Part Three: Consequences

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#2 of Adventures of a Hermaphroditic Dragoness

When the two woke the next morning, it was quite a surprise that they found. As Saereth lay there atop Tresh, her flaccid member nestled against the lips of Tresh's sex, it struck her waking mind how much...larger...Tresh seemed to have grown, overnight. She slowly got up, licked Tresh's mouth with a slow sensual kiss, then turned on the light, already half-aware of what she would probably find with her lover.

Tresh was pregnant. Overnight, her belly had swollen roughly twice the normal size, and Saereth knew then...her seed was indeed virile, and like Saereth herself, it seemed that her seed had the hyper-activity of rapid maturity. Saereth swore softly, not quite certain how Tresh would deal with this...and not even sure how she herself was going to deal with this.

" need to wake up..."

Tresh murred softly, then slowly opened her eyes and stared happily up at Saereth.

"What, lovely?"

"Look down."

Tresh slowly sat up, then stared down at her massive belly. Slowly she ran her hand down her girth, feeling the heat of her womb and the tight flesh of her belly. She stared up at Saereth, shock in every line of her face.


Saereth looked at her, an unhappy little grimace crossing her face.

"I'm afraid so. I didn't realize that my seed was viable...or that it would share the same hyperactivity that my body does. I'm sorry Tresh...what do you want to do?"

Tresh looked at her for a few moments, clearly thinking things through. Then she reached up and curled her arms around Saereth, pulling Saereth back to her in an embrace.

"I'm going to lay these eggs. Or this egg. Whichever that happens to be. This must have happened for a reason. If I'm going to be a least the father is someone I know and trust. Or other mother. Whichever that is, lovely."

Saereth stroked Tresh's mane and kissed her forehead softly.

"Okay...I'm glad, Tresh. I'm glad you're going to be okay with this. I can't think of any other female I would want to have children with."

They laid there for a little while, the ramifications of what they had done just starting to sink in. They were going to be parents...parents of a child, or of children.

Eventually, they both got out of bed, and Saereth gently laid hir arm around Tresh's shoulders and rested hir head against Tresh's.

"We're going to have to plan our whole lives around this for awhile, beloved..."

"I know." Tresh said with a slight smile. "I don't have anything better to do anyways. But you're going to have to do a lot of things for me. This girth is hardly going to allow me to do many things. Like masturbate."

She stuck her tongue out at Saereth and laughed. Saereth grinned at her and stroked one of Tresh's enlarged breasts, trailing a finger around the engorged nipple. "I'm sure something can be arranged, Tresh. To our mutual...satisfaction..."

Tresh purred softly, and Saereth knew that even while pregnant, Tresh was still the horny little fuck-dragoness she'd always been.

"Let's stick with a shower first Tresh. We need to go buy baby stuff. You wouldn't deny me the pleasure of showering you with gifts for being the mother of my child, would you?"

"What if it's more than one?"

Saereth grinned at her, then nipped Tresh's ear gently.

"I think it's only one...and a boy at that.." she whispered softly.

Tresh grinned. "How do you know?"

"Father's intuition."

Saereth grabbed Tresh's hand, and started hauling her to the bathroom, where she pulled Tresh into the shower and turned on the hot water. She wasted no time bending her friend over, careful of the burgeoning belly, positioning Tresh on her hands and knees in the shower stall, just beneath the water. Then Saereth gently gripped one of Tresh's swollen breasts, and with one soft grunt, slid her still somewhat soft member into the soft little space beneath Tresh's tail. Tresh hissed softly, moving her legs just a little, spreading them a little wider even as she panted with the hot thick feeling filling her tailhole.

"HARDER!" She screamed as Saereth pumped her member inside Tresh's soft fleshy wet hole as the two of them writhed beneath the hot jets of the water flowing down on them in the shower. Tresh wanted Saereth to dominate, to push and invade further, but Saereth was being very careful to take things slowly, knowing how much Tresh liked sex, but also not wanting to hurt the little dragon that slept just above Tresh's navel.

Her hard firm length pressed against Tresh, all the way to Saereth's balls in one quick smooth motion. As she knelt over Tresh, hilted within her, Saereth purred softly and stroked her hands down Tresh's back, moving down to stroke the warm mound of Tresh's pregnant belly. Her hands reached to tweak Tresh's breasts, already swollen with the milk of a fertile dragoness. Tresh groaned, arching her back, panting harder as Saereth continued to hump against her, their hips connecting solidly with each thump, each wet schlurp of dick wiggling in the hot little hole.

It wasn't long before Tresh climaxed, her sex juices flowing down her thighs to splash on the stall floor. Saereth kept herself from orgasming, not wanting to tie herself within Tresh. She knew there would be other ways of finding release. She didn't want to endanger the little life in any way, thus the anal sex with no ejaculation. She didn't even let herself relax on top of Tresh, instead she stayed rigid, keeping her weight off of Tresh.

As she pulled from Tresh with a pop and a loud groan of pleasure from Tresh, she flipped Tresh over gently, then rubbed the sharp head of her erection against Tresh's soft lips.

"Suck it for me, love. Suck my cock and give me release..."

Tresh purred, looking up at Saereth with pleasure-shadowed eyes. Like a child nursing from its mother, her lips embraced the head of Saereth's hard cock and started to suckle on it, long smooth slurps that made Saereth shiver, each motion making a tiny stream of seed flow from her into Tresh's hot welcoming mouth. Tresh continued to suckle, drawing the shaft deeper into her mouth, until the head was pressing against the back of her throat.

Saereth groaned then, her hand reaching out to grip Tresh's long mane as her hips pumped against the soft lips surrounding her, the heat and moisture of Tresh's mouth making her near the edge of her limits. When Tresh reached out and stroked Saereth's balls with one long finger, Saereth yelped and felt herself fall off the edge of her own pleasure, her member emptying itself in long gushes of hot seed down Tresh's throat.

Tresh swallowed it all, the heat of the seed making a warm path all the way through her, making a small rush of heat pass through her sex. She could feel the shifting of the young she carried, and it made her shiver with the purely visceral pleasure reaction. She licked Saereth clean, licking the last little bits of seed from the shrinking cock.

Smiling, Saereth pulled Tresh from the shower, and slowly they got dressed, laughing and touching each other with each article of clothing they put on.

"Time to go shopping, love." Saereth said with a smile.