
Story by Fated Snowfox on SoFurry

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The V8 purred deeply as the Cerberus made its way down the deserted mountain pass. Shafts of sunlight from the setting autumn sun glinted warmly from the polished chrome and made the chameleon paintjob ripple from red to deep blue as it swung lazily around each bend. The roof was folded back & the arctic fox in the passenger seat gazed around him in a rapt silence at the unfolding view, the sheer rock face to his side, giving way to a faded denim sky and the sprawl of the city below. The driver caught his eye and smiled softly, slipping his paw from the chromed gear knob & reaching for his paw, finding it's warmth & squeezing softly.

"Thank you for this weekend fox; you can't imagine how much I needed the break away. The cabin was wonderful and... And... You've, well, you were wonderful." He sighed softly. "You know what I want to say, you're the wordsmith."

The Snowfox squeezed his paw in return and turned to the driver, gazing with soft pride and admiration for the russet fox sat behind the wheel.

"Love, you don't have to say anything. I know how you feel, and I know how stressful these last few weeks have been, I just wish we could have got some more time away. I adore you, you know that? This view, the light, nothing around me could match up to the simple beauty I see in your eyes right now."

He looked away, trying to contain a blush as the red fox slipped his paw free to drop into low gear, the whispered "I love you" barely audible over the throaty thrum of the warm engine.

The journey continued in a companionable silence, the white fox occasionally reaching down for his camera, snapping pictures of the driver, the scenery, knowing they'd make a vivid montage that he could place on the wall of their new home. His mind wandered to the small apartment, the muted earth tones at request, the muted lighting and extensive sound equipment at his and memories of him lying on the floor, listening to the red fox play the keyboard, lost in the music and the presence of his true love.

The arctic fox started slightly as he felt the car turn fairly hard; noticing the steady thrum of wheels on tarmac had given way to the soft crunch of gravel under rubber. He glanced over at his partner, who looked back with a quirky sidelong glance.

"Fox, I know I struggle with the words, but I know I can at least _show_ you how I feel. I do love you, I have from the moment you walked into my life and now it's my turn to give something back. Get out of the car."

He smiled again and the white fox complied, slipping free of the seat belt and hopping over the door without opening it. The red fox laughed softly and walked to the front of the car.

"Oh, bring your camera. I think there's some scenery I'd like to photograph." He leaned back into the car & snagged the strap, flicking the camera up into his grasp with a practiced motion. The red fox laughed again.

"My you're flash tonight, fox. I always did like that about you. Now come over here and look at this."

The Snowfox trotted around to the front of the car, tail flitting softly as he handed the camera over "Look at wha.." His words cut short by a gentle kiss & soft paws pushing him carefully but firmly down to the bonnet of the car.

"No words, fox" the red fox instructed "You'll disrupt the view." The white fox nodded slowly, his back pressed up against the warm metal of the bonnet.

"Raise your arms, fox."

He closed his eyes & nodded, feeling soft paws at his side, claws hooked into his tee-shirt, which was carefully raised over his head. He heard the snap of the camera shutter and he splayed his ears a little.

"I know you don't like the camera, fox, but this scenery is just too breathtaking to pass up".

He felt paws at his belt, then working against the fastening of his jeans and he raised his hips as paws encircled him, slipping both his denim and underwear off in one smooth tug. A brief pause and again, the camera shutter clicking. He sighed softly, lightly, resigned to the photos, but not really minding his fox behind the lens. He opened his eyes to see the red fox standing over him and was surprised to find he was no longer the only naked one, his pupils dilating as he took in the sight of the adorable fox against the filtered sunlight of the deserted lookout point. His ear tips flushed slightly as he noticed his lovers arousal, the taught sheath of fur unable to contain the thickening shaft.

"Fox, you're staring", the red fox giggled softly. "You like what you see, huh?"

The white fox nodded his assent & pulled his gaze away, back up to the red fox's eyes.

"I know. I love you too." He smiled. "You've been so good to me, and I'm thankful. I'm thankful for the photos too, but I just want to take one more, please?" The red fox's eyes dilated in a familiar fox cub expression. The Snowfox nodded & tilted his head slightly.

"Turn over, please Fox." The red fox whispered "I want to see your other side."

The red fox's breath caught in his throat as his partner rolled over on the bonnet, his tail naturally flicking up slightly as he spread eagled himself over the glittering hood, his white fur stark against the red/blue metallic paint, he could smell his own arousal and the subtler scent of the white fox & knew he couldn't keep up the tease for much longer. Raising the camera he took shot after shot as he moved closer, kneeling behind his love & gently pushing his muzzle up under his tail, the camera forgotten. The white fox gasped & flicked his tail higher as the red fox lapped softly from his sac to the tantalising pink velvet of his tailpucker, revelling in his partner's musk. He murred deeply, encouraging the white fox to raise his tail yet higher as he dragged his tongue in soft, damp strokes over the tailhole, feeling it relax against his tender attentions. He drew himself back up & cuddled tightly to his fox's back, bucking his hips slightly against the arctic fox's spit damp rear, easing his sheath fully back with each gentle thrust. The arctic fox moaned, a deep, guttural sound as he felt his lover's shaft rubbing against the cleft of his behind, the tip teasing his tailpucker wetly. The red fox growled in unison, his muzzle locking on the white fox's scruff as he pushed forward, slowly, deliciously into the tight, damp heat of his partner, a paw slipping around his waist and over the exposed cock he knew he'd find there., tracing his fingers over the dusky soft flesh, memorising the sensation of the warmth and faint pulse against his pawpads.

The arctic fox trembled under his lover, pushing back against his shaft, eager to please the fox atop him, loving the feel of the warm, tapered flesh filling his behind & the gentle stroking pressure of the paw around his own arousal. The red fox released his grip on the snowfox's neck to whisper his encouragement.

"Fox, oh fox.. you feel so good! Push back against me puppy."

The white fox needed no encouragement & raised his hips back against his fox, murrring in delight as he hilted against him. The red fox whispered again "Not too hard, foxfox. We can't stay tied here forever."

Whimpering softly, the white fox pulled back a little, to be matched with a thrust, the red fox finding his rhythm perfectly, his senses filled with his lover and the subtle smells of warm car and nature. The white fox whimpered, thrusting against the paw, wrapped around his pre-slicked shaft, the red fox knowing his partner was reaching climax. Thrusting harder against his summer-coated love, he stretched up to whisper into his ear "C'mon puppy, bark for me... I'm not going to let go until you do."

He panted, tail thrashing as he struggled to hold back his own orgasm. The white fox keened loudly & drove himself into the paw, barking loudly as he coated the fingers and radiator grille in streams of his hot, thick seed. The raw scent of his lovers orgasm pushed the red fox over the brink, gasping into his lovers ear as he contracted around him, milking the red fox as he pulsed deep into the snowfox's behind, murrring a thank-you to the fox that made him feel so complete.

"The pleasure's all mine," the tawny-white fox replied "But don't you think we should move before we're caught?"

"Just a minute, I'm still enjoying the view." The red fox whispered as he closed his eyes.


Leopard Sugar - One night in the Camden Passage

This is my first attempt at yiff - Let me know how I did, or send me pictures! It was another quiet night in the Camden Passage club and Zodiac was sat at the bar nursing his 3rd babycham of the evening. He sighed softly and looked up at the...

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