The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 6: A Date

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#6 of The Blakes and The Greys

I do love my references

Bill was sitting in his favorite chair in his living room, a hand holding the phone up to his ear. He'd just slipped out of the shower and hadn't bothered getting dressed at all. When he was home, he liked to be natural, then again, he also did the same thing when he was over at Gideon's. The wolf slowly waited for Josephine to pick up, a bit curious why she hadn't answered before.

It was just about to go to voicemail when he heard a somewhat shuddery female voice on the other end, "H... Hey Bill."

That was when the wolf knew what she'd been up to. Fellers and Gals weren't so different, especially when trying to answer the phone after a session of self pleasure. "Hey Jo," he said calmly, "Mind if I asks yas a pers'n'l question?"

He figured he already knew the answer. He'd known Jo for two years, and she'd never once mentioned having a sweetheart or that she was seeing anyone. The vixen gulped, "Uh... S... Sure, Bill."

"Well, Hubert's twitterpated boutcha," the canine said over the phone as his cousin grabbed a shower, "And Iz wondering..."

"I'd loves ta take him on a date. I ain'ts seein' nobody, if that's whatcher askin," the fox said a bit too quickly, something that made the wolf smile. He could tell that she was twitterpated too by how fast she'd answered, "Ya free t'night?"

"Course I am!"

Bill chuckled again, "All right. I'll tells him ya gots a date. Anywhere ya wants t'meet him?"

There was a long pause, as the vixen thought about it, "What about that nice restaurant, y'knows the one that serves them I-talian food?"

"Jimmy Pesto's?"

"That's the one."

"What time?"

"I likes t'eat early, you mind if it's se... six?"

"Six it is. I'll make sure he gets there."

There was a soft giggle on the other end, "I'll sees'm tonight. Thanks, Bill."

Bill hung up the phone as his cousin wandered out of the bathroom completely nude except for the towel he was drying himself off with. "What wuz that bout, cuz?"

The fat wolf chuckled as he turned to look over at Hubert, his eyes tracing him up and down though, mostly focused on his windsocking pecker. "Ya gots a date with Jo t'night, cuz," he said as he slowly moved his gaze up to watch the slightly younger wolf start to, "a-hyuck," and blush.

"I thinks she's twitterpated with ya."

"R... really? Jo-sef-een likes me?"

"From the way she sounded, she's really twitterpated with ya."

The leaner wolf seemed to start floating in the air, a goofy drooping smile across his face. "She's jist s'purdy," he said with a giggle as his thick length started to rise up.

"Ya better calm yerself, cuz," Bill said, pointing to his cousin's member, "Ya might be needing that later."

"Y... ya thinks so," the other canine replied, his goofy grin managing to somehow get more goofy, "She ain't like Penelope, is she?"

The fat wolf chuckled and shook his head, "Penelope was an alpha bitch. Alpha bitches don't want no betas. Yer getting' yerself a vix'n. They's much better th'n any alpha bitches."

"Really," the dense canine asked, his member still hard. Bill nodded, "Yessir, at least that's what I dun hear. B'sides, if yaz get hitched, y'ain't gots t'deal with having pups er kits. She already had one. S'yer ma don't has t'c'mplain n'more bout how she ain't gots n'granpups."

Hubert thought about that for a second. His mother was always complaining about how her three sons hadn't managed to give her any grandpups. "She always thought my brudders was queer cuz theys talk funny," he replied, a statement that only made his cousin laugh, "Naw, theys ain't queer. I knows they ain't. Bicycle, maybe, but theys ain't queer."

"Don'tcha mean bisex-yall?"

Hubert's comeback made Bill blink a few times. He'd never expected to hear a complex word like that come out of his cousin's mouth, "Yeah, I think that's the word, but either way, yer brudders ain't queer. G'on now, ya gots t' looks good fer yer date with Jo."

Hubert's face started to return to that odd look he'd had earlier, his member standing straight up as he thought about Josephine again.