish laps the was placing onto the throbbing pole of lion cock in front of him. With a "heh" from Jon JB was pulled down the full length of the 9 inches of lion cock to rest his noise firmly against Jon's toned stomach.

Just as suddenly he was pulled off turned around and pushed down to be splayed out. "No mine. Will be good. Is good wolfie now?" Quick and whiny came the outburst. But not as quick nor as strong as his lion counter part who was now clipping his restraints to each corner of his plush fluffy bed.

Admiring the spread eagle wolf. Arms and legs stretched out butt exposed and tail up in the air. Jon was pleased with his handy work. "Bad wolfie, Naughty Puppy" teasing tones came as Jon bent down between JB's legs. Grabbing a good handful of the wolfs butt "little puppies who push buttons get their buttons pushed." glancing to find what he was looking for in the mess JB generally kept around his area he located the lube he wanted and a 5 inch replica of JB's very own species complete in 3 inch knot.

JB was a mess. Thinking was all a bit too much right now. At the words "bad woflie and naughty puppy" in his current position thinking no longer mattered. Feeling, obeying been good puppy mattered. JB felt Jon grab his butt. Talk about buttons flew straight over the little wolf. What he didn't miss however was the slick and cool feeling of lube sliding from the base of this tail down his crack and running off down in a trail from his balls. He was a smart wolfie he knew what was coming he just didn't know which. Gods he hoped it was lion he arched back up in what he thought was teasing and appealing manner.

Little slut Jon grinned to him self. He was pleased however that JB was game. Slowly and without any other kind of prep knowing exactly how many times JB's still tight ass had 9 inches of thick lion cock lodged in it. Jon poked forward with the canine cock he had grabbed. Enjoying the little gasp JB issued. Smirking guessing JB had yet to figure out what was about to be in him he firmly thrust the 5 inches below the knot up JB's needy ass.

An excited yipp followed a moan from JB. Reeling from the feeling of been so suddenly full he only just figured that it wasn't his lion inside him. Lions don't have knots. Pity.

Sweet music to Jon's ears. He was slowly pulling the dildo in and out of JB watching his butt swallow it greedy while JB him self moaned panted and wriggled beneath him."Poor JB must have been hungry to stop off on the was here. Silly pup I already had his favorite snack ready" Jon then reached not missing a beat with his pumping yo grab JB's food bowl. Lifting JB's hips he placed it under JB's leaking cock.

JB was in bliss at that moment of time. It didnt much matter any more that it wasn't lions cock pounding in and out of him sending tremors of pleasure down his spine to the tip of his leaking cock. He was been fuck wholly and completely and he ,loved it.

Enjoying the show and marveling at his own creativity Jon decided that it was time to move on to the next part of this little scene. "Push back little wolf. Push back and be full." Jon was firmly holding the wide knot to JB's ass now but he wasn't pushing it in for him. He knew this knot would be a challenge for the tight assed wolf, and would not hurt him. "come on be a good puppy. Take this little knot feel good"

Moaning panting sweating JB heard him he was a good puppy he was going to take his knot. Second after second JB pushed back on the knot slowly burying its self inside him. It was huge he could do it. No it was too big he was too full he couldn't. Pop.

What a sight Jb pushing back all he could against the knot breaching him slowly. He was whimpering now really trying but stuck half way. Poor puppy really did want to be good. He really did want to be knotted. Well a little push shouldn't hurt.

With that little push the knot popped into JB firmly triggering his orgasm the poor little wolf having no chance been filled to the brim so completely.

Satisfied with this result Jon grabbed the food bowl from under JB the contents now covered in his milky release. Placing it before him self and pawing off he soon added his own to the gooey mixture. Pleased he set in front of JB's muzzle. "be a good pup eat up then we can cuddle go on" softly spoken and loving in tone was Jon's words

JB floated for a while. He was full so full and he felt so good. His body was still twitching even though he had emptied his balls. He zoned back in on the words "good pup" and saw his snack been laid out in front of him. He had his cereal dry but this was wet. "eat up" his mind listened his body obeyed still spread eagle the could only lap into the bowl scooping up his treat. It tasted good it tasted chocolaty it tasted of lion and him.

He was going to get cuddles. He was a good pup.