Break Room

Story by Sable Nights on SoFurry

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Within businesses, it was almost as hectic and unorderly as the jungle, but corporations made it seem as though they were close knit, well oiled machines that worked together to complete every task quickly and efficiently. In reality, even the executives were ran ragged most of the time; modifying schedules, submitting late reports from overworked employees, and other time sensitive activities. And the lower you were on the corporate totem pole, the worse it was for you. this was especially true for James, a young snow leopard who worked a tasking job as a personal assistant to the contracting division of S&D, a well known law firm. It was best known for the legal contracts secured with high profile businesses like popular food chains, electronic companies, and even sometimes securing contracts with government agencies.

So of course, when James went in to work everyday, he could expect nothing but chaos, tired, rushed employees, and to get his luxurious and unfortunately long tail stepped on carelessly at least twice a day. Not to mention dealing with his boss, Claire, who seemed to love piling as much work on his desk and expecting it all completed in near impossible time frames. Claire was a lab with an ash grey coat and piercing hazel eyes in her mid thirties, and the type of boss everyone hears about and prays to avoid no matter what job they get.

She was cutthroat and cold, demanding everything from her employees and giving the bare minimum in return, which was just their paycheck and their next task. When the higher ups popped in, she put on the mask of a saint, all smiles and acting as if she had been the one busting her ass, sometimes staying in office overnight rushing to meet her absurd deadlines. She claims to "whip her branch in to shape and help them complete every task that comes their way" which was just a humble way of saying everything got done because of her.

Today was no different, as James sat in his chair, gripping his light grey fur around his cheeks in frustration as he attempted to close a deal with Secure Bug, a protection software company that was slowly climbing the stock market.

"Yes, Mr. Edwards, but while a contract with us does prevent outside contracts with other legal firms, we have multiple subdivisions so you can personalize your legal council to your needs and liking so you're getting everything you could want from any other firm, all with us." The snow leopard stressed, doing his best to maintain a polite, positive facade. While he had nothing against his clients, particularly picky ones that liked to second guess their decisions near the end of a contract signing ran him ragged.

After a few moments of conversation, James leaned back in his seat, holding the desk phone away from his face as he breathed a sigh of tired glee as a relieved smile traveled across his muzzle.

"THANK you, so much for coming to a decision Mr. Edwards, and might I say, a very smart one. We have already delivered the papers and someone is waiting in your lobby so the moment you sign them, we can file the contract right away and begin a healthy partnership between the S&D Law Offices, and Secure Bug Software. Have a nice day!" James hung up the phone with a sense of satisfaction welling in his chest.

"Mr. Rodman!" A cold feminine voice quickly stomped that feeling into the dirt even quicker than it appeared. James quickly forced a smile to his muzzle as he shifted his deep brown eyes to Claire as she approached his desk. "Yes Ms. Pierce, what can I do for you?" James asked in a polite, professional manner.

Claire wore a tight, powder blue dress shirt with black cotton pants and blue flats. Her shirt was buttoned to the top, covering her neckline and small, silver hoops hung from her ears.

"Have you closed the deal with that software company yet?" She asked, sneering down her snout at him. Despite being one of her closest workers, almost anyone in the office could see that Claire treated James far more harshly than anyone else under her. For what reason, nobody could say.

"Actually I just got off the phone with them. The contract is being signed and brought back here as we speak." The snow leopard replied as he hid a smug grin. 'That's right, I finished it on time. Take that you snide- '

James' thought was cut off as Claire opened her mouth. "I see. Leave it to you, to finish something this important at the last minute, if at all!" She remarked looking over the poor felines desk as if searching for something else to criticize him on. '....Bitch!' James finished his inward statement, though the last word had a whole new feel behind it as his dark chocolate eyes subtly glared daggers into the lab's hazel irises.

"Well, your lack of ambition aside," Claire continued, "At least I have some good news to report to the higher ups. Bring the contract to me the minute it's in your hands." she demanded, turning on her heel and sauntered towards her office.

"Whatever you say, boss" James said between his clenched, smiling teeth, not bothering to hide the bite in his voice as Claire closed the door behind her. The snow leopard would swear up and down that every moment spent with Claire, the greys in his luxurious pelt got greyer as she simply piled stress onto his life like his cousin piled ribs at the family barbeque.

Ten minutes later, the building elevator chimed and stopped on their floor, allowing a figure to step out. A chocolate lab who was a bit short and just a little chubby, with lustrous brown fur, like waves of falling chocolate. Her hair was black and in a very curly afro, and mirthful emerald eyes flashed almost as bright as her smile. The lab was dressed in a clean white blouse with the first button undone, showing a modest amount of her neckline, which curved and dipped beneath the white cloth, which hid a sizable bust. A pencil skirt hugged the curve of her hips and accented her very generous rear, which was topped off by her bushy tail like a bow on a present. Black two inch heels covered her feet and clicked against the tile floor with every bouncing, cheerful step she took.

The woman was young, obviously only recently hitting her twenties, probably a grad student. And she was making her way to James' desk, a manilla envelope in hand. Brown met green and James' muzzle upturned in a genuine smile.

"Selena, please tell me you have it?" James sighed. The dog girl smiled sweetly and hid the folder behind her back purposefully. James whined and splayed his ears, giving his best puppy dog face. "Pleeease?" He begged, outstretching his paw for the folder. "Awww don't you look so cute!" Selena said, grabbing his muzzle and playfully rubbing her nose against his.

A few workers stopped to watch the spectacle; some held judgemental stares, while others, entertained grins. Selena usually never failed to brighten up the workplace with her peppy cheerful demeanor, and antics that livened the day even just the slightest, from bringing donuts to the office to Sneaking in a stray kitten she affectionately dubbed Mocha. But she often made everyone's day watching her random interactions with James. Who tried his best to not give into her games most of the time, which only served to make it more entertaining to watch.

Like now, as James quickly wretched himself free and gave his best stern face which ordinarily would seem a bit intimidating, but at this point it was a pout at best. "Can I please have the contract?" He asked politely.

Selena placed a fingertip to her pouting bottom lip as if in deep thought. "Hm... Maybe, depends on what I can get for it?" She said teasingly. James rolled his eyes, half expecting her response. "I promise I'll buy you something to eat later, just... Gimme!" He said, his composure devolving to that of an impatient six year old.

Selena giggled and held out the paste yellow folder. "Deal. I guess my sister was as sunny as ever?" She asked with a slight roll of her eyes. James' relaxed and natural smile faded into a distasteful scowl. "Yeah a real peach." The feline said sarcastically. "I still can't believe you two are even remotely related, let alone sisters." He continued.

Selena shrugged, sitting on his desk, and picking up a picture of his parents, examining it. "She's not that bad, she's just a little strict and bossy" Selena made a feeble defense for her sisters work attitude. James snorted and rose from his swiveling chair, envelope in his paw. "Well let me turn this in before she gets a 'little strict and bossy' on me" he mocked Selena Before knocking and slipping into Claire's office.

About an hour and a half later, almost every fur filed into the elevator and stairwell, eager to make full use of their lunch break in one way or another. As James rose from his seat, he looked up to see Selena glancing over at him. Wordlessly, once she was assured that she had his attention, she made her way into the corridor of their floor and out of sight. James took this as a silent signal, so he instead of slipping into the elevator with his peers, waited a moment before following after the plucky chocolate lab.

James silently stepped down the hall, until a pair of slender hands latched onto his tie, yanking him into the unlit break room. The surprised feline then found a pair of soft cushiony lips pressed to his own, which he quickly and eagerly reciprocated. His paws quickly found Selenas generous hips, pulling her body fully against his own as the kiss heated up into one of passion. Tongues ventured out, exploring each other's mouths as if it was their first time.

But this was hardly their first time. It seemed like just a few weeks after James had got the job and was introduced to Selena, they hit it off quite easily, and their relationship bloomed in secret. Though some were suspicious, the leopard and lab never showed enough attraction in the workplace for any of the suspicion and rumors to be confirmed. Though most importantly, Claire was none the wiser. They spent their time together often outside of the work place, mainly each other's homes, or seeing a movie or catching dinner. But they didn't keep their risque relationship out of the workplace completely. They often found fun in having quick rendezvous anywhere they could find that wasn't in use. The copy room, the supply closet, other floors of their building, and even once riskily on Claire's desk.

Today, Selena had chosen to take advantage of the rarely used faculty room. James was only more than happy to comply as he now pinned her against the wall, nipping at her ear as she kissed and sucked his neck. He purred, which quietly elevated to a growl of lust as she raked her nails up through the spotted grey fur of his back, scratching his skin. "Mm I missed you baby.." the male whispered in her sensitive ear as she hastily unbuttoned his shirt, eager to kiss and bite whatever bit of exposed fur and flesh she could reach. "Did I do good daddy? I brought back the contract just like you wanted.." she whimpered, grinding her hips against his. Her raised skirt showed she wore a thin burgundy thong that was stained darker as her wetness pooled against the fabric. She was smearing her juices against his pant leg as she looked up expectantly.

James gripped under her thick, chocolaty thighs, and she obediently hopped into his arms as he pinned her even harder against the wall, a rough tongue meeting her neck and caused Selena to take in a quiet gasp as she clung tighter to the male. Brown feline eyes stared up predatorially as he spoke, skillfully unbuttoning her blouse with his lips and teeth. "You did very good..." He spoke lowly and seductively as he pinned her weight between his body. His raised leg, and the supporting wall behind her as he unhooked her matching burgundy bra.

The females tail began to wag as she expected a "reward" for her efforts.

"But, you were also being naughty, making daddy wait like that." He continued, causing her wagging tail to slip between her legs and her ears folded back. "I'm sorry daddy, I promise it won't happen again!" Selena whimpered weakly as James' claw tip traced her neckline, raking over the fur of her breast, before letting that single claw circle over her bra, right where her delicate areola would be.

"Oh I know it won't. Because you're getting your punishment. On your knees. Now.", James commanded. A rush of heat pooled in Selenas stomach, slowly seeping into her loins the closer she got to the ground obediently. Her muzzle was but a few inches away from his crotch, and her tail wagged expectantly. She loved sucking his dick. She loved the expressions he gave when she swirled her broad tongue over the head, and the delicious moans, when she slurped and slobbered her way down his pole.

As he unzipped his pants, pulling them down just enough to give her a good look at the object of her desires. At least 8 inches long, his cock was a healthy pink, especially at its tip. The head was bulbous, and wide, as the shaft had a generous girth to it that made the lab's mouth water. And from his base to about half way up, there were hooked barbs adorning his manhood. Though they were rubbery and flexible, they looked sharp and firm. A pair of moderate sized orbs Hung below, churning with rich seed just ready to burst. It bobbed like a heavy fishing lure with every random twitch. It throbbed strongly to the beat of the tundra colored feline's heart, and a clear pearl of pre began dripping from his tip hanging and slowly descending towards the ground.

Selena eagerly opened her muzzle, tongue outstretched to taste that single drop. But James had other plans, and so he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head back and forcing her to look into his eyes, making her whimper submissively with disappointment. "This is a punishment," James reminded, emphasizing the word "punishment". He took his cock into his paw, and brought her face closer to it. She wisely decided to keep her mouth closed until advised otherwise. He ran his tip over her muzzle, smearing his pre right under her nose, teasing her with the scent of his lust.

Selenas lips parted, releasing a quiet moan. Her pussy began forming droplets of moisture, eager to gobble his cock to her heart's content. But she knew her Daddy wouldn't allow her to. She wouldn't move a muscle until he gave permission, no matter how wet and needy she got. The canine knew her lover would satisfy her need far beyond anything she could achieve on her own, and the anticipation only made her body burn for him even more.

He continued his torture for a few seconds, before ordering her to stick out her tongue. He finally gave her a taste of his length, slowly rubbing the underside of his meat onto her wet appendage. Then he finally gave the command she had been waiting for.

"Suck it."

The words barely left his muzzle before she took hold of his juicy dick. She led with a long, lick up the underside of his pulsating barbed shaft, before ending with a sultry kiss to his fat tip. She stroked from the start of his sheath, back to his tip, her lips following soon after. She expertly sucked half of his cock, stroking what she couldn't swallow. Her cheeks hollowed, sucking down his cock like her life depended on it. James bit his lip, his only defence against moaning out his pleasures and alerting anybody who might have stayed behind for their break.

She raised a paw, cupping his heavy sack, squeezing and stroking them gently as the quiet sounds of her gagging over his meat. She forced as much of it to the back of her throat while her lengthy canine tongue lolled out to caress the underside of his unswallowed shaft and tickling his his balls with her flat tongue tip. James swore he was seeing stars as he g the closest table tightly for dear life. He tilted her head, watching the shape of his cock form in her protruding cheek as he slid his shaft across her tongue.

Selena was soaking wet down below, her panties nothing but a mess of slippery wet fabric, near see through at the sheer volume of her rather creamy juices Against the silky, thin material. She couldn't help but whimper in need, drawing attention of her snow leopard. He noticed even though her blow job skills went undistracted, with expert concentration, her lower body was fidgeting and squirming to be attended to.

Gently grabbing her By the hair and gently guiding her off of his now sporadically twitching cock, James stepped back. Selena cocked her head, wondering had she done something wrong. He pulled his pants up slightly and pointed to the table across the room. Selena grinned, skipping over to the table, making a show for Daddy so he could watch her ass jiggle as she bouncer across the room. She looked over her shoulder sexily as she crawled atop the table, slowly raising her skirt and exposing her round soft ass, her cheeks separated by the thin burgundy material of her thong. The crotch of her thong was soaked through completely, she might as well have been wearing nothing as her juices stained through the fabric, clearly outlining her meaty nether lips.

As she slowly slid her underwear to the side, bridges of wetness clung from her sweltering pussy to her thong, as if pulling away a veil to an overflowing pot of honey. The snow leopard hungrily licked his lips and stepped closer, stroking his bulging dick with every step. Once he was within arm's reach, the lab bent her front end down, slowly waving her rear back and forth as her tail slowly wagged, fanning her scent into the air. His eyes fixated on her enticing cunt, as he leaned down, his muzzle blowing hot air against her, making her lower lips subtly tremble, a single drop of her nectar finally giving out, and dripping its way slowly down to make a delicious little pool on the table.

"Daddy..." Selena whined, feeling the tension coiling tighter in her tummy as she waited for James to please her as she knew he was only too skilled at doing. Her needy whine coupled with her submissive position sparked a feral dominance in the male as he drove his muzzle into her pussy, muzzle splitting her plump lips and smearing her wetness along his muzzle as he stroked his coarse tongue over her budding clit, drawing a gasp of surprise from Selena as sheer pleasure racked her body just from that single lick.

But James didn't stop there. He licked her again and again, eager to clean her of every drop of that delicious honey. Her paws clutched at his head, stroking his ears and gently raking his scalp. Stifled moans escaped Selena as she bit her lip, eyes closed while Daddy ate her wet little box like a savage. He kissed her pussy passionately, sucking on her lips, cleaning them of the delicious fruits of her passion. He finally let his tongue penetrate her, claiming her inner walls as he brushed that rough appendage over every inch of her insides. Selena was only able to squeeze squeeze her own breasts and rake her nails over her nipple as she sighed, and choked down moans that would definitely be heard.

More and more, the pleasure built insides of her, and Selenas back constantly began to arch deeper as she pushed her ass harder against James' face. The snow leopard backed off quickly, leaving his lover needy and desperate as she looked back with needy whimpers, using both of her paws to spread her soft ass, encouraging him to continue.

"You know better. The only time you can cum, is when I say so. And right now I only want that cream coating this cock." He said as he rubbed his member against her lower lips, getting himself nice and wet. He enjoyed the small hums of pleasure she gave whenever his dick stroked against her clit. "Yesss Daddy" Selena moaned out her reply as she ground her supple ass against his cock. Her juices glossed over his cocktip and the underside of his shaft as she sloppily Tried to slide him in on her own. It proved useless as every time she pushed back, James pulled or pushed his tip out of her reach, making her messy cunt drip and slide along his shaft, frustrating her and turning her on even more at the same time.

"Please Daddy? I'll be a good girl just please... Fuck me!" She begged, looking over her shoulder as she reached behind with a single paw, stretching her cheek and spreading lower lips with it, baiting the snow leopard.

"Since you asked so well.."

This was her only warning as he gripped his barbed base, lining himself up perfectly with the canines hot little vent and pushed forward. His tip was splitting open her steamy pussy and feeding her inch after inch of thick, hot, pulsing dick and Selena was loving every fucking moment. His sheer girth was enough to have her biting her lip and gripping the table for her life, but his texture, those naughty barbs teasing and scratching her walls, and the rhythmic pulsing of that cock was just delicious. She let out a shaky moan, finally able to exhale as she felt their hips connect. His thick monster was finally all inside

Selena loved being penetrated by the feline, he fit her so perfectly and made her feel so full. James was in sheer heaven, searing heat encompassed his every inch, she was so tight but her walls were velvety soft. She was like a waterfall, so wet that her juices frothed around her plump lips and his fat shaft. The male felt like he could stay like this forever.

But James wasn't done just yet. When he pulled back, those many, tiny barbs flared as her walls gripped him so well, plucking every crevice and groove of her flower and drawing a low wail from the dog as she closed her eyes and savored every sensation.

James was halfway out before his paws tightened on her waist and he thrust forward. Hard. Selena had to cover her muzzle to retain a yelp of shock and pleasure as she was stuffed full so suddenly.

"A-ah, fuck!" Selena whispered as he began thrusting into her over and over. Her hips ground back against his every time he gave a thrust. Her ass jiggled with each powerful smack and her tongue wasted no time in lolling out to enjoy the pleasure. James was grunting as he gave each powerful roll of his hips everything he had. He grabbed handfuls of her plentiful ass, spreading her cheeks to observe.

He watched as her tight, neat little asshole, glossy and shimmering with her juices, winked open and closed, in time with her pussy's random twitches and spasms of pleasure. His gaze moved down, watching his cock disappear inside of her and bring them both endless pleasure, before tugging back and watching her stretch slightly to keep him inside. He noticed already, cream was forming a white ring around his shaft as he stirred her up inside, and he lost himself to lust, already picking up the pace and slamming his pulsing dick into her harder.

Selenas eyes rolled lazily to the back of her skull in bliss as she left scratches in the wood of the table, her breast pressed to it as her body rocked with his thrusting. Every time with James was mind blowing and today was definitely no different as he fucked her senselessly.

The male leaned forward, his chest to his back as his arms wrapped fully around her and he slammed his hips down into her savagely. "Oh fuck baby, get this pussy! Make me feel it Daddy!" She moaned up to him as his hot breath tickled her ear, and his deep, masculine moans and growls made her wetter. "Whose is it?" He demanded I'm a low growl into her ear. Lighting coarsed it's way down her spine at his words. He was thrusting faster, making it hard for Selena to form a reply as he let his cock go wild inside of her pussy. "O-oh it's yours.. it's only yours.. it's James'! This pussy belongs to Dadd-YYYY!!!" Her sultry, breathy moans evolved into a squeal as he ground his tip into her tight muff as deep as it would go and held himself there.

"Shit that's deep! Too deep Daddy!" She choked out, doing her best not to cum on the spot. She didn't want this ride to be over just yet! But James ignored the canines weak protest, knowing damn well she loved it. He put his foot on the table, bettering his leverage as he stood up fully. "Mmf , Take it!" He grunted as he went into a whole other level. Selenas eyes bugged out like they'd pop, her mouth agape as she was helpless but to take the absolute POUNDING. Any word less was an understatement as he dicked her down to the fullest, no space left inside of her as he fucked her like somebody told him it'd be his last time! She was speechless, as she knew any sounds she made would be absolute screams of ecstasy and there would be no hiding.

She had long since stopped dripping juices as straight cream drooled from her cunt, coating his dick as he fucked her without abandon. Her legs were shaking and she was pretty sure the only reason her ass was even raised was because James' tight grip on her waist refused to let her go anywhere.

James could feel it coming. His balls tightened, no longer slapping against her clit as he felt that ever closer feeling of orgasm creeping up on him. "Mmm fuck. Such a good slut, Selena.... Fuck you're gonna make me cum..." He warned as his pace got a bit more frantic, less deep and rhythmic, but more speed and he was power fucking her now, her ass stung from the force he put into each thrust.

"Oh please Daddy, cum in me! Make this pussy yours!" She gasped, hugging the table for dear life as her own climax wasn't too far behind. James hated finishing before satisfying her, so he reached down ready to finish with an ace in the hole. His fingers found her slippery clit and he wasted no time with easing into it, knowing Selena loved rough, sudden action. He rubbed at her clit, flicking it between his fingers as he rammed into her.

Once more Selena clamped her paws over her muzzle as orgasm racked over her body like a tidal wave. Even as she saw it coming she wasn't prepared for the way her body seized, squirming and shaking like she had been electrocuted. Her pussy spasmed and fluttered wildly around his cock, and her asshole gaped and closed constantly, as she hit her crescendo with the force of a bus. "I'm cumming baby! Oh fuck it feels to good" Selena didn't trust her voice past a squeaky whisper.

James hit his peak as well, his body pressed tightly to hers as he slammed his hips into her, hips faltering as he pumped his cum into her, his sticky, thick cum came in volumes as their juices mixed inside of her.

James was hesitant to pull out, content to stay like this for the rest of the day. But he knew most everyone would be filing into the elevators to return from break soon. He exited her, his barbs gave her a final farewell, tugging at her walls on its way out, and their mixed cum slowly seeped from her gaping pussy. James looked over at Selena with a refreshed smirk. "So, learned your lesson?" He asked, slowly pulling up his pants and fixing himself.

Selena reluctantly made herself ready, pulling her panties back up and trapping his warm cum inside, even if she could feel the wetness staining them, nobody would see it running down her legs and contrasting so heavily with her mahogany fur. She walked up and Kissed the Leopard's cheek. "Yes Daddy! I'm a good girl only for you... But you still owe me dinner." She said with a confident smirk and giggle.

James could only smile and roll his eyes "Of course babydoll.," He said before they exited the break room.