The Interview

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This is a backer reward piece for Alpha! This is one of three, so expect 2 more coming up in the future before the end of the month.

As a general rule of thumb, backer reward piece like this one (but NOT Idea Poll pieces) will feature the Patreon logo, just so everyone knows.

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Conrad looked down at the flyer in his hands, and raised his head to stare at the Kennel building in front of him. This was just the thing he was looking for. All he had to do was go in.

Yet, he couldn't will his feet to move. He was scared. What if they rejected him? Turned him down? What if they simply said he wasn't suitable for the job? The young cub sighed and focused his eyes down on the flyer again, once again reading the lettering.

It was an ad for an assistant placement at the local Breeding Kennel. He knew what those were: it was a place where Pedigree dogs were taken to pass on their genes to their offspring. He didn't know the inner workings, but that surely didn't matter. It was the start of the summer, and the only thing Conrad wanted to do was work and make money, just like his Dad, who was out every single day providing for them. He thought that, maybe if he started making some money for himself, it'd put less strain on his family. It was an admirable goal.

Conrad was just a small boy, however. A 10 year old Shiba Inu pup who was doing mediocre in school, through no fault but his own. With the summer upon them, he knew this was the chance to prove himself capable, but the fear of rejection was sinking deep into his bones. He wiped a hand through the short, cream-coloured fur atop his head, taking a deep breath. If they said no, then he could always look somewhere else. There was certainly no harm in asking, surely.

The boy quickly bounded across the road, making his way towards the reasonably-sized building. It was a hot day, and the Dog boy was dressed appropriately in shorts and a thin tank top, which made his agile movements all the more easier. Slowly, he tugged open the glass door and made his way inside, his bare feet pressing against the cool tiles below.

The interior of the room was sleek, pretty, modern. The walls were a nice, bright white, and the receptionist's desk was long and professional. Slowly, Conrad made his way towards the counter, placing his hands on the surface and peeking over the desk. It was a little high for him, and he had to stand on tiptoes just to see the receptionist, who stood up to make it easier to address the boy.

"And what can I do for you?" She asked with a wide smile, and Conrad was too shy to speak. He placed the flyer on the counter and pushed it in her direction, tapping the words at the bottom. She stared down at the paper for a moment, before beaming down at him.

"Take a seat." She told him, and he lit up in delight. Nodding excitedly, Conrad moved towards the waiting area, that was remarkably empty, even at this time of the day. He swung his legs and stared down at his feet at his waited, his heart pounding in his chest. He was nervous.

Eventually, after 15 minutes of waiting, a door to his right swung open, revealing a behemoth of a man. Standing well over 7 foot tall, a pristine, white-furred Dire Wolf stared down at the boy with a friendly expression and coaxed a finger in the boy's direction. Conrad gulped nervously, and slowly got to his feet, following the wolf towards the door.

They walked in silence down a sleek, narrow white corridor, and Conrad wanted to pluck up the courage to speak, but everytime he was about to say something, his throat closed up. He was far too nervous, and he knew it. They walked for a minute or so before the tall man stopped by a door, turning to handle to push it open. He gestured, and the little puppy nodded, making his way inside.

It was a nice, sleek office, a little more homely than the almost sterile environment outside of the room. The white furniture was instead a rich, deep brown mahogany, with a main desk area with a computer, and a table in the corner with a plush, black leather surface that must have been meant for animals to stand on to be examined. Conrad moved his way over to a spare chair, sinking into the deep, plush leather and watching the Dire Wolf cross the room to take a seat.

"Hello. I'm Dr. O'Reilly, and I own the building. You can just call me Alpha." The man held out his hand rather suddenly, and Conrad felt nerves wash over him. Slowly, he reached out a hand, and the Man clasped the small hand in his own, giving him a firm, encouraging handshake. Conrad breathed a sigh of relief.

"A-A pleasure." The boy eventually stammered out, trying to be as well-mannered as possible.

"I see you're here to apply for the assistant position? You look a little young to be volunteering for such a difficult job." Alpha remarked as he smiled over at the boy, and Conrad's face fell. He hung his head, looking down at his hands.

"Is it difficult?" Conrad eventually managed to choke out, and Alpha chuckled.

"Well, it's...not exactly for everyone, shall we say." The Dire Wolf replied, reaching out to pat the boy's hands, giving him a little bit of encouragement.

"It's alright. Do you want to hear a little bit about the job, see if you think it's your thing?" The Dire Wolf asked, and Conrad snapped his head up, nodding happily. Alpha smirked, and he leant back.

"Alright, well," He began. "We take pedigree dogs and make sure they get well and truly taken care of. Every so often, we coax them into breeding with a female, and then check to see if the female is pregnant a week later. Sometimes it can be a little complicated: maybe the Male isn't interested, or the female doesn't want to do it. A lot of factors come into it, but a big problem for us is having a lot of pent up Males and not enough suitable Females to go around. When that happens, they tend to get a little...frustrated."

Conrad was nodding along, understanding up to the very last part. He couldn't understand why Males would get pent up, and he rubbed the back of his head, sported a face of bewilderment. Alpha understood he was confused, and back-pedalled a little to elaborate.

"You see, to keep Males fairly docile, we need to make sure they're...well, sated," Alpha explained loosely. "Make sure they're happy and that they've bred recently. Otherwise, not getting any can make them very angry towards other Dogs."

"Oh," Conrad still didn't fully get it, but it definitely made a bit more sense than before. "So you need an assistant to, them?"

"Precisely. That, and to aid the other Doctors, namely me. We only have a few doctors in the building, but a few nurses who help us along. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?" Alpha paused, gauging the boy's reaction.

"Um...I don't really know how it'd work," Conrad admitted bashfully, not wanting to seem stupid. "How do I, uh...make them happy?"

"Well, let's see, shall we?" He stood and held up a finger. "Wait there. I'll be right back."

Conrad nodded anxiously and remained seated as the Dire Wolf left the room through a door on the far side, closing it behind him. Conrad only had to wait a couple of minutes for him to return, and watched as the handle twisted open, the door swinging ajar. Alpha stepped through with a leash in his hands, followed by a bulky, well-built German Shepherd.

"Oh, Doggy!" Conrad beamed rather pleasantly, not expecting this level of hands-on experience so soon. He watched Alpha wander over with the dog, and when it was within range, Conrad reached out to give the canine a pat. The German Shephard initially a little apprehensive, but quickly warmed up to the boy after recieving a little affection.

"Good, he likes you already. Being good with animals is an important first step." Alpha remarked, smiling when he saw the boy getting rather excited with the dog, stroking with his face and giggling pleasantly. Slowly, the Dire Wolf leant over and he unclipped the dog's leash, letting have free roam of the office. The German Shepherd was relatively obediently and remained in one spot, but was quickly beginning to try and jump up on the boy's lap.

"He's pretty lively!" Conrad commented with a wide, happy grin that every child his age should have. He reached down and pet the dog again before he turned his focus to Alpha, who was smiling over at him.

"Alright, so you see under here?" Alpha pointed underneath the canine, and as first, Conrad couldn't see, no matter how hard he twisted himself. Eventually, he just got off of the chair, and got onto his hands and knees, dipping under to try and see under the canine's belly.

That was his first mistake. As soon as the Shiba Inu puppy was on all fours, the German Shepherd was already making his way around. Conrad was a little too slow on the uptake and tried to follow him, crawling around to try and catch up with him, but the dog had his eyes on something else. Conrad eventually felt the dog suddenly leap up onto him, and he felt the dog's stomach pressing down against his back. He panicked for a moment, snapping his head up to the doctor, who seemed to be still grinning.

"W-What's happening?!" Conrad explained, peering his head back and feeling the Dog rolling it's hips back and forth. He felt something wet and damp smearing across his rump and he felt the colour rise to his face when he could feel something sticky and wet sliding right between his cheeks, grinding into those loose shorts. Alpha chuckled and squatted down, watching with a rather wide grin.

"This is part of the job. The dogs need to breed, even if no females are available. That's where you come in." He assured him, cupping under the boy's cheek and smirking when he saw how embarrassed the young pup looked.

"Wait, you mean it's gonna...?" Conrad began, paling a little at the thought, but Alpha ran a hand over his head, making him quiver. As much as he was a little frightened of the idea, he was also a little excited at the idea. He had no idea what it'd be like, but it was clear that the dog was getting a little feisty. He could feel it rubbing and poking at his backside, sending drips of watery pre-cum shooting over his back.

Slowly, Alpha's hand slid over towards Conrad's rump, and the pup craned his head to watch the fingers sinking in underneath his shorts. He wriggled a little and bit his lip when he saw the man slowly pushing down his shorts, just until they were over his rump, sliding down his legs. He didn't understand why he wasn't protesting or asking them to stop. Part of him knew it was wrong, but the other part of him was so tantalised by the idea, regardless of the consequences.

The dog began to buck and slip it's small member around his rump, spirting tiny strings of pre-cum against his backside as it attempting to search for it's mark, it's hips desperately rolling back and forth. The German Shepherd sported a loot of pure and utter desire and pleasure, it's tongue hanging from it's mouth as it humped and pushed. The tip of it's member eventually found it's mark and pressed firmly against Conrad's pink ring. The pup squeaked a little and winced when he felt the small member shoving it's way into it's hole, quickly lubing up his entrance with watery pre-cum.

With it's mark now found, the dog began to get into it. It shuffled forwards on it's back legs until it was in a suitable position as blood pumped rapidly to it's cock, forcing it to swell to half-hardness with glee. The canine pressed it's body completely against Conrad's trembling back as it's front arms wrapped around Conrad's stomach, gripping tightly. The dog's knot swelled within it's sheath and Alpha dipped a hand under to quickly tug it free, before it got any tighter. With that, the dog began to thrust.

The German Shepherd was definitely not being gentle. Each thrust and pound had all of it's force put into it, and it wasn't slow, either. It's hips pistoned like a machine, rapidly slamming back and forth as its knot mashed against the puppy's tight ass. The Shiba Inu felt a little bit of pain spreading throughout his rump that was quickly replaced with pleasure. The dog's rhythmic humping pounded down into a sensitive spot inside him that made him huff and pant in pure and utter ecstasy, whimpering and whining. He didn't want it to stop, despite the stinging uncomfortableness. It was just too good.

He could feel the wet knot slapping against his ass, and soon enough, his ears were graced with the wet, slapping sounds of the knot ramming against his tight, virgin asshole. The little pup whimpered and his hands curled into fists on the tiles floor as his toes curled from the sickening pleasure that spiked up his spine, making his mouth hang agape and his eyes roll into the back of his head. He mumbled something incoherent, and his little sheath eagerly swelled, pumping blood to this tiny, underdeveloped prick. A small, knotty cock bobbed it's way from his plump package and dribbled tiny droplets of pre-cum onto the floor as the knot swelled within his own tiny sheath.

He eventually snapped back to reality and flicked his gaze towards the Doctor, who had moved to sit in his chair. The pup's eyes lingered to where the Dire Wolf's hands were groping, and his eyes widened, staring at the massive erection in the man's pants. He seemed to be practically leaking pre-cum as well, and Conrad spotted a damp spot on his leg.

Suddenly, Conrad gasped, feeling the Dog putting more power into his thrusts, growing more and more desperate. He knew the dog was closer, or at least, he envisioned so, even thought he didn't know what that meant. His eyes rolled up again and spit dribbled down his chin from his hanging mouth, little moans of pleasure escaping his mouth as the cock rammed harder and harder down into his tiny prostate, making his dick pulse and throb. He felt something inside him: a tingling that was growing more and more intense, and it made him shudder. Something was coming, and he knew it.

"Hah...I...I feel funny...!" Conrad complained, but Alpha didn't seem to aid him, not pay attention. Each thrust down into his rump made that pleasure heighten and made him gasp out in utter bliss. His little dick bobbed up and down with each thrust until, suddenly, he found himself orgasming. He didn't quite understand what it was, at first: hell, he hadn't even orgasmed before, but all he could feel was sickening, sweet pleasure as strings of white seed dripping from his cock, splattering and shooting off in all sorts of directions thanks to the dog's humping. With each convulsion, this tiny ass squeezed down on that thick, canine cock, and that only made the dog hump harder.

His orgasm faded as soon as it arrived, and with that sickening, pleasurable aftermath came an oversensitivity that made him gasp and wince a little. The dog wasn't letting up, that much was obvious, but his ass was beginning to feel numb. Luckily, it didn't seem to last for too long: with the numbness came a loss of control, and eventually, his rump loosed up a little bit. The dog humped hard, and in a couple of desperate thrusts, the knot shoved it's way into the pup's hole, stretching his ass wider than it had ever gone before.

With that, the German Shepherd was done. His thrusting abruptly stopped and he panted harshly above the young cub, leaning down enough to plan his feet on the ground. He stood there for a moment, his balls tucked firmly up against his body as his taint pulsed and convulsed, shooting thick ropes of cum into the cub's backside. Conrad could feel a luxurious warmth spreading throughout his stomach, and he shakily reached up with his hand to stroke his stomach. He could feel the bump of something in his tummy, and a smile played upon his lips. It felt amazing.

"Well, you definitely have what it takes." Alpha remarked, still idly stroking his erection in his trousers as he got to his feet, knowing they had little time to get up to anything saucy, especially with the young boy trapped so tightly by the canine. That knot was fully engorged, and it wasn't going anywhere for a considerable length of time.

"Y...You think so?" Conrad brung his head up, and Alpha squatted down to cup his cheek, stroking that soft, short fluffy fur.

"Absolutely. You start Monday."