Date Night

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Commission for Silverfly. A Valentine's date takes a turn for the strange.

Felix awoke to the feeling of something being different. His feline ears twitched, his white fur bristling as he scanned his blue eyes across the room. Nothing looked out of place, but still he couldn't shake the gut feeling that something was off somehow. Still, the cat wasn't going to let it get him down. This was Valentine's Day and he had a date. It was a blind date a friend had set him up with, and as he got dressed, she was all he could think about. What would she be like, what would she look like?

He padded over to the closet and set out two outfits: Hoodie and jeans for the day and a nice dress shirt and pants for later that night, with a rubber slipped in the pocket just in case... well he was hoping for more than a 'just in case' because up until then his sexual exploits mostly consisted of a locked door and a webcam feed.

After getting dressed and having a quick breakfast of leftover popcorn shrimp, the would-be tomcat went out on the town. It was a perfectly ordinary errand, pick up some chocolates and other stuff for that night but Felix wasn't prepared for how... different everything was.

Every guy in town, or at least the ones Felix could figure out were guys, was quite androgynous in appearance. Big hips, big lips, long and flowing hair... They even dressed girly. Still, Felix considered himself an open-minded cat and he had more important things to worry about than a drag queen fad or whatever the hell was up.

First step was the super market, decorated in bright red and pink as expected. What he didn't quite expect was that some joker in management had the sex stuff moved to the front. The cat couldn't help but blush under his fur at the sight of all those toys, flavored lubricants, and a few dildos big enough to be used as truncheons.

Felix had about reached the wines when a voluptuous young skunkette approached him pushing a sample cart. Her nametag said she was an employee, and that her name was Trisha. However, the fact she was wearing very, very little other than a white apron made him wonder if this was a hidden camera prank.

"Happy Valentines!" The skunkette said with a cheery smile. "Care to try a free sample of our special chocolates?"

And the cat opened his mouth to argue but she just popped one of the heart shaped chocolates in his mouth and he bit down on it reflexively. It was the taste, it had to be the taste of the creamy milk chocolate on his feline tongue. As his sharp teeth split the delicately molded treat and spilled sweet caramel in his mouth, the pale mop of hair on his head, the same white as his fur, started to flow as if in a gentle breeze as he felt a pleasing tingle run out of his pores. White fur turned a shiny platinum blonde, his short, tussled mop of hair became elegant curls rolling down his head, growing from chin to shoulder length in just a few intense seconds as the chocolate melted in his mouth.

Felix was almost too lost in how good it tasted to notice he was now sporting a rock hard erection... almost. And all the skunkette did was watch with a lewd smile as he dug his paw into his pockets to fondle himself covertly... well not very covertly. "Wha... What was that?" Felix said, unable to suppress a little mewl of pleasure as he ran his fingers through his hair. He really did feel kind of glam rock in this 'do.

"That was the Luscious Locks Caramel!" she said, pointing to a printed chart where all the flavors were handily listed.

Felix felt himself reaching for his wallet, it was going to be an impulse purchase that he couldn't refuse and besides it'd add a fun little element of surprise to his date, he was pretty sure there was at least one chocolate in there that made a lady's tits bigger. Sure, that wasn't exactly a gentlemanly thought but as he paid for his chocolates and went on, he saw others behaving badly.... very badly.

His search for a suitable bottle of wine lead him to encounter a curvaceous lioness pouring a bottle of chocolate liqueur onto her cock while a gussied up sissy of a wolf licked it off of her like it was the finest thing he had ever tasted. And good lord was her cock big... he could tell right away it was at least a foot long from his distance. They both looked up at Felix and smiled at him casually, like they weren't having oral sex right in the middle of a store. Felix gave an awkward nod and backed out of the aisle, he'd just try another store in town... where the people weren't fucking everywhere.

As he made his way to his car, he stopped at a vending machine and slid the least-wrinkled dollar bill he had into the slot, then Felix discovered by pressing button after button that the only beverage that wasn't sold out was a bottled chocolate drink. Still, the cat took it, not wasting too much time getting back to his vehicle.

The drive to the liquor store was brief, just long enough for Felix to notice the usual Valentine's themed radio ads had taken a turn for the sexual. One ad for a mattress and furniture store was just two actors talking about how much better their sex was now that they had a water bed, complete with sound effects to simulate the sex itself... It was stupid, cheesy stuff but Felix couldn't help but chuckle.

Inside the liquor store, he ran into a familiar face... or rather an unfamiliar face belonging to someone he eventually recognized as a friend. A canine visage attached to a curvy femboi figure poured into a kinky french maid outfit, complete with a skirt just short enough to show off the wolf'sizable bulge wrapped tightly in black satin panties. Felix didn't want to stare... but still he knew this guy... or used to anyway.


The wolfboi giggled, his tail wagging. "Hiiiii~" He fluttered his eyelashes, the wolf wearing so much makeup that the cat could only barely tell it was indeed him, deep fuchsia eye-shadow, with Tony's lips painted a matching color to bring out how much fuller, how soft and plump they had become. Once, Felix described lips like the ones Tony now had as "cock sucking lips" and from the salty, musky smell hanging over the dazed-looking canine... that probably wasn't far off in Tony's case either.

Felix unscrewed the cap to his chocolate drink and Tony's tail started wagging excitedly. "Oh! Oh you've already started! That's soooooo cool!" The wolfboi said, hopping up and down like an excited puppy.

"Started what?"

And before Felix could further inquire, Tony snatched the drink from his paws and put it to Felix's lips. The cat wanted to protest, but the first taste of the chocolate drink made him fell weak in the knees. It was still ice cold, and so smooth and rich and just sweet enough... how did it taste so good, why did it taste so good?

Felix sank to his knees as the intoxicatingly sweet chocolate poured down his throat and over his tongue and Tony lowered the bottle to crotch level to keep his new partner drinking. Felix knew what it looked like to the other shoppers, but as he looked out of the corners of his eyes at them, he realized he was the only one that was embarrassed.

The others, feminine boys and curvy women alike, simply smiled and went about their business... like what was going on between him and the wolf was the most ordinary thing in the world.

"Please..." Felix sputtered as Tony looked down at him with an intense, lustful hungriness in his eyes. "I gotta... got to go... I have a date tonight."

Tony made an excited face when he heard this, the cat realized that he had made a terrible mistake. "Ohmigosh we need to get you ready~!" The wolfboi grabbed a box of chocolate hearts from the rack and leaned over Felix, giggling like a schoolgirl. He popped the box off and gently coaxed the cat's mouth open with his other paw, holding his mouth open with two fingers.

Then, just as Felix put his arms up to struggle, the wolf popped a cherry filled chocolate heart into his mouth, letting him bite down on it. The cherry filling felt pleasantly warm in the cat's mouth, his lips tingling as they swelled and grew outward, going from thin to plump and perfectly kissable in just seconds. There must have been some alcohol in the chocolates, because Felix could feel the beginnings of a heady buzz coming on.

Tony just giggled, feeding him another chocolate heart, this one having peppermint cream filling. As the cool, refreshing mint dazzled Felix's palate, he felt his chest tingle, his nipples feeling hot and itchy... and the itchy sensation turned into a persistent swelling, sending a rising wave of pleasure through his body as a pair of what were quite obviously breasts pressed out from his formerly-flat chest. The formerly-male cat shuddered as the changing fabric of his shirt filled in as his breasts slowly swelled out on his chest moving to a full and proper B cup and quickly building to a C cup, his nipples going erect as the fabric teased along them as Tony fed him another chocolate, this one white chocolate with raspberry syrup.

As these flavors washed over Felix's tongue, his clothing started to ripple and flow like water into different shapes, as if sculpted by an unseen artist's hand. His blue cotton hoodie shrunk tight against his body as it became a slinky pink evening dress, the tail of the shirt dipping down into a split-slided skirt just long enough to draw attention to the cat's curvy legs and tight enough to show off his hips as they went from flat and square to full, perfectly feminine child-bearing curves.

As Felix vapidly chewed at the candy treat, his sneakers reshaped themselves around his feet. Shrinking in length, with the mass re-purposed into heels that added a good few inches to Felix's height, the cat was never particularly tall. And as his former friend and corrupter,Tony, popped another creamy heart into his mouth; Felix felt his shoes complete their metamorphosis into a pair of glossy pink high-heeled pumps.

Plain straps folded across the bridges of his feet which were now entirely exposed to the world as his socks and jeans knitted themselves together, the denim and cotton pulling tight against his soft legs as they turned into a pair of slinky, transparent red nylon tights. The only thing that was even remotely masculine left to Felix's appearance was the bulge in his white silk panties, which only a second ago were a pair of briefs.

"What did you do to me?" Felix said, a complacent haze falling over his eyes. He wasn't angry at what had happened to him, though he wondered if he should be... but then the cat caught an image, the visage of a white-faced goddess with a flowing mane of thick luxurious hair. The strange woman's expression was gentle, her smile needling into Felix's brain as Tony started to fondle the bulge tenting naughtily against her dress.

"You are a woman now..." The phrase rang through Felix's mind and he... she agreed with it more and more as the statement echoed through the cat's head, becoming immutable fact.

With a soft growl, Tony gripped Felix's cock through the newly-minted shemale's dress. Leaning forward, Tony lip's met Felix's in a firm kiss, his tongue pressing firmly past her lips to dip into his mouth. Felix's perky breasts pressed firmly against Tony's flat chest as the wolf deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing.

As their kiss broke, a line of saliva connected their lips together. Tony's face curled into a naughty smile as he watched the cat's mind turn to lust-fueled mush. Felix giggled as his head felt light and bubbly, thoughts turning simple and pink and fuzzy, drifting around in her head like soap bubbles.

"You're just about ready for your date..." Tony whispered into Felix's ear. The wolfboi's paw dipped under her dress, lifting the skirt with his other paw, gently tugging her panties down, letting her eight inch erection bob out fully erect. Felix looked down, her eyes catching sight of the discarded bottle of the chocolate drink. She bent down and took it, handing it over to the wolf. A good date is submissive, after all.

Tony gave her a wry smile before turning the bottle so the opening was facing Felix, and the cat nodded, knowing without further instructing what the plan was. She took the neck of the bottle in her paw and thrust her cock into it, fitting snugly into the opening of the plastic bottle. Tony pulled the bottle back, tugging on her cock gently as it slid back, then Felix thrust forward, slamming her cock against the back of the bottle.

Tony leaned forward and Felix put her arms around him, bucking back and forth into the bottle. Before long the two had worked into a pleasurable rhythm, with Tony holding the bottle steady and Felix fucking it. The cat's eyes fluttered as her lashes filled out, moaning Tony's name over and over. As their kinky little game went on, the fact that they were right in the middle of a store didn't even cross her mind, with the crowd around them going about their business with nothing beyond passing smiles at the couple.

Harder and faster, deeper and rougher, the two went at it. Felix's fur was tacky and slick with sweat, forgetting completely where she was, what Tony had done to her... everything except the pressing need for release, for pleasure. Every part of her felt so soft, so bubbly and fuzzy buzzing over a tense, throbbing core of raw sexuality. Nothing in Felix's world mattered more than getting off at that moment, it was the only objective in her greatly simplified inner works, her sole reason for being at that moment.

Her heart pounded in her chest, her eyes rolled back and she quickened the pace of her thrusting, letting out strained mewls of pure dumb animal pleasure. A stream of slippery, hot pre trickled down into the bottle as her climax grew ever closer and closer. Then, Felix let out a shuddering grunt, then an instant later the floodgates opened. The cat slut blasted load after thick, gloppy load of white-hot cum into the bottle, filling it neatly to just over half full. Felix fell backwards, leaning against the wall behind her as Tony took the bottle off of her rod with a wet pop.

As she braced against the wall to catch her breath, she saw the face again. This time, it had a name attached to it: Flora. She was more than just a face, an image in the cat's lust-addled brain. She was a goddess, the patron deity of this day of debauchery, and she spoke to the cat, giving her a new name.


The name repeated over and over in her mind. coating the soft inner folds of her mind. She was pure and simply Candi, a silly little bimbo kitty. The wolf took the bottle filled with cum and put it up to the cat's lips and Candi obediently reacted, closing her eyes and wrapping her plump lips around the neck of the bottle as Tony lifted the bottle, sending the thick, creamy spunk sliding down into her mouth.

Candi drank her cum with a vapid smile, like it was the most natural and common thing in the world. The stuff was salty and thick, gliding down her throat smoothly.It was only natural to enjoy her own seed on this day. After all, Valentine's was all about cutting loose and indulging a girl's dirtier side.

Tony took the bottle and drank from it, giving Candi an approving smile as the rest of the cum disappeared down the wolfgirl's throat. He dropped the bottle in a nearby wastebin, licking his lips with a self-satisfied giggle. "Pretty good!"

"Thanks!" Candi said with a chuckle. The cat's eyes popped as she looked up at a wall clock, an hour had passed. "Ohhhmigosh!" She cried out. "Sorry Tony, I gotta go, my date is gonna be waiting for meee!" Her tail fluttered behind as she ran to her car as fast as she could go in her heels. The drive back to her place was tense, hectic... Candi kept reaching down between her legs to paw at her cock. How was she horny again already?

Finally, when she had returned to her home, she breathed a low purr of relief. Going up the steps, she felt a rush up her spine, like energy flowing through the house and through her. And as she made her way to her bedroom, she felt this sensation grow and intensify, like she was approaching the source of some arcane power.

And then Candi saw her lounging on her bed: An imposing, curvy woman with a long white tail ending in a fluffy tuft, long ears, and curves that would inspire jealousy in a fertility goddess. Her heaving, perky breasts, tight waist, and full, huggable hips were poured into a topless corset and a pair of white leggings with pink heart symbols running down them, the outfit rounded out with a matching pair of long gloves and a heart choker clasped around her neck.

Her nipples were white and red spiral shapes like chocolate kisses, and in fact Candi could smell the scent of fresh, high quality chocolate radiating off of this strange but yet familar visitor. Her face, however told Candi all she needed to know. It was the same face she saw in her mind, it was Flora. Same full lips, same mane of silky hair...

"You're just in time, pet." Flora said in a voice that was like a velvet glove massaging her brain. Candi kicked her shoes off and crawled onto the bed next to her date, her goddess. She did it without any conscious effort, she was simply and irrevocably bound to the goddess. Flora slipped her finger into Candi's mouth, watching with a self-satisifed smirk as the lovesick cat sucked lightly on the digit. The goddess's cock and balls were simply massive, the shaft easily as long as Candi's forearm and about as thick, with a plump mushroom head, peering out above a pair of hefty balls the size of oranges.

"You need this, don't you girl?" Flora said, smirking as the cat melted into a needy little thrall in her arms.

The cat moaned, meekly nodding. "Yes..."

"Perhaps you'd like a taste first?" Flora said as she leaned forward, licking along and around Candi's neck with her long, flexible tongue, moaning lustily as the tip of her girthy cock pressed against the cat's thigh.

"Please..." Candi bit her lip as she watched in anticipation. She turned around on the bed, sliding her panties down and lifting her tail for her goddess and lover. Flora's cock pressed against the feline bimbo's tight pucker, the first inch easing into her nice and slow. She thrusted into Candi, letting out a grunt as she leaked a bit of warm, slippery pre into her, the goddess's tail swishing behind her.

Candi moaned and purred as her mistress pulled back just a bit, then thrusted into her all the way, her tight entrance yielding to Flora's immense cock. Flora moaned and growled like a rutting lion as more and more wet, hot pre leaked into her newest acquisition. And Candi moaned with her, bucking her hips back against her mistress's length

Flora pressed in as close to her as she could, that bulge in the shape of her cock shifting in Candi's belly as she thrusted in and out, in and out, picking up into a crescendo of lust. And then, Candi squealed into the floor, shuddering as she came from the rough penetration, hole clenching tightly around her beloved goddess and panting against the floor. At the same time, Flora shuddered heavily and thrusted as deep into her new concubine as she could, the goddess's cock twitching and pulsing as she pumped the cat full of a rather large load of thick, hot seed.

She pulled out of Candi with a wet pop and they both fell onto the mattress, their bodies tightly intertwined.

"You're a lot of fun, kitty cat. I think I'll make you one of my wives."

Candi purred as she nuzzled into Flora's chest. "This is the best date ever, my goddess."