The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 25 - Meanwhile, Back Home

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#25 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 25 - Meanwhile, Back Home

by Mirri

The Lion King had been gone for a few days already and it was surprising how well Kovu had adapted to the role. A little too well, perhaps.

Vitani stood on the promontory of Pride Rock, gazing out into the horizon. The stars had gathered and wherever the grey clouds did not suppress their glory, they sparkled energetically as if to outshine each other. The lioness took a deep breath of the fresh air before she turned and headed into the cave where everyone was gathering. Or had gathered, rather. She was one of the last to enter.

The whole place was full already; lionesses were piled up on one another here and there, keeping each other warm through the night and most were already asleep. Glancing over the assembled mob she saw Kovu in the middle with a crowd of lionesses around him and immediately she felt the sting of jealousy in her heart. Vitani felt left out.

She had not even been able to speak with her brother since Simba and Kiara had left; they had not had a single quiet moment. The lioness did not have the energy to fight her way through the host of females that were swarming around him non-stop. A lot of the ones lower in the pecking order were taking a shot at the interim Lion King too.

Simba would only rarely have time to do any.. 'recreational activities' with most of them. You had to promote yourself a lot to get the males to notice you in this pride. Vitani was fortunate in that respect, having unofficially inherited the title of Princess from the previous Outlander pride after they had merged into one. That probably did not help her jealousy either, since she was used to being able to get the attention she wanted.

If this was a taste of what it was going to be like one day when Kovu assumed the throne, something would have to be done...

But for tonight, Vitani was just tired from hunting practice. The two prides still had a lot of work to do on their communication skills, or lack thereof, if they were ever going to collaborate on bringing down enough kills to feed everyone. The two prides had been surprised to find out just how different their hunting styles were and the implied signals they used to coordinate. It was like learning the trade all over again and it was just as exhausting as the first time.

However, as for many things in the Pridelands at the moment, the future looked bright. They were at least progressing in the whole hunting endeavor. She could feel it in her bones. And her back, neck, paws, belly, shoulders, hindquarters, even her tailtip ached from all the exercise today so it was no surprise that she grumbled all the way into the cave while trying not to step on everyone.

Further in, with her back up against one of the stone walls, Sarafina spotted the grumpy lioness aimlessly padding around to try and find a place she could fit. The older lioness smiled and stretched her paws out in invitation once Vitani looked in her direction. The adolescent lioness took one last look at the purring pile of furs in the middle of the room and then moved over to tiredly flomp down on her side next to Sarafina, looking away from her.

The gracious host smiled and wrapped her paws around Vitani, pulling the dark-orange lioness back up against her warm belly and actually making her feel nice enough to forget the aches for a few moments. The older lioness purred soothingly to the younger one and groomed the back of her ears and neck while she settled in.

"Can't get a spot either, huh?" She asked, having seen the other one circle the more popular heap with a yearning expression.

Vitani just murmured something back that was not really meant to be coherent.

"Yeah, there's a bit of a power-struggle going on, what with Simba gone and all. Every lioness thinks she can get lucky now. It doesn't look like Kovu has paid much attention to our order here, because he lets all the low-ranking lionesses squeeze first in line."

The other did not say anything she just sighed and curled up a little. "I guess I've had my chance, huh, Sarafina?"

"Call me Saffy." The lioness purred reassuring, "And don't worry. Simba will be back in a few days and all will return to normal. You'll get to play with the males again."

Vitani smirked lightly at that, still somewhat skeptic, but at least she was beginning to lighten up a little. She had really just needed someone to talk to. "And until then?"

"Don't worry." Sarafina whispered in her ear and gently stroked her paw down the young lioness' belly, "We lionesses take care of each other."

Vitani had perhaps been a bit too hasty to dismiss some of the potential friendships around here. Maybe it was time to disband her little gang of ex-Outlanders that she kept dragging back to the elephant graveyard now and then to hang out with, and just accept the fact that they were all one big pride now.

"Yeah, I heard about that." She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, already feeling more relaxed by the time she had cleansed out her lungs again and emptied them entirely.

Sarafina smiled softly and kept grooming down the neck presented to her while her forepaw gently brushed the lioness' belly in circles. Her claws came out just a little bit to create a combing effect and make funny little swirly patterns in Vitani's fur.

"Mmmm.. that feels nice." She smiled in appreciation.

The paw reacted well to the compliment and the toes spread out for a maximum surface area, scritching her tummy with tranquilizing whisks of the pawpads.

"Down a bit." The liongirl purred quietly.

Her relaxation faded somewhat and she strained a little in anticipation as the soft paw glided down her lower bellyfur and disappeared between her hindlegs to gently cup her sex, one of the toes touching the underside of her tail as they closed up slightly. The paw continuously stroked over the lioness' fuzzy and short downy fur, waiting patiently for the warmth to turn into moisture. Vitani shifted around a little in the gentle embrace and settled herself into a comfortable position.

When the paw had reached its preliminary goal of persuading the female to dampen her fur there, a single pawtoe slipped past her closed folds, parting them to the side so it could push into the female's tight little hole beneath, making her jaw drop with a subdued moan.

"How do you like it, Tani? Fast, or deep?" The lioness behind her whispered as silent as the trees in the evening.

"Deep, for now." She exhaled slowly, wondering if she had even said anything at all. They were both trying to be very quiet so as not to disturb any of their many sleeping pridesisters around them. The single pawtoe slipped out of her clenching hole with a wet little noise that was barely audible, paused between her spread netherlips briefly and then started to push inside her all over again, never stopping until the other toes prevented it from going any deeper. Sarafina wiggled the toe lightly, making the young lioness catch her breath, before she repeated the motion all over again.

The steadily rising heartbeat of Vitani was evident against the other feline's chest and she took her sweet time letting the embraced female build up her arousal.

A small nip to Vitani's ear caught her attention to the whisper that followed, "Looks like the little lioness enjoys being pawed.."

The adolescent feline squeezed the toe harder at hearing that. "Ohhh yeah.. you're pretty good at this."

Sarafina was about to speak again, but they were both interrupted by a sudden sound. It was not loud enough to wake anyone up, but since they had their senses on high alerts, they both snapped up to look.

Their attention was drawn towards the center of the cave. Most of the lionesses in the initial pile had dispersed and scattered around in a circle instead, leaving just two lions in the middle.

"Oh. Looks like my daughter won again." Sarafina remarked and looked over at Nala who was lying spooned by Kovu, both with their backs turned. Nala's top hindleg was lifted up almost exaggeratedly high and Kovu's brown-furred rump was sliding back and forth on the floor while he hugged her tightly to him. Clearly they were having a quick little nighttime mating session.

The pair's rapid panting and little mewls were easy to pick up with the sharp ears of the two other felines, but they doubted it would wake anyone else up. Vitani could not help but stare at her brother's balls as they dangled between his hindlegs, making excited little jumps each time he pushed himself into the tight sex of the Queen. He bucked faster and looked like he was biting onto her neck.

Sarafina watched as well, licking her muzzle at the sight of her daughter getting naughty with the young Prince in the middle of the night, obviously thinking that everyone else were asleep. Her own pawtoe moved a little faster to try and match their speed.

Vitani tensed up a little and felt the anger and disappointment wash over her again at seeing her brother having so much fun without her, but the wonderful paw working in and out of her own pussy was getting increasingly harder to block out.

"Nnnh... where's a male when you need 'im?" Vitani panted softly and stared at the long shaft going in and out of Nala.

Sarafina seemed to pick up on what she was thinking of immediately, "We lionesses keep a pile of big, smooth bones in a bush behind the Rock. For those occasions when there aren't any lions available."

Vitani blinked and had a thought - well half of one; it was cut short and disappeared forever when her urges would not be denied anymore and swept her mind blank before forcing her to concentrate fully on the lustful hunger that had spread throughout her soul by now. "Mrrrr.. that's a great idea. Why hasn't anyone told me about this?"

Sarafina shrugged lightly and smiled with some satisfaction as she could see Vitani finally gave in and let the excitement consume her, "You're Kovu's sister. We figured you were getting all the fun you could handle."

"Heh... haaaardly." She leered. Her eyes were drawn towards the mating couple in front of them, both panting and bucking against each other in an attempt to both release their passion and keep very quiet at the same time. It would have been comical to watch had Vitani not been struggling to do the same at the moment.

"Later, do you think I'd have a chance to get licked too?" The young lioness sounded hopeful and had obviously had her curiosity stirred about her skillful companion.

"Mmm.. no problem." Sarafina licked her muzzle with a wide grin, "I've started to develop a taste for Outlander pussy by now."

"Yeaaah, we're delicious."

"We'll go outside where no one can hear us." The older leonine purred quietly.

Vitani could not conceive of anything more arousing than sneaking out at night with a secret lover. Perhaps with the sole exception of watching her young stallion of a brother pound the most beautiful lioness in the land a mere six feet from her nose.

"Lick me.. right here," Vitani panted; the sight had become too unbearable at this point.

"What?" Sarafina blinked in mild shock and pulled her dripping paw away when Vitani turned around in place to face her.

"We can't do that, everyone will hear us." She added in a hushed voice while looking around somewhat nervously at the snoring stacks of lionesses lounging here and there.

"C'mon, live a little. It'll be fun.. and naughty." Vitani winked and enticingly lifted her top hindleg up, showing off the dark spot of wet fur between them. "Everyone's doing it." She was unmistakably referring to the pair of humping leonines behind her.

The older lioness chuckled and involuntarily licked her muzzle at the scent and the sight in particular. It took her only a few seconds of indecision before she scooted her body downwards and with fervid excitement buried her muzzle between the young Outlander's hindlegs.

Vitani tensed up at the delicate brush of whiskers and soft, fuzzy fur against her thighs as the lioness dug deep and slipped her tongue into the steamy folds, repeatedly lapping between them to make the young female shiver with arousal. She could not help but whimper before quickly biting her tongue as she remembered she had to keep quiet. The pleasure was indescribable. The lioness certainly knew what she was doing.

Somehow she managed to push her tonguetip against the tight little hole beneath the young female's folds to gradually loosen her up while at the same time it felt like the tongue was everywhere else at once. The broad, rough texture rubbed and delightfully scratched Vitani just about everywhere remotely sensitive and made her hindlegs kick backwards and her spine twitch in almost violent spasms.

Despite her confident statement before, it was quickly becoming abundantly clear that she was not going to last through this whole thing. After covering her muzzle with her paw turned out not to help too much, she had resorted to biting down on it, just to somehow keep her mind in focus on reality while she was being eaten out expertly by the lioness' sensational tongue.

Almost too lavishly did the Outlander's juices flow, getting Sarafina's muzzle soaked and slippery, but she continued unabated, letting it trickle down her tongue and into her throat like the sweetest nectar. This particular position on her side only made it even more fun since the fluids were prone to fall sideways through her muzzle, seeking the ground instead, so she had to slurp it up a lot faster. She absolutely adored the taste of all the Outlander lionesses - so much spicier than the Pridelanders' - and Vitani was no exception. Sarafina occasionally stopped lapping and just squeezed her tongue into the young liongirl's tight little hole, slipping it back and forth to tonguefuck her and stimulate her into letting go of another fresh outburst from her fruitful loins.

It was so good that Sarafina did not even realize what the rest of her body was doing until she felt her own paw squeeze in between her hindlegs to rub herself. She rolled her eyes back in her head with a moan and pawed herself while feasting on the young lioness' caramelized cunny.

It was too much for Vitani. She whined and gritted her teeth in desperation at trying to fight back the twinges of pleasure that surged through her body continuously, bouncing off every one of her extremities as if it were trapped inside and scurrying back and forth for a way out. Both her paws were firmly planted on Sarafina's head and the claws were digging into her skull, even though Vitani tried to pull them back in they just kept snapping out again.

The final rush came quick and ravaged the poor lioness' body as it ferociously tore through her, causing convulsions of pure sexual ecstasy. The sensation left her completely breathless and fortunately the only sound she could make was a gasping inhalation, which she held throughout the event.

Raptured in a powerful flare of boundless radiance all around her, she felt weightless long enough to see the world move in slow motion around her. The drop that fell from the ceiling of the cave hang suspended in the air as its descent towards the floor was interrupted. It gleamed and glinted in the sparse moonlight from the outside that entered the cave and suddenly the light burst out in color whiter than the Sun itself, bathing the cave in a somatic glow. It was not warm or cold, but it could not have been light either because Vitani could feel its prickling effect all over her body.

By the time the sensation had faded Sarafina was already laying next to her again, grinning impishly across her entire face while she licked her drenched muzzle. "Was it that good?"

Vitani just nodded a few times and dropped her tongue out the side of her muzzle playfully, panting for breath. The commotion in the center of the room between Kovu and Nala was over; they both looked sound asleep again. She had no idea when they had finished.

"Let's go outside. I want to make you come again." Sarafina rubbed muzzles with her, purring until the other female had stopped shaking enough to actually be able to stand on her own paws.

They tip-toed out of the cave, stepping over sleeping lionesses that lay strewn across the stone floor everywhere until they made it to the entrance and descended down the side of Pride Rock towards the trees and waterhole behind it.

Closely following behind, Vitani noticed a dark stripe down the other lioness' hindleg and one mischievous thought later she jumped over and planted a long, wet lick under Sarafina's tail. It made the lioness huff and she stopped dead in her tracks. This time Vitani had anticipated it and did not continue head-first into the other lioness' rear. She just lifted a forepaw to the top of her creamy-yellow rump and started cleaving her rough tongue through Sarafina's wet slit, tasting for herself just how aroused the other female was.

"Mmmm.. I could get used to this taste too." She confessed, making the female giggle and look back at her.

Sarafina's tail gave a playful swat at the younger lioness' face and made her jump backwards with a grin, snapping her teeth at the daring tuft. The pair moved on into the bushes and the leader finally stopped near the edge of the water.

Drawing a long, purrful rub of her entire flank up against Sarafina's, Vitani stepped out in front of her, rolled over on her back and spread her hindlegs out wide to offer herself to her once more. The young, dark-orange lioness' eyes widened when she saw Sarafina reach in underneath a bush with her paw and draw out a long, polished bone she had hidden there. It shone pale in the moonlight and the lioness licked over the narrowest end of it before moving it down between her hindlegs and rubbing her own soft fur with it to get as much of her fluids on it as she could. It was impossible to actually push it inside her in her current squatting position, but that did not seem to be her intention either, her paw merely worked the bone back and forth against her wet place.

The young lioness watched with large, curious eyes that reflected bright green in the dim light when she looked straight at Sarafina who just grinned and slinked over to the liongirl, stopping only when her muzzle hovered an inch over hers.

"Just pretend it's Kovu." She breathed silently in the night air and with her forepaw between the liongirl's hindlegs pushed the end of the bone into Vitani's tight little tailhole, inch by inch sliding inside her. She was prepared for the young female's reaction and barely flinched when Vitani groaned out and hugged her tight with all four legs, claws digging into Sarafina's back harshly.

"Mrrr.. I knew you would enjoy that." Her heart raced at seeing the other female tense up so hard. Eventually she stopped pushing it deeper and kissed Vitani's muzzle with licks here and there.

The poor little female exhaled all the air she had trapped in her lungs during the whole thing, but was quick to return to her usual naughty self. "Ooooooh.... It's not as big as Kovu yet."

Sarafina laughed and curled her paw around the thick bone again, only to slide more of it past the resistant little tailring clenching desperately around the large intruder.

"Mmm. That's better."

She was mounted by Nala's mother, purring through the whole thing, and Sarafina guided one of her paws down between Vitani's own hindlegs.

"Spread yourself open for me. I want to spill it all inside you."

Obediently the girl put a pawtoe on either side of her cleft and opened herself up to Sarafina who squatted down and started rubbing her wet sex between the toes and directly across the other female's snatch.

"Oh yes, Tani.." Sarafina moaned louder and began grinding herself against the other lioness, quickly working her way towards the edge.

Vitani herself started groaning out feverishly, constantly contracting her tailring around the big bone in her rear that really helped her feel good and stuffed. Their muzzles met to mutually muffle their cries of passion in the night.

And so the two grey shapes under the trees kept rubbing their panting bodies against each other, blissfully unaware of Kovu and Nala, who were on their way down the side of Pride Rock at that very moment. They had apparently gotten a similar idea and sneaked out themselves for a quick bout of mating behind Pride Rock as well, away from prying eyes...