the garden

Revisiting and old garden, now overgrown the garden had been abandoned for years. that much was clear from both the amount of growth and the decay lying beneath it.


Garden Potential (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With the sun bearing down upon the possum and his yard, the marsupial regarded the work that laid before him. Mightily, a hole torn into the soil, and stacks of sundries laid out nearby. ~ Huffing softly with the moment, he could see dirt and bricks...

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Trowel, and Despair (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the fox gazed out at the shrunken plants and dying leaves of his garden. some portions were as though a desert, the others a swamp. all had too much or to little water; nothing had successfully grown.

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The Garden

Every aspect of the garden held some small piece of her past, her present and a hole for her future.

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In the Garden

Carlen had taken to his home well, much to the wolf's relief, but he couldn't understand why he had been so adamant about turning the corner of the yard into a garden.

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The Garden

And it was in summer that the gardener came to tend to the garden. fearful, the dandelion cried for help from his friend, but she paid no mind to him.

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The Garden

The webbing the bean stalks had made glowed gently above the garden, showing me in violet sparkles what my garden looked like in the darkness.

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In the Garden

Their groans start to take over as the main noise in the garden, they would be quite a site if anyone saw them, a giant dog been anally taken by an even larger dragon.

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The Garden

I decided since i was up so earlier i would go into the garden. i walked outside where i saw my mother standing in the middle of the garden still in her night gowned, i approached her, and asked what she was doing, but she just stared at the ground.


The Garden

"well i guess, i'm apart of the garden now."

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Pleasure: Prologue

A lush, green garden blossomed before me, with its wonderful grace, and powerful beauty. there were not many gardens where he used to live, so this was paradise. flowers of every hue poked out from the greenery. light trees slowly swayed in the wind.

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The Japanese Garden

The japanese garden was illuminated by the full moon and bright stars. it was a beautiful garden, a large one. the garden was mostly silent, except for the clattering of water of the small waterfall, its water flowing peacefully into the pond.

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