Rainy days

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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A quick story, not much dirty stuff, but wanted to write something.

The rain had fallen for days on end, and today was no different. So, as Alex walked to school, he kept his hood up, which was difficult over his budding antlers. Being a reindeer wasn't always easy. His dark red fur matted along his nose and mouth, as the wind shifted and started to blow the rain into his face. Geez, by the time I'm at school my clothes are going to be drenched, Alex thought. As he turned the corner from a main street to a side street, he walked through the grass of someones yard, as there was no sidewalk anymore. He stepped into a overly saturated part of the lawn his show becoming caught in the soil. "Damn," he said. Then as he pulled a car came by, running through the puddle on the side of the road. A wave of dirty water washed over Alex, drenching his already wet clothes, with dirt and other debris from the road. "Damn it," he yelled.

But out of his surprise the car skidded to a halt twenty or so feet past the puddle. The door flew open and a hooded figure jumped from the car and ran toward Alex. "I'm so sorry," a female voice said from under the hood. "I didn't see you." The female stood shorter than Alex, so she had to look up so he could see her face. He recognized her immediately as she was the only kangaroo, besides her parents and brother, in the city. Her brown fur already getting matted by the rain, her giant brown eyes wet, probably from the rain too. "Oh, Alex, hey," she said.

"Hi, Olivia," Alex said back.

"I'm so sorry." She reached up and grabbed a piece of paper from the hood of his sweatshirt. "Do you want me to bring you home to change?"

Alex pulled his phone from his pocket. "We're already going to be late?"

"So, you can't go to school like that. You'll catch a cold."

"Alright. But you shouldn't be late. I can go by myself."

"No, I'll do it. Come on." She started to walk back to her car. When Alex didn't move. "Come on, it's fine." Alex jogged over to her car. Sitting down into the car, his nose was instantly assaulted by her air freshener. "Where do you live?"

"On twelfth and college."

"Alright." She pulled into a driveway and pulled back out in the other direction. "Do you want a coffee? I'll buy." She spoke in a high voice, squeaking.

"No, it was an accident I just need new clothes, no worries." While Alex recognized Olivia, he didn't know her all that well. They didn't hang out in the same circles or have any of the same classes.

Olivia turned onto college and Alex pointed at his house. The two story yellow house with an empty driveway. "Alright. I'll be out here."

"You don't need to wait here. It's cold," Alex said. "Come inside." Alex jumped out of the car as Olivia turned off the engine. He walked to the door off the side of the house. He unlocked the door and opened it up. Waiting until Olivia walked in to shut it behind her. He walked up the couple of stairs into the kitchen. He kicked off his shoes, flipping them over on the mat, he hoped his other shoes still fit. Pulling the soaking wet socks off he threw them into the laundry room that was connected to the kitchen. Olivia walked into the kitchen and stood in the corner. "Uh, go ahead and make yourself at home. I'm going to go upstairs and change." He left the kitchen and headed up the stairs to his room.

Olivia slipped off her shoes and sweatshirt. In the couple of moments she was outside she seemed to be soaked to the bone. She chewed on her lip as she walked around the kitchen. Hearing Alex's footsteps above her, made her wonder what she was doing. She had seen him on the side of the road, and knew it was Alex, as he took the same way to school every day. It was a spur of the moment thing. She had had a crush on Alex for the longest time but never had the courage to talk to him. He was always surrounded by his friends and right after school he was out of the building walking home. She could never find a chance to catch him. And then this morning she saw him and the puddle, and he wasn't moving for whatever reason, her hands just turned the wheel and splash. Alex's footsteps were moving all around upstairs. She didn't know what he was doing, but she left the kitchen and started to walk up the stairs as quietly as possible. At the top of the stairs was a door that she opened, pushing up on the door in case it squeaked. As she peeked through the opening she saw a hallway with many doors and only one open. Entering the hall she walked down on her toes listening for Alex. She walked to the open door but it was just a bathroom. Then she heard a small scuffle followed by Alex cursing. He was across the hall.

Alright, she thought, just a peek. And I'll head back downstairs. Just a peek. The door was open a crack. She pushed her cheek against the frame of the door trying to peek into his room. There, in all his glory, stood Alex. In his boxer shorts, his little puff of a tail wiggling through a hole in the back, right over his bubble butt. She had to bite her lip in order not to let out a yip. His clothes hid a muscular body, not overly muscular, but taught muscle from nature. His fur was still wet, and he was rubbing a towel over it, his head neck and shoulder fur all puffed out from the towel already. She looked him over from his butt to his two point antlers. Alex was wiping his stomach and then back with a towel. His hands touched his boxers. "Damn," he said, as he pulled them off. Two round globes of flesh came into view, he bent down to pick them up, giving her a view of his hole. A blush spread across her face and she bit down harder on her lip. He stood up quick and turned his head. His ears swished back and forth. She held her breath, his gold colored eyes swished around his room. He then let out a little snort, like he imagined it and left her view.

Olivia made it back downstairs without incident. She walked into the living room and sat down like she had been there for the entire time. Flipping on the television and watching a morning talk show. Alex walked down the stairs and walked into the room with her. "Thanks for waiting. Sorry it took so long."

"No it's fine."

He plopped down on the sofa. "Guess we should head out."

She looked up at the clock. They were thirty minutes late to the first class already. "We could wait another forty-five minutes and make it to the second hour class."

"I'm good with that. Want something from the kitchen? I think we have pop-tarts or cereal."

Olivia wanted to ask to have him, but her face started to burn just at the thought of saying something that crude. "No, I'm good." She flipped through some channels. Not knowing what she was looking for.

"What class are you missing?" Alex asked.

"English. You?"

"Gym. So, not missing much. All I ever do is run on the treadmill."

"I can tell."


"What?" Olivia asked back.

"What did you mean by that?"

"Oh, I'm just saying, you seem to be in pretty good shape, you know. But you always wear those baggy clothes so I couldn't tell."

"What are you talking about?" He asked smiling.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"You know, I appreciate you giving me a ride home. It's very nice of you. Most people wouldn't have even stopped had they drenched me." He laughed. Wiping the fur on his forearm.

"Well, I really am sorry. I just didn't see you."

"That must have been a big puddle. I mean you were on the opposite side of the road. I mean unless you swerved to hit the puddle." He laughed. She laughed as well. "But," he said, when he calmed down. "That would be a bit strange."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"You know. I think this is the longest we've ever talked. The last time we had a class together was what, four years ago?"

"Yeah, Mr. Collins math class." That may have been to quick, she thought.

"Oh, yeah, Mr. Collins, he always had a thing for the cute girls in class. I thinks that's why you always got called on." He smiled.

"You remember that too?"

"Of course. You know, back then, I had a little bit of a crush on you. I was just to embarrassed to say anything to you." Her eyes went wide, and a dark red blush spread across her face. "I mean you were the new girl. That and I hadn't ever met a kangaroo."

"So," Olivia scoot herself closer to Alex. "Uh, what about now. Still happy to know a kangaroo?" What are you doing? She yelled at herself. This is too much, you're going to scare him off. Her fingers touched his.

"Uh, yeah, I mean, we don't talk that much. But you were nice enough to help today, so I guess, we should talk more." He didn't shy from her hand. So, she placed her fingers through his. He looked down at them. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know. Just kind of, you know, going with the flow."

"Where is this flow leading?" Alex asked. He had a smile on his face. As did she. He leaned over and placed his lips against hers. His free hand reached up caressing her cheek. Her tongue left her mouth and pushed through his lips, to explore his mouth. His eyes opened wide. The inner voice telling Olivia to take it slow silenced by his smell, his lips on hers. Her hand found his stomach. Rubbing against him, she pushed herself closer. But he broke the kiss. "Uh," he gave a laugh. "That was unexpected."

"Unexpected, but good, right?"

"Yeah. But we need to go soon."

"Oh, yeah." She put her head down. Looking at his lap. She could make out the slightest bulge in his pants. Biting her lip to keep herself from smiling. "Yeah, let's get going." She pat his lap, making sure to touch the bulge.

Alex's back went stiff. Olivia got off the couch and walked toward the kitchen. This isn't what he expected when he woke up this morning.

Olivia pulled into the parking lot. "So, um, I don't know, what that was back at the house. But I'm sorry if you didn't like it."

"No, on the contrary . I did like it. I just knew we had to go. Didn't want you to miss a while day because of me."

"Well, yeah. But I'd want. I mean. It'd be nice if we went out sometime."

"It very much would be."

"What if I pick you up after school and we head somewhere?" Olivia asked.


Olivia couldn't focus the rest of the day. She wanted so much to find Alex and tell him how excited she was to hang out with him, just spending time with him. While at the same time Alex wanted to talk to her, and kiss her, and feel her up. But he had to wait. He didn't want to rush things. Although she had a nice body, he had seen her in the pool. Not that he was staring at her. Or just her. He was a boy after all. As the last bell for the day rang out Alex walked out of the parking lot toward Olivia's car. He beat her to it. What should he say? Where should they go? He saw Olivia walking over. She had a large smile on her face.

"Hi," she said.

"Hey, uh, want to come back to my house?" The words just spilled from his mouth before he could stop them.

"Sounds like fun."

When they arrived at his house, this time inviting her in, in a different way. "No one home?" Olivia asked.

"No, not until, well I don't know when. My mom is dating some new guy and she's been over there most nights. So, it's just me. My older brothers have moved out." He walked her up the stairs. "This is kind of like my own little apartment. Even when my mom is here. I have a bathroom and a living room, along with my bedroom. Which is this way." He led her. She had to pretend not to know.

He opened his door and she was hit by a rush of his smell, her heart fluttered in her chest. Looking around she saw his wet boxers hanging over the edge of his hamper, it sent a flash from earlier seeing his butt, and she squeezed her eyes shut not wanting to think about it. The full sized bed with the covers balled up in the center. He threw the ball up toward the head board and sat down. Olivia sat by him. Her hands wrapping around his neck their mouths meeting. Her tongue shooting from her mouth into his. She pushed him back to lay on top of him.

"Uh, what're you doing?" He asked.

"I just want to, you know, show you how much I like you."

"Oh, okay. I like you too."

She nibbled along his jaw, down his neck, to his collar bone. Her hands run under his shirt and over his stomach, finding his nipples she began to flick and pinch them. He let out a little moan. Grinding her hips into his,she could feel him harden, his cock pushing into her leg. She kissed down his stomach to his belt buckle. Unbuckling his pants he slowly worked them down his hips, he lifted his butt to let her get them off. His cock was around eight inches long, skinny at the tip and wider at the base, and bright pink. His musk filling her nose. She placed her lips against his furry ball sack giving it a kiss, nibbling the flesh. She took an orb into her mouth, as her hand wrapped around his dick stroking his meat. Alex let out little moans, making him sound small, like a pup. She let the ball fall from her mouth, and licked up his rod. Opening her mouth she took his cock down to the base. His hands found the back of her head, pushing her down, trying to get his cock as far into her throat as possible. It was his first blowjob and the warmth of her mouth made him nuts, his balls pulled up to his body. He felt his climax coming and quick.

"Olivia, I think I'm, going to cum."

She bobbed her head up and down his cock, making sure, her nose touched his pubic bone each time. He let out one more grunt before he filled her mouth with his salty cum. He bucked his hips into her face as his balls spasamed and shot his fluid.

"Holy, that felt awesome."

"I'm not done yet," she said. Climbing over him, her clothes gone. And then she realized she was dreaming. She hadn't taken off her clothes. Maybe she could do this. She let her body fall onto his cock, stretching herself along his meat. Pleasure surged through her body as his hands grabbed onto her hips. Riding his dick picking herself up and letting her body slowly fall down on his cock. He moaned out loud. His eyes screwed shut. Rolling them over, she wrapped her arms behind his neck. "Fuck me." He did as told. His cock pistoning in and out of her quick. His cock hitting her right spots. She could feel herself cumming, already, dreaming was great. And then she started to squirt all over his crotch and stomach. But he didn't stop humping her. His taught body over hers. Then she heard someone speaking.

Her eyes opened. Olivia was still in her room her alarm going off. "Damn." She sat up in her bed and looked out the window. It was raining, and she would see Alex walking to school again.