The Runt: A New Experience
"tod...tod! calm down tod! it's alright. it's me, eric! amy and i are here! we won't let anyone hurt you!" tod opened his eyes.
The Runt :Breakfast of Champions
tod, it's alright, calm down! i'm not going to hurt you! i would never hurt you tod..." eric held tod out at arms length and lifted tod's chin so that tod was looking into his eyes.
The Runt: Under the Weather
Liliana's voice was close to tod's ear. "tod? what's the matter honey?" tod felt amy shrug as she responded in his place.
The Runt: Friendly Faces
Arthur scratched tod behind the ear and whispered. "how you doing tod? are you feeling a bit better?" tod nodded his head as he leaned into the scratches, but arthur stopped and shooed tod down.
Lucky Tod (Part 2)
tod and vixey came at the same time, with vixey's vaginal opening squirting out a warm mixture of her vaginal juices and tod's leftovers and tod spurting fresh cum into sheila's mouth.
The Runt: Personal Hygiene
"tod? hey tod! hello space cadet, come back to earth little guy!" tod jerked out of his reverie when eric waved his paw in front of tod's face. when he had tod's attention, eric continued. "they all left around ten.
The Runt: Dangerous Encounters
tod blinked, nodding gently. arthur set tod on and the floor while eric took tod's paw his own, and tod felt more and more like a young puppy, but, for some reason, it bothered him not.
The Runt: Discovery
tod's up." "hm, what's up?" "tod's up." "who's up?" "tod." "why is tod up?" "i don't know, maybe because it's morning? now quit being a twit and get up. we need to wake up the others."
The Runt
Eric spoke up, breaking the silence neatly, severing tod's worries again. just then, though, tod's new father stood up. "first off, tod. we need to make something clear..." tod cowered down, ears flat, tail between his legs.
The Runt: Double Trouble
The cat shook her head and looked up at tod, smiling. "hey there! you're dripping on me, cutie! tod? tod what's the matter, hun?" tod hurriedly wiped the tears from his face, but by now both sheila and amy had seen.
Becky's Catch
tod!!! tod be careful, your knot is pressing really ahh..." becky did her best to restrain tod but to no avail as he had neither the wits nor the will to comply.