Love at War

Story by That_One_Fox on SoFurry

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Listen up! 18 years or older to be reading this, you got me?!? Well, unless you just don't care... but know I bloody well told you! I would also like to thank Activision's and Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 2as well as EA Games' Medal of Honor Allied Assault: War Chest games for giving me the names of guns and granades as well as inspiration. Hope you do so enjoy.

Love at War

by: That_One_Fox

March 17, 1944. 0840 hrs.

Here I am, and I'll tell you, Its what I expected. Mayers says because we just got out of training, we should be sent into an in-and-out mission. I agree with the bloke full on. We are to secure a small German supply area. Let's just hope that this so-called "Supply Area" is actually what they say it is...

Pvt. Montegali, Support Gunner and Armored of the 4th Canine Squad.

* * *

"Up against the wall, lads!"

Lt. Mayers whispered, rounding up the small British attack wave

along one of the few supply buildings. The small group of canines were all excited, yet scared to death at the same time. Pvt. Montegali, a gray fox with a cream colored belly, peaked around the corner of the wall.

"Sir, we have three Jerries in this direction." Montegali squeaked out from out of his shaky stance.

"Good. Montegali and Raven, clear out this building, everyone else, on me, we are going to take out their fuel supply and then take out their weapons stash over to the northeast. I know we're not too well equipped, but give it all you got chaps!" The brow and white fox said, leading his team around the corner.

Pvt. Raven, A fairly skinny sheep dog, and Pvt. Montegali put one foot out and launched themselves at the three Germans. Shot were already being heard from the other squad, as Montegali raised his Colt .45, firing rapidly at the German hounds, hitting one of them twice in a clip of 8. "Damn... Raven cover me while I reload..."

Raven had been in the field for longer than Montegali, so he had a Thompson equipped. Raven gave a nod and fired from his Thompson, sending bullets into the Jerries and throwing them backwards, in their own bloody pool in the sand. The gray fox's paws shook as he tried and tried to get his next clip into his pistol. "It's always like that at first kid, but you need to get your ass going!" Raven yelled out as he grabbed Montegali by the collar of his uniform, pulling him around to the front of the building. Kneeling down, Raven peaked out from behind the corner to look into the small building. Two Jerries were breathing heavily, opening a few crates for most likely supplies of some kind. Raven turned to Montegali, "Your up, kid." Handing him an M2 Frag Granade. The gray fox blinked for a moment and took the granade in his paw, pulling the pin and tossing it into the building where the Jerries scrambled about. A shout was heard from inside, taking the barrel of his pistol, a Jerry ran out from inside and Montelgali bashed him over the head with the grip of his Colt .45, shortly after a scream of blown up German coming from inside.

Raven patted his paws together after making sure the supply crates were secure, hearing Lt. Mayers call for a regroup at the end of the supply road. "Come on lads, move!"

Everyone hustled back, Montegali letting of a long sigh seeing they were missing two. A few

of them were smiling, others just looked tired. Mayers let out a boom, "Great job lads! Mighty fine work! But don't rest up too soon, we are needed in the field again! Hey... Where the bloody hell is Raven, Montegali?!?"

The gray fox snapped back into reality and blinked, looking around the faces of the squad. "I...I...He was with me not long-"

"Whoa yea! What now you blood Jerries!" Every unit turned to look at the shouting.

A German truck pulled up next to them, carrying supplies and food. Everyone hustled around the back and Raven stood in the back, ripping open crates and tossing them all out, everyone smiling and enjoying themselves. Montegali Leaned against the supply building and watched everyone from a distance, smiling at how cheerful the day was looking. "You know lad..." The fox jumped, turning to see Mayers right next to him. "its hard your first time. But I suggest you have fun while you can. You did great I must say." Montegali smiled brightly and walked over to the rest, finally getting a better weapon when Raven tossed a German MP40 his way, catching it and trying to keep his balance. Examining the gun, he turned around to look for Mayers, but he was walking off further down the road, taking long drinks out of his canteen.

* * *

March 19, 1944. 1230 hrs.

Damn Jerries. Our squad just took out two of those flak 88 cannons. About damn time I'd say

myself. We can now advance further over the desert, because sooner or later, we have to advance into town and take it from those Jerries. Johansen says we are going to move up quick and fast. Did he forget we are in the desert...?

Pvt. Davidson, Rifleman of the 8th Canine Division.

* * *

"Get down damnit, now!" Lt. Johansen yelled, holding his helmet down as he tried to get his American attack team down. Bullets ripped into the ground, kicking up sand everywhere.

The team all proned down into the small sand dune, Davidson, a sand colored fox with black belly fur, rolled to one side and crawled his way over to Johansen. "What the hell do we do!?!" The screaming was hardly heard.

"Someone get us some cover smoke! Were close to the town! Everyone, when the smoke sets, get your ass into that town, occupy one of the buildings and take up defensive positions! Now, MOVE!!!"

Davidson watched the smoke granades fly overhead and heard the sound of the release. He decided to go first, considering he was the one who looked most like his surroundings. His M1 Garand in paw, he hustled quickly to the edge of town, signaling his the squad when he found a large, open building. Checking, he found that it was empty. Instead of taking the top floors, the team took up the 1st and 2nd floors, also forgetting the basement. Davidson was in a window of the 2nd story. "Here they come! GRANADE!" Davidson shouted as a stielhandgranate flew past him and bounced off the wall, rolling off into the corner. He crouched down and put his head between his knees. The blast went off and the tan fox quickly took up his position once more at the window. Jerries were already rushing into the building quickly. Looking through the sight of his rifle, sending a bullet to tear into a Germans shoulder. He fell and gripped the bleeding wound as he screamed, not long after another tearing into his neck and sending him flat on his stomach. A quick sound was heard and pieces of the building chipped off and fell to the ground. Davidson took cover behind the wall for a moment and waited for his enemy to reload. He peaked out to notice where the machine gunner shot from. Quickly aiming his rile, he pulled the trigger. Through his sights he watched the bloody scene as a trail of blood sprayed from the German's head.

The tan fox pulled the pin of his granade and through it down below. Shortly after the blast, the sound of the basement doors being blasted open was heard. Davidson scrambled to the stair case to see what was happening, on his way hearing shots and screams from Americans. By the time he looked over the rail, he saw five Germans dead, the last one letting out a loud scream and falling in the German blood pool. Pvt. Davidson looked over at Pvt. Jackum, "Get on the line and call for reinforcements! There's to many, we need tank support!"

Nodding, the canine picked up the line and called in. The tan fox shot his M1 Garand a few times, nailing Germans in places like the torso, shoulder, or head. Sometime they wouldn't stay down and required the most of four shots. Clip after clip fell to the floor. Finally it sounded like the line went through and Davidson moved closer to the radio to listen in, "No can do Division 8! Forces on hold! No tanks are taking their chances coming to you. The zones to hot, chances of anti-armor are very likely!"

Davidson took cover behind the wall as chunks of wall were shot. He slammed his paw against the wall as Pvt. Jackum cursed, "Shit! Well, what do we do now?!?" Jackum looked franticly at Davidson.

"We wait for Johansen's orders, that's what!" Davidson glared.

"Dividson, Johansons dead, the Jerries surprised attacked from the basement and took out a good number of us..."

The fox was lost at what Jakum just told him. Then more bullet holes to the wall woke him up, pointing his rifle out the window again; the loud bang followed by screams of pain and death. "You bastards!" The tan fox yelled out to the Germans as he wasted them one by one in his anger.

Pulling up back behind the wall, looking to Jackum, Davidson screamed out; "Get your ass downstairs! We're getting the hell out of here!"

Jackum nodded and jumped over the stair rail and started down. Just as Davidson was about to jump over, blood sprays shot from Jackums body as it jerked backwards repeatedly, shots ripping through him. He fell back; his eyes open as he hit the ground. His head tilted up to Davidson, who looked into his eyes. Slowly Jackum opened his paw, German screams heard, and in paw was a granade. Davidson turned around and pounced, hurling himself as far to the other side of the 2nd floor as possible. The explosion was ear shattering, and with it, brought the screams of death, which sounded about like seven Jerries. Picking himself up quickly, the fox through himself down the stairs and went to check. Most of the unit was dead; it was him and three other fox's. The Germans stopped attacking for a moment, and everyone almost thought they were retreating. "Everyone, keep your positions..." Davidson signaled, leaning his head out the door.

To the right, clear, ahead, clear, left, clear... the fox's ears perked up. He turned back to the other fox's. "Get to a safe spot. Basement. Tanks. Two of them..."

* * *

March 19, 1944. 1200 hrs.

I'm in the tank now. Bloody damn good thing. Being out in the field was harder then it looks... then again; a rifleman would say the same thing about a tank. We've intercepted a call. Mayers says we'll get to it. Right now we need to cross the desert without worry. The sad part is, if the Germans do have 88's out there, that's going to be some bad work for us to handle. Damn Jerries are hidden everywhere. I just can't wait to get out of the bloomin' heat...

Pvt. Montegali, Support Gunner and Armored of the 4th Canine Squad.

* * *

"Fire!" A shot fired into the side of a tank, its barrel starting to turn to the enemy that just fired upon it.

Another loud boom went off and the German tank roared into flames. Montegali turned the barrel of the tank to hit a Jerry on the hill to the west, when he spotted a German on foot taking off to the south. His eyes opened wide. "Shit!!!"

The British tank jumped about two feet to, then was engulfed in flames. Montegali and Raven looked up from their paws and opened the tank hatch to see their comrades in the fireball that was a tank. The area had been cleared, the Jerry on the hill to the west taken out by another. Five tanks were still left, but two lives lost. Mayers got out of the tank as did others, a few just staying at the open hatches of their tanks. Lt. Mayers sighed deeply and pulled his hat off to hold it to his chest where his heart lie. Everyone waited a few moments and the silence was broken by a booming voice, "Good job everyone! Bloody Jerry stuck explosives to our tank! Anyway, we were ordered to clear the desert, and we have. No more orders for the moment. Get on radio. Until we get new orders, there is a town nearby, lets go, shall we lads?!?" He laughed heavily and everyone was still shattered by the deaths of our men, but somehow Mayers always made them smile. As everyone was getting into their tanks, everyone stopped hearing the sound of a gun slide being pulled back, the sound of the gun loading. Shots boomed and everyone looked around. Montegali continued to fire into the air, and then broke out into yelling. Everyone grinned real wide and yelled with him before closing the tank hatches and rolling their tanks off to the nearest town.

* * *

March 19, 1944. 1310 hrs.

The place has been shot once and we lost the 7th and 6th story. I don't know if the tanks know we are here, but they still sit at the end of road to the west, barrels pointed down this road. They know we've taken up down this road, their just not sure of which building to shoot. We have already taken out at leased twenty Jerries that tried to sneak up on us. We lost another man, so we now have three... and not to mention, they're scared out of their minds. I keep thinking of what to do, and the options I've come up with all lead to us being dead... we could charge, its worth it. But I don't know if I can get these guys to move... I'm afraid they might shoot themselves... All this stress is wearing me down and it's hard to think... I...I just want to... wait... what's that? I hear tanks... shit...

(page stops)

* * *

Davidson got up from his seat to go check, and heard tanks shoot loud booming explosive shells. He ducked, covering his head, but to his surprise, nothing hit the building. The tan fox looked about and ran to the window of the ground floor and called back to the basement, "They decided to send tank support! Men, get into positions! They come to save... Wait..." Davidson turned around.

The other two fox's ran up from the basement and their muzzles dropped. The British. The Jerry tanks down the road were demolished. A fox from every tank jumped out and stood next to it, looking into the building seeing three surviving fox's. The other's stayed in the open hatch of each tank, Raven, two wolfs, and a Doberman. Davidson stepped out from where they hid and looked at the tanks, smiling. Ten men, enough to get them, anywhere. And five tanks. They were saved. Davidson walked over to the nearest tank, which up in the hatch sat Raven and down below, Montegali. Davidson raised his eyebrow and presented a paw, "Names Pvt. Davidson. You saved our asses back there, much thanks."

Montegail shook his paw with a tight grip and a stern look. Finally after what seemed like forever, Davidson stopped shaking paws to go talk to Mayers, and Montegail turned to face the tank, the stern look wiped right off and replaced with a red blush. He breathed deeply, Raven looking down at him, and cracking up," Hahahah! Oh my... That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while... Monty likes Pvt. Davids-"

Blood erupted from the sheep dogs forehead, before his face hit the side of the tank with a 'Clank!' Before some even reacted, sniper shots hit every one of their targets as all the British who were up above in the hatch took a bullet right to their skull. Rivers and rivers of blood ran down the side of the tanks. Some of the others ran into the house, some ducked behind the tanks. Mayers looked up and watched two Jerries covered with blood fall out of a four-story building. He looked to the ground. "Everyone in the house... NOW!!!"

March 19, 1944. 1340 hrs.

From where I left off. Tanks. Apparently the British intercepted our call. I'm damn glad they did, too. Saved us. But they also lost half their men today in a sniper shooting when linking up with us. They have Mayers, so if he'll take us with him, I don't have to make decisions anymore. The radio was shot out and the British's radio blown up when they took a casualty in the desert. No one knows were out here except when we called in for back-up. But they didn't send anyone. They might think we're dead...

* * *

March 19, 1944. 1350 hrs.

Well, we're here. The decision was made. Eight of us are left. All fox's. No British Canine squad and no American Canine Division. We are now Fox Unit. We will have to fight untill we find a radio or another squad and/or division. I met the Americans. Pvt. Davidson was leading them. He was, well... What to say... Nice. In good shape. A nice smile... Anyway, I picked up an MP44, it's a lot better then this MP40 and more ammo. We are going to leave town after a spot of sleep. Bloody Jerries are close, we all know it. Up in the hills is an abandoned German outpost that looks over the whole desert. Let's just hope no one else gets killed... I'm sure someone will though, It's wrong to say, but these Americans... They are going to get hit by and 88 or something... haha... so; we leave soon, without the tanks...

Pvt. Montegali, Support Gunner of the Newly-Formed Fox Unit

* * *

The sun beat down on everyone. Finally Fox Unit found the German outpost. It was on a hill facing west and all the way east. They could only be flanked from the south, but even then they could still hold their ground. Mounted guns, four of them, good shape. Everyone was sweating, Montegali farther up the hill. Mayers scouted the area with his binoculars. A door lead to an underground base if they had to fall back at any moment. It ended, so the only way in was that door. Montegali huffed and panted, digging deeper into the sand. A shadow suddenly covered the bright light over the gray fox's digging area. Montegali looked up and saw Davidson, then looking back down and continuing to dig. Davidson circled around, so he was facing Montegali's back. "What are you up to Pvt. Montegali?"

The shovel plowed once again into the sand, "Digging a foxhole. You see, the way I'm making it, If the Jerries get close enough and take over the trench, If I can make it up here,-"

Davidson raised his eyebrow and tilted his head, looking at the gray fox's rear."-then I can rain fire down into the trench with out being shot from down in the open."

Davidson smirked, "Foxhole...? Well, you already got one of those..."

Montegali blushes bright red, his face twice as hot now. He stayed paused for a moment, then finally continued digging. He finished up and felt thirsty, tossing the shovel to the side and heading for the underground base. As he walked inside, the walls made the room colder, being cement. There were only two lights in the whole place, so the lighting was dim. Montegali placed his muzzle under the water tank and turned the handle, drinking only what was needed. As he flipped the handle to 'OFF', paws grabbed his waist and his got flipped around, and a tongue in his muzzle. He looked for a moment and saw Davidson, eyes closed, his warm, smooth, tender lips against his. The gray fox moaned lightly and closed his eyes as well, tongue dancing with the tan fox's. They kissed very romantically, deeply. The tan fox slowly pushed them over to the nearest bed and fell backwards, the gray fox on top of him. The sheets were a crude ugly brown, and the bed was older looking, but neither of them seemed to mind at all.

Montegali wrapped his arms around the tan fox's shoulder and cupped his paws behind his head. Davidson tilted his head a little into the kiss, breathing lightly; starting to developed a small murr. He pulled his muzzle away slowly, looking deeply and passionately into the gray fox's eyes. "So, what's your first name...?"

Montegali blushed all over, smiling brightly from cheek to cheek. "It's Kev, short for Kevin. But you can call me Monty..."

Davidson smiled and almost blushed himself at how cute he thought that was. "Mine is Tyler. Shortened to make... Ty I guess." He chuckled lightly.

Monty tossed off his shirt and pulled his gun strap from around him, tossing that on the floor as well. Davidson followed, his shirt lie on the floor. Monty felt all up and down the tan fur chest, letting out a long sigh at how warm and good it felt. He buried his muzzle into it for a moment, nuzzling his cheek along the tan fur. Not long after, Davidson unzipped his pants and removed them, taking off his own. They both blushed at the sight of one another. Monty was too embarrassed to pretty much even move, and Tyler could tell. Taking the gray fox's member into his paw, he slowly pawed at it, up and down. Monty through his head up and moaned at the touch. Turning himself, his rear faced Tyler and his muzzle faced foxhood. Taking the tip in slowly, he licked softly at the pink fox cock. It bounced with pleasure, throbbing lightly in his muzzle. The tan fox moaned at the moist heated muzzle around his length. He gave little thrusts into Monty's mouth, placing his paws at the gray fur butt cheeks. He massaged them gently and rolled them around lightly. Monty moaned softly around the fox cock, drooling down its length.

The gray fox held his rear in the air and shook it lightly. The tan fox slid his paw up and down his own cock, moaning at the pleasure. Slowly, he placed his paws on Monty's rear and placed his cock so it pointed at the gray fox's ass. Slowly he slid his cock in; the warm walls clinging to it as more and more pumped into the backside of the gray fox. Finally his length was to the hilt. Monty closed his eyes. Tyler pulled back slowly and thrusted in, giving Monty a small jerk, his head as well as his cock giving a little jump as he jerked. Once again, the tan fox slowly pulled out, and thrusted his cock right back into Monty's ass.

Monty opened his muzzle and moaned out loud. He felt the warm tip of Tyler's cock poke and kiss his prostate. He started to buck backwards, wanting to take the cock as far in as he could, sweating lightly from the heat and pleasure. Waves of pleasure. Running all up his spine every time he felt the fox cock fill his tight tailhole. Wrapping his tail around the tan fox, he bucked back even harder. The tan fox blinked, seeing something wrong. He started to thrust in faster, his cock leaking a small stream of pre into the fox's ass. Pounding his tight hole, the warm skin working all over his throbbing hardened cock. His balls slapped the gray rear cheeks. Montys cock was throbbing as well, leaking steams of pre every time Tyler hit the hilt.

Monty griped down on the thrusting invader, still moaning and murring deeply. Tyler was getting close to orgasm, feeling the heat clamp his hard cock. The moaning that filled the room didn't help much, either. All of a sudden Monty let out a long, loud moan, spraying his seed all over below, spurting over and over, white coating the sheets. The tan fox bite his lower lip and thrust in, shooting ropes of hot fox cum into Monty's bowels. Spurt after spurt, steamy ropes. He pulled back a bit, letting his cum fill the foxy ass. He panted lightly, still holding Monty by his cheeks as they both went into their afterglow of the orgasm. Collapsing on to the sheets, they lay next to one another, looking into one another's eyes. Tyler wraps his arms around Monty and brings him close, Monty snuggling and cuddling into Tyler's chest.

"I love you Ty... I hope I never lose you."

"I love you, Monty. And I won't die, not with you here. I would have been dead already if you wouldn't have come saved us, remember?"

The gray fox smiling warmly, nuzzling his face against the soft tan fur. The Germans never counter-attacked that day, some said it was a miracle. Eventually a passing patrol of British in the area found Fox Unit. Almost killing them, a green smoke was deployed and the patrol took them back home. Fox Unit was never disbanded, and to this day, still fights on. It may not consist of the same who fought back when, but the story of how it was created, will live on. Eventually Fox Unit went to D-Day, but was only the reinforcements for after the battle was done. Finally the war was over and the Allies had won. Fox Unit never saw each other again, except for two of them, who loved each other for the rest of their lives.


Ok, there it was. Sorry for any mistakes. I really wanted to write this; but then again I didn't, being my first one and all. I made it mostly for the story, so if the yiff sucked... I'm sorry for that too. Please, speak your mind about my story. *whimpers* But be nice...
