Angela Thomas 9

Story by MStover on SoFurry

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#10 of Angela Thomas

Story about a blind genetically engineered wolverine going through life in society. Trying to become a citizen the world she's been thrust into. Well, so what others tell her. She just wants to be happy, live, and maybe find love.

Angela Thomas 9

By : John Hartman

It was a sunny spring morning as the thick layers of snow was melting away on the ground. People were out and about, enjoying a sunny, warm weekend, despite the wet ground. One particular home had passersby cautiously looking up at a doorway with a large, clothed wolverine staring blankly out toward the road with her dark goggles on. She was wearing military fatigues with reflective safety stripes sewn into her clothing. The only thing that stood out was a new shirt that was bright orange. Her jacket still still says "Property of the US Government." Though the shirt was just a blank shirt. Some people did stop to stare, but most did their best not to stay for long, fearing they might provoke her. Though some who stare already know who she is and her blindness.

Angela smiles as despite knowing she's getting eyes on her, is having a good day. She sat on the steps out in the sun, enjoying the sunshine. Her little tail idly swayed behind her as she used her cane to constantly tap and feel out the area. Despite making a bad rhythm with the tapping, she is using the sound to help her sense her area with sound. Her ears move around to the sounds bouncing off of things as she "watch" her surroundings. Every now and then, she is able to find a person staring, she'll turn her head toward them. That alone unnerves them enough to make them continue walking.

This continues for about half an hour till the wolverine noticed someone walking toward her. She start tapping repeatedly in one spot as the person got closer. A wind blew that moment, bringing the scent near her. She then snarled threateningly at the person approaching her, "Just because I am out here don't mean I want to see you, Eric."

The blond teenager stopped. He then folds his arms as he says in an annoyed tone, "I just wanted to say hello."

"Hello," Angela says with a toothy smile. She then snarls, "Now leave."

Eric look upset as he says, "Damn it Angela."

"Don't damn me," Angela growls, "Thank the scientist who played God nearly a hundred years ago." She then snarls at him, "I wouldn't be born cause of them. But then again, maybe in some other life I done something horrible and now I am reincarnated as a wolverine. But since nothing is perfect, I get to be this weird monster before you."

Eric sighs as he look at her, then says nicely, "Stop calling yourself a monster."

"Well, okay, shall I call myself cum dumpster then?" Angela snarls at him in sarcasm, "Cause if I am not some scary monster, then I got a horny teenage boy who loves to make my ass bleed."

The teenager throws his hands up, stomping away from her in frustration as some passersby overheard the conversation. Angela sighs as she went back to idly tapping the ground. Another half hour past by till the wolverine decided to stand up and stretch. The area foot traffic had died down as she does a few sideways twists stretching. She then froze as she heard someone walking up to her. She sniffed the air, but the air was stagnant. The teenager then says uneasily, "Uh...hi...Angela."

The wolverine looks surprised, then asked, "Daniel? What you doing out here?"

"I...uh...heh," Daniel looked uneasy as he rubbed the back of his head, shuffled his brown hair. He then blushed, "Uh, I live around here too. I noticed you been sitting out here for a long time now. You...not locked out, are you?"

Angela sighs, then smiles at him as she relaxed, "Nah, I just wanted to enjoy the sun." Daniel relaxed when he saw her smile at him. She then reach out and put her large right hand on his left shoulder. He felt intimidated by how large it was....and how sharp the claws looked as the wolverine chuckled, "I didn't know you lived nearby. So, is the neighbourhood safe?"

The teenage boy gulped, then responded, "It is."

"You don't sound sure," Angela responded with a suspicious tone. She then realised he got uneasy when she put her hand on him. She quickly let go of him, saying, "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She then growls at herself, "Funny, I was fuming earlier about being considered a monster. Then I forget I am still scary to most folk." Before Daniel could respond, she whimpers, "I wish I was at the labs still. I could sit outside in our protected, bricked off lawn in nothing but a smile and not need to worry about looking scary or being approached by strangers."

"Well, if you want to be alone...," Daniel responded uneasily as he felt he may have bothered her, only to have her put her hand back on his shoulder again.

Angela look apologetic as she says, "No, no, I would like your company." She then blushes a little, "I...was...actually thinking of you before I got up." She then says defensively, "Not like...uh...whatever...well..." She then grumbles, "I want to hang out with someone today, and you came to mind. Jenny is out, and Kevin is working still."

"So I am the bottom of the list?" Daniel asked flatly, which made her ears go flat. He then started to chuckle a little bit, which is the first for her since he's usually a bit moody at school. He then says, "I am kidding. I am actually....surprised...well..." He rubs the back of his head again as she let go of him. He then shrugs, "Sure, why not? I did come over to say hi."

Angela smiled as she wagged her tail. She then says, "Want to show me around? I hadn't got a chance to walk around here yet."

He did his best not to chuckle as he then asked, "New shirt?"

"Yes," the wolverine chuckles, "How I look?"

Daniel wanted to say horrible, but he held back and tried to find a nicer way to answer. He then says, "Very...bright. It clashes with the rest of your clothing. But fits the theme of your safety stripes."

Angela's face goes sour, which made Daniel look worried. But to his surprise, she just growls, "Figured. But it feels better than my old shirt. Someday I'll get some choices that will fit me." She then took her coat off and stood up straight. The shirt was actually short enough to expose her midriff. Daniel just look at her fuzzy navel as she says, "This shirt don't even fully cover me. But the weather is nice, so I guess a little breeze isn't too bad."

The wolverine put her coat back on as Daniel says, "Well, some people, especially ladies seem to like to show off their midriff. Besides, it's not too short. It's not so short that it's barely exposing your breast."

Angela blushes as she growls softly, "Well...I don't have much to show anyways." She then says firmly, "But yeah, Jenny told me that too. I just...well...I am trying it out here. Can't dress like that in school anyways...probably be made fun of."

"Yeah," Daniel agrees, which made her look a little down. He noticed and can't help but ask, "You...want to be desired, huh?"

"Why not?" Angela asked flatly. She then shrugs, "Meh, no use in trying. I am the only wolverine with lack of choices of clothing. Whatever, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Would you like to give me the tour of the neighbourhood?" The last part had pressing tone to it.

The boy gulps, then decides to take her hand, "Uh...okay, sure." He gently takes her large hand in his and leads her around the area. During this time they were getting odd, even worried looks toward the boy as Angela just blindly stared straight ahead. But her free hand moved her cane about to feel the area as she listened to Daniel talk about the area and his history there. They gone by a couple of blocks till they reached a park. Angela stops as she caught scent from the wind blowing from the direction of the park. Daniel asked, "Something wrong?"

"I am sure this park is nice," Angela growls softly, "But I don't want to give its recent visitor a scent to return for." Daniel looked confused as she says nicely, "You did say there were some wild wolverines that were chased out of here years ago, yes?"

"Uh...yeah," Daniel responded slowly. He then went, "Oh...uh...sorry."

"Nah, not your fault," Angela smiled, "But let's head back home."

"And I was curious if you wanted to go for a movie," Daniel blurted out, only to cover his mouth.

Angela just stood there silently as Daniel just silently waited for her to respond, knowing she heard him clearly. She then just smirks as she says, "Silly boy, I can't watch a movie." She then chuckles, "Though I can sit and listen. Though I would end up asking too much questions on what's happening on screen."

"But you'll be fine watching a movie with me?" Daniel asked with an uncertain voice.

Angela could not help but wag her tail as she asked in a teasing voice, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"No," Daniel says quickly, then pipes up, "Yes." He then gahs, then says defensively, "Not like that. I mean...fuck, I just want to hang out with you."

The wolverine just smiles as she give his back a gentle pat, "Heh, sorry I gave you a hard time. If you just want to hang out as buddies, I'll be happy to have you over my place to watch TV instead. It's more private and costs less."

"Well, okay," Daniel smiled. He then take her hand and lead her toward a shop, "Mind if I get you something to snack on?"

Angela look a little uneasy as she never walked in a place of business before...or anywhere else other than school, Jenny's, and the lab. She stopped walking, which made him stop as she admits to him quietly, "I...uh...I...never been to a store...I mean, is that where you are taking me?" She then says in an angry tone, "Better not be trying to take me to public bathroom to feed me dick."

Daniel gahs, then responds, "Oh hell no. Gross. Is that what happened to you in the labs?"

"No," Angela growls, "That's what happened when I was with Eric."

"Fucking prick," Daniel says angrily. He then says in a reassuring tone, "I just want to treat you to an ice cream. Or if you want, a burger. Anything you want." He then says, "And this is not a store, it's a McDonalds...which isn't great. But it hits the spot."

Angela smiles as she says, "OH, oh, I had their food. Though I never been in one. Jerome used to bring me some." She then says excitedly, "Sure, sure, let's go. I want a Big Mac, Chicken Nuggets, Fries...oh, and chocolate milkshake."

Daniel blinks, then says politely as he looks like he's bitten off more than he can chew, "Actually, uh...those are quite pricey...uh...I can squeeze a Big Mac Meal."

"What's in the meal?" Angela asked softly, feeling bad for not putting funds into consideration.

"Well, the burger, fries, and a drink," Daniel responded as he guides her to the fast food joint.

Angela smiles as she says, "Okay, the meal then...I hadn't eaten since this morning anyways. I could make my own. But I feel lazy. Was going to wait till the others got home for dinner."

"And I thought I was bad," Daniel chuckles as he carefully guided Angela into the building. Everyone in the building quickly stopped what they were doing when they saw Angela being guided into the establishment. But as fast as they realised who she is, they slowly went back to doing what they were doing as the two went up to the counter.

"Uh...welcome...uh," the teenager behind the counter was not sure on what to say as she felt intimidated by the large wolverine in front of her.

Daniel realised that maybe this might be a mistake as he says, "Hey, we would like two #1s. Upgrade them please. And...uh...what would you like to drink, Angela?"

The teenager nervously put the order in as Angela sniffed the air, her nostrils flared with each deep inhale. It unnerved the cashier as the wolverine growls, "I smell coke, so I'll have coke."

"Sure, sure," the cashier said in a tiny voice.

The wolverine looked annoyed as she leaned in to face her, growling, "I am not going to bite you. I can't even see where you are at. Fuck, there's more of you than there is me. I should be the one scared. Do you understand?" The woman nodded as Angela then smirks, saying, "I can't see you. Did you nod, or shake your head? Actually, nevermind." She then snarls, "If you hadn't guessed by now, I have a very acute sense of smell, taste, and hearing. I am no Daredevil. But if the stories of poisoning food is true, I suggest you make sure that doesn't happen." She then inhales the air in front of her, making the girl shrink back as she says, "So please, let's get along."

Daniel pays the cashier as Angela looks slightly annoyed, blankly staring out at the kitchen. They quickly give the two their foods, which actually made Angela look hungry. Daniel lead her to a table not too far from an exit as he says, "Did you really have to do that?"

Angela sighs, then says, "I hate doing that. But if they are going to fear me, then I may as well work with it. I thought I made it clear that there's not much to fear from me." She then chuckles, "Unless they slight me."

The boy sighs, then gives her food, "Here you go, my lovable monster."

Even though he said it in a sarcastic way, Angela couldn't help but blush as she says, "Lovable monster?"

Daniel thought about it a bit as she started to eat. He then sighs, "I wasn't trying to come onto you."

"Heh," Angela responded, looking a little stung. But she then smiles, "I get it. And I shall call you my caring grouch."

Daniel just lowered his eyes, then sighs, "Let's eat."

The two ate in silence as the teenagers in the building were watching the two. Eventually a teenage boy came up to them, sitting near them as he asked, "You two going out?"

Angela responds, "No, what makes you think that?"

Daniel sighs as he says to the kid, "Allan, stop thinking with your dick."

Allan, a teenager who looks similar to Eric chuckles as he says, "Aww, it's hard not to think that. After all, your project promotes bestiality."

The wolverine growls at him, "Interspecies relationships." She then says harshly, "But mainly about being sapient like you. For all of us who can think, talk, and function like a human have sapience."

"Listen to this pup trying to talk," Allan laughs as he sounds amused. His buddies across away started to chuckle as he then says, "You definitely don't sound so human."

"Cause I am not," Angela says flatly. She then got up and walked out of the building. Daniel quickly got up and went behind her, making the others laugh.

"Angela, wait," Daniel rushed up behind her. Angela was obviously crying as she took her goggles off and let her tears run down her cheeks as she angrily walks blindly toward her home. Daniel put his hand on her wrist, saying, "I am sorry I put you in that situation."

The wolverine yanks her hand away angrily, then says in a puppy like whimper, "Fuck those guys. I didn't come here to be ridiculed. I don't even know why we are still doing this fucking project. Not like I can change people's minds. Hell, I can't even get people around me to see me as a person." She then just sobs, rubbing her eyes, "I scared most of the folks in there. And once the fear wore off, they went to attack on me. Tell me, how long do you think it would have took before they went from verbal to physical?"

Daniel stuttered to answer, only to quickly grab her hand and yank her along, "Speaking of hypothesis, maybe it's time we get you home before we get an answer for the time frame." Angela went along with him, looking confused at first. But once she got it, she started to run as they can hear taunts from behind them to watch themselves next time.

After a moment of running, he lead her to her home. Angela looking a little out of it as Daniel guided her to her doorstep. The wolverine tiredly walked up to her home and opened the door, saying, "Come on in." When she had no response, she loudly called out, "Daniel?"

The boy was walking away as he heard his name. He sighs as he turn around and walk back toward the wolverine as he quickly defended himself, "I thought you might want to be alone after that. I mean, if I didn't bring you there, you wouldn't have been put in danger."

"Shut up," Angela growls at him. She then grab him with both arms and hugs him tightly, "You worry too much. Fuck. If you wanted to harm me, you would not only left me there for a beating, but you would join in." Daniel froze a little as he thought about it. He then sighs and hugs her in return as she says, "No matter how good I am with my senses, I still need somebody's eyes. You could have led me anywhere. But you took me home." She then pulled him into her home, "Come in, watch TV." She then kicked the door shut after dragging him in.

Daniel sighs as he slaps her butt a few times, saying, "Okay, okay, I'll come in. Don't have to be forceful about it." He then realised where he was hitting her, "OH shit, uh, uh."

Angela blushes as she takes her coat off, "If you hadn't figured it out yet, I am a reasonable person." She put her coat on a coat hanger as she continues, "I am taller than you, so of course you'll be hitting my hip in defence of me dragging you in here." She then blushes, "Sorry to drag you in. You keep wanting to run away despite I now know you want to be near. You are such a skittery person."

"Are you making fun of me?" Daniel asked.

"Sorta," Angela mused. She then removed her shirt, making his eyes go wide as she says, "I do want company too. Preferably one who is more interested in me and not my body."

"Well, you just complicated things," Daniel blurted out as he could not help but stare at her black nipples. Angela blinked a little, then grumbles as she put her shirt back on. He then asked, "Why you take your shirt off?"

"Cause I am used to roaming the home nude," Angela says defensively, "I never had to wear clothing till I started to go to school. So far living here I been allowed to roam nude. Though I had been warned that most won't be comfortable in my nudity." She then blushes as she shrugs, "So....sorry about that."

Daniel blinks, then sighs as he blushed, "Okay, if you want, go ahead."

Angela smirks at him as she put her hand on his back, then guiding him to the living room, "Tsk, tsk, with the way your blood is rushing, you want to see me naked."

The boy look like he was going white as she lead him to the couch. He says impishly, "No...I just want you to be comfortable."

"Don't lie to me," Angela says nicely as she sat on the couch. She then handed him the remote, "I won't make fun of you. I do appreciate you want me to be comfortable in my own home. But I want you to be comfortable too."

"I am curious," Daniel admits, "Just now. I didn't know you had human like breast."

"I been told that's one of my human like qualities on my body," Angela admits as Daniel picked up the remote and turned it onto a cartoon channel.

The boy asked her nervously, "Really? What else you have that is human like?"

"My butt," Angela chuckles, "Arms, torso...about it, I think." She then quickly add in, "Hands."

The boy nods, then says, "Oh, okay." He sat nervously as he did his best to clear his mind as he watched TV.

Eventually Angela asked, "I can tell you are still nervous, is there something bugging you?"

"No, no, no..." Daniel repeated. He then says, "Mind if I ask you a personal question?"

The wolverine chuckles, then smirks, "Sure, why not? What is it?"

"Would you have...uh," Daniel was looking for the right words to piece together, starting to blush a lot. Angela started to face him, her foggy eyes on him as he stuttered out of nervousness. She folds her arms as he can't help but find her eyes interested despite scary. He then accidentally changed the subject with, "Does it hurt? Your eyes I mean. Them being all foggy like that. Do you just see clouds?" He then look annoyed with himself as he really wanted to ask her something else.

The wolverine sighs, knowing that was not what he was getting his blood rushing for as she answered, "I don't know what cloud looks like. Never dead. Everything around me is a play darkness and light. Shadows dance in front of me at times, and not even clear shadows." She then scoot up close to him till they are face to face. He look nervous as their lips was close. He can see some of her sharp teeth from her thin lips, her large nose pad and face. Though seeing her big eyes looking lost at him, brown with a thick haze in her pupils. Her eyes were looking at him. She then whispers, "I long to see what you see. I long to see what everyone sees. But even right now as I try to see your face, all I am getting is shadows." She then put her hand gently over his face, "This is the closest I ever get to see anyones face. My hand helps me see everything. But it also helps me decipher the shadows for my eyes." She then look sad as her eyes aim at her hand, going over his face, "But it's still not enough to help me see. No details, not colours, nothing. Just many shades of light and darkness." Daniel was starting to get mesmerised with her face. He avoided looking at her face like he avoids looking at a lot of folks faces. But he swears not only he sees a sad person in those eyes. But that person is pouring themselves out to him. Angela sighs as she whispers, "I been told I could have had it worst. That my eyes could have been severed that I get nothing at all. So I should count my blessings."

The wolverine back away, sitting back down as Daniel was lost for words. Eventually he says, "Sorry, I was...curious. Wasn't trying to offend."

"It's fine," Angela says softly. She then asked, "Anything else you want to ask me?"

Daniel decided to take a deep breath, then asked, "If I was there in the nurse's office with Eric at the time, would you have fallen for him?"

Angela looked surprised with the question. She tilted her head as she thought hard for the answer. She then shrugs, "Maybe, I don't know. I am sure he wouldn't have put the moves on me if anyone was around. But I wasn't in my right mind either. I was very depressed, angry." She then sighs, "I wished I died. I was going into a bad episode of self loathing." Daniel look sad at her as she continues, "He, he tried to cheer me up. Which wasn't helping since he was one of my tormentors. So him being right there just got me twice as angry. So yeah, you are right, him being there was explosive." She then blushed as she stare dreamily at nothing, "But when I was at my bottom, he came in and kissed me. Despite how down and angry I was. I felt no one would want to do such a thing to a person like me. But he did. And next thing I knew, we were making out."

Daniel grumbles, "Please spare me the details."

"Sorry," Angela blushed. She then says, "I don't know how things would have been if you were there." She then shrugged, "But since I told you how I was, how would you think things would have gone if it was just you there?"

"I don't know," Daniel responded, "I think I would have told you to snap out of it. I didn't know you well enough then. I don't fully you know you well now. But I know you better now than I did then. If this happened now, I think I would have hugged you and told you that you are much better than you think you are."

Angela blushes as she asked, "Really? Though how about then? What would you say then?"

Daniel look apologetic as he says, "I would have told you to get over yourself and be thankful you are still alive."

The wolverine lower her eyes, then snorts, "Fair enough."

"What if I kissed you?" Daniel asked out of the blue. He then covered his mouth as he didn't want to ask her that.

Angela's face lit up as she chuckles, "What? Then? Or now?"

"Then," Daniel responded quickly.

"Hmm, tough question," Angela chuckles, "Cause you could run and leave me any moment now, depending how I answer."

"I won't," Daniel reassured her, "Be honest with me."

The wolverine smirked as she says, "Then, I probably be as shocked like I was with Eric. And like Eric, I would have clung to you for companionship." Daniel blushed hotly as he figured. But the answer still excited him. Angela noticed as she then lean forward again till their faces were close again. She whispers, "May I be bold and tell you that if you kissed me now, I would reciprocate it with my own. And I would be putty in your arms."

"No, that is fine, Angela," Daniel scooted back a little, a bit frightened of this event.

Angela look a little stung and disappointed as she move back to her seat, "Okay, sorry."

"Don't be," Daniel says. He then sighs and scoot up next to her. He then wrap an arm around her and cuddle her, saying, "Let's not rush into things. I still find interspecie relationships weird. But I think I am starting to understand you a bit more."

The wolverine gently wrap an arm around her as tears started to roll down her furry cheeks as they just cuddled on the sofa for a long time. After a while Angela was able to regain her composure as Daniel started to fall asleep, resting his head on her chest. She smiles as she rest her chin on his head, cuddling him as she pet his back gently. She decides to leans back, gently shifting him so he'll lay on top of her. He groggily woke up a little, only to have her pet his head, "Aw, did I wake you up?" He noticed the wet cheeks as she smiled at him, "Relax, I am enjoying this."

"Uh...okay," Daniel says as he put his head on her tummy again. Though he then looked shocked as she lifted her shirt up so he was resting his head on her fuzzy tummy. He nervously look up, only to see she kept her chest covered with her shirt still as she went back to putting his head.

"Relax," Angela growls softly. She then smirks as she decides to remove her shirt, tossing it over the couch's backrest. Daniel look uneasy as he avoided looking up at her chest as she continues to pet his head. After a moment, her petting got weaker as she closed her eyes, starting to slip into a nap. The boy started to get comfortable, finding himself comfortable on her fuzzy tummy. He just lay there a bit, closing his eyes as he listen to her breathing. His head rising up and down as she breathed. He lay there, thinking for a long time as he was not able to slip back into a nap. But he can't help but start to smile as he start to pet her lower tummy, running his fingers through her fur. For the first time hanging out with her, he feels at ease. The scary wolverine wasn't so scary to him anymore. Just looking at her large frame and big hands holding him close to her. He listened to her heart beat. He started to feel mushy as he realised he's being cuddled by a girl. Something he purposely avoided, being a teen rebelling toward affectionate themes.

Angela growled something, shifting till she was on her side. She accidentally knocked him off the couch as she was still asleep. He gahs as he made a loud thud. The boy then gave out a weak, "Ow," as he just laid there on the ground. After a moment of laying on the floor, he slowly sat up, only to get a good view of her fuzzy chest. He blushed as he looked at her small mounds and little perky dark nipples. He then sighs as didn't want to stare, moving his gaze up to her face. Though the thing that caught his eye the most was the white tuft of fur that stood out on her neck base. He was curious about it, wondering if it felt the same. The boy raised his hand up to touch it, only to back his hand away. He did this a few times till he convinced himself that if she didn't want him to see her like this, she would have left her shirt on. That, and she had him press his face on her bare tummy. He felt the white tuft area, chuckling as he realised it didn't feel different. His hand then got curious and moved down to touch her breast gently. They both blushed as she continued to nap on the couch. After a moment of gently groping her breast, he lightly touches her nipple.

Angela smirks as she opens her eyes, growling softly, "Bout time."

Daniel pulled his hand away, gasping loudly, "Gah, what the fuck?"

The wolverine blushed as she look guilty, "You woke me up, groping my breast. I...honestly...wanted are they?"

The human just sat there, looking like he was caught sticking his hand in a cookie jar filled with acid as he says quickly, "You wanted me to molest you? Do you get a kick out of being toyed with?"

Angela immediately sat up, towering over him as she looked hurt. He cowered back as she snarled, "What the hell? That was not my intention." She then sighs as she says softly, "I just want to be desired..." After a moment of silence, she covers her face with her hands as she says in a sob, "Fuck, I just realised how bad this looks. Topped off with my current issues with Eric. Daniel, I am sorry."

Daniel sat there for a bit as the wolverine sobbed. He then sighs as he got up and sat next to her. She stopped as she watched him as he put an arm around her waist. He then says softly, "Okay, that was a dirty trick. Even if I am at fault for falling to temptation." He then decided to put his hand on her tummy, petting her as he says, "So from now on, if you want something, be blatant about it."

"I thought I was," Angela admits as she sniffs. He thought about it, then blushes, as she then says, "I want to be close to you. Very close. So close that I want you to not only love me, but to desire me." She then sighs, "Maybe I am asking too much. But I do enjoy the cuddling." She then put an arm around him, hugging him close to her.

Daniel sighs, then says, "Fine." He then put his face on her breast, suckling the nipple that is on it. Angela gasps, then closes her eyes as she put a hand on the back of her head as she held him close. He did this for a while, only to swap to the other nipple. The wolverine gave a few animal like groans as she relaxes on the couch, enjoying it a lot. The boy on the other hand wasn't as thrilled about it. Despite wanting to touch them, he didn't feel ready for this. Actually feel forced into it as he gave the least enthusiastic oral foreplay. Angela can't see his reactions, so figured he was clumsy with it. He continues doing this as he watched her writhe and arch her back as she got a bit more excited. He finds himself getting aroused from watching her getting off from his foreplay. After a while, she spread her legs a little, a little wet spot was forming on her military fatigue pants as she held onto him. Near the end, she started to buck at nothing as he wrap his arms around her back, suckling a nipple. She then yips loudly, scaring him to back off and stop. She closed her legs and writhe on the couch, her little wet spot got larger at her crotch as she came. He asked in surprise, "I made you cum?"

The wolverine's response was to grab him and lick his face a few times, which made him try to push her away like a kid to his dog. She then yanks his pants down and put his shaft in her muzzle, giving him a blow job. Daniel tried to push her away, only to hold still as he gasp and pant loudly with how well she is getting him off. After a moment, he grunts, cumming into her muzzle. Angela makes a mrring sound, indicating she likes his taste as she milked him as much as he could give out. Once done, she let him. He plops onto the ground, not able to stop himself from tearing up. Angela smacks her lips as she says haughtily, "Wow, you have a sweet taste. And not so big."

Daniel just wiped his eyes, then angrily got up and pulled his pants back on. He glared at her, too angry to say anything to her as Angela just smiled and wagged her tail as she looked at him. It wasn't till he stomped away from her that she realized he was not aroused, but angry with her. Angela started to look get worried as she got on her feet, following him, "Daniel?" The boy just left the house, slamming the door behind him as Angela called out in an almost frantic tone, "Daniel?" She went to the door and opened it, not caring if she was topless and having a wet spot on her crotch, "Daniel, come back!" When she can hear his footsteps quickly going further away from her, she slinks back into the house, closing the door as she asked in a small voice, "What I do?"

Angela sat at the dinner table, poking her food, making it make squishing noises as Kevin and Jenny were eating their meals like they hadn't eaten all day. Jenny was the first to finish, saying to the wolverine, "The mac is quite dead, pup. It's not going to walk away."

Kevin just noticed that moment that Angela was looking depressed. The rat asked softly, "What's wrong, pup?" The woman gave an apologetic look as she reached up to pet Angela's face.

"Nothing," Angela growls under her breath.

Kevin sighs as Jenny says, "Bullshit, we can see you are down about something. Not upset still we both had to work today?"

"No, no," Angela whimpers, "I...I think I botched up again."

"Botched up again?" Kevin asked.

The wolverine sighs as she says, "Okay, okay, Daniel from my social studies project saw me outside today, so he came over to visit. Gave me a tour, took me to lunch, got me away from some jerk asses. Then I invited him in here. We talked, cuddled, one thing lead to another. He angrily ran off after I gave him a blow job."

Jenny almost gags on her water as Kevin sighs, "Did he say why he left like that?"

"No," Angela starts to cry, "I don't know why he did. I thought he would like it after he suckled my breast."

"Holy shit Angela," Jenny pipes up, "You can't just bed every male you just met. Either he'll take you for granted, or you'll just come off as a slut."

The wolverine whimpers, then got up and head toward her room. Kevin sighs as he got up and followed her. Jenny sighs and clean up the dinning, putting Angela's meal in the fridge.

Monday starts off as typical. Angela sits at her normal table for breakfast, no one bothering her. Morning classes, normal. Eric avoided her in whatever classes they had together. Lunch time was when things started to get to her.

Angela got in line behind Daniel. She wagged her tail as she says in a happy tone, "Hey Danny." Daniel didn't respond. He gave a very angry, annoyed look as he glared at her. Angela didn't noticed the glare, but she did notice him get angry. She says in a small whimper, "Why you mad at me?"

"Grab your food and meet me at 'your' seat," Daniel says in an icy tone. He then asked for tater tots and a burger and quickly stormed off. Angela's ears go flat as it's been awhile since he ordered that meal. She ordered her usual burrito, then went to her spot. She can tell that he already scarfed his burger down, currently angrily eating his tater tots. Once she sat down, he icily says, "Eat. Then we'll talk."

"I want to know why you hate me all the sudden," Angela whimpers softly. The boy didn't answer. Instead he went back to eating his tots. The wolverine sighs and does her best not to cry as she ate her food.

Once the wolverine finished eating and had something to drink, Daniel angrily says in a harsh whisper, "What part of I was not fucking ready don't you fucking understand?"

"I finished my food," Angela whimpers, tears started come out of her eyes.

"No, not that. Talking about yesterday," Daniel responds harshly, almost spitting with how angry he is. "I told you more than once I am not ready. Not even interested," he clinched his fist as he started to lose control of the volume of his voice, "What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you would know better! I didn't want to bed your fuzzy ass!" He then slams his fist onto the table, getting others to look at them as Angela looks scared, "I just wanted a fucking friend that wasn't some flake, or fake, or....trying to use me for something!" He then got on his feet, only to get in her face, yelling, "You're the fucking rapist! Act all innocent just to molest a new victim! You are no better than Eric!" Angela starts to sob as he says icely, "We'll finish this project. But I don't ever want to see you again after this."

Angela could not stop herself from sobbing for the rest of lunch period. The other students were starting to either make fun of her or try to comfort her. The wolverine just pushed everyone away and ran to the ladies room near the admin wing. From there she hid till her next period started.

The teacher and the rest of the students were uncomfortable during their social studies period. Everyone got into their groups. Though Angela's group just sat there, glaring at each other. For half a period nobody said a word or moved. They just glared at one another. Daniel and Jessica glared at everyone and each other. Eric glared at Angela and Jessica. Angela really only gave a nasty look to Jessica and Eric, but looked hurt every time she faced Daniel.

The teacher finally went up to them and said, "You four need to be working on your project."

Jessica says in an angry tone, "Hard to work with those two when they are always bickering like love birds."

Daniel just flatly says, "I am tired of being used. I mean, I done the brunt of the project."

"No you hadn't," Jessica says harshly at him.

"Yes I have," Daniel says angrily, "Cause all you want to do is prove morphs are animals while Eric is busy trying to tap Angela's ass. While Angela can't stop getting into fucking drama cause she's a horny slut."

"I am not a slut," Angela says angrily, though didn't lash out at him.

Eric says in her defence, "She hadn't done anything of the sort other than our...foul ups."

The teacher raised an eyebrow as he asked cautiously to Eric, "You are admitting you had sexual relations with Angela here? You do realise she's made claims against you on the grounds of rape."

Jessica start to look amused as Eric stumbles in his words. Angela then slams her fist onto the table, breaking the legs in the process which made everyone back away. She then sobs as she says, "Fuck it, I get it, we all are stupid children who don't know better. Fine, okay, I fucked up. Eric fucked up. Even everyone in this room fucked up."

"You just destroyed school property," the teacher says angrily.

"I am not done yet," Angela got up and got in the teacher's face, "Let me finish, then I'll head to the office...again." She then grumbles, "May as well change my classes to that office, I go there too often." She then look at Eric, growling, "Okay, I get it, you are a dumbshit who didn't mean any harm. Alright, fine, you want forgiveness, then I'll grant it. But stop expecting things to go back to how it was. It won't happen. Pushing it is only going to make me push back. You hurt me, how can I be comfortable after that?" Eric was going to say something, only to have her put her hand on his mouth, "Save it for later." She then look at Daniel, "And you, I did you wrong. I am so very sorry. I get it now. And just like how I feel about Eric, I am sure this isn't going to mean shit to you. But, well...I am so very sorry. I ruined a good thing by not putting your wishes to heart. And I feel horrible for it." She then grumbles, "And quite stupid for pulling an Eric." She then walks away as Eric protested at being the butt of the joke.

Jessica chuckles, then says in a sing song way, "Awww, and I guess I don't deserve an apology."

Angela open the door as she says, "Oh, okay. Jessica? I am sorry you are such a bitch." She then closes the door behind her. Despite how awkward that moment was, some students did chuckle a little from the last remark.

The wolverine was sitting outside of the Principal office as loud talking can be heard between Jenny and the Principal over a phone call. Kevin and the Social studies teacher was also in the room. Everyone was debating and arguing as Angela just sat on the chair, hugging her knees as she purposely ignored the commotion. After a while, she mumbles to herself, "I did it again."

"Pup," Kevin snaps the wolverine out of her daze. The rat then gave her a hug, which Angela hugged him back.

Angela started to sob a little as Jenny pet her on the head as she says, "I am so sorry for what I said last night. I didn't realise what was going on."

"No, I think you are right," Angela whispers. She then let go of Kevin, just to hug Jenny, "I really messed up."

Jenny got a little teary eyed as Kevin picked up the wolverine's belongings. The two led the large wolverine out as the others in the room followed, saying nothing. Kevin then stop and open her bag as Jenny lead Angela toward the van. Kevin looked sad as he asked, "Sure there's no other alternative?"

"We exhausted the alternatives," the Principal said. "The only other option is to expel her. We were lucky that another school have voiced interest in taking her in. They are impressed with her grades and think she'll bring some good PR to the school."

"I am afraid they're only interested in her cause she's a wolverine," Kevin says honestly, "She's no mascot."

The Principal nods, then says, "I understand. Sadly, this is what we'll have to work with. With the circumstances, either she goes there humiliated, or stay here humiliated. She can make a new start there." He then sighs, "I am going to miss her. She may have gotten into trouble as of late, but she's the most reasonable trouble student I ever dealt with. She never gave us a hard time personally." Kevin sighs, then pull out her books and hands them to the Principal. The Principal then says to Kevin quietly, "Besides, with this new setup, you can now freely mentor her without risking any accusations when it comes to student and teacher stature."

Kevin sighs as he walks away. He get into the van to see Angela laying on a seat, looking pitiful. The rat sat next to her, petting her cheek as Jenny started to drive them home. Angela asked Kevin, "So what's the verdict?"

"You are going to have a week off," Kevin says softly.

"Suspension again?" Angela whimpers, "It's just a stupid table. Can I just pay for it?"

Kevin pets Angela's head gently, "It's not the table pup that is the issue. And you are not suspended. You are being transferred."

Angela quickly sat up as she went hysterical, "WHAT? Hah, I am going back to the labs? This whole project is a bust? Gonna give up and send me back home to be tested on medicines and shit?"

Jenny says in a commanding tone, "You are not given up on. You are being assigned to another school." She carefully made a turn as she says, "You are not going back to the labs. You are not a failure." She then pull up into their driveway as she says, "You will start your new school this coming Monday. Till then we'll be getting your books, seeing what you need to catch up on. And as part of a stipulation, you'll be having an after school activity."

Angela grumbles, "After School activity? What? Gonna make me dance around in a mascot costume for the school games?"

Kevin sighs, then pets her head, "Don't shoot the messengers."

The wolverine wondered what he meant. She then looked shocked, "No way!"

"School mascot is the Wolverines," Jenny said matter of factly.

The wolverine folds her arms, looking very miffed, but said nothing as Kevin says, "Sorry, they were the only school who showed interest in taking you in if you would agree to show up to games."

"And you two agreed on my behalf?" Angela angrily asked them. Before they could say anything, she angrily opened the van door and stormed out of the van, "FINE! I'll be their mascot." She then starts to laugh, "I'll give them something to cheer for." She then go into the house and slam the door behind her. The two adults sigh as they were lost on how to fix this dilemma.

Despite the adults best efforts, they could not get the teenage wolverine to come out of her room. They can hear her talking to her computer as she resorted to seek comfort from her online friends.

"Fuck, I should have never called her a slut," Jenny lamented as she plopped onto the couch, looking exhausted.

Kevin got undress as he prepared himself for sleeping on the couch, "Hindsight is always 20/20."

The woman watched the albino rat undress as she mumbles, "Yeah, thank you Captain Obvious."

Kevin picked up his clothing, then did a salute smirking, "You are welcome, my fair maiden." Jenny smirked as she eyes his crotch, which made him blush as he sat down on the couch next to her. He folds his clothes as he says, "I know you are worried about her. And how she was going about finding love was frightful. could we have sugar coated it?"

"Not calling her a slut is one way," Jenny said seriously, "I could have told her to not be so brash or so forward."

"You have," Kevin said seriously in return, "I have." He then sighs, slumping in his seat as he says, "I don't want us to argue and debate about this. We just need to figure out how to repair the damage that is there." He then says in a defeated voice, "I feel we failed her."

Jenny sighs as she slumped in her seat too, "Same here."

They sat there in silence for awhile, just looking up at the ceiling as time ticked by. Eventually they hear the wolverine come down the stairs to the living room. She sniff the air, realising they both were in there. She whimpers as she went up to them and hugged them both in her arms, "I am sorry for everything."

The two of them hug the wolverine as Jenny says, "I am so sorry for everything too."

Kevin sighs, then ruffles Angela's head, "Same here pup. Are you ready to join us for dinner? Or do you still need time to sort this out?"

Angela sighs, then gives them both licks on their cheeks. She then snarls, "I am mad you two made me agree to be a mascot." She then left them, saying, "But I am glad to know you two never gave up on me."

Once the wolverine was gone, Jenny sighs, "So I take it no, she's not ready to talk to us."

"Well, she did forgive us," Kevin smiles, "Indirectly."

Jenny sighs as she leans onto Kevin, looking relieved, "I can live with that." Kevin blushes as he was not expecting her to do that. He decided to put an arm around, holding her close to him. They sat like that for a while till the human yawns, "Well, as much as I would like to hang out, I had a long day."

Kevin nods as he let go of her, "Likewise. I'll see you in the morning?"

"Of course," Jenny smiled. She then got up and head up the stairs to her room. Kevin relaxes as he was a little tense with keeping his shaft from coming out of it's sheath. Once she was gone, it sprang out of hiding as he got himself a blanket and lay down on the couch. He then stretches, falling asleep.

Week later, Angela got dropped off at her new school. The drive was much longer since it was on the other side of town. She quickly was whisked away by a couple staff members, giving her a tour of the school. She felt the familiar stares and unease she felt from her last school. Yet despite the situation, the fact she is starting over is finally sinking in her head. And that knowledge was starting to put a smile on her face.

"What you think of the place so far?" a staff member asked her.

"You guys are giving me a personal tour," Angela growled softly, "Already impressive since the last place didn't bother."

"We heard you were not treated well there," one staff member said.

Angela just shrugs, saying, "I am out of the norm, and half of the issues was on me. But..." She then asked, "Why you want me here?"

One smiled as he responded, "Why, you are unique. First Wolverine morph to be welcomed in society." Angela scoffed at it as the staff continued, "You are honor roll material. Staff over there speak highly of you."

"Yet here I am, coming here instead of there," Angela grumbles, "You just want a living mascot."

"Now, now," the staffer responded, "We actually wanted to get you involved in an after school activity in hopes to help you get out in the public more. We figured that was the least troublesome due to your handicap."

"So having me blindly hobble around in a costume is better than being in a game?" Angela asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes," the man responded seriously, "And you won't need to wear a costume. Just get into a uniform and show some school spirit."

"Nothing fits me," Angela grumbles.

"We are willing to get you tailor fit," one staff member said.

The wolverine stopped and gave them a serious look. She removed her goggles so they can see her eyes as she says firmly, "If you want my cooperation into your fantasy for a living mascot. Then I want you to not only get me custom uniforms, but I want you to get me some custom clothes. I am tired of wearing this mess for clothing. I want something nice, fashionable, yet still have the required mess I need to have on me to keep me from being shot."

The woman was about to protest till the man piped in, "We'll consider it if you are willing to not only wear what we give you during the games, but will take up some cheerleading."

"Oh for fuck sake," Angela started to laugh, "Sure, why not? A skimpy clad wolverine monster blindly prancing about during a half time? Yeah, sign me up." She then sighs, "Give me the clothing, I'll give you my word."

"Sure, if that's all you want," the woman responded.

"I don't ask for much," Angela started to smile, "Well other than don't shoot me." She then asked, " they make good burritos here?"