Aaron: Getting Together

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#1 of Aaron

_A small reference to my heritage...

Who finds spelling or grammar mistakes may keep them!_

"Aaron! Come here!" the old female cat yelled up the stairs. "Our guest has arrived."

"Coming, Mum," Aaron shouted back. Gods... his mother had startled him. Quickly he dragged his shorts back over his hips again and hid the photos under the pillow. "One minute!" Aw, crap. His erection was just too prominent. He put on his trousers, but his blood-filled maleness was still outstanding under the clothes. He tried to think of the most unarousing this he knew... Oh... he panted calmly. Okay... It looked normal now...

Aaron combed his headfur quickly and walked out of his room, down the stairs. He was a sixteen year old tomcat with grey fur and black stripes. Or black fur with grey stripes, it was hard to figure out. And the colours were dirty. 'No race' as they said in school. A good reason for teasing and bullying him.

He was sixteen, and in puberty. He knew he was very late for that. And it just went wrong. This stupid age made him masturbating far too often. Everytime he saw a nice butt or a too exposed crotch he couldn't help but hiding somewhere. It was just too pleasing to touch his penis, to rub it, again and again... it was awkward and he felt dirty for doing it, really filthy. But he couldn't stop.

The catboy took the steps down fast. In the opened door stood the guest. He was a German shepherd, as he had said many times. But now he didn't look like that. Maybe his body was like this, but not the face. The muzzle was shorter, it didn't look that aggressive as with the usual shepherds. But at least the attribute German was completely right.

Aaron waved. "Guten Tag," he greeted. He had learnt some phrases before.

The dog dropped the two suitcases carefully and smiled. "Hi. Don't need to try it, really." Aaron's mother signed her son to take the suitcases, but Aaron decided to shake paws with the German dog before.

"Welcome, Robert. Let me show you the rooms..."

"Thank you," Robert said, nodded at Aaron's mother quickly and followed the cat upstairs.

Aaron showed the German boy the way to his room. "Well, that'd be where you'll live the next twelve months."

"Looks nice," the dog said and entered the room. "A bit pink..."

"Well, my sister's taste is that way. Hey, this was a very nice deal, trading my sister for a nice boy. And that for an entire year."

Robert smiled. "Yes..." he sighed. "Well, what's your room?"

"Oh right over there," Aaron said and pointed at the closed door.

"Wow... where I come from we don't put so many stickers on doors."

"Heh," Aaron said and opened. Suddenly he heard his mother shouting his name. "Go in, I'll be back in a minute."

"No problem." Robert went into the room and watched the catboy leave. Hmm... he hoped he'll see him leaving often...

The room wasn't big, and there were only a few pieces of furniture, a bed, a closet, a desk, a chair and that was it. Robert sat down on the bed and stretched. Hah. Here he was. A flight, a trip with the car and here he was. For one year. Damn, it had just happened.

Subconsciously he had shoved his paws under the pillow, as he always did on a bed. His fingers touched something strange, and although it was not his room and not his business at all, he dragged the thing out of its hideout.

Now he was surprised... but in a positive way.

"Your mother seems a very nice person to me..."

"Only 'cos you're a guest, really. To me she's awful." Aaron sighed as they went up the stairs. "Your presence kept me from doing the dishes all alone again."

"Uhh... that's good, is it not?"

"Yes, it is." Aaron stopped in front of his room. "Well... I hope you'll be having a good night..."

"Oh? Is it that late already?" Robert glanced at Aarons alarm clock. "Come on, just twenty... no, eight p.m. Why sleeping that early?" He smiled.

"Umm... TV?"

While there were some people solving criminal cases on TV, Robert was sitting next to Aaron. He wondered. He wondered why the tomcat wasn't noticing how close. The cat didn't even notice as his tail was laying on the dog's paw. Robert couldn't help it, the cat's butt was very tempting. It was going to get hard work. But, hey, it will be worth it.

Then, after the last show, Aaron switched the TV off. "So... good night then."

"Yes." Robert smiled.

"I'll show you around tomorrow."


"Gute Nacht." Aaron grinned.


After the dog had closed the door and Aaron was sure everything was calm and he won't be disturbed anymore, he leaned back in the bed. Could he...? Yes... He took the photos from under the pillow. Then he undressed himself to the shorts.

Aaron pushed his shorts down a bit and starting stroking over his growing member while looking as the photos. Hmmm... right there... His paw worked gently, just as he liked it. Of course. He moved his foreskin over his glans while imagining the person on the photo doing the same. He groaned a bit, took the next photo. Hmm... good one, excellent shot... He rubbed quicker, harder, more intensive. Aaron suppressed the expressions of his pleasure, the walls were thin and he didn't want Robert or his mother to hear him. That'd be too awkward...

Ooh... he clenched his eyes and tried to rub his feline shaft even harder... ooh... ngh... yes... he threw the photos away and dug his claws into the sheets, producing five new holes in it, five of so many others. He grunted again under the pleasure, a bit more... just a bit more... gah! He writhed from the sheets, repressed the loud grunt and quickly moved the foreskin over the glans as his semen intended to splash out of it.

He lay there for a moment, panting, sweating, holding his penis with paw. After some moments he let his softening member go. His paw was covered with his seed. He looked at it in the dim light. He had squeezed another climax out of his maleness, another one of many... strange... somehow it had lost its meaning... a climax was nice, but every evening, sometimes twice a day? Hmm...

He licked his cum off his paw carefully. Strange taste... strange taste... and still... delicious... delicious. He pulled his pants up, covered himself with the blanket and waited for the sleep. One thing was sure, he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore without the climax.

The next morning Aaron was staggering to the bathroom, dizzy, as always that early. Dizzy, numb, unable to think, didn't matter, he just opened the bathroom door and entered the small room. Then he froze. "Robert! Sorry!"

The naked dog turned. "Huh? Oh, good morning." He grinned widely. "Something wrong?" But the catboy had already left the bathroom. Robert shook his head. Then he turned the wheels until the water stopped, took a towel, rubbed his fur dry and wrapped it around his waist.

"Free for you," the German boy said and went into his room, where he got rid of the towel. Well, 'accidentally' he had forgotten to close the door first.

Aaron caught himself peeking through the doorframe, just for a second. Ooh... no. No. He left into the bathroom and locked it. No. His mind yelled no. His groin begged yes. He could see it. His penis was starting to fill with blood again.

He hadn't seen that much, had he? Dogs' members are hidden by a sheath. A pity, if he thought about it again. But no. He couldn't start to desire the guest, could he? Plus, there was no chance anyway. Robert was a guy, he was a guy... a good reason nothing will start there anyway.

Aaron finished showering without giving in to the urge to paw himself off once again. He pulled his shorts over his legs after rubbing his fur dry and brushed his teeth. Finally he went into his room and put on some baggy trousers and a loose shirt.

Aaron found Robert in the kitchen. "Don't you have newspapers?" the dog asked.

"A newspaper? Why?"

"For reading, what else?"

"Sorry, don't have one..." Aaron took two bowls and spoon out of the cabinet.

"Oh okay... oh, and... I didn't know cats take showers?"

"I do. 'Cos I hate being filthy and smelly."


Aaron prepared cereals and milk and they ate together, silently. After some minutes Robert said: "Well, what are you going to do with me today?"

Aaron almost choked.

They had ran around in the city for the entire day. Robert had been a bit bored. Aaron's mother had taken the car for the day, so they couldn't get far. He was unused on being allowed to drive with sixteen, and he had to admit he wouldn't trust a child like Aaron was - or rather looked like - behind a steering wheel. But he was sick of this suburban area here. Everything looked the same, just small white houses with a car in front of it. He would get lost here on his own.

Now they were back at the Miller's white, small and not unique house. Without a car in front of it. There was a note on the kitchen table.

"Ack... my mother's boyfriend... don't like him. He's a jerk."

"If you say so..." Robert yawned. After so many hours of walking he felt exhausted and tired. "If you don't mind... it's darkening outside and I don't feel like doing much more anyway..."

"No... no..."

"Good," the dog said and climbed up the stairs.

"Do you want something to eat, though?!" Aaron screamed behind the guest, but the boy was already away. Aaron decided to make two sandwiches and bring them up.

As he was up the stairs he noticed the German guest was in the shower again. Obviously Robert had the habit not to lock the door. At the moment the door was even ajar. Aaron couldn't resist, he just had to look.

Oh... wet fur... cute butt... the shaft and the balls... ugh... now Robert had dropped the soap... and he bends to pick it up again, exposing his rear right to Aaron. The catboy's heartbeat rose. He turned with a gasp as he thought Robert had noticed him. Okay... now he had an erection. Shit!

Aaron heard the sound of the flowing water stop and moved quickly. He went behind the door of his room and acted like he just noticed Robert moving through the corridor. "Wanna have a sandwich for the night?" Aaron asked as the other boy passed by, only wearing a towel around the waist.

"Nah, isn't good to eat right before sleeping."

"If you say so," Aaron said and shoved a part of a sandwich into his mouth.

"Goodness, how can you eat white bread and mayo all day long?"

"Better 'n burgers," Aaron answered.

"Not much better. A salad is what you need."


Robert sighed. "Good night," he said and left the corridor.

Aaron sighed and closed his door. Then he threw himself onto the bed, shed all his clothes off and looked at his prominent erection. He couldn't get that but out of his mind... how is was exposed, directly into his direction. Just as if... gosh... inviting him... gah! Go away, stupid erection. I didn't want you! But the stiff cock remained, filled with blood, ready to use, begging for a release, craving to shoot off its load. But he didn't feel like it. He rather felt like... like going over there, the room where his sister used to sleep. Just going there, open that door, take the blankets off that dog's body and fuck the hell out of him. Of course he couldn't do that. Or could he?

At least twenty minutes he just lay there. He just lay there, motionless, unable to move, staring down at his cock. The little boy seemed disappointed, but waited patiently for its deployment. Begging for action. Although... no... not begging... demanding. His crotch demanded action.

Finally Aaron made to move. Off the bad. Naked as he was he opened the door. Robert's room was dark. His cat eyes led him the way to the room's door, it was only ajar. Either Germans don't care who comes in and out or Robert only tend to forget to close the doors probably.

Aaron had no idea what he was doing here, not the slightest. He wanted to take a small peek, a tiny small glance. He moved in a cat way, silently, quickly and sneaky. He opened the door and his eyes went wide.

In the dim light Aaron could see the dog's naked body on the bed. The blanket had fallen off the bed, the dog was lying on his back. And... and... and the canine cock was halfway out of its protecting sheath. Was that cum on the canine chest and stomach?

Aaron, as if hypnotised by the cock, snuck even closer. He had never been that close to another boy's maleness before, well not while the other boy was naked. Panting he stood now right in front of the bed. Hmm... how deeply asleep was Robert? After twenty minutes? Was it worth a try?

Aaron reached down. Down... down... then the tips of his fingers touched the flesh. He couldn't suppress a gasp. It was warm, hot... alive. He let his fingers stroke over the red meat, softly... carefully. He kept one eyes to Robert's face. Geez, if the boy would awake now and catch him... he'd probably die in shame.

He let his paw move down, he touched the cock again. Surprised he noticed it was filling with blood. Aaron continued the stroking. As the member was standing full in front of him, he embraces the male flesh with his paw. Then he rubbed, up and down... up and down, watching the dog's face expressing the pleasure. Robert grunted in sleep. Aaron just couldn't stop, he kept on stroking, rubbing, pleasing the other boy. His own shaft was almost bursting full with blood, but that didn't matter, he had to work on this. He then he felt a slight knot working its way up the canine cock. Robert raised his hips up from the sheet, he grunted out loud, and then the canine semen sprayed out of the glans.

Aaron woke up from the hypnosis and let the cock go. Strange... Robert seemed still asleep after this. The dog boy just mumbled and moved a bit. Aaron looked at the seed on his paw. Another boy's cum... He took a taste. Better than his own, definitely.

Silently he withdrew out of the room. Okay, he had now seen enough to whack off himself. And that was what he'll do right now.

In the darkness, Robert opened one eye and smiled to himself.

This morning, Aaron was in the kitchen long before Robert. He had even baked pancakes, because he felt very great. One after one he piled them up on the two tables. A bit of syrup... perfect.

Robert came down the stairs. He just sat down, silently, took fork and knife and started his way through the vein-sticking mass of sugar and fat.

"Good morning," Aaron greeted.

"Yeah, good morning to you too."

"Something wrong?" the tomboy asked and sat down at the table.

Robert stopped eating and sighed. "I think I need to clarify something up."


"You deserve to know: I am gay."

Aaron frowned. "Oh?"

"Yes. And you are, too. Don't need to look that frightened, I found the photos. Do the people know you caught them in the shower?"

"God, no... half of them would kill me for this..."

"Hm-hm..." the German boy said and switched the chairs, closer to Aaron. "I just wanted to tell you one thing: If you want to have something with me, tell me."

"I... I..." Aaron stuttered. What should he answer to that? What wouldn't let him look like a pathetic boy in puberty? What... oh, Jesus, screw it! "Yes. Yes I want." He was surprised of himself.

"Just wanted to make sure," the dog said, his muzzle approaching Aaron's slowly. "Before I do something you'd hate me for..."

Their lips almost connected. "Oh... don't think you could do anything like this..." Closer... closer... almost... Aaron craved for this kiss... yes...

Suddenly the boys jumped as the house door opened soundly. "Kids! I'm home!"

Robert smiled at Aaron as he sat down on his original seat. "Later."

"Yes... later..." Aaron hoped not much later.