A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:5

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#51 of Zootopia

So, this chapter takes us back a little bit in the story. When i wrote "The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether." Toward the end I missed an opportunity to retell a chapter from another character's perspective i kind of regretted. I really wanted to get into Dawn's side of things during the heel turn fake-out on Aster, but I just didn't. Now with the last chapter it was getting kind of long, and had a lot of back and forth between separate characters that might have muddled the dialogue. So I decided to separate Vernon and Wade's conversation during the truck ride in it's own chapter, this one. Get ready for some brotherly love, and by that I mean irritated rough-housing.

Sorry for the late upload btw, downtime happened on posting day and I put posting this here on the backburner. Anyway, Enjoy.


Chapter Five: Travel by Truck-bed

His Mother had made up her mind, and had bested every attempt the wolf had made to keep the pair riding together. Clearly the she-wolf was not going to hear his argument. Now staring down at the intensely nervous looking ewe Vernon had to find some way to put her at ease. The double bombshell regarding Wade's deception and now riding alone with his Mom had clearly shaken her up. Kneeling down to Dawn's level, the wolf place a paw on her shoulder.

"I-I" The wolf sighed, shaking his head. "It'll only take ten minutes to get to the ranch. There's nothing to worry abo-"

"Vernon!" The ewe whispered sharply. "What do I even say!? What do I do!?" It was clear Dawn was getting worked into a full blow panic.

"It's all right." The wolf hushed, doing his best to keep a confident attitude despite the nervousness biting at him. "Knowing my Ma, she'll do most of the talking."

"T-that doesn't make me feel better Vernon!" The lamb hissed.

"C'mon you two, don't dawdle!" Audrey chided. "Besides I want to get to know this ewe my son is so smitten with."

"VERNON!" Dawn whisper shouted.

There was nothing he could do, the wolf was wracking his brain for a way out but nothing was coming. Perhaps it was better if he just trusted in his Mother. She was a kind and level headed mammal after all, and she had seemed genuinely keen on Dawn after the phone call. He knew she wasn't going to just tear into the ewe with relentless accusations. With nothing left to try the wolf let off a reluctant and uneasy shrug before rising to his feet.

Vernon chewed the side of his muzzle as he started for the back of the truck. He could see Wade loading his satchel bag over the side of the truck.

_'Wade.'_He thought with a hiss.

As Wade turned to catch Vernon on his pass by, Vernon reeled back and slugged him hard in the arm.

"OW! VERN!" Wade hissed, rubbing his arm. Vernon glared at him fiercely.

How dare Wade even react like he didn't deserve a smack. Hell the wolf deserved worse for the terrible lying he had been doing. Vernon put all his hate into his stare as the other wolf wilted beneath his gaze.

"We ain't done yet Wade" Vernon hissed quietly at the crumpled mutt. Satisfied for the moment, the wolf started to load Dawn's case into the truck bed. He was furious at the whole situation, but glancing back at the passenger side door the wolf could help but feel the anger evaporate as he saw the pathetic looking ewe standing beside it. She looked like a lost child, pleading to him for help he couldn't give. Vernon frowned, he wished he could fit in the cab with her.

"I love you" he mouthed the words at Dawn, hoping it at least would offer some solace before he finally clambered into the back of the truck.

Vernon sat himself up against the cab, Dawn and his bags nestled right next to his leg. He crossed his arms as he muttered to himself about how ridiculous his mom had been.

"Pullin' the Gentlemam' card, for cripes sake." He shook his head. "Dawn should be riding with me."

Vernon watched Wade come into view as he made his way to the truck bed opening. The wolf caught Vernon's gaze only for a moment before looking down and away. Vernon watched as the wolf reluctantly climbed his way into the bed, closing the trunk behind him before gingerly settling down next to Vernon.

Vernon was about ready to let Wade have it in full when he noticed the cab window between them. The wolf had completely forgotten about it. Having that open would keep him in the conversation between Dawn and his Mom, and if the subject got to touchy he could jump in and keep Dawn from getting blasted. The wolf quickly grasped the edge of the window, a motion that made his brother flinch as he seemingly expected another punch. Vernon threw all his weight into shifting the grimy plate, thinking it would be an easy open. With a heavy 'THUNK' the most the wolf managed to get was a horribly wrenched shoulder blade. Vernon winced, giving the window a punch with his good arm.

"TEETH TO TAILS!" The wolf hissed through the pain, now cradling his shoulder.

"Nw,Nw! Yu byss nw tht windew hss been stck for ears!" Vernon could nearly make out his Mother's shouted response, but he at least managed to get 'window stuck' out of the slew.

"Damnit!" The wolf hissed, slumping back into his cross armed state. As he felt the engine roar to life, the wolf let out an exasperated sigh. The trip had only really just begun and it was already getting worse by the minute. As the train station began to pull away the wolf leaned his head back, staring up at the clouds as they passed him by.

Dawn was alone, at the mercy of his Mother's scrutiny. And here he was, unable to step in and stand up for the ewe. What if his Mother brought up Dawn's past? What if she attacked her for it? The wolf could feel a tight ball forming in his stomach.

"S-she'll be fine Vern." He heard Wade finally pipe up. Vernon simply glared at him.

"M-Ma ain't gonn-"

"Don't." Vernon sneered. "Just don't, I don't want to hear you right now." The wolf spat. Wade fell silent on command, staring at his lap as he fiddled his paws nervously.

The ride continued on silently for another few minutes, Vernon silently turning over all horrible ways the conversation between Dawn and his Mother could be going.

"Maybe you can text her?"

Vernon wound up his arm, ready to slug Wade again before his advice fully registered. Wade held his paws up defensively as he shrunk into the side of the cab.


Vernon had largely ignored the second part of Wade's statement, instead having whipped out his phone and scrolling through the list of contacts before coming across 'Honey Lamb'.

"Keep calm Honey Lamb. I love you." Vernon typed. Glancing over at the crumpled heap that was his brother he quickly added. "P.S. Don't worry, I'm killing Wade."

The wolf mashed the send button before returning the phone to his pocket and letting out a sigh.

"V-vernon..." He heard Wade whimper. Turning toward his brother, the wolf gave him a dull stare.

"What Wade?" Vernon grumbled.

"I-I'm sorry." Wade mumbled.

Vernon grimaced sharply, gritting his teeth.

"Sorry?" The wolf shook his head. "SORRY!?" He growled.

Vernon grabbed Wade by his shoulders causing the wolf to wince.

"Sorry for LYING about your girlfriend?" Vernon hissed. "Lying not just to me and Dawn, but to MA!? What is WRONG WITH YOU!?"

Vernon shook his brother tersely.



"THERE IS, THERE IS I SWEAR!" Wade pleaded.

Vernon could tell that for the moment Wade seemed to be being earnest. Letting off a loud huff, Vernon pushed Wade away harshly sending the wolf into the side of the car with a loud 'PANG'. Wade let out a wounded yelp before hitting the floor of the bed with another loud 'CLUNK'!

"HEY!" Vernon turned his attention to the truck cab behind him. "YOU BOYS KEEP THAT HORSEPLAY DOWN!"

That the wolf had heard clearly, and with it Vernon slumped back into his corner, crossing his arms again. Vernon watched as Wade pulled himself back up into a sitting position.

"Feel better now?" Wade asked, smiling meekly.

Vernon let out a sigh. "Just explain to me exactly 'what' is going on with Giselle Wade."

Wade let out a tired sigh as he slumped forward.

"I didn't lie about the family emergency." Wade said.

"So you lied about the wolf thing?" Vernon said dully.

Wade shook his head vigorously. "No, I mean yes, I-" The wolf dragged a paw across his face. "Look she is a giraffe! She is honestly!"

"So why does Mom think she's a wolf?" Vernon asked, irritation rising in his voice.

"B-because that's what I told her." Wade said meekly.

Vernon simply placed his head in his paws, laughing a quietly mad chuckle. This was absolutely perfect to Vernon. It should have made sense a lot earlier, after all it was classic Wade. The wolf had always been a peace maker and a mediator, but his eagerness to please everyone and to prevent fights had lent the wolf the bad habit of lying when faced with upsetting those he cared about. Giselle was a giraffe, Vernon was now certain that much was true. But the wolf had clearly lied to the others in the family in an effort to kick the can of 'dealing with it' down the road.

"So what was going to happen today Wade?" Vernon asked bluntly.

"W-what?" Wade stuttered.

"If Giselle had been with us, what were you gonna tell Ma?" Vernon laughed. "This girl with the same name as my girlfriend is actually my bag caddy?" Vernon shook his head.

"NO!" Wade barked. "Of course not!" The wolf looked down at his own lap, twiddling his fingers.

"I w-was..." The wolf sighed. "I was going to tell everyone as they met her." The wolf shook his head briskly. "I-It seemed easier that way."

Vernon tilted his head back, letting out a laugh as he stared at the moving sky.

"Easier...Mam...'" Vernon exhaled sharply. " So you lied to the whole family aside from me. You told them you were bringing a she-wolf home. But you told me the truth, and strung me and Dawn along under the premise that the family knew who you were bringing." The wolf wearily shook his head. "And your plan was to just be like 'SURPRISE! turns out Giselle is a giraffe!'_when you finally brought her around?" Vernon let off a shrug. "That doesn't seem _'easier' at all Wade."

Wade slapped a paw onto his muzzle.

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds dumb." He chuckled weakly.

"It is." Vernon added bluntly.

"B-but I was kind of nervous." Wade bit his claws. " I was worried about what the family would th-" The wolf trailed off as Vernon glowered at him.

Vernon could feel the rage starting to rise in his gullet as he glared at Wade. He could tell what Wade was going to say, yet couldn't believe it. Vernon's muzzle twisted into a clenched grimace as he stared at his brother in increasing ire and disbelief.

"eep..." Wade squeaked out.

"What the family would think about you because you were dating a _'prey'_mammal!?" Vernon hissed.

"V-vern I didn't mea-"

"No, NO!" Vernon was now looming over the smaller wolf. " I get it, I do. It's how you really feel." Vernon hissed.

Wade shook his head vigorously. "Vern, I just-"

"After all you wouldn't want to come off like some dirty 'prey chaser' like your brother!" Vernon continued.

"Vern I-"

"At least not till your dear old brother tested the waters for you, right!?" Vernon had reached his limit, but instead of throwing a fit and promptly slugging his brother the opposite effect happened. Vernon let out a hard exhale before slumping back into his seated position. The wolf stared up at the sky again, releasing an exasperated sigh. With the release went his fury, his ire, and his rage, allowing it to sink into a more quiet seethe.

"V-Vernon?" Wade asked. "I'm sorry, I was nervous okay. But that doesn't mean that I was judgi-"

Vernon held up a finger to his brother to interrupt him.

"I'm going to kill you." Vernon said calmly. "Slowly, over the next four days."

"But Ver-"

"But just shut up for a while okay." Vernon added. "For the rest of the ride please, just shut up."

Wade seemed to heed the wolf's word, falling silent as Vernon continued to watch the clouds. Vernon felt sick, a combination of betrayal and disgust twisting his stomach into knots. He gingerly laid a paw on his stomach, patting it gently in a weak attempt to ease the tension within. as he felt the car come to a stop, he briefly looked around to see if they had made it home. The faster he didn't have to share a confined space with Wade the better it would be for his mood. Sadly the truck had merely stopped at an intersection.


Vernon gave a terse and irritated sigh.

"What!?" Vernon spat in annoyance.

"W-would you be okay with not telling everyone that I-"

Vernon gave the other wolf another strong wallop in the shoulder, causing Wade to let out a surprised yelp. The wolf whined, rubbing his shoulder aggressively as he gave Vernon a hurt glare.

"VERNON! C'mon mam' that ones gonna bruise!" Wade hissed.

"Shut up you weasel!" Vernon snapped back. "You should be glad I didn't throw you out of the damn truck!" Vernon snarled.

Wade leaned back against the cab, a glum expression now painting his features.

"You will tell them." Vernon sighed.

"What?" Wade asked.

"Before the weekends out you're gonna tell 'em everything. Or I will." Vernon glared at the wolf again. "Got it?"

Wade nodded dumbly.

"Now shut up." Vernon added. "I just don't want to hear you talk for a while, I mean it this time." The wolf spat.

As Wade fell silent Vernon felt the familiar telltale wobbles start to rock through the car that signaled they had moved from concrete to dirt and gravel. That meant the old Ranch was just around the corner now. The wolf let out another heavy sigh before clasping his duffle. Slinging it over his shoulder, Vernon grabbed Dawn's case and leaned over the edge of the truck bed to watch as the house came into view. They were passing Mom's cornfield now, rows and rows of golden and succulent cobs just waiting to be picked and roasted. Vernon tried to focus in on thoughts like that to ease himself. Pumpkin pie, roast corn, rides, games, picnics in the fields. These were all things that he'd get to enjoy with Dawn, regardless of how things went with the family. He was going to make sure she had a good time come hell or high water.

But the ultimate goal of the weekend was something that still weighed heavy on his mind, now made worse that Wade had effectively put Vernon and Dawn in such an awkward position. He needed the weekend to go perfect, he needed to show his parents how good Dawn was, and how good she was for him.

"I was going to ask Dad's permission for a tithing ceremony."

"WHAT!?" Wade practically spat.

Vernon turned to look at Wade, his face sullen.

"That's why this is so important Wade. I wanted to surprise Dawn with it, y'know?" Vernon sighed.

"Y-you really, I mean-?" Wade shook his head. "I can't believe it."

"I wanted Mom and Dad to know this wasn't just 'a thing' or whatever. That's why you and Giselle we're important." Vernon grimaced. "Aside from making Dawn feel more comfortable, it would sort of help normalize a pred/prey relationship more to have more than one couple around when I asked."

The car slowed to a stop in-front of the sprawling Hunter Ranch. As Vernon heard the engine die, he slung Dawn's case over the side and gently lowered it to the ground.

"Just Don't say anything to Dawn, I still want to surprise her." Vernon glanced back at Wade. The smaller wolf nodded dumbly, adjusting his cap as he did.

With a heft, Vernon hopped over the side of the truck bed landing firmly on the soil below. Quickly grasping Dawn's suitcase handle, he strolled over to her side of the truck. The door already hung open, and as Vernon approached the ewe hopped down from the car seat.

The ewe gave Vernon a broad smile before wrapping her hooves around his frame tightly. Vernon was worried for a moment, fearful that somehow the ewe had heard him blathering on about his plans for tithing before remembering that the sheep had been locked in a cab with his mother for a good fifteen minutes.

"Ma! What did you do to her?" Vernon cried, shooting a curious glance at his Mother before looking down at the lamb. Dawn was grinning warmly up at him.

"Vernon, I'm fine." She cooed.

"Then what's this for?" The wolf was at a loss.

The sheep blushed slightly. "I-I just love you is all." She buried her face back into his waist as she continued to hug him. This was a good sign, things must have gone well with his Mother after all. The wolf could feel the tension in his stomach eased as the warmth of a building blush overtook him, his tail wagging briskly in response.

"I- uh...I love you to Honey lamb." Vernon replied.