Club Le Cat Part 1

Story by kriegerstein on SoFurry

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Jen wanting to clear her mind of recent strange events goes for a girls night out. What could possibly go wrong?

Club le Cat Part 1

Cold and electric the downtown street beat with a steady rhythm from within the bustling Club le club. Jennifer shivered as she fiddle with her brown denim jackets zipper milling around on the side walk with her three friends Rebecca, Louise, and Scarlet. "We've been out here for 45 minutes why don't we just head to the cake shop instead?" Louise frowned as she motioned toward the long line circling around the club her red hair frizzled by the cool winter air. "Some cake and coffee would be good right about now." Scarlet agreed her voice barely a whisper over the thumping sub woofers. Jen's mind had wondered elsewhere particularly to the strange events that had occurred the previous week. Waking up naked with her furniture covered in a sticky residue and suddenly having a house cat was quite odd. On top of that she hadn't heard from her boyfriend Kevin since their movie night. To add further confusion she'd found his clothes in various states of disrepair scattered throughout the apartment. Jen assumed the worst he'd probably left for good this time. This girls night out was a way to take her mind off the heartbreak.

"Jen, hello-earth -to Jen?!" Rebecca waved her gloved hand in front of her friend. "Huh, wha-what's up?" Rebecca crossed arms as she shot Jen a look, a look she knew too well- the "What the hell's wrong with you stare." Rebecca motioned to the line her fishnet stockings and tight black t shirt hardly adequate for the frigid climate as her purple bangs blocked her left eye from view. "If you hadn't noticed Jen this isn't our type of crowd, seriously if I see one more ogling douche bag I might start a fight." Jen shook off those strange thoughts she kept having of wanting a saucer of thick cream and a good screw. "I-I thought it would be fun Becky, it's something different for a change. You aren't going to have a good time if you don't want to." Jen managed a smile as she nervously twisted her strawberry blonde locks.

As the four friends continued to argue about whether to stay or leave the line slowly moved closer toward the club. Jen could see the bouncers at the large doors now turning person after person away. Trying to look important with their large clip boards with empty papers affixed. "Alright let's give it five more minutes then we're outta' here." Rebecca asserted as Louise and Scarlet nodded in agreement.

Jen had tuned out the discussion her mind elsewhere reaching into her side pocket she felt a sandwich bag she did not remembered packing, then again most days were a haze now her mind racing in a hundred different directions. Her jade green eyes looked at the strange food concealed in the bag. "Huh, I don't remember brining these." The small round pellets looked like pet food, opening the bag she caught a whiff of a familiar aroma. She couldn't quite place it but the sweet succulent smell made her mouth fill with saliva. Licking her lips she pondered whether to take a handful. "Huh, I did miss dinner tonight."

She scooped up a handful followed by another. The taste was somewhere between brown sugar and peppermint odd for some weird health food she suddenly found a real craving for lately.

"Ah..." She let out a quiet moan as her body shivered, feeling a warmth flood over her as her skin prickled with goose bumps. The warmth spread outward from her stomach down her legs, across her bosom into her arms then snaking its way up her back coming to a stop at the nape of her neck. The sensation made her slightly wet, thankfully her wardrobe concealed it. Jen then felt several eyes on her as her face grew flushed. "What the hell?! You brought food?" Rebecca angrily pointed to the open sandwich bag. "I-uh.." "You don't think we are hungry we've been out here forever?" Louise chimed in. "Hey what are you-?!" Rebecca snatched the bag from Jens hands holding it up to her face. "What is this crap any way's." Relieved they hadn't noticed her little episode Jen tried to think up a good cover for the fact it was cat food. "It's uh...a new health food called Catagabo."

Rebecca looked unconvinced but Jen's mind was getting foggy. Damn it she wanted more her body ached for just one more bite. "Catagabwha? Smells weird." Rebecca ate several of the pellets. "Mmm not bad it's got a weird after taste though." Jen could feel her breasts slowly growing as her hardened nipples pressed against her jacket the changes were coming a lot quicker this time. "Hey don't hog them all to yourself." Louise grabbed the bag and helped herself taking several handfuls. "Ooo this stuffs delicious!"

"Um I'd like to try some." Scarlet whispered as she adjusted her glasses. Ignoring her growing urges Jen tried to calm herself placing her hands in both pockets. To her great delight she felt another bag, she'd managed to pack several before going out.

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