Vixen misfortune: Part 1

Story by frekwell on SoFurry

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This is my first story but I think it will do well so please rate and commet on what you think....enjoy ;)

Jenny was only young when her mother sent her out into the world, she was only small but she was fast and knew how to look out for herself. Been a fox however made things difficult as there were not many in the world sort out by slavers for sex trade. Vixens were very rare and to see one or even hear that someone had seen one was not something that happened often.

Many foxes were slaves or servents for the lords and ladies of the lands. Jenny was young and knew very little magic, this was commen for all foxes her age but she was old enough for breeding which made her a target to most that might find her.

Jenny had made a home under a tree deep in the forrest away from most towns and villages but danger was never too far away. Before coming out of her home Jenny sniffed the air for anything unusual, she could not smell anything that was to be scared of and moved so that her head could see outside. She turned her head from side to side looking for any sign of danger but only saw the lake that was just down the hill and the tress that made up this part of the forrest.

Finaly she jumped out into the open and streached her body from the good nights sleep. Been alone had been tough though as she was missing her family and eager to find a male fox to make her own but every day she would take the same walk that went around her part of the forrest looking for something new. The walk would take most of the day and she would eat what she could find on the way but she never went hungry as there was always plenty to eat.

So she set off with a smile on her face saying to herself that today she would find herself a handsome mate. On the way she would allways pass by a view of the main town in the area and would stop to look at it. She had wondered many times before of what it would be like to go there but been a fox she would draw alot of attention, however she still hoped that one day she would go just to see what life was like in a town.

Coming towards the end of the day nothing much was different about it compared to yesterday and she didn't find any mate which upset her but she did find a strange smell. Because she had never been out of the forrest and not many creatures came into her area often she did not recognise the sent. It was a new smell to her but it didn't smell like anything bad it smelt nice and she could easily follow the sent. Jenny began to follow the trail wondering what it could be, she noticed that it was heading towards the lake near her home and as she got closer the sent became stronger and stronger untill she could see the lake trough the trees up ahead and the sent went dead. She sniffed the air trying to pick up the trail again but she could only find the trail going back. Confused and puzzled she soon realised that she would have to be careful, she did not want to be found not knowing what it was she was looking for.

She moved quickly bit by bit towards her home and with one final leap she was inside, safe for another day. However she would not forget that the souce of the smell could still be out there in the morning so she would take extra care when coming out of her home tomorrow. That night she could hear something outside but thinking that it was just the wind against the trees Jenny paid little attention and went to sleep.

The following morning she could smell something outside, the smell make her mouth water as it smelt so nice, it was the same smell as before but she could not decide what it was, was it food or maybe it was a male fox. intead of sniffing the air as she always did she instead stuck hear head out of her home surching for the source of the smell. As her look gazed across to the lake hoping to find her long awaited male fox but she suddenly felt a huge force fall around her head and pull her from her home. It was some kind of bag and it stank of something terrible, she soon found that it was a potion made to put her to sleep and within only a short second she blacked out.

Jenny was out cold for some time and woke up in a sealed wooden crate, scared of what had happeded she tried braking the crate in an effort to escape but a voice shouted out at her to stop and that she would not brake free. Knowing from the strength of the crate the voice was right, she could not brake free, she could only curl up and wait for whatever was to happen next.

Through a small gape in the planks of wood she could see she had been taken far away from the forrest to a town, looking for a bit longer she could tell that it was the same town she looked down at every day. There were lots of people looking at her and asking her capter if he had indeed found a fox but he only replied saying that he was busy. Looking up she could make out that he was a dog but there were many other creatures around her all gossiping about what was in the box.

The dog walked into a building in the middle of town and set the crate on top a table in the middle of the room, she could hear a set of feet move towards her from the other end of the room.

"So you found one did it a she?

"Yes and that is going to cost you extra..." The dog sounded frustrated as though he had a hard time getting her.

"Well we will see what she is like before we discuse a price" The other voice was calm and Jenny could just make out their hand move towards the crate. With a crack Jenny saw the crate open at the top and without a moments hesitation she made a jump for freedom.

"WOW there...well she is a lively one" The hand grabbed her on the back of the neck with a firm grip, Jenny was only 2 feet tall at best and most other creatures were alot taller, this one must have been 6 feet or more. Knowing she could not escpape she curled up in a ball to protect herself and shut her eyes tight afrade of what they would do next.

"She is very young indeed and a fine femal too....yes yes very nice" the hand twisted her from side to side so that he they could get a better look.

"Well I must say she is a find isn't she...look at her ummmmm, she will be good" The voice ended with him licking this lips with a slurping sound.

"PLEASE DON'T EAT MEE!!!" Jenny begged for her life thinking that she was going to be someone's meal.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Oh no dear I have much better things in plan for you hahaha" Jenny was now shivering with fear of what possible horrors she might be put through.

"Well a find like this my friend will get you.....ummmm....1,000 gold!"

"Very nice then I will take my money and she is yours hahahaha"

Jenny heard the exchange of coins and the two say their farewells before the dog left. The hand brought Jenny to the face of her new owner, she opened one eye in fear of what they were. Infront of her she saw the face of a tall dark furred wolf with a smile from ear to ear tilting his head, looking at her from differnt angles.

"I can tell I am going to have fun with you hahahahaha" Jenny closed her eyes again and said nothing.

"So little fox what is your name..........look I own you and if you dont tell me I can always find out by hurting you"

" name is jenny, please dont hurt me" The fear in her voice was very clear and she made it so hoping he would show her mercy.

"Well Jenny you should know by now that you should obay me whatever I say and when I say it" the wolf moved over to a door into another room still holding tight of Jenny's neck. Jenny now opened her eyes to see what was happeneing and saw a table with chains and cuffs laid out. The wolf then fitted Jenny with chains and after tuck her to another room with nearly no light and a huge bed in the middle. The wolf chain her collar to the bed but gave her plenty of slack to move around the it.

"Now Jenny you are going to be a sex slave and been a fox you will attarct many customers but first I will have to train lets get started" Jenny's eyes widened when she was told this and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"HAY...don't cry, if you do as I say I promise that you will enjoy this but if you don't You'll only hate every minuet of it"

Jenny nodded as she tried to hold back her tears. The wolf rubbed her cheecks clean of her tears whith his paw that was almost the size of her head. What came next suprised her completly as he gave her a very passionate kiss which to her supprise helped calm her down.

"Now lots of people are going to come have sex with you so I will teach you all I can, to start off with you will call me master and anyone who comes here understud?" jenny nodded and looked up at him.

"Well lest start with a blow job...get sucking" Wolf leaned back and pointed down, jenny followed his paw and was amazed to see that his cock was fully erect and steaming with the smell of lust. she slowly moved her head towards the tip and could see it twitch as a small amount of precum dripped down his length. She knew she had to suck it but had never done it before, she started licking the top slowly taking in small tastes of his meat.

"Come on get stuck in there" The wolf grabbed the back of her head and forced it down onto his cock. Jenny could only open her mouth was wide as she could for even the tip was streaching her lips. She soon moved her jaw about trying to get a comfortable position and then moved her head down more.

"WOW I can see your lips, I am happy to see you got the head in but now lets see how much you can fit down your throat" The wolf pushed down harder on her head and she could do nothing but let more in. she was nearly chocking on his lengh when finaly with a huge push from his hips he was all in the way down her throat. The feeling was too much as he groaned and flexed his legs spurting huge jets of cum straight down her throat, more and more filled her belly as his hot saltly seed fired inside her. Finaly he removed his cock and jenny immediately gasped for air chocking on the cum still in her mouth.

"GOD your mouth is good but now I want to try that ass" Jenny turned in fear but her master just held her waist from behind and poised himself at her tailhole. Without warning he made one massive push into her arse. The pain was like nothing she had ever felt and let out a massive cry as his member nearly tore her skin.

"Relax and you will enjoy it" The pain was almost too much but if there was any hope that his words were true she would try. Relaxing her butt the best she could the pain started to sub-side, she was soon able to relax a little more and the pain was slowly been replaced with plessure. She could not believe that she was realy starting to feel good, his cock filled her hole but wasn't all the way in yet. Jenny let out a small moan trying to hide to but could not help but start to enjoy the feeling.

"See I told you that you would like it" His words hit her hard knowing he was right, she was enjoy it, her arse been streached wide apart but was ashamed of herself, she was been raped and loved it. He was now rocking his hips, pumping her guts with his massive cock. The pace increaced and Jenny started moving her hip in time with his, he then push hard trying to get more in which only added to her pleasure and pain. slowly her arse let more in, bit by bit untill his knot was pressing against her butt. She knew he was going to force it in and that it was going to hurt, with a loud grunt her master plunged hard. Jenny let out a massive cry mixed with pain and pleasure as the knot finaly forced its way in.

The wolf laught and sat back lifting Jenny on top of his lap with only the strengh of his cock. She was still faced away from him and could not see the smile on his face with what he was about to do. He pushed his hips up into the air forcing her up and pulled down, the knot pulled her down with it and made her insides feel like they were been turned inside out. He continued doing this each time getting harder and faster as she could only gasp for air with drool running down her body. Jenny was starting to climax and she had never come before, she let herself go as she wanted so badly to cum and with a huge final push she cryed out as his cum shot inside her. He moaned out loud as he came much harder than last time and she could see her belly begin swell with his cum.

"STO..STO..P...YOUR....HUR..TING...ME!" Her belly was inflating with the mass of his cum but her word went unheared as he still pumped more and more cum itto her belly. Finaly as he finishe Jenny fell back exhausted having come so hard, her back hit his chest as the weight in her belly pushed her down.

"WOW..Your arse is so tight.....well if you can take me in the arse then im sure you can take anything in your pussy" The wolf pulled Jenny off of his monster and as soon as the tip came free a huige stream of his come spewed out of Jenny's tailhole. Her belly began to deflate as all the cum spilled onto the bed making a pool of his cum.

"I can see that you are going to be a big hit here hahahaha"

The wolf soon after cleaned Jenny up and gave her a meal before putting her in a room filled with sex toys and dildos witch covered the walls, the bed was massive and low on the floor. Before leaving her new master put a but plug in her arse, a ball gag in her mouth and chained her hands to an bed post.

"when the first customer enters you will do everything they say and make sure they enjoy their time with you and if you do well you will be rewarded" The wolf shut the door behind him, no dout he was going to advertise his new slave and wlcome in anyone with gold.

Jenny sat on the bed covers and worried what would come through the door, what horrible things would she be made to do and would she be able to pleasure all that came in. She lowered her head and began to sob not because she was taken from her home, nit because she was now a slave, not that she would be forced to please all that wanted to fuck her but she cryed because deep down behind the tears and her cute looks she was ashamed that she was lusting for more.

It was some time before she could hear someone coming to her room and as the door creecked open she raised her head to see who was to be her first client but that is a story for next time

If you wnat to know what happens next to Jenny you will have too read part 2, coming soon.