Family Love and Moments

Story by Elis_Dragin on SoFurry

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Hehehe be warned little ones, for only 18+ can read these stories so go off and play games or read books or stare at your goldfish, this is not meant for you. An aside note that the word Lheriem now replaces Dracious, so if you have been reading the Omisa's life series, you won't get confused.

It all started with a clear day, the sunlight piecing the cloth curtains of his room, hitting the bottom of his bed. The light slowly crawled up the bed towards the sleeping dragon's face, moving across the room like a spectre of heat and light. It eventually struck his neck, the only thing to be seen under the mass of pillows and sheets. It didn't even make him flinch.

"VENDRIE, TIME TO GET UP!" A booming voice from downstairs told him. Vendrie jumped awake, the pillows and sheets flying across the room as he tumbled off the bed and hit the floor. He groaned to himself, wondering why his sister always shouted like that, and he was having such a good dream as well. He got to his feet and fixed his bed back up, rearranging the puzzle created from his rude awakening.

Vendrie was a young Lheriem, a bipedal dragon with some human qualities but not enough to be anthropomorphic, aged 146. He was mainly a light blue with jade chest and wing membranes, bearing green stripes on his arms and thighs. He has a single horn on his head, which was also adorned with green stripes. The forearms and lower legs also bore large plate scales, inherited from his father, and really sensitive chest scales from his mother. Like all Lheriem of his age, he stood at 6ft 7 and measured 8ft 4 in length from snout to tail. He had blue eyes, an uncommon colour for Lheriem.

He finally rearranged his bed to look like it was before and proceeded to go downstairs. He got to the door when he suddenly had an unusual feeling emanating from his sheath, an arousing feeling. He started to breathe a little deeper now, knowing exactly what was happening, making an attempt to calm himself down. He went over to the bed and sat there, moaning a little as his sheath swelled his member eager to escape. He tried his best to keep the walls of his genital slit closed but knew it was hopeless; instinct would get the better of him. He let out a whimper as his member slipped through and out into the open air, the muscles of his internal orifice preventing it from going any further. He looked down, seeing his dragonhood stand out for all to see, smiling a little at what might happen if his sister caught him.

There was just one thing that made his member different from the others, the length of the finger-like projection at the tip of the penis, known as the maxonia. It was longer than usual, about 6 cm in length, known very well for its extreme sensitivity. A few squeezes of the maxonia would cause the dragon to instantly ejaculate, and in great amount too. But when lubricated in any liquid, it loses its sensitivity and allows things like mating to take time. Having a longer maxonia meant more of it to squeeze, so a better climax is achieved very quickly.

Although he would like to, he was rather hungry and so waited for the excitement in his member to die off. He suddenly heard the door open and, looking up, saw his sister standing in the doorway. She spotted what he was doing, blushing a little.

She went by the name of Shellin, but was called sis by her brother Vendrie, being just a few years younger than him, aged 143. She had blue scales just like Vendrie but her chest and wings were purple in colour, bearing purple stripes on her arms, thighs, and muzzle. She had no horns, but did have spikes lining her head, ending at her neck. She stood a few inches shorter than Vendrie, around 6ft 3, and also has blue eyes.

"Wow Vendrie." She said, looking at his member with increasing interest, now smiling upon seeing the maxonia. "I didn't know you had such a long bit now, you know what this means?" Vendrie smiled, but insisted on stopping his sister, her presence and scent just making him more aroused and less relaxed.

"Not now please, I trying to get un-aroused and you're not helping." He said, his deep breaths causing him to lean forward, also in an attempt to keep his sister's eyes of his manhood.

"Why are you trying to get unaroused?" She asked him, a smile creeping across her face. "I just got here and have seen your member aroused for the first time. Why not have an Yhisheldri why we are here." Yhisheldri was the proper term for a Yiss, representing the act of two dragons 'enjoying' one another. Vendrie's heart jumped in his chest, the excitement not helping to calm him down either.

"Sis, not now." He said a little harshness in his tone. "This is just random and I am very hungry as well but I don't want to walk around like this! Please let me be at peace, we can have a Yiss later." His order didn't stop her though, because she went forward and pounced on top of him, gripping the throbbing member in her hand. He let out a moan and growled at her, she smiled back when he did, their eyes showing two very different feelings in this situation. She gave him a little lick on his forehead, most likely to show she can be trusted, Vendrie thought otherwise. She squeezed the member a little, Vendrie gritting his teeth to avoid moaning in pleasure. The last thing he needed was to be forced in to a Yiss by his sister, especially when he was hungry.

"Vendrie, let have this moment with you, and I will make you a big breakfast." She spoke to him, smiling all the while. He thought about it, wondering why she offered but that wasn't important, she did make a good breakfast. He smiled back after making up his mind, returning the lick she gave him.

"Okay, my sister, but be gentle." He said before he started breathing deep again, his sister now lying on top of him, pulled into his embrace. He felt her hand let go of his member, and she shimmied up to place her sheath over his, pressing it down on his member. Because she wasn't aroused herself, the walls of her slit her tightly shut, preventing anything getting in. She rested with her head over his shoulder, trying to get in the mood but unable to.

"You pull me...into a Yiss, bribe me...and you...weren't even aroused?" He questioned her, broken by his breathing, making her look rather silly. She gave a weak smile to him but it went when she knew it wasn't going to work. He giggled a bit, seeing she was so interested in an act that she never thought of herself being ready. Certainly not selfish but irresponsible. He stroked her cheek while smiling, seeing that she cannot do anything.

"I guess I might as well get off then." She said, with the word oops written on her face, using her hands to pull herself up. She suddenly stopped when she spied his member, intently fixed upon the maxonia. Then she smiled at him, a wicked sort of smile. "But I can do this..."

She moved her hand down to his member with lightning speed, squeezing on the maxonia on the tip of his penis between her finger and thumb. He couldn't hold back on this moan, giving it out with some power, his legs wrapped around her body to pull her in. A second squeeze caused Vendrie to grit his teeth as another wave of unbearable pleasure swept through his body, his legs working instinctively to mount her but unable to since her sheath was not there. He bucked his member into the air, the shaft of flesh and muscle attempting to enter a female that isn't even there. A third squeeze finished the task.

He let out a large moan as he pulled her close, the sudden pull making her drop the member, bringing her down on top of him as he thrust up, the force being enough to piece her slit. She let out a cry of pleasure as the member so swiftly entered her, wide-eyed at the sudden intrusion. He climaxed inside her, his cum shot inside her as he snarled; giving a light thrust each time his member pulsed. She couldn't believe what just happened, the fact her brother had just entered her for the first time. They had other Yhisherdries where they just played with each other but nothing like this, it was amazing to her but she knew it wasn't proper. He eventually calmed down as the last few shots emptied what was left into her. He came to as he saw her, slouched on him like a rag doll, sitting up on the bed with her. He felt her insides caressing his member, wanting it to go deeper but he now couldn't feel it from the overwhelming pleasure before.

"Sis...Sis...are you okay?" He said, worried now, his heart sank because a Yiss like this one has been known to change a dragon's life. She looked up with the features of a shocked dragon, her teeth showing through her partly open maw.

"Vendrie, I'm sorry, I was just playing." She said, leaning back, the hint of innocence still remained in her eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that act did not change her, smiling at her.

"It's okay my sister." He said, drawing her close to him in an embrace, his wings wrapped around her. "That really was wonderful, but next time, tell me when you do something like that." She smiled at his comment, hugging him as they sat there, bound by the unity of their sexes. After some time, Vendrie's stomach began to rumble, he has yet to eat anything. "How about that breakfast then sis?" He asked her.

"Why not, I've gotten a little hungry myself." She said, smiling with a big draconic grin. Vendrie got up with her, his member had long retreated back into him, and they both went out the room.

The next few days everything was pretty average, Shellin had suffered no mental damage from the act and Vendrie was actually enjoying time with his sister. In the past, although they loved each other, his sister always used to pester him, whether it be forcing him into a Yiss or poking him while he was reading. Vendrie never really left his home, going out only when he needed to stretch his wings or when his sister asked him to do the shopping. He lived only with his sister, but during certain days their parents would come over to live with them, just to find out if everything is okay. They didn't seem to be surprised at the Yiss between him and his sister when Vendrie told them and they fully understood what happened. Their best advice was not to let it happen too often, since she is still young and having taken on an act of Yiss like that is something her body could probably not cope with. It was true as well since the day after the Yiss, her slit leaked a bit of blood, which sort of shocked her but was nothing life threatening.

One day, he got a knock on the front door, unbeknownst of whom or what it was. He went over cautiously, being the paranoid dragon he is, and opens the door to find a long lost friend, Elis Dragin, standing there with a sack over his shoulder.

Elis was a rarity amongst dragons, being the only pink dragon to have lived on this planet. He was aged 153 years and stood at 6ft 11, taller than Vendrie. He was pink all over, with white chest scales and wing membranes, and patches of blue on the back of his head and neck, on his tail point, and on the ends of his wing fingers. He also bore pairs of blue triangles on his arms and thighs, and had yellow eyes, the common colour amongst dragons.

"Elis, how did you know where I lived?" Vendrie asked, since it's been nearly 80 years since they last seen each other. He caught Elis in a brotherly hug, since they did treat one another like brothers. He stumbled backwards, maintaining his balance, smiling at Vendrie for his gladness to see him.

"I looked you up, thanks to some of the other dragons in town; you are well known around here." Elis replied, pushing Vendrie back a little to see him eye to eye.

"Well it's good to see you again; I have much to talk about..." Vendrie stated but was interrupted by Shellin who came downstairs to see who was at the door.

"Who's that at the door Vendrie?" She asked, but needed no reply seeing who it was, for she knew Elis as well from 80 years ago. "Elis, is that you, it is you!" She ran down the remaining steps and pounced onto Elis, sending him crashing to the ground. He was pinned down by her; her weight was usually light but it was the position that locked him to the floor. He breathed deeply from the fact his lungs were being crushed by her, trying to move her off him.

"Could you...please...move off me?" He spoke between breaths; she heard and stood back up, bringing him to his feet. He waited a minute to catch his breath, lifted up his sack and slung it back over his shoulder, watching it didn't hit his wing.

"Sorry, I just never thought I would see you again." She explained, all giddy now from the excitement of seeing him again. Sure, Vendrie was pleased to see Elis again but not that pleased! "Are you staying for dinner?" She asked very quickly.

"I might as well, seeing it's a long way back to the acrolyte..." He needed to say no more before she jumped for joy and zoomed away to the kitchen to prepare a meal. Vendrie and Elis Stared at each other. "Is she always like this?" Elis asked.

"Only if she sees someone she likes." Vendrie explained, scratching the back of his head, Elis cocked his head to the side, an eyebrow raised, wondering the things Vendrie had to put up with over the years. He then smiled and walked over to sit down, his feet rather sore from the walking, and his wings hurting from when she pounced on him.

That night they all sat down for a large meal of meat, vegetables, bread, wine, fish, and best of all, zimrane, a known delicacy rather like trifle but with a variety of fruit instead of jelly and gumic paste instead of custard. They basically ate what they could and talked all the while, about the past few years, the events that stood out and their favourite memories. They all shared their secrets and laughed at their jokes, all in high spirits tonight. Then Vendrie had to bring up a question that was on his mind, about Shellin, about why she bled, since dragons aren't meant to have periods like mammals.

"Bleeding?" Elis spoke silently, holding his wooden cup in the air, swirling the contents to see what patterns they bring.

"Yes, it was right after we had our...accidental Yiss." Vendrie explained, knowing it was no accident but instinct that got the better of him. He gave a look at Shellin, who gave a few quiet laughs and sighed.

"Hmm, it never happened between Omisa and Shola, although Shola was a year younger than you Shellin. Maybe it's because you forced yourself into her, since she wasn't aroused, then you could have caused some injury." Elis explained to Vendrie, seeing that this information was getting him a bit down and feeling guilty. He believed himself to be the cause of all this, his Yissiness led to her bleeding internally. Elis put a hand on Vendrie's jaw and moved his head so that he was looking right at him. "Don't worry Vendrie, it's not your fault, it happens to all of us, even dragons older than Shellin. Okay?" He said, and Vendrie nodded in reply, smiling once again. "Besides, I would have to believe that you enjoyed yourselves all the while." He spoke, everyone now smiling and giggling, soon beginning to laugh as the silly comments piled up, restoring the high spirits to the room.

After tea, the dishes were washed and everyone departed upstairs for a little Yhisheldri to celebrate Elis' arrival. They led him into Vendrie's bedroom, which was not much compared to room in the acrolyte. The acrolyte rooms were ornate, while this one was plainer but still bore some decoration in places. They all sat on the bed and started by embracing one another, like a big family hug, nuzzling each other with their heads. Their purrs and moans seemed to synchronize, heightening the noise in the room, their hands moving across each other's bodies, exploring each other for little pleasure spots. Elis knew of Vendrie's sensitive belly and stroked him there lightly, Vendrie returning the pleasure by rubbing Elis' lower back between his wings. Shellin stroked underneath his chin, while Elis rubbed the side of her head, which pushed into his hand to get more pleasure. They loved each other's company, as dragons do, all of them becoming aroused at a slow rate, where Vendrie came first with his member sliding out of its sheath, whimpering as it did. Shellin started to breathe heavily as her sheath relaxed, opening her slit to the cool air, her legs moved slightly in a sense. Elis simply smiled, purring in his chest as he became aroused as well, bearing a member of different proportions to Vendrie's. It was an inch longer for a start, with a smaller maxonia, and a round ripple called a singoid just below the head which would pleasure the female he mated with. Vendrie still had a few years before he would grow to an age with such "enhancements".

They all looked at each other, at each other's arousal, and at each other's tails, they knew what was going to happen. They spent a little more time in each other's arms, purring as they hit the pinnacle of the arousals, one at a time. They all breathed heavily, Vendrie and Elis' members pulsing in the air; Shellin's slit emitting a strong musk which filled all their nostrils, the purring got deeper as their instincts got the better of them.

Elis moved Shellin onto her back, laying her down on the bed with her legs apart slightly; Vendrie positioned himself behind Elis, lying softly on his back as he pushed his tail to one side, his arms gripping his shoulders. Elis and Vendrie lined up their members to the point of entry, ready to penetrate the one in front of them. Elis had to ask Shellin, since it was Vendrie's sister and that the time between her and Vendrie was more important.

"Are you sure you don't want Vendrie to Yiss with you?" Elis asked Shellin, concerned that his member would be too large and could cause her pain.

"I trust you Elis." She said softly, giving him a light kiss on the forehead, Vendrie did the same, his member pushing against Elis' tail hole. "Besides, what are the chances of you coming back for another?" She smiled. It was a fair point.

"As a family." Vendrie stated.

"As a family." Elis and Shellin replied.

Elis gasped, and then grimaced as Vendrie entered him through his tail hole, pushing his member slowly and smoothly inside him. Shellin was the next one to do this as Elis lowered himself on her, pushing his member inside off her, the lubrication of her inner walls allowing a smooth access to Elis' relief. They all lay their, conjoined and together for some time, mainly so they got used to the feeling, but truly because it was a tender and loving moment and has to be expressed as such. Elis started, moving his penis out until the tip, trying to lift himself and Vendrie up, a challenge but his strength helped him. He slowly lowered himself again, pushing the member back into her, listening to her long moan. Vendrie started now, pulling out as Elis pulled out and pushing in when Elis did. Elis himself was amazed at being penetrated and penetrated another, wondering if this is what Omisa felt like back then. The pace was picked up, everyone breathing heavily and moaning all the while, whether it is out loud or in their chest. Shellin's own lubrication leaked out when Elis pushed in, soaking both sheathes. Vendrie's pre started oozing into Elis tail hole, lubricating the passage and helping with Vendrie's thrusting.

After a good minutes thrusting, Elis began to feel his instincts snapping at him, attempting to fully control him. He couldn't really resist but had to tell Shellin, so with his strength he told her.

"Shellin...I am jaws...with Please...don't take this...the wrong...way." He explained, the moans getting higher, bearing his teeth now as he began to lose control. Within an instant she nodded and leapt up from the bed, locking her jaws in his, he pulled up, dragging Vendrie and Shellin with him. They all went from Yissing on the bed to Yissing on their knees; Vendrie lets his instinct take over and bit down on Elis, making him flinch at the pain for a brief second. They all wrapped their tails around each other's, heightening the intimacy and love between them. Elis thrusting with more force now as he closes in on his climax, Vendrie biting down harder as his climax draws closer, Shellin's vaginal walls pulling the member inside her as her climax drew closer. Vendrie's bite drew blood from Elis, just a little though, not knowing that he did, just enjoying the love he was sharing with his family.

It all ended with all three of them roaring out loud, so loud that it could be mistaken for an army of dragons roaring. Elis thrust hard once, twice, and a third time before unloading his cum into her, her inner walls milking him of it, Vendrie filling Elis' tail hole with his cum. Everyone felt the pure bliss of the aftermath of being with the people they loved, all were drawing deep, quick breaths. Vendrie sited the blood, cleaning it with a cloth while enjoying the bliss of the aftermath. They eventually pulled out and cleaned themselves up before departing for bed, embracing one another before they all departed for bed. They had a wonderful act tonight and it will probably reside in their memories for a long time.

Outside the window though, gazing out at the scene with a hardened member was Omisa, who had followed Elis the whole time. He sighed beautifully as the group left the room, knowing exactly what it is like to be with others, sharing experiences, and even Yissing together. He spoke in a deep voice, one that resonated within the silence.

"Elis, my brother, it is good you have found others to be with, especially long lost friends." He said, smiling his toothy grin, as he looked down upon his own arousal. "Well now, I seem to have a little...problem of my own. I hope you all don't mind a visit from me now." He laughed in his throat, and then moaned a little as the wind caught his member, feeling it like it was someone stroking it. He started to walk down to the house to drop in for a little visit, knowing that meeting his brother again would make Elis surprised.

Elis had the sudden sense to look back as he left the room, seeing nothing but a starry night and a black sky. He smiled; he knew that someone was out there, watching over them like a guardian angel.

"Of course Omisa, I will get the door." He said, closing the door behind him, leaving the reminiscence of musk and the atmosphere of the love that was shared tonight.