"The Real Deal" - Chapter 10

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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"The Real Deal"

(C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 10.

Tony groaned from under all the fluff of his mottled brown tail, but the sound that came out was little more than a dry rasp ending on a muted whimper, the final result of his stomach muscles flaring loudly in complaint from being called upon, yet they gave no real assistance to his diaphragm to make any substantive vocalization.

That wasn't a dream he'd been having, nor was this a nightmare he might be able to wake from, his body really did suffer in all the vivid areas he was slowly cataloging.

Basically everything hurt, from his toes to his whiskers, even his throat. When moving, and when he was just sitting still, the aches turned ablaze as he stretched stiff muscles, yet at the same time some of it faded, such that he knew he would feel so much better if he could just get up, but.


Not yet. He took further stock of his situation first.

He could smell his own scent in the air, past iterations of himself from weeks and months previous, altered slightly by what he had eaten as well as what his collar had been set to. Ever present was Mist's lingering redolence, a sort of dominant musk that was by no means unpleasant to Tony's nose, but Mist wasn't in the immediate vicinity right then, he could tell.

The light around him was dim, comprised of a narrow wedge of red that struck far into infra, it was warm against his nose and penetrated deeply through his fur, helping to promote circulation, and it did ease his pains considerably. It was beamed directly from up high, in two long lines where the walls met the ceiling, to the left and right of his bed. He immediately recognized his room onboard Mist's ship, and although it was featureless beyond his bed, which had easily the softest mattress he'd ever slept on, there were so many other things elsewhere in this ship that his room didn't need to contain anything besides what was required for sleep.

After the attack, it was a welcome sight to wake up to, though his calm, lazy thoughts were about to change.

He gradually uncurled himself from the compact ball he'd lain, stretching out his back legs first, transitioning from the position a four-legged canine used, to that of a biped, but he halted just short of moving his forearms, both felt like they'd been dislocated at the shoulder, and then popped back in place by a professional wrestler. One whom jumped high into the air and landed on Tony, with his elbows.

His wrists had been cut, which was probably the faint source of blood on the air. The realization that it was his own awkwardly halted the watering his mouth had just started, he rubbed both wrists to see if anything was broken, but they were only bruised under the thickly scabbed fur.

His harness, it had attached to his wrists, and when that... thing... that had latched onto his sheath and his mouth had pulled, it had fought like a demon against his wrists. It was almost like he'd been on a medieval torture rack, it was so incredibly strong, pulling at him, had the harness not been attached to his wrists, the thing would have ripped his arms right off as it struggled to force him into its gaping wet maw.

As he moved, the lighting in the room sensed the motion and reacted to perceived consciousness, it gradually shifted towards white, gaining spectrum slowly so as to allow for his pupils to react, a process by which Tony was grateful.

He stared at his arms curiously, for he noticed small patches of his fur had lost their pigment, they were now stark white. The texture was normal, there didn't feel like any injury was under the area. It was asymmetrical, and when he looked down he saw even larger patches on his thighs, it looked like his whole body was turning white.

He tried to calm himself, and took a deep breath and went to scratch at a nagging itch in his dick.

His fingers found his familiar thick sheath, but the tip just inside felt numb and odd-shaped, his eyes suddenly went wide when he yanked it down to stare in shock at the color, his prick was all black, and two tubes trailed out of the tip... a sort of split that ran back, parallel to his sheath, tightly riding up against the inside of his groin, he felt them both enter under his tail, into his ass, and upon touching them he realized the ache in his colon was from a large mass, clearly not the bowel movement he thought he needed to make. How would he even...

What the fuck is this?

He pulled on one of the lines, and that's when the torture began.

Something quite alive woke up, too.

His dick itself wasn't black, no... that was some... thing, something ALIVE around it, somehow firmly attached and burning warm, it led deeply into his urethra.

He knew precisely how deep, because suddenly he felt a twisting, grinding surge of sensation that reminded him of the orgasm the monster induced when it ran up into his dick, it was just like this.

Maybe it was... the part that did that, still there. No!

The sensation caused him to sharply draw a breath in through his nose, followed by an abrupt exhale, he grunted loudly, slick movement had shifted inside his rump, and it was now bearing down hard on his prostate, rhythmically, wave after wave, slowly gaining in intensity like a giant digit pressing down hard from without.

He was instantly horny, past all levels of concern, and he didn't need to understand what was in his dick or under his tail to know he had to climax, right here and now, there was a desperate intensity to it all, perhaps not even his own, and he squeezed hard behind his knot, not bothering to pull his sheath back behind it first.

Nothing happened, the area there felt hard under his fingers, the sensitive region his tongue favored, the spot he loved to nibble on, was now as solid as plasteel.

His movements became panicked, he frantically pulled and squeezed and tried to rip what was on him off, he had to get to that sweet spot, anything it took, but before he could damage either it or himself, a white hot blade drove straight into his urethra and speared his bladder, he was certain he pissed all over himself from the blinding pain, and dreaded washing the smell out of his mattress.

Such thoughts of laundry were only distant as his body seized up, and he waited, unable to even draw a single breath.

Slowly, after what felt like an eternity, things began to loosen up inside of him, the pain faded, his paws had never left the base of his sheath, but as he let go, the creature clamped down again in anger, and another intense spasm ripped into him.

He lay there with his paws just centimeters from his dick, once again unmoving and only staring with wide eyes. Faint whimpers as highly pitched as his vocal cords could make pierced the air, over and over.

The erotic massage of his prostate resumed, subtly at first, though it gained intensity rapidly, and he could feel surges of precum jetting warmly into his prick, yet nothing exited the tip of the creature, for no opening even existed that he could see.

Dimly, he realized he needed to piss, and with painful movements he climbed onto all fours and squatted like a puppy, hoping that if he pushed hard enough, something would come out of somewhere...

In walked Mist.

"Yeah, that's not going to wo-" Mist had started to say, but one of his paws slapped down against his own sheath and his eyes opened wide.

"Holy fuck you're horny!" Mist looked around as if in disbelief, sniffing, almost like he could actually see the pheromones in the air.

"T-trainer, please! I need to... pee, no, I need to, ungh!" Tony doubled over and fell onto his elbows. "What's it... what's it doing? I need to get off, it's.... it's in me! What is it!"

Mist regained some of his composure, though sharp red poked protuberantly out of the tip of his white sheath and that, apparently, wasn't going away any time soon. Tony stared at it, his mouth watering as sexual thoughts raced higher and faster, like an LEN reactor core in overrun mode.

"That," Mist smirked, "is a 'site. It's a parasite and it is all the solution you'll need for the little unwanted attentions your dick so craves. It lives until the day you die, though if it dies first, so will you. Remember that, Tony Kratz."

Tony panted, his body jerking and spasming as if someone invisible fucked him hard.

"I can't... get off... when I touched it, urg. Please make it stop, I won't touch myself again."

Mist held up a circle of shiny metal, it was split down the middle at one point.

"I do have this." Mist said. "It'll calm it down, put it to sleep. You are going to learn to earn it, but why should I give it to you right now? I would so rather give you something else, first..."

Tony was not stupid, he understood give and take, rewards and punishments. His circumstances were dire, and the need was severe. So he turned his rump towards Mist, and backed himself right up against his thick sheath.

"Wh-" Mist almost had time to say. But Tony reached behind him and yanked down on that sheath, pointing his red prick straight at his hole. He pushed off with his sore arms, and speared himself up around it, feeling hot slickness drive deep into his bowels, remembering the time in that club, when everyone had fucked him. Maybe he was bisexual, but he knew one thing was for certain. He loved a knot up against his prostate, and what was in him now made him unable to wait, he had to have the knot. had to!

"My oh my..." Mist simply remarked. He dug his claws into Tony's thighs, savoring the sensation of his sharp claw-tips piercing through flesh. Tony's body jerked and spasmed in pain as each pinprick punctured deep. Mist had intentionally made Tony's bed the height it was at right then for this very purpose, he just hadn't been expecting to fuck him right now.

But fuck him he did.

Mist leaned over him and rested his heavy muzzle on Tony's neck, shoving his knot past his tight outer hole, hearing air squelch past the gap the two tendrils from the 'site created.

The large mass they attached to was little more than muscle, like a giant tongue, it could change shape and seemed conveniently located right over Tony's prostate. 'Site's like pre, so this one had advanced past its predecessors, able to more intensely stimulate the prostate to sate a 'sites appetite. Of course, now it couldn't be centered over his prostate, because something else was wedging up hard into that area. This would be an interesting experiment, to see how this new 'site responded to competition.

Mist fucked him fast and hard, Tony just lay there in utter bliss, panting with his tongue far out, Mist felt him shudder and buck under him, probably finally getting the orgasm he so craved, all through pressure against his prostate. Mist could feel the 'site shifting around inside him and probably a little pissed off as Mist jabbed at it, hard, harder. His knot filled out, tightening up in Tony's hole until it was pinching those two tendrils.

That's when Mist first felt the highly alarming sensation.

It was a gentle poke inside his urethra... a cold, sharp, jab. And then again, this time, deeper.

That's when Mist knew this had all gone horribly wrong. Was going... horribly wrong...

He tried to pull out.

Couldn't. Tied way too tight. Ignoring his orgasm...

Another jab, this time it stayed in him.

"No, no , fuck! Holy fuck no..." Mist scanned around the room with the speed of a laser-jet, he needed a muscle relaxant, no... something stronger, Amyl Nitrate, smooth muscle vasodilator, his wetware loading instructions into one of the housekeeping robots. It was the only way to get it here, but would it be fast enough? He disabled all the safety overrides.

The sound of over-driven motors screamed in the distance.

Mist felt cold slickness worming its way deeper and deeper into his dick, all the way into his prostate. Holy fuck, it was too late!

Something hard ran into his left calf, bouncing off. He reached down blindly, biting his tongue as the poking pulled out of his dick and ran up into him even deeper. Maybe the only thing that could save him was the abundance of cum jetting out of his dick at that moment. But maybe not.

A hypospray in his paw, he jammed it into Tony's thigh, but the jet was in motion, he didn't hold it still at the right moment, and it only sliced through muscle when it tried to inject, cutting tissue all the way down to the bone.

Tony let out a harsh grunt, for the pain hadn't yet registered, though blood freely began to ooze down his thigh.

Mist stabbed buttons repeatedly, gently shoved the hypospray onto the inside of Tony's thigh this time.

A long hiss. Tony tensed up... then fell forward, his body loosening, turning to flow like taffy.

Mist reached down and grabbed Tony's firm butt, and pushed... pulling his knot, painfully... painfully... the sound of flesh slipping, then hot fluid dribbled down Tony' nuts.

Out. He's out, Mist yanked backwards and grabbed what was hanging onto the end of his dick.

A loud alien shriek pierced the air. Squirming and writhing in his paw, he pulled, the 'site's tendril was almost into his bladder. He grunted in agony, tears edging into his vision.

The 'site was drawing further into his body, it was winning... it's open mouth sucking and drawing, open and closed, like a fish out of water, trying to reach the tip of his dick... desperately wanting to latch on.

The fucking thing was in Tony' ass, waiting!

Mist grabbed the hypospray, hit the reload button, and jammed it onto the side of the 'site's main body.

It screamed.

All of a sudden the little hairs all along it's core tendril, the same an earthworm used to burrow, they relaxed, for the physiology wasn't that different from Rhenthar, after all.

Mist yanked the thing out of his body and chucked it into the corner, where it landed with a wet thunk, quivering, only slowly moving. He'd dosed it with enough Amyl Nitrate to kill it ten times over.

Mist stared down at his dick, blood was dribbling out of his urethra.

He stared at Tony, who'd apparently passed out.

"That's a fucking problem."