Second Text: Memories

Story by Yuls on SoFurry

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Next part of this story, now getting the little pup into a deep travel through his memory, again, sorry for my english I hope it is written good enough to be enjoyed.

Characters from Disney, I do not own any of them.

Part 2: Memories

She was walking around the farm, alone, looking for her good friend.

She was a new comer, after so many things she had lived, and suffered. She couldn't believe that she was finally going to find her saviors again. But...It was no exactly what she was hoping for. Just because no one of them could remember who was her.

While she was walking, she reached to the principal door of roger and Anita's home. She saw Jim, and Darling and the family of dogs, waiting to go. But there was a little problem.

She heard a horrible noise while Jim was trying to turn his car on. The car moved abruptly, advanced one meter and a half, and then a cloud of black smoke came from the motor of the car.

"Oh no" Said Jim making a complaint. "Not now."

"What's up Jim?" Said Darling wondered about what happened."

"The car is broken; I don't know what could happen."

"It's everything ok out there?" Roger's voice asked from the house.

"The car is broken" Said Darling.

"Oh really?" Anita went to join the Dears while they were walking away the car that was dispatching a big cloud of smoke.

"I have to fix it." Jim said taking off his coat, and giving it to Anita, she received it and said.

"Is it going to take a lot of time?"

"I think I can repair it in a few hours, come on Roger, and help me."

"Sure." Roger followed him to the car, Jim took a bit of the snow and Roger opened the car's box, from inside the car dispatched all the smoke, and Jim dropped the snow on the motor." Now what?" Roger said, looking at the damaged car.

"Help me to place it where it was before."

"Ok" They both shoved the car to its original place.

"Do you need some help?" Anita asked.

"No thanks Anita, I'll do it"

"Don't you think it's better to call a mechanic?" Anita suggested.

"No, nobody knows this car better than me." Jim said smiling. "Roger, can you borrow some tools for this, please?"

"Sure Jim, anything else?"

"No, just relax in your house; I'll call if I need something."

"Ok, good luck." After tell him those words, Roger went to look for his tools.

Tramp's family was staring at Jim, while he was watching at the motor, after a few seconds he realized about it.

"Ah my good friend Tramp, it seems that we will stay here for a little more, so go and enjoy the morning, maybe we'll go in the afternoon."

Anette Danielle and Collete jumped on joy, and quickly they ran to the farm again. Tramp And Lady went into the house again. Scamp and Angel stayed out there.

"Are you ok Angel?" Scamp asked.

"I'm fine."

"You are so... quiet."

"Sorry, is just that..."

"Hey nice bracelet" Angel forgot about the little piece of gold, she felt afraid about what was Scamp going to think. "Who gave it to you?"

"Uh... A friend, a good friend"

"Hey beauty, you've got a lot of good friends here, come on, who is it from?"

"Lucky gave it to me."

"Late for a gift, it's the best present for you."

"Do you want to... walk a little?" Angel asked finally seeing a little of attention from Scamp.

"Later, have you seen the incredible games here? I don't want to lose it" Scamp ran into the house. Angel sighed in disappoint, and walked toward the house, following Scamp.

"So... Lucky gave the bracelet to her." She saw the entire problem. "She should be happy." She said showing a bit of envy. She turned and walked on her own last steps, still looking for her friend.

Lucky just woke up, the last night he stayed awake until 3:30 A.M. He heard some barks from outer the barn. His siblings were playing, that meant only one thing, and he lost the breakfast.

"Oh you finally woke up you lazy pup." A female voice coming from the door of the barn, Lucky saw a svelte figure out there. Finally he got up, and yawned.

"What time is it?"

"It is almost noon; you don't want to lose the lunch too. Do you?" Lucky finally recovered the conscience, and he realized about Spot.

"No, wow, it's almost noon, I really was tired."

"Yes, I think, come on Lucky Rolly and Cadpig are waiting for you."

"Just give me a minute."

"Ok, see you later Lucky."

Lucky yawned again, and decided to go out. The sun was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a few minutes it was normal again. It wasn't a warm day, but finally he could see the sun after some weeks of cloudy days.

He felt the cold snow underneath his paws, and started to walk. He never noticed about the noise of the farm, he walked and he could see the hill in which he could meet Angel for first time. He walked toward it.

He climbed the hill until he was on the top; a cool breeze ran through his body when he finally arrived there. He saw the farm full of life again, the barks sounded distant, all the new feelings, all the magic that Angel showed to him the last night was still there, despite the noise, it was calmly to him again.

He went down the hill, looking for his siblings. Lucky felt a little sad, because he thought that Angel was gone. He wanted to see her again, he needed it. Besides he promise her he was going to say good bye, which was bad too.

While the lunch, Lucky ate in silence, his eyes were lost into the distance, and after each two minutes he realized about the food, and put a little bit of it in his mouth. He chewed it slowly and swallowed it, losing into the ocean of thoughts again.

"What's the matter with him?" Cadpig was worried about the attitude that Lucky were showing that day.

"I don't know" Rolly in that moment was focused on the food.

"We have to talk with him." Cadpig did not found any reply to her comment, and she decided to eat, and think about her brother later.

The sun disappeared after the lunch, the clouds came again, they did not want to go, and so, there would be a very bad climate for some days more.

"Have you noticed about Lucky?" Spot was staring at him, while he was again submerged in his mind, and without listen anything.

"I don't know what happened yesterday at night." Cadpig replied.

"Maybe Lucky tried to take her and she is mad with him now." Rolly exposed his theory.

"Yes, it's a good point." Cadpig brought Lucky's words to her mind. "She is the most perfect pup I've ever seen; I felt a big desire for her." "It almost happens, but I couldn't."

"I knew that it was going to bring him troubles" Spot declared.

"Come on, we must help him" Cadpig again. She walked next to Lucky, who had closed his eyes, but he was awake. "Hey Lucky" She whimpered.

"Yes?" Lucky replied.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Matter?" Lucky opens his eyes looking up to Cadpig. "What do you mean?"

"You seem... well... you're acting weird today"

"Don't worry, I'll be ok" Cadpig suddenly got an idea.

"I think it is going to make you feel better" Cadpig took the remote control of the TV and turned on it. The characteristic opening music of Thunderbolt sounded in whole the barn. After that calm Lucky was experiencing, hear that noise was annoying. Lucky frowned, he couldn't endure that anymore.

"Shut it off!" He raised his voice.

"Come on Lucky, Don't you want to see this? He got up to see the television.

"I saw that episode." Lucky quickly took the control and turned off the TV, feeling again that relief when everything returned to silence. "Sincerely it is becoming boring" Rolly and Spot gasped. What did he say? Cadpig retreat one step.

"T...Thunderbolt boring? Ok. Who are you and what did you do with Lucky? Lucky sighed deeply.

"I am Lucky, and don't worry please, it's just that I saw that episode ok? And you watched it with me last week."

"Lucky, I never thought that I was going to hear those words from you, you love Thunderbolt."

"Hey, hey, Cadpig, I like his movies and his TV series, I don't love him. That sounds weird."

"What did that female do with you Lucky? It's for her isn't it?"

"I already said, don't worry, I'll be ok, and please, lets talk about anything else."

"It's becoming tense; I'm going to look for Rebecca Ok?" Those were Spot's words, 'Rebecca', that name came to Lucky's mind as a shoot of a powerful gun.

"Rebecca..." He whimpered.

"Yes" Spot replied and stood up, she walked making a soft sound on the hay step by step, and then, Spot was outside the barn.

Lucky found another sense of guilty, and that was about that girl, Rebecca. His siblings were asking him about what was he thinking about, well, Lucky was thinking about those moments, about those days and nights of carnal satisfaction. That satisfaction that now was starting to feel empty. With Cadpig, with Two-Tone, Jewel, and now, Spot say another name. That was worse for Lucky.

A memory came to his mind, making him lose into his own thoughts again.


They were still warm days, the normal days that are usually watched on the farm.

It has been not a long time since they came back of their last vacations. Those vacations when they were forced to endure Cruella. Those vacations when Roger and Anita finally get legally married. And those vacations when they found her.

The classic days, when he used to say "We don't have time to think! We gotta act now!"

The team in the farm again, free of Cruella for a few days, and obviously happy about another victory in their book of records.

But there was a newcomer there, a little shy puppy, with two impressive blue eyes, like two smalls pieces of ice, not so big, but still with a good appearance, and always with a sweet smile on her face.

They found Rebecca after days of not really a perfect vacation. Nobody knew how she appeared there; nobody knew who the little pup was. But it figured that she could remember all of them, she include said the name of one of them: "Spot". It was weird because Spot recognized her too, but then, they stayed at silence, just because no one was going to believe the story that was behind of the strange new member.

But she has been living in the farm a few months since that moment, and now she had an almost normal life in the farm.

Now Lucky started to remember that day, the day that, until now, he thought was the best day he had.

Then, his thoughts went directly to the day that happened. It was a very warm day, no clouds on the sky, really, a perfect morning to get some fun.

Now, like a ghost, in a travel trough the time to the past, Lucky was suddenly on green and wet grass, and next to him, water, like a small lake. He was at the Hiccup Hole. He could watch himself, playing with his siblings into the water.

"It's great." Cadpig said in a moment of calm, when they finished to play and were on the grass, in an instant of relax.

"Yeah" Lucky replied. "It was just a great day."

"It's like a normal day, but for me, it was special in some way too." Spot said, having a rest with her body against Rolly's.

"Do you want to do something else?" Rolly asked.

"I'd like to stay here the rest of the day." Lucky replied, with a soft sigh, while he had his eyes closed. That was the first time he was looking for calm and silence.

"Anyway, I'm hungry, and I need to reload, anyone who wants to come?" Rolly stood up, and Spot feel down to the grass. "Uh... I'm sorry Spot"

"I go" Spot said.

"Me too, come on Lucky" Cadpig walked next to Rolly, and turned her look to Lucky, who was still resting on the grass.

"Don't' worry about me guys; I'll stay here until lunch ok?"

"As you wish." Rolly said, and started to walk, followed by Cadpig and Spot.

He stayed there for some minutes, he had all the silence he needed, and it was becoming boring to him. Then he heard steps, they were walking toward him. He stood up and he recognized the girl just with looking to her eyes.

"Rebecca" He said.

"Oh... Hi, I didn't know there was someone here."

"Why? Did you want to come alone?

"Well, I usually come here alone."

"I see that you like this place"

"Of course, everyone likes it. Why would I be the exception?"

"Yes, it's a good place to play, isn't it?"

"I prefer to come and relax."

"Ah, Lucy may like you for that."

"She never says any word while I'm here."

"Good for you, she's always disturbing us when I come with my friends"

"I'm not against that she wants peace on this place, but I don't like when she says that it is her place."

"I don't like that too, but. Where is she right now?"

"I don't know."

·I think it's better, we are alone."

"What do you mean?" She said with a bright of mistrust.


"Ok..." That comment ruined Lucky's mind again, and he saw her carefully.

That little pup was familiar to him, but he had vague memories about her. Her face showed an innocent beauty that he never saw before; she was just beautiful, with a soft and pleasant voice, and an almost perfect body.

She didn't say anything and jumped directly to the water, splashing Lucky's fur with some drops of water. She laughed when she saw him damped by the water.

"Yeah I think it's funny" Lucky said ironically.

"Yes, it was" She was still laughing, while she was floating on the water.

"Ok, I think I will stay here for a little while."

"That's ok, I won't be alone now."


"Yes, after strange things that happened, I've been alone until I found you."

"You're such a pretty pup; I don't know why you were alone."

"I was alone because I wasn't careful with my words."

"I don't get it."

"Never mind, I don't want to tell that story again, everyone that have listened my story just, laughed at my face, I don't want that again."

"Ok Rebecca, I won't ask for that."

"Thank you Lucky, and thanks about that of pretty too." She went out from the water and she shook her body, to get dry again."

"Simply the truth" Lucky said, showing a pleasant smile.

"Yeah right, that must be one of your most used sentences."

"Very smart I can see."

"Yes, that's me." She started to feel comfortable with him, as she could remember the first time she saw him. "So, I am finally with the hero. Right? The bravest dog here.

"Actually, you are the only one who said that." She gazed him, their first and unique meet was very sad for her, she was under a curse while she was talking with him, and after, she could talk with him seriously just for 15 minutes, and not even she could knew something real from his inside, obviously it was the opportunity.

"Have you... done something interesting lately?"

"My last vacations, Roger and Anita fought, Cruella tried to make a good use of that, and we had to stop her again."

"Seem that that is very common for you."

"Yes, I like that kind of life, I like what I am."

"And, despite of that, I see that you are a very peaceful guy."

"Yeah, It is just for today, I feel tired I don't know why" The silence was suddenly broken by the intermittent sound of the bell; It was noon, time for lunch. "Um, we have to go. You come?

"Yes, let's go" Rebecca would like to make that plain conversation deeper, but she was interrupted. "Would...?


"Um... Would you like to see me... let say... at night?"

"Well... If you want..."

"Same place?"

"Of course, right here."

"9 o'clock?"

"Yeah, sure" Then Lucky ran, and Rebecca was alone again, but strangely happy, She felt a warm breeze, and she walked taking all her time she needed, she wasn't hungry.

The ghost could see the whole day hour by hour, in front of his eyes. It was like a flash, and in seconds, he saw the night coming. The ghost was still travelling trough the time.

The water was cold, and there was no moon that night. There was only a little bright, a little pup, her eyes with a sky color.

The ghost was behind of her, he tried to call her, she didn't noticed, and the ghost understood that he could travel in time, but he couldn't change anything. It was called memory.

Lucky appeared in the place, a soft wind came and made the trees sing their nocturnal song. He didn't care about that, only the ghost appreciated it. That was weird, because the ghost was looking to himself.

"We choose a very dark night huh?" Rebecca turned, and she saw just a silhouette but she knew who was talking to her.

"Yeah..." She said with slow voice.

"Did you stay here the whole afternoon?"

"Of course not, I went to have lunch, I wasn't hungry but I went."

"I didn't see you there"

"Maybe you had already finished when I arrived."

"I don't eat that fast, I'm not like Rolly."

"It doesn't matter right now."

"Anything special you need to tell me?"

"I don't know Lucky, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, really, and now, I don't know what to say." Lucky looked at her with widened eyes, of course she didn't noticed because of the darkness.

"Really? But... But why?"

"Remember I told you about a story I've never wanted to say?"

"Yes, I don't know why you don't want to tell it to anybody. ·

"Well, it's just that, you won't believe in it." Lucky smiled.

"There are a lot of things I can believe Rebecca, I've been in the space once, thanks to Cruella, that's unbelievable, Do you believe me?" Rebecca stayed in silence for some seconds. "See? Nobody believes me too, so tell me, I won't laugh or anything wrong."

"Ok" She sighed.

In better times, Rebecca belonged to a family of the nobility, in a little town, that was owned by a tyrant leader from the DeVil's family. Maybe she was happy between her family, but she had a big hate about the leader of the little town.

As a good Dalmatian, she always was awake to follow to De Vil and do something if he was planning something bad. But it was not enough; she couldn't save the town by herself.

It was the summer of the year 1461 when everything started. The sun was in top of sky, and the rope was being prepared, the whole town was looking at the man with the black mask getting ready to use his axe.

An old man went upstairs he was tamed by one guard, and De Vil was present behind of them. De Vil took a piece of parchment and read it to the public, between the people was the little pup, which was still innocent, looking at it.

The accusation: The old man didn't pay the tax that De Vil demanded. De Vil finished and asked the man with loud voice. "Will you obey my rules?" And the man said nothing, it made furious to De Vil, and said to the man with the black mask "Just do it"

It was maybe the worst thing Rebecca has seen in her life. The man with the black mask took the tool that was going to splash death around the people. The guards tamed the man on a table. Rebecca made a mistake being curious. She was almost in front of them, and she saw the axe, moving to the sky, and abruptly, going down. A drop of blood fell on her face, while her innocent eyes where looking to the lifeless body falling down to the ground.

Rebecca saw death when she was very young, and that disgusting image, stayed with her in her mind for a long time. She decided it was enough. She was not going to rest, until she beats De Vil.

Some days after the first, and the last execution in the town, an old woman arrived to the town. She had a chicken as a pet, and Rebecca and the strange chicken met. Rebecca told the chicken everything about his town, including the story of the leader of the town. The chicken promised to Rebecca that he was going to help her to take revenge against De Vil.

The old woman was a witch, Rebecca didn't know that. Seeing all the fear that was into the town she cursed the town, everyone were going to be happy in the town, and the town only was going to appear only once each one hundred years, and De Vil was doomed to stay in the town forever. Only De Vil and the chickens were out of the curse, and obviously, Rebecca was in it too.

When the city appeared again after another one hundred years, a strange family arrived to the town, there was when Rebecca saw Lucky for first time, and when she was saved by Spot, the chicken.

Rebecca helped Lucky and his family to escape from the city before the sunset. Between the people that escaped, was the person that was the only hope for De Vil to get out from the cursed town, Cruella De Vil. He saw Rebecca helping them, and in a moment of anger, he gave a kick to Rebecca, she felt an intense pain, and she flown out of the town in the exact second that it was going to disappear again. She was unconscious, that was why she couldn't see the other pups leaving.

Rebecca lived as a stray dog for a lot of days. She knew that she wasn't going to see her family again; she knew that she was going to endure a lot of things in her life. She only kept the memory of Lucky, that taught her about a little of the modern world.

She endured hunger, rains, and hot days. They were days full of tears.

And then, she found in one way, a bus that was full of pups, Dalmatian pups. The kind humans took her with them, and she immediately recognized the four faces, the four faces that saved her, and either, the four faces that ruined her life.

The only one, who could recognize her, was Spot. And they kept the whole story in secret, while she was living finally, into Dearly's farm.

"Nobody else here knows that, but Spot, and now you" Rebecca had spilled some tears while she was finishing telling Lucky her sad story. Lucky was surprised; he couldn't remember anything about that, he was kind of confused.

"Be calm, I understand it is not your fault. That is the way the curse works." Silence, the only thing that was heard for some seconds. "I knew it, you don't believe me" Her voice was broken, she was about to cry.

"No, no, I believe you, that's why I'm sad."

"What do you mean?"

"I should look better behind of me, maybe you wouldn't live all of that if I could find you before go home.

"You had forgotten everything Lucky, that wasn't your fault, thank you for listen to me." Rebecca wasn't calm, she was still spilling tears, Lucky noticed that, and immediately he gave her a hug.

"I don't know what to say Rebecca, this is the only I can do."

"Don't worry thanks."

They stayed in the same position for long time. She was fine, she felt safe next to the warm body of Lucky, and finally someone believed her without doubting.



"it is too late right?"

"Think so, I can't hear anybody close."

"Do you like someone here?"

"Um... W...Why do you ask me that?"

"Just curiosity."

"Um... well, I don't know, at least not in the way you're talking about." Rebecca looked to Lucky to the eyes.

"Thought so" It was the exact moment, Lucky took the opportunity, and he kissed the little girl, that was the first time he felt a sweet kiss, like the one he received from Angel.

The kiss took them to caresses, more kisses.

This time, they didn't stop. They were decided to finish. Him, trying to feel her inside. Her, feeling him inside.

A night full of feelings. Her moans were low, and sweet, nobody would listen to them. And then, they continued, until the end. Nobody could stop them.

The black part is, that Rebecca was giving love, and Lucky, was just giving sex.

The end, probably the most amazing, both of them felt their bodies shaking, and then falling down, without energy after the moment of the climax. Rebecca was happy, Lucky, just normal...

The ghost found it disgusting. The ghost couldn't believe he was the damn idiot that was next to Rebecca. The ghost was sad, because he just used the innocent pup, to satisfy himself.

He felt an intense pain into his chest, it was his heart, and Rebecca's voice came to his ears, blaming him because he broke one heart. The ghost screamed: "Stop! please stop! That's enough! Stop please!"


"Hey! Lucky! Are you ok?" Lucky opened his eyes and saw his sister with worried eyes, looking directly to him.

"What... what happened?"

"You fell asleep, and it seems you had a nightmare, you were almost crying."

"Crying?" Lucky remembered the nightmare; he was not going to sleep in peace, until he talks to the little Rebecca.

"You scared me, are you ok Lucky?"

"Yes Cadpig, I'm ok" This was truth "It was just a nightmare" This, was not.

to be continued...