Forest Love

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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As I walk through the woods, I see the numerous woodland creatures scurrying around. I see nothing but my path to the next town in front of me and I wonder if it will ever end. I see the sun through certain cracks in the trees, bright orange and fading, signs of setting in about an hour. I look beyond what normal eyes could see and peer into the depths of the forest with my Dragon Eyes.

The town isn't far away now and it'll take me at least another three days. To make it there will be a feat on it's own, to have real shelter and a warm bed, maybe even a woman to warm it with me. High hopes is all that drove me at this point, wandering had it's perks ,but one of the downsides is never being able to have a woman for any amount of days, just an amount of hours. Something else than catches my eye.

I see two figures running from something. I stop and listen intensely and hear a scream, definitely female, and I crouch down and jump in the air with all my height. The jump lifts me above the trees and I spread my wings freely. I catch a draft and push myself forward with all my speed. My wings flap furiously against the wind as I gain speed.

I haven't seen another person for a whole month in this cursed forest. Not since I last saw a town, and even there it was mainly Foxes and Wolves, not that I'm prejudice to other species, I just see most beauty with my own kind.

I fly until I can clearly see the two figures below me and then I see what's chasing them, a half breed wolf. A wolf that was born non-anthropomorphic, savage beasts who hate the world for their deformity. They feed off the woodland creatures of the forest and take pleasure in the kill more than the meat. As bad as they are, their main objective is even worse, they are rapists. Mad at the world to their deformity, so they can take no pleasure from a beautiful woman unless they force it upon them.

It's two victims of it's next possible rape are slowing down. They are out of breath and need help. I fold my wings and dive in at dangerous speed. I plummet through the trees and see the ground near, I see the half wolf and the two being chased, I position to land on the ground right between them. I do and I roll three times to slow my body to a halt before swiftly and quickly getting to my feet. In one swift motion, I draw my sword and spread my wings in order to scare the half wolf to a stop. It works. He looks me up and down with disgust.

"Out of my way Dragon, I have business to attend to. " The half wolf growls and snarls at me, peering with yellow eyes.

"Then go attend to it on your own, leave these lady's out of it" I speak in an impressive voice, not that I try to. I look behind me and one of the lady's tripped at the sight of me so they were both here to witness.

The half wolf growls at me once more and winds up for an attack. "I will have my way with whom ever pleases my eye's, you can't stop me and you'll die trying!" The wolf runs straight for me and I do not shift from my position. The half wolf leaps for my chest and I quickly put my sword in the way of his paws, they land on the sword and I make a quick motion with it to cut the bottoms of his paws. He yelps and leaps back ,he tries once more and I grab his throat with my free hand. I hold him suspended in the air for a moment and then toss him to the ground. I put my sword at his throat.

"Leave!" I command in my strong voice, the voice my military background has tuned to perfection. "I will kill you, but have no wish to, I take pity on your kind and pray you good fortune, but not when you attempt such sick methods of pleasure. Stick to your own kind and be gone!"

I take my sword up but still have it steady. The half wolf gets up and glares at me. "I'll see you again, and you won't be so eager to fight then, I guarantee it."

"We'll see about that." He turns and walks away, trying to awkwardly limp with his two injured paws. I sheath my sword and turn around. I see the two lady's sitting there, one still on the ground, both are looking at me. They look relieved, but terrified.

They are both Dragons, one with beautifully blue scales, almost a perfect blue, but a little darker. Her tail is long and slender like her legs, her breasts are big and perfectly spaced. The one sitting on the ground is a lighter blue, showing her younger age, and has the same slender form as her partner. Her legs are a little shorter but the rest of her body might as well be a twin to her companion. They both have intense blue eyes that peer into me. I feel my sheath start to slide open, but I use all of my will to keep it in, in the eyes of strange ladies, I have been taught to be a complete gentleman.

Neither of them say anything, so I venture to say the first word. "Hello, ladies, I am Lannius Drasec from the land of Kentarna." I extend a hand in a formal greeting. The one standing glares at me with fierceness.

"Why would you do that? Why would you let him go free to tell whomever he wants our location?" She yelled at me with fear in her voice. "My sister can't fly, her wings were injured a short while ago. We can't escape quick enough and they'll find us again."

I wait for her to finish with her distress before calming her. "Don't worry, he won't come back with anyone else. He was chasing you to rape you and your sister, which means he's a loner, he has no one else to tell. And either way, the half breeds are liars and cheats, they constantly bluff. You have nothing to worry about." I finish with a soothing voice to calm both of them down.

The lady standing withdraws. "Oh, then I owe you thanks and apologize for my last outburst, I just fear for my sister's life. "

"That's quite understandable."

"My name is Shentea, and this is my little sister Sefela. ,we are also from the land of Kentarna."

There was an uncomfortable silence for a while.

"Where are you heading?" I ask, hoping their destination was the same as mine.

"We are going to the nearest town the seek medical treatment for my sister."

"How badly is she hurt?" I say with care.

For the first time I hear Sefela speak. "It hurts terribly, I can't fly because the membrane is torn in many places." Her voice was fragile and filled with agony. I lean down and see the blood flow from under her shirt.

"I can mend it easily, it won't hurt a bit."

She nods and turns her back to me and I see just how badly they are injured, a whole chunk of the membrane is missing at one part of one of her wings and the rest is one step away from being torn apart. I put my gear on the ground and recall the words a healer told me a while back, they have always came in use. In about five minutes, the wings were as good as new.

Shentea gasped in astonishment. "Where did you learn such magic?"

"Amazing what you learn on the road, this little trick I picked up a long time ago."

Shentea took a moment to decide what to say. "Would you travel with us to the next town ,we may need your assistance again."

I grin for a moment at the thought but then stop on account of they might see it. "Of course I will, the next town, luckily isn't far from here so you two can have shelter in a day or two."

Shentea smiles at my acceptance. "We should set up camp for the day, I need some rest."

"Of course, let me go gather firewood." I say in a manly tone.

Shentea giggles at the funny change in tone. "Sure, go ahead, but don't take too long."

I unsheathe my sword and go near a tree. "I never do." Feeling the urge to impress and show off, I leap as far as I can and scale the length of the tree, cutting all branches I pass like butter with my sword. I reach the top and travel back down. I land with an arm full of wood and the ladies clap. They find me amusing, good, if I ever had a way to woe a girl, it was through my humor.

I lay the firewood next to the camp site and head over to the trees, I keep a large blanket with me and a line, so I hook the line up and throw the blanket over to make a make shift tent for the ladies. I stack the wood into a ring of stones to keep it under control and breath fire onto the wood, it sets a blaze instantly. The ladies pass by and blow a breath of Icy cold air onto the fire and it cuts out. They start laughing.

They really are joking, but it's no mystery that they're just jealous of my fire breathing abilities. They are blue dragons, so they can only breath Ice, I'm of course a red dragon so I can breath fire. I light the fire once more and they come over by me and sit down.

Sefela speaks after several minutes. "So, where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Military" I said simply. "I was a knight for King Cortena, even offered a position as Lord, but I turned it down for adventuring."

Sefela stared at me with wonder. "So you're still technically a knight?"

"Yes." I sensed they were getting aroused by me, for they never let their eyes part from me. They get up and walk around the fire. They sit on opposite ends of me and start to lean on me.

Shentea whispers to me in an extremely sexy voice. "It's been a long time since we've seen a man of our own species, and we've never seen one as handsome as you."

Sefela starts to also whisper in my other ear. "We also owe you our lives and we can think of no other greater reward, then ourselves. They start rubbing their slender bodies around mine and rubbing my shoulders with their hands. I feel my sheath slowly slip out, and I let it. I feel them starting to guide their hands down my pants and play with it. Shentea touches my cheek and pulls me into a kiss, our tongues mingle and slip over each other. She reaches into my pants and holds my dragonhood in her hand, slowly jerking it until it's completely erect. She unties my pants and pulls it out, the heat from the fire feels good on it. She pulls away from the kiss and Sefela pulls me into another kiss.

As me and Sefela slide our tongues into each other's mouth, I feel my cock being put into Shentea's maw, her hot slippery tongue sliding all around my cock, I feel myself breathing deeply and the pleasure of it all starts building up in my gut. I feel my body tense and shiver. Shentea keeps my cock in her mouth for a minute and then starts to move her head up and down over it, the warmth of her mouth feels great. Each suck she gives me feels like a climax, and every time Sefela's tongue brushes mine gives my body a shiver of pleasure.

Sefela takes my shirt and removes it while Shentea removes my pants The ground is warm due to the fire. They both remove their shirts and their breasts are perfect and huge. Sefela pushes her breasts on my naked chest as she kisses me and Shentea rubs my wet cock onto her chest between her breasts, closing them in and jerking me off with her tits. They then switch positions, Shentea comes up and slips her tongue into my maw and I do the same as Sefela goes down and puts my now fully erect cock into her maw and starts licking and sucking.

I stop kissing Shentea and start licking and sucking on her nipples, she moans with pleasure and I put my hand down her pants. I start to rub her hairless crotch and feel her getting wetter and wetter. I then slip my finger into her and feel her insides. She moans in pleasure and starts to grab my back. I lay completely down and she pulls off her pants. She throws them aside and climbs over me to join her sister in licking and sucking my cock. She puts her pussy in front of my face and I start to slide my tongue in. I feel her tongue tighten over my cock in pleasure and I slide my tongue all the way in. I start to wiggle it around and taste her sweetness. I hear her, moan after moan of pleasure until she's going non stop so I increase speed and taste her cum on my tongue, orgasm after orgasm, she moans longer and has more tie in between each one until she goes quiet, but she continues to lick.

She sits up and I continue to lick her pussy as her sister puts my cock in her pussy. She is tight and tenses up with every thrust, she is obviously a virgin. She starts to moan along with her sister and they muffle each other's moans with kisses between the two of them. Their bodies bounce up and down on my cock and tongue until Shentea lifts off of me, she lays down next to me and lets me watch her sister ride my cock. She brings her body down and presses her breasts and naked body onto mine, still moving on my cock.

She whispers in my ear. "Cum inside me so I can have the child of a knight." She lifts her head up again and rides my cock again, I feel alive at the fact she wants me to cum in her so I grant her wish, I let myself loose control and a burst of flame emits from my nostrils and heats up the area, I feel her hot cum pour over my penis, I feel the friction on my dragonhood and grab the ground to let my muscles tense up for the climax, my whole body feels extreme and I just let it all out, I shoot a load of cum into her pussy, then anther, then another. I loose count at four and start to fade out of consciousness. I look to my side and Shentea is still rubbing herself.

"Now do the same for me." Shentea rubs my chest and Sefela lifts off me, I roll over onto Shentea's body and put my half erect cock into her pussy. She was clearly also a virgin. I pounded my cock into her tome after time, hearing her pant and looking at her intense blue eyes lovingly. I slip my tongue into her maw and grab her breasts and keep pounding myself into her until she and I both shared a climax of extreme pleasure. I exploded inside her and feel her sweet cum wash over mine. She lays there for a moment wit her legs spread, allowing my cum to enter her. I roll over onto bare ground and feel the warmth of the fire. I feel my cock then get sucked clean of any remaining cum and then the two sisters retreat to the tent. They lay down and make space in between them so I can lay down. I lay myself down in the middle and spread my wings to lay over their still naked bodies, we cuddle and sleep the rest of the night.

Morning broke and I rose to see what the new day would bring. Me and the girls got dressed and I caught us breakfast. After we arrived at the next town, we would begin our journey home again so we could raise our family.