A Tale of Ponies and Wolves Ch.1

Story by Angelonight on SoFurry

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#2 of A Tale of Ponies and Wolves

MLP and all recognizable characters belong to Hasbro

Ch. 1 Leadership Problems

He stood vigilant out side of his Queen's chamber doors. He knew what was going on in there, her moans and the pigs grunts could be heard three large rooms away and through solid mahogany doors. Such was the power of her voice. Or maybe the sensitivity of his ears.

He stood there, as was his pride and more importantly his duty, stone faced, and unmoved. The only proof of his recognition of the carnal act taking place behind him was a slight coloring of his cheeks. It was times like these he wished he liked full face masks lime his brother.

But his pride would not allow him to falter in his sworn duty to the Queen. Even his own personal feelings wouldn't stop him. So there he stood. Sentry Wolf, head of the Queens personal elite guards, and Chief of the "pack" of werewolves that protected Equestria. The silent right hand of the Queen and her personal, well everything. There is nothing he wouldn't do for her, and little he didn't do for her. He was protector, and friend, confidant, and servant. And most important, to him at least, he deeply loved her.

Her long deep moan tells him she has peaked, and that her body is being rocked by her sexual finish. He almost pukes at the thought of that pig putting his filthy seed in her. Or the child they may have. He wished he had worn a lighter Gi.

His ears twitch as they lay flat against the sides of his shaved head. The pig approaches. Sentry takes a step to the side as one of the large golden doors opens and a well groomed Stalion exits. He is pail skinned with a blue head of hair and tail. The expensive outfit hangs on him like a cheap whore, and his visible arrogance let's everyone know exactly what he thinks of himself. He calls hims self Hard Stone, and he is a Duke. His real name is Precious Gems, he is a Duke though.

"Your Queen is ready for you servant. God be a good dog, and clean up my mess."

He starts laughing as he walks away, the arrogant pig. Oh how easy it would be to pull his bow, knock an arrow, and put it through the back of his head. His fist clenches next to the colapssed bow.

With a look the five hand-mares that had been waiting just around the corner rush in to the chambers and start cleaning up. A few go to help the Queen in to her favorite and most comfortable chair. Slowly he walks in, his nose assaulted by the stench of sex. Again he wants to vomit as he clearly smells that the pig passed on the balcony.

He shakes his head, and with a sharp jab of his finger custodians rush in to remove the drapes and clean the filth up. Another few servants rush in and past him to the sitting room, bearing food and drink.

"I am fine, really. No I promise, just let me be. Where is Sentry?"

That is his cue. All the Hand-mares and servants rush out. All but one. The one holding the basin of hot water. Sentry walks in with his head hung and his eyes looking down. She liked to tease him. He never knew if she was clothed, or had her legs crossed. Seeing how raunchy the smell was from her favorite pile of lounging pillows. He was going to guess that she was nude, leaning back, legs spread enough to air the royal vagina, and her gloriously huge royal breasts would be exposed as well. Were she not 8 and half feet tall, but wolf size, she would have a voluptuous figure. Gorgeous wide hips, a firm round butt, almost E sized breasts. But she was a Pony, she was the Pony, and she was 8 and a half feet tall. So everything was tripled. Out of respect he had never asked her Pony measurements. Sentry drops to a knee at her feet. Her perfect, delicate, feminine feet. Eyes still dropped.

He pulls his long sleeves up and secures them in place before reaching into the basin and taking the cloth that is in it. Slowly and methodically he cleans her feet before moving up her firm shapely calves. He hardly even swallows as he transitions to her thighs. Washing away dirt, make up, and glitter. It is only she she stands so that he can clean her upper thigh that his breath catches. She is truly blessed, and to him her body is not only sacred but perfect.

His hand shakes as he starts to was the Celestial sun burst that is her cutey mark. And that is where he finds the pigs first desecration. A large gob of his foul seed. She slowly turns exposing her gorgeous butt, but instead of tanned skin, glitter and bronzer he sees more foul. Anger fills him as he quickly cleans his Queen's back side and back.

With a whoosh her huge white wings reappear and stretch to their full majesty. Tucking them in she turns and sits again. Again leaning back with her crotch thrust forward and exposed. She loved to tease Sentry. To everyone else he was cold, calculating and emotionless. To her, she read him lime a book and knew he was embarrassed at the sight.

"That needs cleaning to Sentry" in her sweetest voice.

He hesitates, but eventually reaches forward and cleans her most sacred of parts. She couldn't wait for him to get to her tits. But she would have to wait, Sentry was a creature of habit. He would clean her stomach and arms first. Than have to be ordered to clean her tits. Sure she could take a bath, and would latter, but she loved the feel of his hands on her body. They weren't soft, manicured, pampered hands. They were a man's hands. Rough yet gentle, firm yet kind. She wished he would make a move on her, he clearly wanted to. No amount of baggyness in his pants could hide the erection he had.

"You are clean my Queen." Not looking at her.

"Sentry we both know I'm not."

"I was talking about your body, not your thoughts"

"So was I, he seems to have left his mark on my breasts"

That got him to look. There were indeed bruises and bite marks but no cum stains. Though she may have spoke to soon as the wounds made Sentry more mad Than the violation did.

"I don't understand Celestia."

"Oh it's Celestia now, what happened to Queen?" She teases.

"Cut the crap, you know what I mean."

She sobers right up. He hardly ever talks to her lime this, and how dare he do so.

"I will take pleasure from whom ever I desire Sentry Wolf, and my reasons will remain my own."

"You could have any Stalion or Mare in Equestria. And you choose this uncultured swine. This pig who hurts you and marks you as if he already owns you."

"That is enough Sentry."

She stands to make her point, standing two feet taller than him and just as wide.

"Who I fuck and for what reason is none of your concern. You have even shared my bed..."

"I never once did i do any thing to you. I escorted you to your bed and in your drunken state you pulled me in."

Both stop talking. She would never tell him she wasn't that drunk she just wanted to be held by him. And he would never admit he loved every second of holding her and waking spooned next to her.

Pulling up a thin bit of silk around her shoulders that hid nothing she stormed into the bathroom. Swearing under his breath Sentry left. Not just her chambers, but the castle. He needed to find his "pack"

Stepping from the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, Night Vigil admires the mare still asleep under the covers of his bed. He walks up to her instantly hard for her, but instead leans over and brushes some of her white hair out of her face before kissing her cheek. Her name is Night Glider, and she was one of the newest recruits in to the elite flying unit known as the Wonder Bolts. Queen Celestia's flying soldiers.

She has been under a lot of stress. Spitfire has had her working the night rotation because the visiting Duke' s men were just as rowdy and pigs like the Duke himself was. Her real stress came from something much more personal. He was tasked with being the Princess Luna's escort and guard. As a trained assassin he was good at his job. However, he recently allowed her to seduce him and now he is her consort as well. Night Glider wasn't happy, but she still stood by him. She loved him, and be loved her.

Finally dressed, his uniform and swords packed in an over night duffel, he steps out on to his balcony. His nose told him as soon as he stepped from the bathroom that he had a guess, and he wasn't surprised to find Spitfire perched on the railing looking at the sliding door.

"Are you done with my little pony yet?" Spitfire hardly ever wasted time on pleasantries. And that was the Ponykine way of referring to ponies under six feet tall. Ponies like Night Glider, or their land Pony who owned the building.

"Are you wearing anything under your leathers?" He shoots back. It is strongly rumored she doesn't.

"I am not going to dignify that with a response" Her mask hid most of her facial expressions, he could tell she was annoyed. To bad, he didn't respond to her.

"She is still asleep, and has hours yet before her shift. Let her be." Picking up his own mask off the deck table.

"Off to fuck the Princess again?"

"That is none of your concern. Leave my mate alone Spitfire, she needs her sleep."

And with that he dives off the balcony. Being the chiefs brother and all they shared the condo on the top floor, the pent house. So it was a long ways down. Grabbing a railing here, kicking off of a balcony there he eventually comes to a soft and silent landing a few feet from the rear entrance to The Brew Dragon. The land Pony owned the ale house that made up the lower floor of the building as well as the open air courtyard that was attached. The place was almost exclusively the "Packs" establishment, as it was also one of the only places that served meat. Heart Drop was her name, and she loved the members of the "Pack" and was what ever she needed to be for them. Mother, nurse, cook, maid she did it all. She even pleasured them, that was more due to the fact she is a nymphomaniac, and loves most forms of sex. Oh and it is rumored she has connections to the Cold North Mob.

Ponies age differently, Heart looks and acts like she is in her late 20's. Truth be told she was closer to 50. Her Son, a silent mountain of a stallion, Iron Curtain kept the place going at night, along with his wife Mortisha. A brew master and all around chemist. They both got lost in the Goth movement of the frozen north.

Approaching the back door of the kitchen he could plainly hear the tell tale sounds of Heart Drop hard at work. Stepping in, sure enough, there she was bent over her prep table, her molted tan and brown tits exposed, her brown curly main pinned up and disheveled, her tail hiked high and her long skirt pushed up over her round ass. The look on her face showed the ecstasy she was in. The impressive part was her horn was a glow and the kitchen was still working while she was servicing the "Pack" member.

"Glimmer, I thought these horses were beneath you."

"They are beneath me. See she is beneath me, and loving it." the Pack member called Glimmer Fang smirked as he digs his fingers in to her round ass.

Heart Drop can only moan and lift her butt higher.

Not wanting to watch the lewd show any more he leaves a small purse of gold coins , tells her it's rent and leaves. When he gets around front to the open air seating he is not surprised at all to see Spirit Talker, the Packs only magic user, there eating and reading some loose leaf document. Sitting near him was Malon. Malon was a large wolf standing almost 7 feet tall. He was broad shouldered and barrel chested. His arms and legs measured like small trees. And though very good looking, he was also rather thick headed. He and his twin brother were of the Malamut tribe. And the last two of their specific tribe.

"Malon you look lost?"

"He is waiting for his food and drink. I have a feeling Glimmer is holding her up." Spirit answers for Malon.

"Pinned down is more like it. Don't worry your food is on its way."

"Heard from Palon, be back soon." Malon with a broad smile.

"Oh how is your father doing? Did his wife bless him with a Son or his 8th daughter?"

"Palon no say, just on way back"


Night Vigil makes his order with one of the waitresses so that he might eat before his shift. He also watches as Heart Drop brings out Malon's food. All her clothes back where it belongs. She makes her rounds taking orders and making food. Soon her Son and Daughter in-law arrive and start.

It isn't long before Night Glider joins the Pack. With a dull thud she lands next to her man, swipes Malon's tankard of beer and straddles his lap. She tilts the tankard back draining it before wrapping her arms around his chest and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Is she asleep again?" Spirit asks looking over his papers.

"Yeah, she is stressed out."

"She took my beer."

"I'll get you another Malon."

"I'll take one if you're offering."

"Get your own Glimmer, or are you Gilgamesh right now?"

"Are his eyes glowing?" Spirit asks not looking from his papers.


"What do you want Gilgamesh?"

"I got sex, and a damn good lay, should have fucked that Pony sooner. I want money, treasure, gems, the works. But right now I need food and drink."

Night looks past the sleeping Pegasus in his lap at the smiling wolf down the table from him.

"Are you not on duty tonight?"

"So? I can work buzzed. What about you young pup. How drunk were you to lay with the Queens youngest sister?"

Night visibly had to calm him self.

"You have a big damn mouth. What I do with Luna is none of your concern."

"Heard our Chief had a big fuck up with the Queen today."

Vigil looks to Spirit.

"I don't know the details Night, I am waiting for him as well. That and I need to talk to him on other matters."

Night shifts the sleeping Pony so she is more comfortable and so he can look at Spirit better.

"Listen pup you are lucky to be alive right now much less still employed and still on Luna's detail. She fancies you. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice."

Before he can respond Sentry Wolf shows up and looks over the table.

"Sentry, we must speak." Spirit Talker pushes back from the table and starts to walk away.

"Hi and bye guys. Vigil keep it in your pants please." And Sentry follows Spirit.