Fucking Her Father

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragoness in heat is not to be reckoned with and Helena wants her father to take her more than anything else. The need is even more potent than usual this time and the dragoenss is helpless to her heat as she seduces her own father...

A commission for the charming Fyrdrgon! Thank you!

Always fun to write, incest-y stuff is a blast! This has been up for a few weeks on Patreon, just to note, via the 5 USD pcm tier. Thanks for supporting!

Characters (c) respective owners

Story (c) Amethyst (Arian Mabe)

Fucking Her Father

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon


At the kitchen counter, the cougar hummed as he lifted his mug of coffee to his lips, pretending to be engrossed in the newspaper. He didn't read the newspaper - not seriously, at least - but it was a good enough pretence that it never failed to make him appear distracted when, in reality, his demonic attention was on every minute detail around him. Ropes' tentacles, all four of them, undulated gently above his bare back, rubbing softly over his tawny-brown fur as he pretended disinterest in the world around him.

"Daddy, are you even listening to me? Hello! Dad? Daddy?"

The burned umber dragoness, a striking orange-red, hopped from one hind paw to the other in the doorway. He didn't need to look to know that she was wearing that shirt that was cut so low below her breasts that it may as well have not been a shirt at all. It revealed her cleavage, pushing out like her mother's had in her prime, scales glistening in the flattering early morning light. Usually, Helena would not have been seen out of bed at this time, but something had called her from her bed before her time.

Licking his lips, Ropes swished his tail slowly back and forth, rumbling softly with mirth as the dragoness scraped the claws on her evidently bare hind paws over the kitchen tiles. It was a shockingly annoying sound that would have usually had him snarling and spitting, but today was the time to play his game, not hers. He had the upper paw, even if his cock was already tenting out the front of his jogging bottoms at the mere thought of bending her over the kitchen counter and taking her right in front of the window. He wouldn't even have to take off that damn skirt of hers, the one that barely covered the round curve of her buttocks, tail flipped too high for decency. All he'd have to do would be to tug aside her underwear, if she was even wearing any, and he could be breeding his daughter again.

Although she probably wasn't wearing any underwear either, not even a thong. Ropes smirked and sipped his coffee, eyes half-lidded. His daughter could be quite the whore when she wanted to be. Keeping his muzzle carefully angled away, the cougar smiled privately to himself. It was a good thing that he liked her like that. A very good thing indeed.

Especially as any true male would have been able to smell her heat from a mile away.

Helena snorted, the ghost of fire flickering at the back of her mouth. Although her strain of dragons could not breathe fire anymore, sometimes the wild dance of her white-blonde hair about her muzzle proved reminiscent of times gone by for their kind.

Sighing, Ropes straightened and glanced back over his shoulder, only to meet the eyes of a very worked up dragoness.

"Do I have to say it?" She snapped, showing little of the respect for her father that she had had in her younger years. "You do this every time." She scoffed and flipped her paw. "Don't you get bored of it?"

Taking a deep breath, Ropes steadied himself. Willpower was in decidedly short supply with her aroma clouding his senses and flooding into every single little corner of the room. Nowhere was safe when a dragoness in heat was around.

"Helena," he said slowly, closing the newspaper with a rustle of pages. "We've talked about this."

She groaned and pressed her forehead to the wall, tail lashing frantically. For a moment, she reminded him so much of him as a much younger cougar that he almost smiled. He only just caught himself in time, though his pale eyes twinkled with barely concealed humour.

"Are you seriously going to make me beg for it again?" She whined, whirling to face him with her eyes ablaze. "We go through this every time I'm in heat and it's always the same game you play!"

Ropes shook his head.

"It's not a game, Helena. You know how careful we have to be."

It was a game.

The dragoness groaned and stalked him, eyes sultry and a wicked sway to her hips. Ropes tried not to let her see how he swallowed, coolly maintaining control. Running her paw down his bare chest, Helena rumbled softly and leaned in close, lips at his throat.

"She won't be back for hours yet." Helena's voice came out as a sultry hiss, claws tracing down the line of muscle in his arms. "We have plenty of time... She's had her weekend away. She won't be thinking of getting up early to drive back here."

Helena kissed his throat, tongue lashing out against the underside of his chin.

"We don't need to worry about mother."

Grimacing, Ropes shook his head and took her by the shoulders, forcing her back a step with his greater size and strength. The dragoness glowered, appearing every bit the petulant dragonet she'd once been. The cougar shivered against his will. How many times had they mated since his daughter had become an adult, fully grown and settled in her own skin and scales? The times were too numerous to count, yet his seed had never taken. He'd been careful.

Perhaps it was time to not be so careful...

But he had to make her take a step back first. Helena would rend him from head to toe if she thought for even a moment that she had him exactly where she wanted him. Ropes chuffed under his breath, eyes narrowing. Dragons were always like that. It was one of the reasons that he kept his wife, Fyr, on such a tight leash. But Fyr liked that too. It was where she belonged.

"You can't know that, Helena." He frowned, feigning concern. "There's no telling when she'll be back - you know how she likes to get up early. Do you want your mother to catch us?" He scowled. "Right in the act?"

The dragoness pouted and scuffed her hind paw across the floor. She would never have usually acted like a dragonet denied a treat, but heat did strange things to dragoness', pushing them to the very limits of what they would normally do all for the business of egg laying.

"No, I don't want her to catch us," she muttered after an inordinately long pause. "Everything would go wrong if she did."

Helena didn't add that she thought she'd seen Fyr watching them more than once, yet she couldn't be sure. She secluded that thought away for perusal at a later time.

"And we couldn't have our fun anymore," Ropes nodded. "I knew you'd understand."

He grinned, dropping her a sly wink as he turned back to his nearly forgotten coffee.

"But don't you worry, sweetie - there'll be time for us soon. Just have to find somewhere private... You can do that, right? Find somewhere for us to go?"

Helena gave a tiny sigh and nodded, arms folded across her chest.

No further words were needed as the dragoness stomped from the kitchen, kicking each step on the stairs as she headed for her room, her little dark sanctuary in times of need. The old country cottage creaked beneath her paws as she ascended, a scowl darkening her muzzle. Without thinking about it, her paw was suddenly between her thighs, a fingertip sliding over the swollen nub of her clit.

Rolling her head back, Helena moaned.

Her brother's head shot around his bedroom door on the landing as if she had screamed his name.

Whipping her paw away, the dragoness held down her skirt and shot him a glare that would have made any other cougar than her brother quail in sheer terror. As it was, Hiss had been treated to many years of her death glares and merely smiled, his two tentacles peeking over his shoulders as if curious to see just what was going on.

"What's gotten into you?" Hiss shot at her, one eyebrow raised. "You're wearing even less than you usually are!"

Her forehead furrowed, a growl pulling at her lips. By the gods - some days she wished she didn't have to deal with her brother at all! But she had an escape route.

The dragoness snarled, teeth flashing as her tail disappeared around the door frame into her bedroom.

"None of your business, Hiss! Get lost!"

Frowning, the younger cougar shook his head and retreated, thinking perhaps to catch another hour of sleep or two before he hit the road and pounded the pavement in search of more work. He was yet to find something that truly interested him, but he was sure he'd get there eventually. For the time being, however, his bed called.

Helena, however, had more pressing matters on her mind.


Her heat grew worse by the hour, the worst of her young years. Writhing on her bed before the closed curtains, the dragoness humped and bucked against every sex toy in her multitudinous arsenal in her desperate, seeking the release necessary to make the burning stop. Unless she wanted to venture off their little farm, however, there was nothing besides Ropes that could quell that searing need in her crotch, sinking tendrils in her mind so that it no longer seemed as if her action were her own.

Of course, it had taken hours for Fyr to come home and would have allowed plenty of time for her and Ropes to have all the fun they wanted. All could have been fine - or as okay as it could have been while she was in the throes of a ripping heat - but no, of course not. Ropes had had to go and deny her yet again. Groaning, Helena twisted, hips arched up from the bed as she drove a thick dildo into her dripping cunt, the head ramming up against her cervix. It was a snug fit and would have usually thrown her into a howling climax, but the pleasure gleaned from the toy was a far cry from what her body needed.

What was Ropes' game? What did the cougar have up his sleeve this time? Helena hissed, rocking through her umpteenth orgasm of the day. She only hoped it would be something she wanted, something she would crave more than anything else once the secret was revealed.

Night fell and morning came again without the dragoness taking anything down her throat besides a taste of her own juices and a scant few sips of water.

"Are you sick, dear?" Fyr said, rapping the door gently with her knuckles. "Can I come in?"

"No, mother..." Helena groaned, yanking a blanket up over her naked scales. "It's just... Ack!"

She ripped her claws through the fabric, snarling as it tore. That was her favourite too!


"It's female stuff, all right, mom? God!"

Blessedly taking the hint, Fyr retreated to other parts of the house, leaving her daughter in the peace that was only second to the breeding she craved.

Helena sat bolt upright, trembling as afternoon crept into night. Her last heat had been bad enough. That time, she'd crept into her parents' bedroom and wrapped her lips around her father's cock until he had growled and ejaculated down her throat, not even caring that his wife and her mother was slumbering peacefully

Where would their game end? Helena shivered. What even was their game?

The answer lay between her thighs, paw dipping to where the dildo lay buried between her lips, stretching them wide. She wasn't even sore yet, not even after reaching that peak of pleasure so many times. Helena sucked in a small breath, nostrils flaring. There was something strange about a dragon's heat that turned them into something they weren't, or perhaps simply revealed what they truly were. Yet it revealed what her relationship with her father was too, and that wasn't entirely a bad thing. It made what she had to do so much clearer.

For there was nothing untoward about their liaison - not in the slightest. She wasn't trying to take him away from her mother. It was all in the name of pleasure and the wholesome desire to have fun.

Groaning, she shook her head, eyes narrowing into needy slits. Should she go into town, if he was being coy with her? She could have any male she wanted, at least while she was in heat. No one would be able to resist such a fertile body, just ripe and ready to be bred. But that wouldn't do it. It wouldn't satisfy her - not one bit.

She had to have him.

Peering out the window, she started to see that night had fallen while she'd been otherwise occupied, the days slipping away from her like water through her fingers. The barn stood to the back of the house, silhouetted in the last flickers of twilight. Fyr's new colt - something she'd bought to bring on as a project of sorts - nickered from within, uneasy with darkness falling. He'd not long been away from his mother and still cried out for her from time to time.

Helena brushed the thought aside. He was cared for. He wasn't for her to worry about. But there was a light on in the barn and she had to investigate. It could have been Fyr, her mother out to check the colt, but it was far more likely to be a far more alluring target... Helena took a deep breath, steadying herself even as the scent of her own heat swamped her nostrils, almost too much to bear. But not quite.

The dragoness shook her head. Whoever turned out to be out at the barn, a walk would do her good.

Slipping out into the cool evening air, Helena breathed freely for the first time in what seemed like days. The band constricting her chest loosened a notch and she focused on the feel of her bare hind paws hitting the turf, blood pumping to muscles that had been left unused for too many hours, if not days. It was relieving in a different way to be up and moving, but only served to fuel her subconscious need, footsteps moving quicker and quicker as her heart leapt into her throat.

Ropes stood in the barn aisle, holding the colt at the end of a lead rope. The black equine nickered nervously and pawed at the ground, soothed only by the flat of the cougar's paw running down the arch of his neck over and over again in a soothing, repetitive motion. His head shot up as Helena passed through the double doors of the barn, eyes half-lidded as her paw grazed her pussy.

She hadn't thought to put on clothes before leaving the house.

"I didn't think you'd be out here, father."

Ropes blinked, though did not appear surprised as he smiled, a grin stretching his lips wide as his tentacles waved at her.

"That's oddly formal for you."

The dragoness paced, tail lashing as her body thrummed with energy.

"You don't seem to be complaining."

She pressed her body up against her father's, purring as she nuzzled into his neck. He shuddered and took a half-step back, though his resolve seemed to waver, crossing his eyes before fleeing entirely from his gaze. Taking his paw, she placed it on one of her uppermost breasts, moaning softly as his fingers instinctively gave a light squeeze. The cougar's tail swished as he growled throatily

But Helena wasn't about to let him have her so easily - not after the chase he'd led her on. For they both had known from the first instant she'd come into heat how the situation would end with the both of them entwined in carnal need.

The dragoness licked her lips, breath mingling with Ropes' as she just about refused to let their lips touch, paws on his chest. Her nails pricked through his shirt, buttons tugging as she yearned to rip it from his torso. It would look better on the aisle floor.

Shifting at the end of the lead rope, the colt extended his neck, ears pricked.

"You have something I need." Her eyes burned. "Are you going to give it to me, or am I going to jump into the truck and take a little ride into town? I'm sure I can find what I need there too. I'm sure I can find plenty of it, filling your daughter up to the brim over and over again until she can't take anymore."

The colt skittered back as Ropes snarled, wrapping his arm around Helena's waist and holding her to him. She squirmed half-heartedly, exactly where she wanted to be as her heart hammered. Easing a leg up against his hip, she arched up against him with a throaty moan, baring her neck for her father to lap and nip up the line of her throat. Bounding and snorting, the colt demanded attention, concerned at the activity writhing around him.

Ropes pushed his face up into Helena's, teeth bared in a hiss that sent delicious shivers rolling down her spine.

"None of them are good enough for my daughter!"

And, in all honesty, Helena didn't want anyone else - not yet, at least. Maybe one day, when she was looking for a relationship, another would catch her eye. For now, however, her father was the only one whose cock truly satisfied her, taking her like a dragoness needed to be taken.

Helena squealed, air brushing past her wings as she abruptly found herself airborne, eyes wide. She landed on the squares of straw on the other side of the aisle and pressed her paw over her hammering heart as Ropes hurriedly tucked away the colt in his stable, sliding the top bolt across. The horse whirled and neighed, nostrils flaring as he dropped in the confines of his stable, no doubt the scent of a female ready for breeding riling him up as much as it forced the cougar into action. For a moment, Helena thought of how it could feel to be under the colt - or maybe a stallion - but her father turned too quickly, pale eyes narrowed into wicked slits as his lips pulled into a snarl.

The dragoness steeled herself, one eyebrow raised as the cougar dropped his head and stalked her, tail lashing from side to side. Helena giggled, heart racing as she leapt to her paws, gaze sliding away. Her tail flicked up, sending a wave of her scent crashing down the aisle. Ropes nose twitched, tentacles writhing crazily.

But Helena was gone, throwing her lithe body into motion as her four breasts bounced lightly with every headlong step. With her blood up, she launched herself forward, a wild laugh breaking her lips as her hair tumbled about her head and neck. Ropes growled, yet she did not stop or even glance back over her shoulder. He could chase her for a change!

Of course, her pretend flight had to come to an abrupt end. Her father's paw closed around her wrist and the dragoness shrieked playfully as she was yanked to the side. She followed him almost too eagerly, tail pushing up as if to arch over her back even as she remained upright, letting Ropes shove her into another one of the stalls and against the wall. The impact as her palms hit the boards should have hurt, but the only sound that came from her mouth was a low, pleading moan.

Words were not needed. Ropes growled like the demon he was as he thrust down his jeans, not even bothering to take the time to remove his shirt in his haste. His daughter needed him and his tentacles wrapped themselves around her wrists, holding her to the wall, to make sure that she was in place for every bit of what he craved from her too. Helena didn't need to be restrained, but shivered into his touch all the same, lifting her tail more eagerly than ever for her father's shaft.

His hard cock ground over her rump, smearing a slick trail of pre-cum across her crimson scales. The dragoness wriggled and tried to push back, anticipating his entry, yet he pulled away, leaving her hopelessly denied in the moment as her pussy drooled her own juices. Mind and body collided, turning her into a whimpering, pleading dragoness in need of nothing more than a good, hard breeding at the whim of a heat that could not be controlled by anyone other than her father's paw.

"Stop teasing!" She begged, twisting and bucking as if she could make him fuck her from the precarious position she was in. "You know I want this and you know you fucking need this too! I've waited long enough! You don't want me going into town to find someone to screw, do you?"

She threw the threat out casually, expecting him to drive into her immediately. What male would want to concede their conquest to another when they already had them pinned and ready up against a wall, after all? But Ropes nipped her ear sharply, drawing a squeal from her lips as she dragged in ragged breaths. The head of his cock brushed her pussy lips as he covered her body with his, breath hot on the side of her muzzle. His words, when they came, turned what remainder of her good sense to mush.

"You're not going anywhere, Helena. You're going to stay right here. And you're going to take me over and over again, daughter, until you can't walk back to the house."

Groaning, Helena rolled her head back as Ropes pushed into her, that first penetration making her legs tremble. It was just as well that she had him to hold her up, pushing her legs apart with his bottom pair of tentacles, all so that he could grind in harder and deeper, forcing his crotch up to her backside. Heat trembled through every nerve in her body and the dragoness hissed as he stretched her wide. Her passage had quickly tightened up again, even after spending so much time with her toys buried in her cunt, pussy twitching and clenching down upon his hot length of cock.

"Maybe this time..." He breathed, mouthing the words almost to himself. "Maybe this time, you won't go into heat again for a good, long while."

Helena didn't have time to think about what he meant as the cougar snarled and slammed into her, rocking her hips towards the wall. She grunted and stiffened her arms, ducking her head down between them as Ropes nipped the back of her neck, using the full force of his body to claim her as his own, yet again. The dragoness squirmed and bucked her hips back to meet his brutal thrusts the best she could, but he was too ruthless in the moment, taking his pleasure as he willed, to allow her to move all that much. Not that Helena minded. Her eyes rolled back into her skull, skin tingling beneath her scales. Getting a cock in her - a real one, not just a fucking toy! - was just what she needed. It was what her heat demanded and, finally, her father was delivering every inch she desired.

His tentacles released her legs, but remained curled around her wrists, more for the semblance of restraint than any true bondage. With his cock driving into her, there was nowhere else the dragoness would have rather been. But he had another use for his tentacles that would hurl his partner into greater highs than ever as heat ravaged her body and mind.

Ropes smirked breathlessly as he snaked his tentacles down around her thighs, the very tip of one curling up against her engorged clit. Helena sucked in a breath, cheeks heated. The warmth crept down her neck as her chest heaved for breath, nipples hard in the otherwise cool air of the barn. Further down the aisle, the colt shifted and pawed at his bed of straw, Helena moaning loudly as her clit was stimulated and her pussy ploughed.

What more could a dragoness want?

Privacy to do as she wished would be a start. The barn door creaked as it swung open, spilling crisp evening air into their relative solitude. Ropes froze, tail flicking as Helena pushed back against him, halfway through a whine that he abruptly quelled with a tentacle thrust between her lips. Barely noticing his change in demeanour, the dragoness gave a muffled moan around the appendage and suckled it. Closing his eyes, Ropes held back a groan.

Footsteps moved down the barn aisle, softly as if the intruder was trying to be particularly quiet in their approach.

"Hey there."

Fyr's voice drifted down the aisle as she supposedly spoke to the colt and Ropes silently bore Helena down to the stable floor. The dragoness' knees hit the shavings with a dull thump and the cougar bit his tongue, hoping that his wife hadn't heard. His mind whirled. What should they do? Run? Hide? There didn't seem to be any better option. But they wouldn't be caught as long as Fyr stayed down the other end of the barn, fussing the colt and checking him over like he had been doing only a short while ago.

The cougar breathed harshly through his nostrils, holding back moans that every fibre of his being wanted to release. He wanted to yowl, to fuck, to cover his daughter as she deserved to be bred, soothing the edge of her heat for however long it lasted. It would have been so easy to slip on his clothes and leave, if he had not already been balls-deep in Helena, the dragoness quivering beneath him on all fours. And, shamefully, the risk of discovery made his cock throb all the more, drooling pre-cum into his daughter's needy cunt. Clenching his jaw, the cougar wriggled his tentacle over her clit, making her buck and squirm within his tight hold, already on the edge of a heat drive orgasm.

Helena whimpered around the tentacle stretching her lips wide, eyes closed. Ropes doubted she even knew that they were no longer alone.

"Quiet..." He breathed in her ear. "You must be quiet... If you want me to keep fucking you, my sweet, horny daughter."

He didn't need to tell her again why they had to evade discovery. Her eyes snapped open and she nodded quickly, suckling helplessly on his tentacle. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he yanked her back into his thrusts, arching his back so that he did not slap his crotch into her rump every time he pushed in.

"Hope you'll be okay out here all on your lonesome, honey." Fyr's voice was sugar sweet as she talked to the colt, Ropes' thrusts not breaking in pace. "Soon we'll have a friend for you, something to keep you company, hey?"

She giggled at something the horse was doing. Ropes and Helena didn't care, wrapped up in their lusts for each other. His hips moved quicker and quicker, lewd, wet slurps slopping from their mating that his wife surely, surely, had to hear. But he couldn't stop - wouldn't stop. There was nothing that could be done but finish in Helena as she rocked into climax and face the consequences. Footsteps moved away and his heart leapt, barely daring to believe his luck. Helena's cunt squeezed down around him, intent on milking the horny cougar for every drop of his cum for as many times as he would be willing to have her.

Blessedly, as Ropes drove deep into his daughter's cunt, the barn door closed and they were alone again. Breaking his stoic form, the cougar yowled and bit into Helena's shoulder as he hit his peak, hips jerking erratically. Hot, thick spurts of cum filled her pussy, drooling out along the sides of his shaft as he continued to thrust, unwilling to stop as pleasure claimed him. That was too much for the dragoness, balancing on the edge of climax, as she howled around the tentacle in her mouth, hips rocking manically as she lost herself to pleasure.

Ropes came back to himself first, fur matted and ruffled up the wrong way as he sucked in lungful after lungful of air. Helena shuddered and twitched as her orgasm died down, attention slipping from his as she slowly realised just how close they'd come to discovery, her heat once again getting the better of her.

Neither of them were sure what would come from being caught, but it made them only the more eager to go again, bodies coming together in intimate, carnal lust.

Drawing his tentacle from her lips, Ropes nuzzled into her shoulder and relaxed in the afterglow, back aching from the ruthless pounding he'd given her. Helena hardly seemed tired at all, casting him a sly look as she curled her tail around his waist, letting her chest drop down to the floor. His cock, hardly softening at all, eased from her pussy, glistening with a cocktail of their sexual fluids as her pussy twitched, pushing out dollops of creamy cum. But there would be more than enough left inside her to satisfy her heat, her everlasting need.

Ropes grinned. Leaning over the dragoness, her hair a tangled mess, the cougar purred, brushing her cheek with the tip of one of his tentacles. Crooning breathlessly, she leaned into his touch, back arching as if already desperate to have him inside her again. His still-hard shaft throbbed, grinding over her rump as her breath hitched and she hiked her tail, letting it fall over her back in an alluring curve. Ropes inhaled slowly and deeply, a smile tickling at his lips. Helena whined. She was as open for the taking as she'd ever been for him - only him.

And he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

He nipped her neck lovingly, earning a whimper as Helena huffed and ducked her head between her arms, rump thrust back for his attention. Pussy drooling with cum and her own arousal, thick and heady, the cougar dropped his head with a purr to lap over the mess, cock throbbing.

As he slid into her, her wet warmth welcoming him back, he only had one last 'taunt' for his sweet daughter and it was one that had her shivering and begging for more.

"Maybe you'll get a dragonet this time after all, my dear daughter..."