Torella Unleashed Chapter 1

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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While Maggie is staying with her daughter and son-in-law, she comes into contact with a cursed artifact. Maggie unwittingly unleashes an unspeakable evil and begins a terrible transformation.

This story was written on commission by Kalan.

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It had been a thousand years since Torella had seen the sun, a thousand years since she had heard the murmur of human voices that filled the air. The voices of humanity had been something that had nearly been forgotten as the jade statue's magic began to stir and uncurl. Thousands of years ago, she had been ensnared and trapped, buried beneath the earth and cast into darkness when she had once loved the light and power. She had once been alive and vibrant, a creature that had lurked in the shadows, unstoppable as she had haunted the villages of man and took pleasure in their bodies and flesh. She had been so hungry, feeding from their lusts, rousing those that had been weakest into falling to sin. She had once created an orgy of flesh, churning and eager bodies pressed together in flagrant disregard of their own feelings and desires. It had been a heady power, before she had been trapped and ensnared. Her body burned, her magic relegated to little more than a bit of jade.

She knew her surroundings, there was no doubt that a great amount of time had passed. It took her years to awaken entirely, inch by inch she came aware of her magic trapped in the bit of stone. She could stretch out her senses and feel the presence of others that were gathered together in the house. She didn't know their names, she only knew that two presences shown the strongest in the group, two adult females. She tried to reach for them, but she didn't have the power to latch onto them. She knew that they were there, bodies that might let her slide back into reality. The troll tried to surge towards them constantly, wanting to latch onto their bodies, to feed on them, to drag herself back into the physical realm, each time she fell back. The most she had been able to do was inspire brief moments of lust that weren't nearly as powerful as what she used to be.

Eventually she stopped, she stopped struggling to break free and instead recalled the day she had felt the touch of hands when she had been unearthed. The brush of warm living flesh and blood had made her stir, surging out of her dreams. She knew that if she could only taste blood again she could return to the world, she could break free of the magic prison enough to begin to collect energy. It would take time, it would take patience, but she knew it would happen eventually. She rested in her jade tomb, listening to the living creatures move past her, the murmur of voices. Each time they came close she sharpened her interest, but it didn't last, they didn't touch the jade carving. It wouldn't be like that forever, eventually someone would pick her up again and she would find her freedom. She would feed again. It

was only a matter of time and patience. And she had enough of both to make sure she would get her way.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Bones... really..." Maggie said out loud as she straightened, her hands coming across smooth polished yellow-white bone set on one of the shelves. "Lucky the kids don't have nightmares..."

There was nothing in the world so interesting as an archeologist's home, at least, Maggie had always thought that way since her daughter had grown up and shown a passion for things buried in the dirt and rubble. From the time Joan had been a young child she had been eager to learn everything about anything, and Maggie had encouraged that however she could, happily throwing money in for her educations and anything else she might have needed so she could succeed. She had had her daughter young, she hadn't been able to give her everything she wanted as a child, but certainly things had improved as time wore on. She had been able to do her best to make her daughter's dreams come true and stood in the heart of what that success had brought her. A lovely home in the suburbs, an office filled with exotic items that had been collected from around the world, a loving husband and beautiful son. She had done so well for herself and Maggie let her eyes slid over the shelves with a smile that grew by the moment.

Her daughter was always traveling for her work, leaving her husband to take care of their teenage son and home, though this time had been different. Matt had wanted to do what he always did, take care of the house and child, but his own work had picked up to the point that they had been struggling to figure out how to make things work. Maggie had been more than happy to step in when she realized that they had begun to look into hiring in a house keeper of all things. The idea that they were going to hire on someone to do work that she could do for free had been enough to motivate her into moving in for a short time. She was more than happy to do house work and make sure the boys were fed, she even enjoyed being in the roll of mother again. She had forgotten how lovely it was to have a house with people to

care for, the sound of the TV or the murmur of voices, it made her feel young again as she went around the office.

She had been living alone for too long, she had spent most of her time puttering around her own home. She had never been used to being alone, being on her own. She found it hard to find ways to fill her day, especially when Joan rarely needed her to baby sit any more, not when her grandson was getting older and able to spend his time alone when his parents weren't home. She had never been one to have many friends, at least, not many that she wished to spend long amount of times with. She felt wanted, needed, again, and that breathed new life into her. Especially when it was obvious that Matt was relieved that she was here and expressed his gratitude by throwing himself into making dinner for her each night rather than putting it just on her. It was refreshing.

She had had her daughter when she was younger, at sixty-one she was no longer a spring chicken, but she certainly wasn't as old as mother grandmothers. Her hair was still streaked with blonde, pulled back into a bun that kept the strands from falling into her eyes as she attended to straightening up the messy office. Joan had made a habit of keeping little trinkets that she picked up in her travels, most of them worthless to most people, but they were memories for her. The collection was an untidy mess, but as her daughter was gone, she was able to actually sort it into a neat and orderly display. She didn't know what most of the things were, but she was able to at least put them in pleasing displays. It allowed her to take time to marvel at all the places Joan had seen, the things that she'd done. A bit of feather here, a carving there, it was all fascinating.

A bit of green caught her eyes as she moved down the line of the cabinets, making her pause as she saw something peeping out from behind a thick pile of folded silk. It was eye catching in that it nearly seemed to glow thanks to the way the light fell on it, showing an intricate hint of the carving as she moved the silk away. The statue turned out to be a squat strange creature with an elongated face and a tail that wrapped all around four paws. It looked a bit like a cat, but one that was twisted into more a more monstrous appearance than she would have normally applied to a cat. The teeth were bared and there were rounded ears like a lion as the eyes seemed baleful and threatening. It wasn't something that she should have felt drawn too,

but she was. She found herself fascinated by the glittering deep green color, the hint of the glow that had her hand reaching for it.

She had likely picked up half a dozen things that were worth thousands of dollars, but this was the first one she felt a stab of greed for. Maggie reached in and grabbed it without a single thought, her fingers curled around the stone eagerly as she drew it out. The moment she pressed the thing to her palm she felt something strike out against her, like sticking a finger in an empty socket. She jerked backwards, unable to release the thing, it was pouring heat up her arm. Her legs collapsed under her, dropping down towards the ground, she couldn't even grab herself on the edge of the desk to stop the fall. The world went red and grey over the edges, her breath robbed from her as the statue glowed brighter. She heard a low laugh filling the air, a thick low sound that slipped free and wrapped around her. She didn't know what was happening.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Maggie? Hey, you okay?" Matt's voice came in an echo as Maggie shifted her back against the wall, the footsteps making her stir. "You didn't fall, did you?"

"I fell?" She asked and shifted a little bit, the movements a little stilted as she lifted her head forward.

The world seemed strangely heavy as the woman gave her head a shake, locks of silver and blonde hair fell down along the line of her eyes. She found herself struggling to see straight as her eyes were fogged when she saw Matt coming into the room, his face one of concern as she pushed herself up against the wall. She tried to get up, she was a little unsteady as she came into the room to slip an arm under her own and helped her get to her feet. She felt as if she was still afire with electricity, it was working through her with small jolts that took her breath away. She closed her eyes almost all the way and gave her head a shake back and forth. She didn't know what had happened, one moment she had picked up the statue and

the next she was on the ground and feeling dazed. She had no idea what had happened, she only knew that she didn't feel right, not at all.

"I'm fine, I think..." Maggie answered, her words a little slow, feeling the grip on her arm helping keep her steady. "I just got dizzy suddenly. That's all. I just got dizzy all of a sudden,"

"You're trying to do too much." Matt said severely, trying to help her to a chair, his brows pulled together in a frown.

Matt was a handsome young man, she had always thought so, but seeing him leaning forward with worry plainly etched on his face made him seem even more lovely than normal. He had a bit of a baby face, the soft features tempered with a muscular body thanks to the hard labor that he did day in and day out. His playful blonde hair fell into his eyes so that the green was framed behind them, green like the jade statue that she had picked up. His lips were soft and full, turned down in a frown, but he somehow made the frown seem handsome in his own way. He pressed a hand right along the line of her shoulders, putting her firmly in the chair, the warm feel of his hands making her body flush hot over the edges, her lips parting a little bit as she drew in a steadying breath. It didn't hurt, it felt deliciously intimate as he stroked the line of her shoulder and crouched down, his shirt drawing tight right over his muscular chest.

"I'm alright, really..." She said faintly and swallowed, something wasn't right, truly it wasn't. She felt strangely warm and cold at the same time. "I think I just got dizzy there, perhaps I shouldn't have used so much polish on the shelves."

"Just relax, I'll take care of things." Matt murmured comfortingly, doing his best to hide his worry when she tried to stand up. "You're nearly done anyway, why don't you go and watch some TV for a while? I can make dinner."

Matt's body was so intimately close to her, she could pick up the scent of his cologne on the air, a rich and arousing scent that made her nostrils flare lightly before she let

out a breath. She tried to slide her eyes to one side, struggling to think straight as he kept her in the chair, his fingers curling along her shoulders in a way that reminded her just how long ago it was since she'd last had a lover. Something slid beneath the background of her mind, it began to lurch forward eagerly as her cheeks went hot red and she started to grow aware of the fact that she wanted more. She wanted to lift her hand and slide it right along the broad chest, to feel her fingers spreading over the fabric and feel the hard muscle beneath it. The ache for it made her breathing come a little faster, her eyes squeezing shut to try and block out the thoughts.

She hadn't had a lover in so long, she had thought that she was over the desire for that part of her life. She had often been flirted with, at sixty she still had a fit and toned body. She wasn't a blue haired old grandmother, she was still vibrant and filled with life, looking younger than her years. She had never interest in men, younger or older, but now she felt the warm body so close to her and stirrings that she had pushed away years ago began to slide to the forefront of her mind. It wasn't just the shock that she experienced them, it was the fact she was experiencing them involving her daughter's husband. That should have been a splash of cold water to squash them entirely, but it wasn't, it just tempered it and let her think for a few breaths.

"Perhaps that's for the best.:" She stammered, her body pounding in time with her heart beat, her eyes closing. "Maybe I should just sit down."

"Go ahead, Mom, I'll take care of this." Matt stood up straight, smiling at her as he used the title with a warmth that didn't match the heat she was feeling. She swallowed, something was wrong, terribly wrong.

Deep inside of her mind, the troll began to spread herself out, feeling the rush of life surrounding her. It wasn't cold and hard like the stone she had been trapped in, she was in living flesh that molded about her and thoughts that fluttered against her own mind. She could taste the scents on the air, the warmth and heat that made her draw in a deeper breath and let it out with a delighted sound from low in her throat. It was finally happening, she had her toe hold into the real world and a host that had

let her slid right in. An older host, the wealth of memories attested to that, but age meant little to her. Not when she was able to adjust and change the human how she desired. But that would take energy, and energy meant she needed to feed.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Matt watched his mother in law moving into the living room with a pang of concern as to how she seemed to be dazed. He hadn't known what to think when he'd heard the crash from Joan's office, but seeing her on the ground had been a shock. He had expected to see something had fallen or been knocked over, but it had been a shock to see her looking dazed on the ground. Her eyes had been so dazed that he had been terrified she'd been hurt for a moment, but she'd slowly woke up and begun to look a little more herself as she gathered her thoughts. She still didn't look normal, but she looked better and he took heart from that as he had settled her in the living room and firmly reinforced that she should take it easy as he got dinner ready for when his son came home.

He should have known better than to let her do all the work that she'd wanted to do, he knew that she would over extend herself if he let her and he had blithely let it happen when he could have put a stop to it. He wanted to kick himself, but he would make up for it. Maggie was so vibrant and active that he frequently forgot that she was in her sixties. She should have been relaxing, the only reason she had come in here was because he was working more than normal and Joan wanted someone to be here when their son came home. He had just been happy to let her putter around, and that was that.

He was always baffled by men who had poor relationships with their mother in laws. He and Maggie had always gotten along quite well together, sharing a love of some shows and she had even gone out of her way to make sure he felt like one of the family.

He went about making dinner with more energy than he normally did, setting about making ribs since he knew that Maggie loved them. He even went so far as to

starting some bacon to begin making green beans on the side. He could hear the TV and took comfort when the channels starting changing, knowing that she must be feeling at least a little better. He didn't really pay attention to what shows she was watching as he puttered around the kitchen, losing a little bit of his guilt as he put a bit more work into what he was fixing. He'd call Joan later and talk to her about her mother, perhaps he could send her back home with his thanks. He had been leaning on her too much, the woman was older, she needed to be in her own place.

He was working on smearing barbecue sauce on the ribs when he heard the TV turn off in the living room. He only noticed because when he stood up he heard the sound of movement coming from the room. The house was starting to smell promisingly of dinner, he assumed that Maggie was feeling better and was going to try and come help him with dinner. He was all ready to tell her to go back to relaxing, knowing that he had the leverage to push her, except... she didn't come into the kitchen to begin helping him. Instead, he heard her in the dining room, obviously bypassing him so that she could start working without getting reprimanded.

"Maggie, I told you... go on and relax, I got dinner." Matt said while he moved towards the dining room, ready to be firm with her. The words of reprimand died on his tongue the moment he went into the room.

Maggie was there, but it was a Maggie that didn't make him think of the warm motherly woman that he had come to know through his wife. She had let her hair down, though it was hardly long, it framed her face and swept down along the line of her collar bone. She'd taken off the rather frumpy and multi-use shirt that she had been wearing to do chores, and replaced it with one of Joan's spaghetti strap tops that was cut off just above her stomach. Her breasts were bear of any bra, they were perked beneath the thin material so that he could see the tip of the nipples jutting forward against the fabric. It did little to hide her toned body, just as the tight jeans did nothing to hide the curves of her hips and the length of her legs. It couldn't have possibly been more exposing on the older woman.

He had always been impressed that Maggie kept herself in shape even after raising a child on her own, but it had been a faint sort of interest that had nothing to do with

being really attracted to her sexually. Now, she was flaunting herself at him, the way that her body was swept over with warm curves and dips, her breasts high and perky with the nipples so stiff that they were clinging against the fabric. He couldn't look away from them, his heart started pounding on his ears as the way the shirt hunt on her body he got small flashes of the trim curve of her belly and the bare pliable skin he could see beneath it. He wanted to slide a hand out to stroke over her, to slip upwards and feel the warmth of her pressing against him.

It wasn't just the clothes that set him off balance, it was the fact that she was standing there with a slight curve to her body, a sensuous look that made the heat flush to his face as he opened and closed his mouth. He had no idea what to say, he sat there staring at the older woman who brightened to see him and a smile flashed over her lips. Her eyes were glowing a strange jade green, turning brighter by the moment as he felt himself freezing in place. His mind went to a place that had him feeling a surge of guilt and arousal both as she moved in closer to him, her hips swaying a little bit so that he was staring at the sweeping curves and the heat began to grow worse, he couldn't think, couldn't make anything work. He felt as if white noise was crackling through his mind as she let out a rich purring laugh.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Close that mouth, you look like a frog." Maggie murmured and watched as her son-in-law stared at her.

She had watched the TV, but only briefly, she found herself drawn away from in favor of the growing desire that had been surging beneath the surface. It was like something struggling beneath the surface was rising up, making her body run hot and cold at turns. It had seemed like the thing to do to change her clothing. The dumpy outfit she had chosen to wear wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to show herself off. She could feel the desire coursing through her veins in a rush that made it hard for her to think. She needed to be touched, to be desired, she needed it in a way that transcended her desire and need for anything else in the world. She needed it in a way that made her heart pound faster and her breathing picked up pace wildly until she had raided her own daughter's closet.

There was only one male in the house. Some part of her felt a twinge of guilt that caused her to question what was happening, but that twinge didn't stop her from dressing in the most revealing outfit she could manage. Matt was a handsome man, he was strong and muscular, his fingers on her body were exactly what she needed in that moment. She had no reason to think about anything other than the delight of being handled and touched. It was a need that made her rational thoughts slow down to a crawl. Her body felt alive, surging hormones made her skin feel swollen and overly hot, just the touch of the clothe had been pleasurable. Her world narrowed down to the predatory desire wrapped around the man in the kitchen, wanting to seduce him, have him, no matter that it was her own daughter's husband.

Why should you not feel pleasure? He is alone and so are you, it is an easy thing to do. The voice whispered through the back of her mind, an insidious little voice that made it easier to justify what she was doing.

It all paid off with the way that he gaped at her, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes looking wild as she stood in the dining room. There was no denying the instant interest in his eyes, the way that they widened and the color of heat on his cheeks. He didn't look away from her in shame or discomfort, he stared at her while she stepped forward towards him. She put a sway into her walk, trying to appeal to the way that his eyes slipped down towards the curve of her hips. She moved confidently, trying to make each step sensual and filled with the promise that she would give him everything he had ever dreamed of. Her lips parted slightly as he took a jerky step backwards, almost stumbling when she moved a hand up to touch the spread of his chest, feeling the hard muscle rippling beneath it.

"M-maggie, what are you doing?" Matt's voice was little more than a squeak of shock in reaction to her touch, and that only brought a warm laugh spilling from between her lips.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She purred, and she felt something in the back of her mind urging her on, it was hungry to feel the warm body against her.

Her eyes were brightening, she almost felt the desire rising from him. It wasn't quite lust, but it was an interest she could nearly taste on her tongue, enough to make her let out a soft eager sigh as she slid her hands along the broadness of his chest and curled lightly. He squirmed in place, his eyes were wild looking as he took another step back and she followed, tracing her hand down the broadness of his chest and feeling the material work against him. Oh he was delightful, it made her body arch a little bit when he moved his hands out to catch her shoulders. She could feel the strength in them, it was so easy to imagine them wrapping around her own hips and holding her close. She didn't hesitate when she slipped past his arms and pressed her body along his front, the warmth of her breasts pushed right against his chest as she reached up with her hands to cup his cheeks and pulled him down to her.

His muffled noise was shocked as her lips touched his and Maggie was nearly moaning out in pleasure at the taste of him. Something inside of her was so hungry for this touch and taste, she couldn't refuse it and she worked her soft lips open to push her tongue against his lower lip. She licked in a hot wet line, trailing inwards as she drew in a warm breath of his scent. He smelled of male and sweat and cologne, all of it pushing together in a mixture that was intoxicating as his hands flexed against her shoulders, he was shaking slightly as he muffled a noise. He wasn't pulling away, he could have shoved her back, but he didn't, he was letting her kiss him. She was his, he just hadn't given in fully yet, but he would.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Matt felt the warm tongue slide into his mouth and responded automatically to it, his breathing came out in a frantic rush as he felt Maggie's fingers slide away from his cheeks. She was so incredibly sensual pushed against his front, the slide of her hips and the weight of her body taunted him as he moved his hands down from her shoulders. He was wrong, it was so damn wrong that he wanted to throw her across the kitchen and begin yelling, but he was stopped by the way her fingers slid along the line of his sides. Her fingers were delicate and gentle, seemingly well versed at finding the most sensitive spots of his body and trailing against them. He trembled slightly as he kissed her back, working his jaws automatically and let his hands fall against the small of her curved back. The moment he did, she let out a soft moan, a sweet sound that jolted him.

"Wait..." He panted and pulled his head back, his eyes fixating on her while Maggie's glowing green ones met his eyes expectantly. Something was wrong with them, the color was too bright and too vibrant, almost metallic looking.

"Really?" She purred at him, her hands sliding up along his sides. "Wait for what? It has been far too long since I've had any...interest."

He swallowed, he felt like a mouse trapped by a cat. She was aggressive in a way that was distinctly unlike his mother in law. She was pushing him backwards with a little more force towards the dining room table as she moved her hands around to his wrists. The touch was sensual, drawing his hands up so that he passively let them slide along her sleek body. He didn't help her, but he didn't stop, he felt his heart hammering in his throat as the fingers drew upwards and his palms were guided towards the barely covered breasts. They naturally cupped around them, the palm rubbed against the perked nipples, stroking back and forth as he choked out a low sound in his throat and flexed his fingers slightly. He couldn't stop himself, whatever her age, she had aged well and there was still supple give to her soft mounds.

He kneaded against them lightly, squeezing and contracting his fingers, savoring the way they dimpled against the tips of his fingers, the warmth of her body was resting along him in the most distracting way possible. The curve of her hips were nestled against his own, pressing right against his covered shaft as she encouraged his hands on her body, letting him roam with light touches as she curved towards him and gave a little roll of her hips that made him groan out. He kneaded her breasts, squeezing and playing along them as she shifted her own hands down towards the line of his pants. She wasn't coy or shy, she was bold as a cat as she unhooked his pants. She was unlike Joan entirely, she knew what she wanted and there was very little he could do to stop her. He only shuddered as her lips touched his neck and he ran his fingers along her nipples.

The deep throated sound of her pleasure made him shudder, his body reacting so that his pants began to grow tighter feeling by the moment. He grunted and ran his

hands down from her breasts and pulled her in closer. It didn't matter that it wasn't right, at that moment, he wasn't thinking about right and wrong, he was thinking about how lovely it was feeling her against him, the roll of her hips that pushed against him caused him to let out a muffled groan of pleasure. He ground himself against her while tilting his head down towards her neck. Her ears were longer, they weren't the pert little round tips that he was used too, they were elongating. What should have been a source of alarm, turned into a source of desire as she nipped the side of his neck and ran down towards his shoulder.

He lost himself to a moment of desire and pleasure both, pushing forward against her as she spread his pants open and pushed them down along his hips. They loosened easily, falling lower while Maggie's hand pushed down into his pants. He arched himself, every thought of his wife being pushed out of his mind as he let out a groan when the fingers slipped right down along the tip of his swelling cock. The touch slipped and explored with a light spread and dip. The fingers caught around his cock tip and glided downwards, taking what had been rather plump into rock hard flesh that he rocked forward into the touches. He felt her grabbing him, holding him and he didn't think about what he was doing as he reached his hands down to hook into her pants. He turned her, breathing out eagerly as he pushed her back against the table.

She didn't look right, Maggie had always looked so kind and collected, but now she seemed predatory as she slid her fingers down lower and pushed her fingers down to curl along the swell of the balls. The gentle touch rolled back and forth as he kissed down along her collar bone, not thinking clearly as he grabbed her pants and peeled them downwards. He let out a rather predatory growl from low in his throat as he found there were no panties at all beneath her pants. He should have been thinking of his wife, some small part of him felt a surge of guilt, but it wasn't enough to still his thoughts of fire and need. It consumed all of his thoughts as he pushed her pants down and she let out a rich laugh. She pushed herself back onto the table, making it rattle as she ran her fingers along the tip of his cock.

He was twitching and eager, precum was spilling out in thick rivulets to rush down along the line of the finger tips, smearing and webbing between them. His breathing came out in a panting rush, his eyes flashed a little wider, making him call out in a low moan when she squeezed. Her fingers spread and massaged lightly, taunting

him and holding him on edge with a rush of pleasure before the touch slipped odwn lower towards the swell of his balls. He arched his back up high in the air as her legs slipped to either side of his hips, hooking a little bit as he leaned forward to lick his way down along her collar bone. The thin straps of the shirt did nothing to hamper his enjoyment to trail all the way down the length of her collar bone. He arched and pushed harder into her hand as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling her hips backwards a little bit.

"You've been lonely too I see..." She purred, her voice rich and vibrant with need as she pulled his cock tip downwards.

Matt felt the world go distant, he couldn't think past the burning need that was coursing through him, he only knew that he wanted inside of her. He needed to be inside of her. It was a need that went beyond anything he had ever experienced and he pushed her back against the table. Her hands moved to hold his sides and tightly, digging down roughly so that he was guided forward. The cock pushed right up along the line of her inner thighs, she didn't even seem worried he wasn't wearing a condom as he arched his back and pushed over her. He grabbed her hips, palming right along her ass to pull her partially off the table as his cock tip wedged right up against the glistening wet mound. He felt the heat sliding over him, coating along the glans until he was letting out a rough moan of desire.

He pushed forward, just feeling her starting to open up to swallow around his sensitive tip, spreading wider and wider by the moment. His hips jerked slightly, his back arching as the first inch began to slide into her body, the glorious heat of it kissing around him until he had no thoughts save that he wanted her. He cried out and began to prepare to drive himself home, to sheath every last inch inside of her body, when there was a sudden slam coming from the downstairs. The garage door hit home with a loud enough sound that he heard the impact and heard laughter and chattering of someone on the phone. No...not just someone, his son!

"FUCK!" He jerked back, his tip pulled free as he heard Maggie let out a curse of her own, trying to hold him or draw him back down against her, into her.

"I'm home!" He heard the yell coming up from the open basement door as they scrabbled to put themselves together.

It was too late, he yanked back and trembled, pulling his pants up hastily as she began to reach for her pants. He could hear his son laughing on the phone, the tell tail thud of his feet on the stairs as he made his way home from school. They barely had enough time to get back into clothes before he came into the kitchen, Matt's face flushed hot red in humiliation as he went back to cooking. He didn't know what had come over him, and by the look on Maggie's face, neither did she. Why had they acted that way?