Part Thirteen

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#13 of Melinda Montserrat

we learn a bit of history, solve a mystery, and see just how Flexible a dancer can be.

Part Thirteen

It was the end of Sherry's second day working on the farm. She was really getting into the swing of things and seemed to be really enjoying her new status as my Companion and farmhand. That evening after dinner we were just talking about life. Mel had finished a wonderful painting of Sherry posing on the back deck in nothing but sunlight. It was lovely. I poured the girls some wine as the conversation turned philosophical. Sherry turned to face me. tilting her head.

"Kev, Why were we created?" Sherry asks swirling her glass of wine.

"Why?... Well, that is an interesting question. From the way I understand it Morphs were created to serve a purpose, to fill a need In the world. And, since no one could come up with a better solution, a completely new class of mammals were genetically engineered to fill a gap in society." I said.

"With all the advances in technology, why not just create androids, ya know, robots to fill that role?" Mel asked. "I mean there is plenty of automation in manufacturing already."

"Oh, that was looked into, believe me, but it was shot down before it ever got off the ground. Humans have this deep seated distrust surrounding the concept of self aware robots and Artificial intelligence already. Fiction is filled with ''Rise of the machines" stories where the androids rebell and wipe out their creators. No, cold heartless machines were not seen as the way to move forward. We needed something much more relateable, so the shadowy scientists in their black projects labs came up with something that society could accept to fill a role, to fill a Need that no other solution would solve. We needed living, breathing creations that were relateable and for the most part non threatening, yet adaptable enough to fill the niches they were created for. They had to be trainable, intelligent enough to be adaptable to the given widespread and varied working conditions and yet be cheap enough to manufacture that the market could afford to implement their widespread adoption, and they had to be appealing to the public at large." I paused, taking a sip of wine looking into the eyes of my morphs.

"Of course, if you are going to have a project of this size, it is going to have to have some sort of military application and that was what the 'Hell Hounds' project fulfilled; Canine soldiers, who were fiercely loyal, were easily trained, very adaptable to the changing conditions of a battlefield and, ultimately expendable and infinitely replaceable. Lupines were chosen as the primary matrix for their predisposition of pack mentality that was seen as adaptable to the military model." I said.

"You... weren't always a farmer, were you Sir?" Cher asked. I could hear the trepidation in her voice.

"No... I went into farming after I walked away from my other career..." I said than met her gaze. The pain she could see in my eyes made her gasp.

"I was a sequencing engineer at Trenadyne Genetics." I said finishing off half my glass of wine. The look of dawning comprehension on the Lavender Skunkette's face was inevitable.

"I...I know that name... I mean... I, I am from there." she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

I just nodded slowly. "I Know... I was one of the cogs in that vast technological machine that created you, _your_line at least. I always thought it was ironic to be assigned to the _'Entertainment Division'_when all I did was genetic encoding for eighteen hours a day." I paused taking a long slow pull on my glass of wine before continuing.

"Now, mind you, I was separated by at least five levels from the production labs, but one day a friend of mine, Chet Baker who worked on the 'production floor' invited me down to get a first hand look at what all my hard work was creating. I had to admit I had a fairly vivid imagination of what my coding could look like, so I jumped at the chance... Well Chet took me through the entire production floor, start to finish, and the end result was this adorable little lapin morph, an 'Entertainment model' like you, but she was a light sky blue. She stood about four foot five, not counting her ears and had a rather saucy spade shaped tail. I sat with Chet in the control room as he ran her through her final post tank diagnostics, and making sure her personality matrix had fully integrated."

I paused to pour myself another glass of wine. Sighing. "She was the first one I had actually seen. Well, I mean they were all over the place, but she was the first one I had really gotten what I would call a personal introduction to. I remember thinking she was...incredible... The way she moved, the way the lights played over her light blue fur, the expressive eyes.... for the first time in my life, here was a living breathing physical manifestation of the code I had written. I was looking at the reality of my abstract encoding work. As a final test he had me interact with her. Her eyes were what I remember most; they were the purest cerulean blue I had ever seen. I remember, she smiled and was quite friendly, then she asked me a question I wasn't expecting..." I paused.

"What did she ask you, Sir?" Mel inquired.

"She asked me what her name was!" I exclaimed barking out a laugh. "It so surprised me, that I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Thinking back on it I could have just face palmed. But I looked at her and said... Sky!" I just shook my head taking a deep swig from my glass. "Chet said he could work with that, and wrote it down. She seemed rather please with the moniker, so I did my best to play along. I guess it could have been worse, I could have blurted out Blue, but she seemed to like it. We must have spent three hours together, just talking and getting to know her, I remember she seemed so eager to please, and was just a joy to be around. For the first time I got it, I finally understood, what we were doing here, why we were creating morphs, that had to have been the best day I ever had on the job. I could finally See the end result of the countless hours of sequencing and backchecking the genetic coding of how the manipulations were creating a variety in fur and eye colors. I was actually proud of my work..." I paused, sighing deeply.

"I ran into Chet that Friday, and asked him how Sky was doing, thinking I just may be in the market for a Morph companion. He seemed distracted by something and it took him a few minutes to track what I was asking. He said that unit suffered a critical cortex cascade failure during final engram imprinting, and was terminated..." I finished flatly.

"Oh my God, Kev..." Sherry gasped reaching out to me.

"After hearing that, I went back to my office and spent the next forty eight hours going over the entire cranial genetic code module. Desperate to see if I could find an error in the mental matrix encoding... seeing if perhaps I had made a mistake somewhere..." I shook my head slowly. "At the end of the week I handed in my notice, cleared out my desk, and never looked back. I think it was the cold dispassionate way Chet described her disposition, that finally pushed me over the edge." I finished, and Both of my girls enfolded me in a loving embrace.

"It wasn't until I met Breeanna that I ever looked at another morph again." I said smiling. "Bree...Bree was the most alive morph I had up to that point met after walking away from Trenadyne. I was selling produce at the Friday farmers market. I had just established my garden that year and thought I would try my luck selling at the market. I had about a dozen CSA customers at the time and they would meet me at the market to pick up their baskets, the garden was only about half of what you see here now, and as I was ducking under the table to refill the box of fingerling carrots, I hear this contralto voice like a melody ask if I had any Tuscan Kale? Well I turn round to look into the bluest eyes surrounded by the chocolate brown raccoon's mask, I blink not expecting this, she smiled and perhaps it was the way the sunlight hit her fur or made her eyes sparkle, or perhaps it was the pure Joy of living that was shining in her soul, but I laughed, and showed her some lovely bunches I had harvested that morning, She was overjoyed at the quality and my very affordable prices. We just fell into conversation about gardening, and cooking, and before I knew it, she had stepped around and was helping me run the stall. For some reason my customers seemed to really like her upbeat way of describing my produce. We sold out by noon, so I asked her to join me for lunch... She met up with me every Friday for over a month, we chatted over the com during the week, we talked about everything, and for the first time since walking away I remembered how wonderful morphs could be..." I paused, a winsome smile on my face.

"Please sir, go on, I would really love to know." Cheryl asked, Mel nodded So I continued my narrative. "Well, she was quickly becoming what I would call a real friend, she was playful, loved to sing, which at the time I thought rather odd, but found her voice very soothing. At the time, she was working in this funky 'world music' store, they sold some of the oddest instruments from around the world. With her bubbly personality, and her love of music, she fit right in. Her cracker box apartment did have a nice southern exposure and she filled it with an indoor garden. Herbs, flowers, houseplants, she even managed to create a vertical wall garden out of plastic soda bottles filled with potting soil. she called it her 'Wall mounted salad bar' . It was pure genius" I laughed at the memory.

"She was very loving, she never made apologies for her passions. And despite my best efforts, she managed to drag me into her bed. It was then that I knew... It was friendly, loving, playful and passionate, on an almost spiritual level. I invited her back to spend a few days on the farm with me to get a better idea of what my operation was like. The weekend turned into two weeks, and after the farmers market closed I asked her to be my companion... and she was with me for five years."

"She was your first love, wasn't she Kev?" Sherry asked softly. I looked at her a few moments reflecting.

"Ya know, you may be right. When she met my grandma Ruth,who was in her eighties; the old woman just drew Bree into her arms welcoming her like family. She called it _ Orlog , that we were destine to be together. She told me, don't get so hung up on what a person looked like on the outside, it was the character of their soul, what was in their _hearts_that truly mattered and she could see the light uniting ours. So with the family matriarch's blessing I stopped fighting it and really settled down to enjoy my..._Our_life together." I paused, finishing off my glass. "After she... _left me, that was a very dark and low point of my life. The anger and sorrow burned my soul black for a while, and once I had found a way to balance the books I just settled in to focusing on the farm. That was almost two years ago and with Mel and now you in my life, it is high time I move forward. I know Bree is not truly gone, for a part of her still lives in my heart, and always will. But now, I think it is time to take this enterprise to the next level. It is high time I look to the future, for that is where I am going to be spending the rest of my life." I finished, setting my glass on the table.

"That is a great way to look at life, Master Kev." the purple Skunkette murred. Now, since we are heading back to the city tomorrow and we have the co-op delivery, will we need to harvest any of it today or do it all in the morning?" she asked.

"We could harvest, wash and pack the carrots later this afternoon, into the cool of the evening and store them in the walk in cooler. Everything else we can do first thing in the morning, would you both like to come along on the delivery tomorrow or would you rather keep the hone fires burning Mel?" I asked my Mousey.

"Oh, I could go with you unless you would rather have me do some replanting, the radish bed will probably have to be replanted, yes?" she asked.

"Indeed, the rows are spaced three inches apart which are the width of the rear tamping wheel so just line them up along the line and you will do fine." I said.

"So, ten rows per bed?" Mel asked

"Yup, that is correct. We sell a lot of radishes. These are the French breakfast variety, mild and tasty

they ordered a twenty pound box, and the conversion is two pounds to the foot..." I inquired

"Oh, so we harvest a ten foot section." Mel finished.

"Correct!" I replied. "See how easy this kind of thing is? By planting a forty foot bed and replanting after each harvest by the time we reach the end of the row, the first ten feet will be ready to harvest again."

"Whoa, that's Brilliant!" Sherry exclaimed.

"That is the magic of high rotation quick cropping. With you in on the game, I figure we should be able to almost double the production area which means doubling the income we generate." I said to my morphs... My Morphs, that is going to take some getting used to. I thought looking at their happy faces.

"You know, I never thought I would end up being a farmer's companion, but I must admit the perks of the contract make it ever so worth it." Cher trilled " I have security, good food, loving companionship and my best friend; not to mention a loving Master ." The Skunkette sighed and stretched languidly.

"Well, I do admire the work you are doing and the way you move brings me pleasure, you are both wonderfully loving morphs, and _ Orlog _ or not, I have to admit it is a contentment I never thought I could ever know again."

"You like the way I move?" Sherry smiled at the compliment.

"Indeed." I smiled warmly, the lavender Skunkette's face lit up.

"Well than, perhaps we should put some music on so I can dance for you, my loving Master."

"You don't have to call me_M_aster, you know," I said getting up and moving to the entertainment center.

"I know Sir, it is something that has been so very heartfelt for me though. The idea of contracting with a human who would treat me well, and you treat Mel and I Very well, Sir... it just flows into my conversation like honey, flowing from a very happy heart." Sherry said as she started her stretching moves preparing to Dance her joy for_'H e- W ho- C uffed- H er.'_

"I don't think I have anything as fast paced as the dance music you used at the club, would some rock work for you to dance to?" I asked. Cheryl glided over to my music console to see the music tracts I had on offer.

"Oh, this one would work, it has a nice beat to dance to, and these other two I can work with if you'd like? Thanks Kev."

"Disco? Seriously... Well I guess it is dance music." I smiled at my exotic dancer who took up her position. As the music started a transformation came over her as she became one with the beat, swaying and prancing and moving to the music like dancing with an invisible partner. She danced with power and joy. Moving with such concentrated raw sexuality that it was awe inspiring, she literally flowed with the rhythm of the music showing the power she had at her command.

" My god, Sherry you are amazing! It's getting me so hot just watching you.!" Mel said as her paw slid down her body to rest between her inner thighs sighing at her own intimate touch...

Cheryl paused in her dance routine and riveted the Mousey with a powerfully sensual gaze as she slowly approached her, one hip at a time, her body radiating such raw lust I found myself incredibly aroused by the display. The Skunkette approached and slowly, sensually crawled into the mouses lap and proceeded to kiss her. Mel moaned into her lover's muzzle and I had to groan at the fact my cock was throbbing in reaction as Cheryl boldly explored the Mousey in her grasp as their bodies moved to a much more primitive music singing in their souls.

A little voice in my head was wishing I had my holorecorder running for this impromptu lap dance. Sherry showed in no uncertain terms just how talented a dancer she was. She could give a dead man a hard on by the way she moved, a caress here, ghosting her brush there, rocking her hips to the beat of the soundtrack of seduction pouring from the sound system. Mel had her head back, over the top of the couch moaning softly as the purple sex goddess worked her sensual body magic over the helpless captive under her control. Reaching high, raising up on her knees Sherry arched her back and then slithered down Mel's aroused body to pool at her feet, her paws initiating a firestorm of erotic pleasure in her lover. With practiced skill, she caressed every erogenous zone on the Mousey as she moved into her position curled on the floor between the mouses trembling knees. Ghosting her fingers sensually along the mouse's inner thighs to tease the thatch of chestnut crotch fur before leaning in and planted a loving kiss on the mouses sex.

Mel squealed clutching her breasts as her overstimulated body surrendered rocketing her over the top into orgasmic release as the Skunkette Licked her way into her loves spasming mouse hole. Pulling back when Mel was at the pique of her pleasure she swirled like a whirlwind to the center of the room to strike a pose that would stop traffic as the music came to an end. I had to applaud sense Mel was lost with her paws buried in her sex moaning and rocking as she glided into the calm waters of her afterglow.

"Very well done my dear!" I exclaimed as I stood to hug my sexy Skunkette. Her eyes riveted on my 'upstanding citizen' she twirled going down on her knee facing away from me as her tail brushed my manhood she leaned backwards arching her body, taking hold of my hips and taking me in her muzzle as she rocked back pushing me down her throat. The visual image of my rampant cock distending her throat as she moved me in and out was almost indescribable, as I looked down, her breasts jiggling as she proceeded to give me the most incredible blow job of my life! I had to reach down, caressing her jawline as my hand lightly passed over her throat. The feeling of my penis bulging her throat was incredibly primal and I didn't hold out for long. Gripping the sides of her head, I bucked into her as my own orgasmic release erupted. Cheryl's body spasmed in panic mode as my seminal flood filled her throat, it only sent me deeper into my primal release.

Snarling like a beast, I held her muzzle tightly to my crotch as my balls contracted and I bucked hard, and delivered another wave of hot sticky seed down this lovely morphs gullet as my primal mating frenzy finally ran it's course, and I released her head. Three swallows later, she slowly pulled off my shaft, gasping for much needed air, huffing as she knelt swallowing a few times on hands and knees as she recovered her breath. As she rotated to face me, looking up at me with a mix of complete adoration, primal lust, and just a touch of... was that fear?

"My God Cher, that was completely unexpected... Are you okay Hon?" I ask going down on one knee to caress the lavender Skunkette's cheek lovingly looking into her glassy eyes as she continued to breath heavily. A few moments later, She nodded.

"Yes... _ Master _." She acknowledged looking at the hardwood floor before continuing. "That, was just a bit more primal than I was expecting is all." She said then looked up at me with a very naughty smile dusting her muzzle that sparkled in her eyes. At that point I knew she would be okay.

"I am glad you enjoyed my,Dancing." she said with a wink. I drew her into a full body hug then kissed her deeply, running my hands down her back to rest at the base of her broad twin striped tail, that I began slowly tugging rhythmically. Sherry broke the kiss arching her back moaning deeply in pleasure.

End Part Thirteen

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