
Story by flipper on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: this is smut. Don't read unless you're legally allowed to do so. Any and all input is appreciated. Oh, and this is the tenth installment of this little story.


The bunny and mouse girls sat on the curb out in front of the Good Old Motel, both miserable. He was gone. The desk fur had been fairly helpful, as had the cleaning staff. All of them had seen Adrian and the state he had been in. They even put all of Adrian's crap into a bag for them. While neither Sam nor Orchid wanted Adrian to be in pain or suffering, at least not any more, it was comforting to have confirmation that he wasn't sloughing this off as nothing. But still, the question remains.

"Where is he?" Orchid said aloud, not expecting a response. Samantha just shrugged. The mouse femme was staring into space, oblivious to the world.

"I mean, who was the fox who picked him up?" Orchid asked herself. Her rabbit ears were limp, her emotions having wrung her out over the past several days.

The desk fur had been helpful, showing the pair the security tape footage of the stunning femme who paid for Adrian's room and whisked him away. The picture was grainy and the camera took stills every few seconds instead of real time video. The only person that was easily recognizable was Adrian, given away by his antlers. There were only a few actual shots of the mystery femme before she was gone. It was a fox and a femme. She paid in cash.

"Maybe he'll call sometime..." Sam whispered, still spaced out.

The little mouse femme was thinking of him and the night he confessed. He had told them. Joseph, her ex-boyfriend, hadn't had the slightest attack of conscience when he'd been fucking around on her. Shit, he'd tried to tell that it was all in her head. This was when she'd found them in her bedroom, a nasty little slut of a calico feline giving him a blowjob. Sam had punched her lights out before rounding on him. When she kicked him out, he was living at the cat's place in less than twelve hours.

"Want to go home?" Orchid asked.

"Yeah... let's go home." Sam replied.

The trip home was silent; thankfully the cab driver was the quiet type. Their apartment was just as they'd left it. Even as they turned on the lights, it seemed... empty and dark. Sam and Orchid went over to the answering machine, but found no messages, at least not from Adrian. But, the call id box showed two calls from the motel. Sam frowned and Orchid scratched her head. That wasn't like Adrian, to call and not leave a message. The mouse femme hit the rewind button to see if they any messages had been listened to and left on the tape.

"Hey, where'd it go?" Orchid asked, long bunny ears lowering.

"Where'd what go?" Same replied, still messing with the machine.

"The note..." She said quietly. The girls looked at each other.

"Simon said that Adrian hadn't been home and had left messages, right?" Sam asked.

"The guy at the motel said Adrian hadn't left before the mystery girl showed up, right?" Orchid asked as well.

Each stared at the other as time ticked by.

"So if he wasn't here, who erased his messages?" Sam asked.

"And where'd that stupid note go?" Orchid asked.


Jennifer had woken up before her lover, returned to her after so long. She had been happy to lie in bed with him, the strong buck spooning her. The vixen was content to just float in the lazy warmth that seemed to pour off of him. He had been wonderful last night. Twice more before morning she had roused him and rode, and ridden, to climax. It had been so long since she could just let herself take, and to be taken in homage of pleasure. Sunlight streamed through the partially drawn curtains, ribbons of light bright on the immaculate carpet.

Adrian stirred and murmured something intelligible, squeezing the lithe vixen tighter. Jennifer sighed with delight...Her half-closed eyes flew open at an unexpected touch. The vixen giggled as the touch grew. She knew what it was, her own body responding in kind.

'Morning wood,' she thought, 'or he just can't get enough.'

His erection pressed hotly against her warming sex. It wasn't a surprise, not really. She'd slept with him before, felt his member firm up before the dawn. But after last night, and considering it had been awhile, this was an opportunity she'd not to let slip away. The vixen squirmed a little bit, getting a slight growl of protest from Adrian. He scowled a little in his sleep, unhappy that something that was his was being taken away. The vixen smiled at the response he gave. She slid down out of his arms and gently rolled him onto his back, whispering soothing words and promises that seemed to penetrate into his sleeping mind.

"That's right baby, lay back and enjoy." She said, sitting up and letting the covers slide down her back, revealing both her and his naked bodies. His erection was standing tall and proud. It was clean... because she bathed it with her tongue at the end of the last session. He had been... insistent. And to be honest, Jennifer kind of liked being told to do something dirty, nasty, slutty.

She worked her way back, nestling her body between his legs. Jennifer could smell his musk, his scent, his arousal. It was so strong and clear. She took hold of him, pleased with her continued effect on him. So hard, so hot, and it belonged to her. That first lick sent a shiver up his body. With a giggle she stroked his member, worshipping that wonderful male organ with relish. The vixen used one hand to push his sheath as far back as it could go, wanting him to feel her tongue on every bit of his cock. She switched her attentions every so often, from stroking with her hand, to suckling on his sensitive head, to licking from base to tip and back again. His breathing was heavy, occasionally moaning, giving Jennifer a little thrill. She'd heard of males that could fake as good as any femme, but you can't fake this. His every movement, from the odd roll of his hips to the throb of his penis, was born of pure lustful want.

He was good and hard, a length of granite with which to play. She teased him, loving whimpers coming through in addition to his moans. Jennifer was tempted to stroke her heated sex as she serviced him, to stoke the fires higher and higher. But she resisted the temptation. Adrian had to know she could take care of him, every way he could possibly need. After being forced to sleep on a couch, A COUCH, how could she not sacrifice a little pleasure? He would see to her desires like he always did. Never would he let a good deed go unrewarded. Besides, after reading some of the investigator's report, there were some new things she wanted to try.

Jennifer once more enveloped his cock with her warm mouth, and massaged his sac for the first time this morning. The new sensation was the trigger. His moans increased in volume, is body jerking, his sac tightening. He came, the force of cum a fine indication of her oral skill. His eyes opened as his orgasm hit him, looking down in surprise. She swallowed his seed, not because she liked doing that, but because it was his. It wasn't a substantial load, considering the past nights' activities. She swallowed it easily.

"Jennifer? What... where... It wasn't a dream." He said, letting his head fall back. Adrian blinked several times, chasing the last vestiges of what had to be an intensely erotic dream, fueled by Jennifer, out of his mind.

"You don't remember? You called me yesterday. I found you at that shit-hole motel. I brought you back here and... well..." She smiled, crawling up his body to lay down on top of him, her nose scant centimeters from his. His confusion didn't diminish. "Well, I guess you don't remember reading this then either."

She crawled over to the side of the bed and reached down, retrieving a taped piece of paper. The vixen handed it over to Adrian who regarded the item with caution. He took it, looking it over and reading it. His mouth opened in shock, his eyes watering just a bit. It was the letter from the apartment. Things written there were clearly written in anger, but written just the same. The spoken word can be withdrawn, forgiven, glossed over with time. But the instant something is put down on paper, it takes on something more, something powerful.

"C'mon, let's get cleaned up." Jennifer said, rising out of the bed and holding out her hand to Adrian. The buck looked up at her as she stood, distraught and heartbroken. Slowly, his hand rose and took hers. She guided him through the room over towards the bathroom. Given the size of the suite, he wouldn't be able to find it otherwise.

He followed dumbly into the massive and overly opulent bathroom. She pulled him, both of the quite naked, into the large shower stall. It had two sets of shower head assemblies, each with multiple heads, one to shower water from above and another at waist height. Jennifer turned on the water, waiting a moment before going in until it was good and warm. It didn't take long, although from the look of Adrian, any wasted time was a bad thing. She pulled him in the stall and under the stream of warm falling water.

'Those bitches,' the vixen thought, 'hurting him like this. Well, time to cheer him up.'

She let him stand under the water, soaking him thoroughly. The warmth of the water seeped into him, the pain in his eyes lessening. Jennifer pushed the showerhead to the side and took a courtesy bottle of fur/hair cleanser, starting to wash him. She didn't rush, soaping him up from his broad shoulders and working her way down. The vixen didn't shy away from the mess that was his crotch. Adrian's eyes, half closed, were wide open when she began to gently scrub the mixture of his and her cum out from his fur. Even so soon from orgasm, his genitals stirred.

He halfhearted tried to extricate himself, succeeding only in backing against the cool tiled wall of the stall. Adrian's body was reacting predictably. Jennifer smiled as his penis began to poke out of his sheath, the first glimpse of pink that would soon be a turgid purple. The luscious vixen pushed her body against his, remembering a little something from an on-line story. She began to stroke him with her whole body, a living brush. He didn't speak and neither did she, at first.

"Almost clean, unless you want to get dirty." She whispered to him, drawing him over to the cascade of water, washing out the froth of cleaner.


Adrian couldn't help but watch as she turned from him, planting her hands on the tile wall, and bending over, tail flicking to one side. She looked over her shoulder and smiled to the buck, still a little shocked by everything. Waking up with Jennifer giving him a blowjob in an incredible looking hotel room was enough to set him on his heels, but the letter put him in a state of shock. It was written by both Sam and Orchid, he recognized their handwriting. The state of his fur, at least below his waist, was a testament to the activities with Jennifer the night before.

But why would he call her? How would he have been able to find her? How did she get to him so fast? His head hurt a little from the booze he undoubtedly drank the day before. But... she was someone he knew, someone he trusted at one point. Jennifer was not someone to just hop in the sack with a warm body that showed interest. Adrian tried to resist the sight before him. As he thought about why he should, his mind gave up. Orchid and Sam wanted nothing more to do with him. The letter was fairly clear in that regard. If he had it, how he had forgotten something like that was beyond him. It meant that the worst had come to pass... what they had shared as a trio was gone.

The buck moved up behind Jennifer, lining up behind her and pushing in without preamble or concern for her. Anger welled up where anguish was a moment before. They wanted him gone? He told the mouse and rabbit his failure, hoping for forgiveness but was returned with that... that note? Adrian remembered waiting for them to call him at that dingy little motel, hoping they would call him back. And instead, they had this in response? They couldn't even say it to his face? So be it.

He thrust at the vixen roughly, his actions fuelled by anger and rage, not love or affection. She squealed as he grabbed her hips and plunged into her, fast and hard. Adrian had fucked the almost delicate looking vixen before, many times. He knew she was not nearly so delicate and fragile as she appeared. They had sport fucked in the past, and now, it appeared, they would do so again. She could take this and much more.

Jennifer thrashed her head as he plowed her. He was not going to last long at this kind of pace. Slow and even was the pace with a little variation and care was the recipe for bringing off most femmes, at least in Adrian's experience. But what the hell did he care? Right now, he had some serious anger and aggression to work out. The vixen was literally clawing at the walls, her keening cries likely carrying through the walls, floor and ceiling. If someone doesn't like it, they could fornicate themselves with an iron stick.

Suddenly, Adrian felt Jennifer convulse around him, moments before his own point of no return. She was positively electric around him. The femme shrieked as her body forced out a flush of girly cum, more pushed out of her body with every maddened thrust he made. Her body went limp but Adrian held her up, a few seconds later his own orgasm hitting, pumping her sex with his spend. The buck held the fiery hued femme aloft for a few more spurts before he let her down. It was not entirely kind, letting her fall to the hard floor, but the last powerful spurt from the tip of his cock landed across her face, painting with a streak of off-white.

"Oh wow... Oh gods, Adrian..." She whimpered. "That was amazing. But I want to try something new, at least for me."

Adrian was about to ask what but she got up onto her hands and knees, tail flipped up and over her back. He could see a little dribble of their mixed cum oozing out of her stretched sex, puffy and pink. She reached behind and spread her... ass? Her thumb and middle finger further spread herself while her index finger dipped into her abused pussy and then rubbed at her tight little sphincter. Her finger went back and forth, bringing forth more of their commingled juices and pushing further into her rear passage. Adrian was spellbound.

"It may be a few moments for me to, uh, recover." Adrian said, watching the show.

"Then get down here and let's see what I can do." She cooed, motioning for him to come down to her level.

Adrian complied, lying down next to her. She smiled, and shook her head 'no'. The buck's eye brow went up in question. The vixen pulled her hand from her crotch and drew a '69' on the condensing moisture on the tile wall. Adrian spun himself around and laid on his back as Jennifer moved over him. He was greeted by a rather pornographic view of her sex and anus. The buck didn't wait for the kinky little lady to get back to her presentation, reaching up and slipping a finger into her sex. With one hand holding the base of her tail, ensuring it wouldn't get in the way, he teased her star. She shied away from that unusual yet intimate touch, but he would not be dissuaded. Adrian needed something to get two furs out of his mind, and hopefully this would do the trick.


Jennifer had played with her body, in more ways than one, but this was one avenue she had not touched on until very recently. The investigator reports had described the activities of the two tramps and her male to almost nauseous detail. Granted, she had asked for just that, but still. When she had broached the subject with her step-mom, the sexy lynx had laughed, laughed! Apparently it was one of Daddy's favorite things, to fuck the young bob-tailed femme's asshole. She gave Jennifer some pointers like to relax, to practice, and to have a good enema before hand. Thankfully she had taken the second to heart, purchasing a few toys for that purpose.

Although, they had all been vibrators and dildos, and a strange little thing that was a flexible and thin probe. Adrian's finger alone was as large, if not larger, than any of the things she had tried. Nonetheless, he was not one-dimensional in his work, his tongue flitting over her sex as he slowly worked a finger into her back passage. The combination was maddening. At least he regularly bathed that invading finger with liberal amounts of saliva and her natural juices. Otherwise it would be painful rather than... uncomfortable.

But she had other things on her mind, like the hiding member that had already revealed itself twice before this morning. The vixen nuzzled his sheath, rolled his testes, cooed as sensually as she could, with visible results. It was certainly taking longer than before, but that was no problem. That he could get it up three times alone spoke volumes. She did her best to get him to full erection. As he grew, trepidation grew within her. This morning's fun hadn't had the proper impact on her. He was big, bigger than her 'test' dildos. Not much longer but definitely thicker. She was about to voice her concerns when Adrian caused her to cry out in surprise.

Two fingers, she had two of his fingers in past the second knuckle, buried in her ass. She forced her muscles to release, having clenched at the invaders without thought. Jennifer went back to sucking on that cock with abandon, anything to get her mind of what was undoubtedly to come next. The vixen briefly considered whether or not she had gotten in way over her head. Then, that clever bastard began to suck on her clit, getting a moan out of her to boot.

"Be... please be gentle Adrian." She whispered, her hips moving to find that wonderful tongue and to escape those probing fingers. The effort towards escape was, of course, lackluster. The dirtiness, the debauchery, the sinfulness of this was wonderful.

"I'll be gentle." He replied. His voice had an edge, that husky lustful voice, enthralled by the circumstance. Jennifer couldn't be sure he wasn't being sarcastic. As if sensing her apprehension, he focused on her clit once more, eliciting another moan of pleasure. "Don't worry, you'll love this. Get up."

Jennifer obeyed, rolling over to allow the buck up from the shower stall floor. His penis was a spear of granite, hard and hot. Adrian got up to his knees and waited, wagging his finger in a circular motion. With trepidation, she obeyed once more, crawling around on hands and knees. The vixen got into the position she had just moments before, submissive and willing. She even spread her cheeks as she had before. It felt odd, the now empty sensation that remained when his fingers left her. That feeling did not last long, Adrian's broad member falling against her crack, thick shaft in the space between her two fingers. It was like fire compressed into tangible form.

He moved back, drawing that magnificent and now terrifying tool across her anus. When his tip was lined up, he changed directions, pushing instead of pulling. Jennifer desperately wanted something to hold onto, to grasp, to feel while her buck pushing against the slowly yielding flesh of her prepared sphincter. His tip pushing in past the muscle ring stopped. Thank the gods he stopped. Never had she thought that he could feel so big. Those two fingers were nothing compared to this.

Once one of his free hands reached around her body to her unoccupied sex, the fox began to breathe heavily. His thumb and forefinger sought out and caught her nubbin. With a firm but gentle grip, he stroked that center of pleasure as he slowly but implacably pushed his penis into her body. Jennifer felt the heat in her loins spike unexpectedly. Her body shook as her climax flooded her body. She clamped down on the invading thing inside her, getting a grunt of surprise from Adrian, but no respite. He didn't stop. His fingers kept stroking that center of pleasure, rocking her conscious mind, while his cock pushed deeper, stretching her further than she would have ever believed.

"Please... I... I can't... take this..." She whimpered to her lover. Jennifer's pleas fell on deaf ears. Had she the strength to look over he shoulder, Adrian would have scared her. The buck's eyes were open, almost blazing with intensity.

"You're doing just fine. Relax and enjoy it." He said, unwavering in the task at hand.

"No... it's too... oh gods..." She breathed, eyes screwed shut, blunt claws trying to grab hold of something, anything. Her body was rapidly becoming over-stimulated. The 'discomfort' in her ass had absolutely nothing on the fire burning in her sex.

Her words fell away into incoherent whimpers as Adrian continued to slowly drive himself into her. The buck felt a wonderful degree of accomplishment once he was balls deep. She hadn't exactly relaxed, but neither had she purposefully tried to resist his entry. With a smug little smile, he slowly withdrew, watching as his member was revealed. Once he was nearly completely removed from her body, he thrust back inside. The vixen's whimpers increased now that he was slowly fucking her ass while mechanically stroking her clitoris.

Adrian's tempo increased with each stroke he gave her. More than once he reached around with his free hand, fingering Jennifer's wet folds, and smearing her juice on his cock. Despite the anger fuelling his actions, he really didn't want to hurt her. Soon Jennifer was coming again, wordlessly. The fiery beauty clawed the tile and bore down on him, mouth open but without sound to truly articulate the sensation coursing through her body. She mentally willed him to finish. Her ass was quickly becoming quite sore, and the way Adrian was moving, she would not be able to sit with any degree of comfort for a while. His stamina, something she mentally praised earlier, was now a curse upon her. Whimpering, she tried to squeeze that monstrous thing inside her, anything to push him further to his release.

Once he had increased pounding of her body back to full force, she came again. Jennifer screamed through her second orgasm, more intense than the first. Thankfully Adrian's hand left her over-worked sex, only for him to grab onto her hips, aiding in the frenzied sodomy. He grunted and moaned more now, vocal and masculine, like a feral animal.

'Please, let him be close.' She begged silently.

Then he left her body. Jennifer felt a void where had so recently been buried. It wasn't a bad feeling, nor exactly pleasant. She almost wanted him back... almost. Her arms gave way, her upper body collapsing against the wet stall floor, panting. The vixen didn't look to see what he was doing, not caring. This morning was quickly wearing her out.

"There, now that that's all clean..." He said.

Jennifer squealed in surprise when Adrian grabbed her and roughly flipped her over onto her back. His sex was still engorged, undiminished by the rather vigorous fucking he had given her. In one hand was a soiled washcloth, tossed aside casually. The buck had a sly grin plastered across his face. Jennifer watched as he grabbed her by the knees and spread her legs. He pulled her to him and briefly let one leg go to aim at her moist, puffy sex. He thrust into her without preamble or care.

Adrian covered her with his body, humping her for all he was worth. Pure bliss filled her body, the natural connection restored between male and female. She was ready for this, her body almost trilling with pleasure as her buck kissed her hotly as he pumped her. His motions pushed them up to the wall, Jennifer having to reach up over her head to brace her body against his powerful thrusts. He broke their kiss, his muzzle against the side of her head.

"Thank you, thank you for being here." He said, kissing her tenderly on her neck. Jennifer swooned, such simple words doing more for her than the entire ass-reaming.

With a growl he thrust forth into her one last time, reaching as deep as ever could hope to. She felt him shudder as he finally had his own release. His back arched, head back with eyes shut, his cock still firmly embedded within her vagina. Adrian was panting when he finally opened his eyes, looking down at her. Jennifer grabbed him by the antlers and kissed him deeply, her body milking his member, her legs wrapping around his waist. When the kiss finally ended, he was limp, a dribble of semen following his withdrawal.

"Now it's your turn to wash me. And hurry up; we need to get you some clothes." She said, positively bursting with energy.

"Uh... clothes?" He asked, rising and helping the vixen up as well.

"Clothes, and shoes, and accessories... and you're definitely going to need a haircut, too." Adrian had a somewhat dejected look on his face. "Oh buck up, it's not torture."

Jennifer didn't catch the rolling of his eyes.