The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 8: Back Home

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#8 of The Blakes and The Greys

Jo guided Hubert down the street. By the time the two had finished their meal and had decided to go home together, the street lights were already on. "War'z yer place, Jo-sef-een," the wolf asked as he felt her head gently resting against his upper arm, her tail lightly brushing over his. "Jist 'nother block, shoog," she churred softly.

Hubert was greatly enjoying the vixen's attention, so much so that he was wishing that his jeans had a third leg in them. "I likes you, Jo-sef-een. A-hyuck," the canine replied, the sound of his goofy laughter only kept the vixen smiling, "I likes ya too, Hubert."

The two started to lean against one another, as they made their way down the last few squares of sidewalk before turning towards a small, one story house. Jo's home wasn't much. It had been built in the mid-50s. If the vixen remembered correctly, it had been built for one of the single teachers who'd lived in it until their marriage. It had then been passed from one bachelor to another before Jo had purchased it just over twenty years ago.

She'd done some sprucing up over the years since she'd owned the place, mostly making sure all the siding had been replaced as well as the roof, the floors, andthe carpeting, until it felt like it had been made for her. Slowly, the vixen began to guide the wolf towards the front door, her fingers gently groping his paw.

Jo and Hubert stopped at the front door, the vixen reaching into her pocket to pull out her keys to ease one of them into the bolted lock. She was happy that she'd left the porchlight and the living room lights on as the fox pushed the door open.

The living room was small and easily blended into the kitchen. Both were covered in a wood print linoleum. The only carpeting in there was a small rug that sat under a low table in front of a couch. Behind the table, about a yard away, was an old wooden tv stand with small, ten year old, fifteen inch flat cathode ray TV/VCR/DVD combination. A few tall bookshelves lined the wall, full of movies and books, though a few family photos were there as well. Hubert stared at one of them for a second, his face drooping a little at a handsome fox in an military uniform.

"Wuz dat yer sweetheart, Jo-sef-een," the wolf asked in a pouty whimper. The vixen giggled, "Naw. That's jist m'lil boy, Kody. Though, he ain't lil n'more."

The canine's face seemed to immediately light up at her words, almost letting out a sigh of relief before looking at the photo again. "He's a handsome feller, Jo-sef-een," he replied before turning his head to look at the vixen, "Whut happened t'his daddy?"

Jo wasn't sure how to answer that question. She could tell him the whole story, but she didn't want to ruin their night, so she answered simply, "He ain't 'round n'more, shoog."

"Wuz ya married," the wolf asked. He was a little dense, but he was also genuinely curious. He was wondering if she really was a Grey or if she married into the family. The fox just shook her head, "No. We never got hitched."

Hubert slowly nodded, "Oh."

Jo let out a soft sigh as she slowly started to make her way over to him again, her hand moving to gently take his hand again. "It's ancient history," she said softly as Hubert couldn't help but let out another, "a-hyuck."

"Besides," the fox said sweetly, "He wasn't as sweet as you."

The wolf kept grinning, his smile moving from ear to ear as he let out another, "A-hyuck," while his jeans tented more and more. The vixen churred softly as she slowly started to pull Hubert towards the bedroom.