The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 16: Old Fashioned Wedding

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#16 of The Blakes and The Greys

Hubert and Jo stared at each other, the two holding hands as they recited their vows. They'd already been married in the eyes of the law, but now it was time for them to be married in the eyes of God and all their friends and family.

Everyone was there; Joshua, Jeane, Gideon, Kody, RJ, Bill, Evie, and George. Bart and Wilbur were there as well, though the two seemed to keep their distance from everyone. Even the Rowans had showed up, which had been a nice surprise. Richard had even volunteered to give Jo away, something that the vixen had happily accepted.

Slowly, the two finished reciting the words, and the pastor ended the ceremony with, "You may now kiss the bride."

Hubert leaned in, pressing his lips to hers as Josephine Annabel Grey Hemming tossed her arms around her husband's neck, her tail flicking around. Not even thinking about it, the fox tossed her bouquet over her shoulder, the dozen flowers floating in the air above the crowd.

Gideon had ended up sitting next to a lovely red fox named, Victoria Rowan. He'd learned that she was his cousin. Sort of. She would have been his cousin if her uncle had married his aunt. The two had idly chatted some, he'd even told her to come visit his pie shop, something that her grandsire had told her about a few times.

At the moment though, the two foxes were watching the bouquet arching up in the air, everyone's eyes focusing on where it would land. The whole room already knew that Kody was marrying RJ, and according to tradition, or was it superstition, whoever caught the bride's bouquet would be married next.

No one seemed to move as the flowers hit the apex of their arch and slowly began to fall down. It tumbled end over end in a slow flight. A few hands moved to grab it, but no one was able to catch it as the flowers landed on Gideon and Tori's laps. The tod and vixen blinked as they looked down at the bouquet, then over to each other, both of them blushing hotly.

Mike and Helen had watched the whole thing, their eyes perking up as Gideon and Tori looked at one another with a few goofy smiles. Mike thought about saying something, but neither Tori nor Gideon were related. Maybe it would be nice to finally have a Grey in the family after all.