With Tooth and Paw Chapter 9

Story by Vedrit on SoFurry

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#9 of Fates of War

Again, you know the drill. Dont steal, adult content, etc etc.

Chapter 9: Planting the ruse

As Vedrit was still weak from the poison, Ryin didn't do anything more than hug him and feeding him the food she brought in.

Vedrit could tell, though, that Ryin had questions she was burning to ask, and was sure many would be similar to ones Artia had asked.

After the plate of bread and bowl of spiced meat soup were emptied and Ryin remained, obviously torn between asking and leaving, Vedrit sighed. Regardless of how he felt towards Ryin, he didn't like the silence that was forming.

"I know you have questions for me." He said

"Why are you really here? Are you who you say you are? Is it all a lie?" the questions poured out of her as soon as Vedrit finished talking.

Her questions were difficult, but the last was the most difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Vedrit tried to sort out what was safe to tell without knowing the councils decision.

"I can't say why I'm here." he began; no, I'm not who I say I am, but the difference isn't much;" the first two were easy enough, though they didn't really answer the questions. The last one needed more thought, and he said as much.

"But if who I thought you were is a lie, how can anything else be anything but?" Ryin asked, sounding as if she were to cry, which would be the first time Vedrit had ever seen her cry in sadness.

"Because not everything was a lie. I have lost someone dear to me before I came here. She had my heart completely. Fate wouldn't allow it though, and she died. I haven't seen my home town since joining the Narian Army unless we were passing through. And the Raven States are, in some form or another, the cause of my misfortunes.

I'm truly grateful of your and your brothers hospitality and all you have taught me about your culture."

He sighed, giving both of them a moment to think before he continued, "But no. My birth-name is Vedrit. I am no merchant, but I cannot tell you what I do for a living. I think it is safe for me to say, however, that Narior needs the aid of the draconians to end this war."

Ryin stared into her lap, toying with the necklace, soaking in all she learned.

Vedrit reached over to the table for the mate-band, "Forgive me or not, its your choice. I can only hope you do." and set the band in her lap.

However, Vedrit couldn't go anywhere as he was sure his legs couldn't support him, so he would just have to lay down facing the wall.

Silence grew longer, and Vedrit was beginning to wonder if Ryin was in a coma of her own when she asked, quietly, "If I forgive you, would you honor our bond?"

Vedrit sat up and put an arm around her waist, "That is something that I share with Kilor." he answered and put on the band. When he looked up, Ryin was still looking away, but a tear glistened on her scaly nose.

Gently wiping it away, Vedrit tried to comfort her, but couldn't think of anything to say, which was fine for him. Instead, he placed a kiss where the tear had been.

The kiss brought Ryin to attention. Sniffling, she looked at him with the beginnings of a smile, and wrapped a wing and an arm around him, pulling him close in silent affection and kissed him.

With a twinkle in her eye, her smile turned sly, and she whispered "Want to know a secret?" when Vedrit raised an eye brow, she said "there's more than one way to mate.", rubbing Vedrits cat-hood

"But I'm still recovering." Vedrit said, despite his rapidly hardening shaft

"Do you know what Terrs-bane can be used for when mixed carefully with certain ingredients?" she whispered and licked his ear, causing to twitch, "An aphrodisiac." and gripped him throug his pants.

Pleasure, intense pleasure, rolled through him. He gasped, closing his eyes and rolling his ears back, tail twitching.

"Turning it from a poison to pleasure inside someone makes for incredibly powerful lust." she said seductively, "Pleasure to die for and from." and gently pushed Vedrit down to the bed, every touch triggering a moan.

Mind fuzzy, Vedrit managed to ask "What was the trigger?"

"The scent of my heat." she answered, removing his pants with one claw, stroking him with the other

"Why?" he moaned

"Its a form of antidote," she said, kissing his neck every couple of words, "And because I want you. I want you every night. All of you, heart, soul, and seed." she added, her kisses bringing her head towards his throbbing phallus, taking him into her maw once she finished.

Growling and mewling, Vedrit could hardly think. Her mouth was so warm and wet, her tongue, which was rubbing him against the roof of her mouth, was strong and agile, not to mention long.

Sucking him in, he could feel his tip touch, press, then slide down the back of her throat. A skimming thought of her having a longer mouth than that was quickly lost in the fog of blissful pleasure as she took all of his member, including balls, into her hot, wet mouth, greeted by her welcoming tongue.

Vedrit didn't last very long against the sheer amount of input his mind was receiving, and he blasted down her throat without a moment to restrain it.

"Oh gods." he panted, paws kneading the bed.

Ryin, who had lustfully swallowed all he gave, still had him, still hard, in her mouth.

'We have just begun.' she thought, giving him a moment before beginning to bob her head up and down, his sack popping out of her mouth, only to be braught in as she lowered her head.

Vedrit, still recovering, began to writhe, his shaft still sensitive. He could hardly believe how good it felt, especially in comparison to having sex with Ryin.

"Ryin..." he panted, "its too good." as he kneaded the bed more, eyes closed and tail limp and neglected.

With his vigor gone from the first orgasm, Vedrit was quickly squirting again, his sticky cum hungryly swallowed.

"No more." Vedrit said, Ryin cleaning him off as she lifted her head,

"Had enough?" she asked in mock dissapointment,

"It was too good. You...your throat...your tongue. Aahhh..." he moaned, still caught in the after-glow.

"And what about me?" Ryin asked slyly, climbing ontop of Vedrit, the musk of her heat washing over him like waves, leaving want and lust in their wake. He didn't have to look down to know he was erect and hard, ready to dive into Ryins surely wet, hot and wanting pussy. Ryin wasted no time, her sex dripping, sitting down to impale herself completely, eliciting a moan from both.

Vedrit could tell she was hungry for him, her walls gripping him tighter than anything he had ever felt, on his dick, ofcourse. And she was definatly in heat, she burned like the fire in her belly.

"Here we go." Ryin said, already breathing fast, lifting her hips before slamming them down with a wet slap, her breasts jiggling unrestrained.

Vedrit moaned, her rippling muscles working magic on his sensitive shaft.

Ryin, picking up the pace, hungryly growled, intensely satisfied at having Vedrit in her. She was so horny from her heat and giving Vedrit a blowjob, she could have orgasmed as soon as his tip sped past her lips. But she wanted him to douse the fire in her womb. Luckily, she knew Vedrit was going to let loose soon, she could tell by how he was moaning, how he throbbed inside her, how his tail, finding life again, twitched on the bed.

Vedrit was keenly aware of how close he was, and his control was no where to be found. With a low growl-mewl, he came, for the third time in one laying, to Ryins talent.

Exhausted and very satisfied, Ryin unleashed her orgasm, ruining the sheets with her necter before laying down next to Vedrit, softly gliding her claws along the scales of her belly.

"I can feel it," she cooed, "I can feel the fires cooling, the life being made."

Vedrit, who was half delerious, only half heard her, hearing how satisfied she was, simply smiled as he slipped into an exhausted sleep