Hot & Hungry

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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This fun story is a sequel to Weekend Of Fun. And continues the adventures of Nikoli the snow leopard and his roommate turned magic reusable condom, Frysco.

Frysco, Nikoli, and Mack are (c) to Frysco (over on FA)

The story is (c) to me,

Hot & Hungry

Written by: Zylen Andel

Commissioned by: Frysco

The weekend had certainly been one of fun and merriment with some of the hottest sex that Nikoli can remember having. Telsa, the chimera was an incredible lover. And while Nikoli was sad to see him go, he was already looking forward to the next steamy weekend of fun he and the sexy chimera would share. So, caught up in those fantasies was Nikoli that he forgot to ask the chimera to change him back into his normal male body, so he remained a cuntboy. A sudden rumbling sound poked at the snow leopards foggy mind, bringing him up through the levels of sleep that had claimed him since he passed out while snuggling with Telsa.

Just the thought of that tall sexy chimera was enough to get him hot...and wet. Another rumbling pulled him further from his slumber and that's when he felt the warm flash of pleasure rush through his body. It wasn't just the thought of Telsa that was making him feel hot...his body was hot with real arousal. Nikoli shot up from the bed and bit his lip to silence a particularly loud moan that was caught in his throat. The rumbling grabbed his ears again and he turned his head to see his phone vibrating on a nearby table. He reached a quick hand out to grab it before it rumbled off the table and opened it.

"Hey Nikki, it's Telsa." Hearing the voice again made Nikoli smile, even if it was only a voice mail message, and hearing the nickname that he had been called made him shiver as well. "I guess we both forgot that I should've changed you back huh? Don't worry, the good news is I can change you back. The bad news is, I'm not sure when I'll be back around those parts. So, until I can get to you and change you back, you'll have to get used to it."

So, Nikoli would stay a cuntboy until Telsa could change him back. There could be worse things to be, Nikoli smiled at the thought of staying this way for a while.

"But keep in mind, Nikki, you have the right plumbing to get pregnant. And my magic is very potent. So if you have sex without protection, you WILL get pregnant. So, you be sure to keep that magic condom I left you. Take it everywhere you go. Until next time, Nikoli."

Hearing the message was almost lost on the quivering snow leopard as his arousal continued to spike. He needed to relieve himself, so he laid back down and moaned as he sank two fingers into his wet cunt. He could handle this. It couldn't possibly get any worse than it was right now, after all.

It did get worse...well, not worse, just repetitive. Every time he took care of his arousal and climaxed he was okay for an hour or two. Then the heat came back and he couldn't think about anything else but the burning need in his new loins. He had some close calls in his college, but luckily, he had found time and privacy to take care of his flared arousal whenever it hit him hard.

However, it wasn't just he that had snuffed his burning fires. A few guys at his college had been lucky enough to take him to bed. That was when Nikoli felt the most satisfied, when someone had fucked his hungry cunt. The magic condom had really gotten a workout over these past few days, with Nikoli being extra careful to keep it handy. Even in his most frazzled and frantic moments of needing relief, he remembered the chimera's words and used that lifesaving magi condom.

So once again, Nikoli found himself on his back on his bed with three fingers buried in his cunt. The snow leopard was moaning hotly and desperately trying to satisfy his urges again. Each touch of his fingers sent rivers of scorching fire through his body, making him twitch and flex as moans erupt past his quivering lips. The pleasure felt amazing, but the heat was what bothered him...the desperate searing molten need in his crotch. It was all encompassing and distracted him from everything that wasn't gratifying his body.

It had already been a few minutes of hard fingering and he was close...and then in one final deep push he found his trigger. He ripped his fingers out his soaked cunt, his pussy lips rippling slowly as he squirted hard onto his bedsheets and collapsed. He didn't care that he was covered with and lying in his vaginal juices, all that mattered was blissful afterglow that wrapped him up like a warm blanket.

Nikoli fell asleep soon after that leaving the room quiet but not alone. There was another consciousness in the room. Laying lazily on the nearby dresser was the multicolored rainbow magic condom that Frysco had been turned into by the same chimera that left Nikoli with a needy hungry cunt. In this state, his perceptions of the world around him were exceptionally limited. He was only able to hear people that were in the same room, but it extended beyond that and limited his memory of them too. He had heard all the words that Telsa had told Nikoli about what he had been turned into, but as soon as the chimera left he began to forget things that had been said. He couldn't remember anything except what he was now...and he had a desire to be used. It had been so long since he had tasted the disgusting succulence of another man's semen.

As Nikoli slept, Frysco found himself jealous of the ability to rest and not think about anything. When he had become the magic condom, he hadn't known that he wouldn't be able to sleep. So, what was intact of his mind was stuck on things that existed on the most basic level. He was a condom and so he desired to be used and filled with a throbbing member surrounded by a warm darkness and ultimately filled with the salty ejaculation of any partner Nikoli chooses.

Every time Nikoli satisfied himself with a partner, and they climaxed into him, Frysco was inundated in the wanted tastiness of cum. The taste was so strong and intense and never seemed to dull. Every climax tasted different and the same, strong, musky, and salty. Frysco was horrified to discover that he couldn't 'get used to' the taste and as prepared as was before every climax it always surprised him when a guy filled him with cum. He didn't want to like it but since he was a reusable condom now he would absorb the semen anyway.

It disgusted him to think about being used like this, but another instant made him want to be inside Nikoli's cunt again, feeling a throbbing hard cock pounding him into his friend's warm pussy. This was what he was now and every time it happened he was fulfilling his purpose.

The next few days were spent in a blurred sexual haze for Nikoli as he threw himself into satisfying his lusts with anyone who would have him. He enjoyed sex in general, but this new cunt made every aspect so much more fun and intense for him. And each encounter was so fulfilling...some lucky guys even getting to come back multiple times. The reusable condom served its purpose of protecting him from getting pregnant and Nikoli was nothing if not persistent and insistent that any guy sleeping with him uses it.

After a particularly hot night of sex with a sexy lion football player from his college, Nikoli had fallen asleep. His body tired but still buzzing with energy and sexual need. His dreams were even of an erotic nature and often involved the super sexy chimera that had left him in this condition. It would be easy to be upset with him for leaving him in this state, but the truth was Nikoli had grown to like having a cunt and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to trade back or not. At least that was a thought he'd have to have when there was an option to change back.

The sunlight poked into the room and touched the snow leopard's still closed eyes lids, rudely touching his eyes until the feline could no longer stay asleep. He awoke slowly and made sure to sit up before opening his eyes to avoid the bring sunlight from stabbing his eyes. He stretched his body and stood, up stretching some more, his lithe body waking up quickly.

"Well, this morning isn't so bad."

Nikoli started walking towards the shower to start his day off with a clean body, but he stopped when he heard a knock on the front door. Quickly he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and threw them on, making his way to the door, "I'm coming!"

Nikoli reached for the doorknob thinking that Telsa had decided to drop by again, but he was disappointed by the sight of a female horse. "Um...hi. Is Frysco here? It's Thursday and he hasn't been at work all week."

FRYSCO! Nikoli thought as he glanced back to his bedroom, suddenly remembering that former griffin had been turned into his magic rainbow colored condom. How had he forgotten that in the first place? "Um, I'm not entirely sure where Frysco is, but he just called a few hours ago and sounded like he was alright. He's probably just blowing off some steam."

"Oh okay." The horse looked around the room and it was obvious that this snow leopard doesn't do a lot of cleaning by the clothes strewn everywhere she could see in the living room beyond the feline. "Well he needs to come in next time he calls tell him to call Donald, okay?"

"I will." The horse turned to leave and Nikoli took the opportunity to look at her hooves as they clomped on the driveway. A sudden idea invaded his mind and made him feel hot and bothered all over again. He began to pant as he closed the door and ran back into his bedroom to grab his phone. His fingers couldn't move fast enough to dial the number and when it started ringing, Nikoli had to stifle a moan. "Hey Mack, can you come by tomorrow? Any time's good." "Alright see you tomorrow night."

Having to wait through Thursday and most of Friday was torture for Nikoli, but it was almost time for his friend to arrive. In fact, he should be at any moment. Nikoli fidgeted on the couch, trying to distract himself from the burning in his crotch that begged for satisfaction. He rubbed his hand over his covered cunt and tried to soothe what fires he could, but only ignited them with his touch.

"Dammit Mack! Where are you?"


Hearing the knock made Nikoli jump having been lost in his hot thoughts, but when he composed himself he jumped up quickly and rushed the door. Mack was surprised when the door flew open and Nikoli rushed him inside.

"Whoa, man, where's the fire?"

Nikoli wanted to tell him, to explain the situation, but he had no idea where to start. He took a deep breath and pulled his sweat pants down, exposing his engorged, aroused, and dripping cunt to his friend. "Right here."

Mack, a lynx, stood a little taller than Nikoli with slightly more defined muscles but seeing his male friend now sporting a cunt surprised him greatly. "That is surprising. It's also a good look for you. So, what did you have in mind for my visit?"

"A girl from Frysco's job came by yesterday...a horse. And her hooves...they made me think of you and they kind of fun you have with others." Nikoli seemed embarrassed but had to get out every word so he could try to get some relief.

"Oh? Oh!" Mack grinned a wide grin that also looked so good on feline faces. "Sure, I can do that! But I didn't bring any of my gear with me. Do you have anything made from latex? I can alter I think."

Nikoli kicked his sweatpants off and ran back to his room, coming back with the magic condom, "Here. Will this work?"

Mack looked at the condom and waved his hands, his clothes disappearing and leaving him just as naked as the snow leopard. "Oh yeah, this'll work."

The warm touch of his magic had stoked his arousal sharply and Mack easily slid the condom over his own cock and grabbed Nikoli to pull him close. The heat of that juicy cunt was intense already, but Mack wanted more and pushed his cock through the puffy wet lips. His thrusts were careful at first, testing the waters of this new cunt his male friend possessed. But it was clear by frustrated moans coming from the snow leopard that he could go harder. Mack pulled out of Nikoli, forcing him down to his hands and knees and slammed his cock back into his cunt, fucking him hard and fast.

For Nikoli, this was all the intense pleasure he wanted and needed and so was lost instantly in the scorching hot carnalities. Mack was lost too, feeling not only the heat and slick juices surrounding him but also the tight needy clenches squeezing and milking his cock with every thrust. Time passed by quickly, pulling and pushing both men to their mutual climaxes. However, Mack grinned again, a mischievous grin that only cats could pull off. The pressure built up slowly towards the peak of their arousal and Nikoli was finally going to get the relief he needed after almost two days of waiting.

However, just before Mack climaxed he pulled out, but the condom stayed inside of Nikoli. A new warmth filled the snow leopard as the condom gre...or rather stretched...out of his cunt and moved over his body quickly covering it in the rainbow latex the condom had been made from. His feet and hand became latex hooves that cradled his extremities on the inside. The moving latex also covered Nikoli's head, forcing itself into his mouth and prying it open into a nice 'O' shape.

Mack walked around the new latex horse, forcing his cock into open muzzle and letting his cum fill his friend's mouth. "Ooooooh...that was hot! I'm so glad you called me! I know I'm no stallion...but don't worry...even the largest one will fit in all of your tight holes. I made sure of that."

Nikoli was in a state of frenzy now. He hadn't gotten to his orgasm before the latex covered his body and now the latex that was in his cunt was stimulating his vaginal walls with tiny vibrations. Thankfully the condom was still intact so he wouldn't have to worry about getting knocked up, but he was desperate for a release that wouldn't come until Mack released him...which was frustrating by exciting as well.

Excitement was not what Frysco was feeling now. It was hard for the former condom to figure out exactly what he was feeling. On the physical side of his limited perceptions he was aware he was now wrapped around Nikoli's body. But strangely he could feel every inch of the snow leopard's body, as if he was touching him all over at the same time.

Mack opened the front door and motioned for Nikoli to leave with him, which the latex horse did gladly if a little awkwardly. Mack gave the latex butt more than a few smacks to encourage him to walk better. He was still walking on two feet, but Nikoli wasn't used to being this tall, or walking on hooves.

To Frysco, the sensation of touching the snow leopard all over was a pleasing experience, but there was something about feeling him moving around inside of him that made it feel even better. Frysco's new larger latex body moved with Nikoli, stretching and cradling his form, but the strongest pleasure came from Frysco felt his head was. Inside the feline's wet cunt Frysco felt his head...which was most the still inflated condom, softly vibrating against the warm and wet walls.

When they were both in his truck, Mack explained, "So, just to let you know, You don't have to worry about getting pregnant, the condom will stretch around any member in your pussy. The condom is also stimulating you and keeping you aroused. And you can't cum either. This is gonna be fun for both of us."

It was almost an hour before the truck stopped in front of a large brick building. Mack opened Nikoli's door and got out him. He walked around and helped the pony out onto his feet, but that's not how horses walk. He created a bridle and put it on Nikoli, forcing him to his hands and knees again. "There you go. Now we can go. Oh! Wait!"

Reaching back into his truck for a moment, Mack pulled out a riding crop and grinned enthusiastically. "Now we can go." Nikoli didn't move as he was still nervous and confused and frustrated, but a swift swat across his bottom with that riding crop cleared his mind quickly. Mack smirked as he watched the latex pony walk, his shapely ass and hips clearly visible even wrapped in tight latex. This was truly going to be a fun evening for him, Nikoli, and everyone at the club tonight.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~