A chance Encounter
**A Chance Encounter** **By: Draven Nightly** Truth be told he wasn't even sure how he got here, where ever here was. He had been sent out on assignment to take photos of "interesting" places once again, and like always when he was told to do that...
Pokemon: Legends Ch.12 The Titans and the Gaurdian Pt.1
**Ch.12 - The Titans and the Guardian pt.1** **Vermilion City, Kanto Region** Devin watched as the cruise ship pulled up to the docks. He really was looking forward to seeing Blaze and Amaya. At the same time though he knew both of them would be...
Pokemon:Legends Ch.10 A Heated Home Coming Pt.3 Moving Forward
\*\*\*Special Thanks\*\*\* Once again I would like to give a special thank you to my friends Justmerg and Peace Maker. Both of whome gave me a ton of support and some really groovy ideas. Thanks guys, you don't know how much it means to me **Ch. 10 A...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.18 - Taking Back Time, Giving Back Innocence
**Ch 18. Taking back Time, Giving Back Innocence** _Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of_ _Square-Enix__and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends._ **Alexandria castle,...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch. 16 Path of Sin: John Onikage
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends **Ch.16 Path of Sin: John Onikage** **SIN-SCAPE** Xavier charged at...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.20 - Dark Invitation, Taking Flight a Fighters Dream
**Ch. 20 - Dark Invitation, Taking Flight a Fighters Dream** _Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy Characters and locations are the exclusive property of_ _Square-Enix__. Everything else is me and my friends._ **Wyvern Cliffs, Centra** It was raining,...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.19 - Dark Invitation, Recovery
**Ch.19 Dark Invitation, Recovery** _Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy Characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square-Enix. Everything else is me and my friends._ _ **\*\*\*WARNING\*\*\* This chapter contains two scenes of implied sex...
Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.17 - Getting Even, Settling Scores
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends **Ch.17 Getting Even, Settling Scores** He became aware of a steady dripping. One drip...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.15 - Path of Sin: Sin-Ikage
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends **CH.** **15 PATH OF SIN: SIN-IKAGE** "Raine" tore through Spiras skies like...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.14 - The Path of Sin: Bahamut
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH 14 THE PATH OF SIN: BAHAMUT** It had been a great idea. Skip Macalania...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.13 - The Path of Sin: Ifrit And Ixion
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **Ch. 13 The Path of Sin: Ifrit and Ixion** "It has to be done this way or we...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.12 The Path of Sin: Valefor
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH.**** 12 THE PATH OF SIN: VALEFOR** Six months. A lot can happen in that...