The True Meaning of Life

Story by KPF on SoFurry

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The longer she thought about it the more she knew that she was finally happy. Cora had everything she needed for the past century or so. She had a peaceful place to live, wealth to live on, friends that she can count on, everything she can possibly ask in life. And now she had the final ingredient she was looking for, a stallion, who loves her, who cares for her, who can fulfill her heart's deepest desires. She was finally happy in her life, everything was in place. With one exception.

Her mate, Orion wanted something more. Something that only she can give to him. A foal. His foal. Their foal. A foal they can raise together, whom they can love and take care of. This was one thing she did not want to give him. It's not like she couldn't, she could have a foal at any time in her life, as a unicorn she is always fertile and ready to conceive, if she wills it. She just didn't want to. Of course, she had good reasons.

During her naturally long life, which started over a millennia ago, she had dozens of foals. Beautiful ones and she loved every single one of them with all her heart. But they died, all of them eventually. Because she herself was only half unicorn she could not have immortal foals. So she had to watch as all her children die, one by one. She remembered all their deaths. She will take those horrible memories with her deep in her heart for the rest of her immortal life. Memories that parents should never ever experience. And she knew one thing that mere mortals couldn't comprehend, not in her level anyway. That the pain never goes away, it never dies down, it stays with her forever. The only thing she could do is to learn to live with it. She had more than plenty of time to practice.

Orion understood her. He never asked her again. She knew that he wasn't happy. He smiled at her as always, but he couldn't hide those small involuntary gestures that his mate learned to notice over centuries to read furs. She knew that he will stay with her for the rest of his life even if it means never ever experiencing the greatest joy that life can offer as being a parent or as he put it once, the true meaning of life. But he loved her so much that he was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for her, one that she should have never asked from him.

In her desperation she had an idea which was quickly rejected by her mate. She wanted him to have a litter from their mate and pet, Alethea. The young wolf was in her prime and she wanted to have puppies anyway. She and Alethea would have accepted the proposal, but Orion refused.

  • We are mates. We share everything. Whatever life gives us, no matter if it's good or bad. If you don't want to have foals then I won't have either. This is not a sacrifice, this is love.

His words still echoed in her brain. She was guilt ridden for many months. She felt trapped in an impossible maze which was designed by herself. After long thinking she knew that there is only one way out of this.

It happened a few months later on that beautiful and memorable night, which was filled with pleasured moans as Orion kept thrusting his maleness deep inside her sex. He was gentle as always, he used his long equine tongue to tease her breasts. She really loved that skilled tongue of his anyplace he put it.

When they climaxed together she finally gave away her final resistance. Orion's rich seed went deep inside her. Cora finally accepted it and she felt the exact moment she conceived. A single tear ran down on her face, what Orion noticed.

  • Are you okay, my love?

She looked him deep into his eyes then pulled him closer. She embraced him and whispered a few words into his ear, which changed his life forever.

  • You are going to be a father.

She will never forget his eyes and expression. The amount of happiness she gave him was second to none. Their relationship was stronger than ever. Their love had no bounds anymore. They've become one.

Now, as months have passed Cora was lying on her bed with her beautiful round belly. Since the conception she had a unique connection with her unborn foal. A connection she missed for so long, since her last foal who born over two centuries ago. She felt immense happiness. She knew that ultimately she made the good decision and she also knew one more thing. That Orion's first foal will be a beautiful filly.