Chapter 5

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Alright! I'm getting to the point where I can't think of chapter names anymore, so I'll be taking chapter name suggestions and if someone suggests something that I would think fits, I'll change it :) Anyways! On to the story.


When I woke up, I was laying in a hospital bed, my father's paw idly stroking down my neck. When the feelings of his claw tips running down and hitting my spinal chord final registered, I murred quietly and he jumped at the sound.

When he realized it came from me he smiled and said, "Finally awake."

"How long was I out?" I said, rubbing my head as I sat up.

"Well, you were found last night at eight, and brought here by eight fifteen, and it is," my dad said, looking at his watch, "eight fifteen."

"I was out for an entire day?" I said in alarm.

"Yeah," he said, "and the doctor told me... everything."

I gulped, "Everything?"

He nodded and said rubbed his paw through my fur, "You're taking it better than I thought you would."

I looked down at the ground and said, "It's not the first time it happened."

"What?" my father said in alarm.

"It wasn't the first time it happened." I said, looking down at my lap.

He put his paws on my shoulders and tilted my head up, "Who did it?"

"I don't want to tell you," I said, turning my head away.

He put his paw on my chin and turned my head firmly so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"Who did it?" he said again, quieter this time but the demand in his voice was even stronger.

"I don't want to tell you," I repeated, looking away from him again, "he knows something about me that I don't want you to know."

"Why?" my dad said quietly, forcing me to look at him again.

"Because, you'll hate me after I tell you." I said quietly.

"No I won't," he said, putting his paws on my shoulders, "I could never hate you, you're my baby boy." I turned my head and smiled at him and he said, "Now, what is it."

"I'm..." I hesitated before restarting my sentence, and saying, "I'm gay."

His eyes widened in shock for a moment and he looked like he was about to say something but he closed his mouth and stood up and put a paw over his head before he walked to the door and then walked back, sitting down on the edge of my bed and wrapping his arms around me, "Son, I love you more than anything I can think of."

"What about Sim?" I asked quietly.

"Sim has been gone as long as your mother has. You're my youngest son." he said, smiling at me. "Sure, if Sim comes back I'll love him just like I love you, but right now, you're my youngest, and only son, and the only living family I have. You're the only thing in the world that warms my heart."

His smile was genuine and I wrapped my arms around him and cried as I rested my head on his chest and he rubbed my back and said, "Oh! Did I tell you who saved you?"

"No," I said, smiling as I pulled back.

I wiped away my tears and he said, "It was..."

He cut off as the door opened and he stood up when he saw Josh. He looked at me apologetically and said, "Now that you have company, I'm going down to the cafeteria, I've been here all day and I've only had one cup of coffee and a bagel."

I laughed and said, "Then go!"

He grinned and said, "Remember, I love you."

"I love you too dad." I said, smiling at him.

He walked out and closed the door and Josh smiled as he walked in and sat down on the bed next to me, "Kevin was bragging about what he did over the phone to Kris," he said, putting his arm around me and resting his head on my chest, "I'm so sorry, he's such an asshole."

"It was my fault," I said, looking at him and smiling, "I didn't realize how big of an asshole he was."

Josh smiled and touched my cheek, "Why were you crying?"

"I was happy," I said, smiling at him, "I finally told my dad I was gay and he just took it like I told him I ate an extra bagel for breakfast. Well, besides the fact that he got up and walked to the door and then back, but... what can you expect, he's weird like that."

Josh giggled and said, "I'm actually sort of surprised you're taking the whole Kevin thing so well."

"It's not really a big deal." I said, smiling down at him and rubbing his arm, "As long as I get to find you a boyfriend and force you to let Ali, Liz, and Jasmine braid your fur like they did mine I'm fine."

He giggled and said, "The boyfriend part sounds nice, however, the braiding my fur part, not so much."

I grinned at him and said, "You don't have a choice! My next birthday I'm forcing you to come over and I'm going to hold you down while they braid your fur and you're going to be a pretty, fourteen year old girl."

He giggled and said, "Ok, whatever."

I punched his shoulder lightly and said, "Hey! Do you know who saved me?"

"Yeah, it was..." he cut off as the door opened, a doctor walking in and smiling at me.

"Finally awake I see," he said.

"Good evening, Doctor Trigen." I said, smiling at him.

"So formal! You've known me for ten years boy, you can drop the formality." he said, grinning.

Dr. Trigen was a stallion, his shiny black fur making it seem like he had a larger presence in the room, which was saying something considering how large he already was. I giggled and said, "Yeah, I know."

He grinned and said, "You remind me so much of a few of my old patients. Your in the hospital more often than most, even if it's not as much as they were in here when they were your age."

"Lemme guess," I said, "Gideon and Raymond Restin?"

"Well," he said, scribbling on a clipboard, "when he was your age, his last name was Zasturfinztin, but yes, that's who."

I grinned and said, "They were in here a lot, according to their stories."

"Oh yeah," he said, smiling at me. "Getting raped, attempted suicides, failed homicides, that one was bad, Raymond's father got arrested after that one."

My ears perked, "Never heard that one before."

"Well, you won't be hearing it from me. Maybe if you find a way to contact them you can ask them the story, but I won't be telling it to anyone. Too sad for my tastes."

I grinned and said, "Ok."

"Speaking of them, it was actually..." the doctor started, but the door opened one more time and Liz walked in, standing near the door with her arms across her chest as she looked at Josh and the doctor. She looked very commanding in her ROTC uniform.

The doctor coughed into his paw and then left, Josh following hesitantly after them. She turned to me and said, "Told ya so."

I looked at my lap, crossing my paws and putting them there. "Yeah, I know, brag all you want. I deserve it."

She dropped onto the bed next to me and put an arm around me and said, "My best friend just got raped, how could I brag about being right."

I smiled and hugged her and said, "Thank you Liz."

"For what?" she said, hugging me back.

"For being such a good friend," I said, releasing her.

"Why'd you stop?" she said.

"No Public Displays of Affection in uniform, remember?" I said, grinning at her, "Barging in here like your more than a Cadet Colonel."

She blushed and hit me on the top of my head before standing up and saying, "I'll talk to you the next time you're at school, ok?"

"Yeah," I said, smiling at her, "make sure they come back in here, I think you scared them shitless."

She hit me again before walking out and holding the door open for Josh, who plopped back down onto the bed next to me and smiled and then watched Liz close the door. "She's scary." he said.

I giggled and said, "I know, isn't she?"

He grinned and hugged me, "Well, my mom is here to pick me up, and you can be sure she's hearing about what Kevin did and he's getting a good kick in the balls from me."

"Give him one or two for me too," I said smiling at him.

He grinned and said, "Oh, someone's going to be taking care of your part."

"Who?" I said.

He was about to say something but his mom walked in a moment later and she looked furious as she walked over and sat on the bed. "I'm so sorry, I never thought that Kevin could do something like that."

"How did you know?" I said, looking at her.

"The doctor overheard you and Josh talking about it and told me." she said.

"The doctor wasn't even in here," I said.

"He was outside the door." she said.

"Well, just do me one favor, and let Josh kick him in the balls a couple times, ok?" I said.

She chuckled and said, "Oh don't worry, I might join in with that."

I giggled as Josh stood up and they walked out.

My dad walked in and smiled and said, "Doc said I could discharge you."

I stood up and got dressed and then leaned against him. It was clear what I wanted. He chuckled and picked me up, cradling me against his chest. He walked out of the hospital, signing a paper at the front desk and then the nurse looked at me and shook her head slightly, "Your too old for that," she said grinning.

I looked at her and winked and said, "I may be a boy, but I'm just at good at curling my daddy around my little finger as any daughter could."

"Boy that's true!" he exclaimed, "I carry ya to bed every night don't I?"

I giggled as the nurse watched my dad carry me outside and set me in my seat in the car. "If you make me do that in public again, I will wring your tiny little neck," he said, grinning at me.

I reached out and put a paw on his arm, smiling, "It's not my fault that I have to take the place of your little girl since I'm the only kid you have."

"You start wearing skirts and dresses and I WILL wring your neck without ANY hesitation." he said, grinning at me.

I murred quietly and said, "Maybe, I never really thought about it. I might get a nice breeze..."

"Alright! That's where I cut you off." he said, grinning at me as he pulled into the driveway of our house.

He walked around the car and picked me up again and then walked inside, sitting on the couch and letting me rest my head on his chest. "Oh! Did you ever figure out who saved you?" he said, looking at me and smiling.

"No," I said, grinning at him.

"It was..." he said, but was cut off as the phone rang.


It's probably completely obvious who saved him but I had to do it anyways, for all those people in the world who read my stories that are even the slightest bit slow :P Feedback, as always, love those comments people! I can spend an hour just thinking of how to reply to em! Oh! And from now on, can't call me Fucked up, because there are a lot more people more fucked up then I am, try The Lambs stories, what I read of his cub story was fucked up, but I stopped at the fourth chapter because it turned M/F and that's where my limit goes ;) Anyways! That was a long little end of chapter rant. Sorry, I'm enjoying the clicky noise my brand new wireless keyboard makes when I type :P