Kindly Masters

Story by Lexington on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: If you don't like reading about handsome minotaurs and cute foxes being naughty... well, you're just no fun :D

It's my first story, finally. Comments make me happy.

Kindly Masters by Lexington Verrinder

"My lord! What an honour to see you here today!"

The smallish tiger in plain but well-made robes bows deeply to the figure in front of him. A minotaur with short, dark brown fur stands just under six and a half feet high smiling down at the greeter.

"I was walking in to town when I finally decided that it was time to stop by," he explains as he hands a superbly crafted cloak of dark red cloth and gold trim to the servant. The servant nods as he struggles with the bulk of the cloak. "My master often wonders when you will visit. I think he'll be most pleased." The tiger hangs the cloak up and heads towards a large open door at the end of the foyer. "Please, follow me."

The minotaur takes a moment to admire his surroundings. The building is a large hall of about five rooms connected to a larger anteroom. Usually rented out for various functions held by the aristocracy, the hall is currently serving as a sort of bazaar. The building is constructed mainly out of dark woods, but with a marble floor. There is a sense of lonely grandeur in the wide, empty foyer.

"How good of you to appear! We've been wondering about you for some time now."

The minotaur smiles his warm smile again at a panther standing about a foot shy of himself with jet black fur in a jet black hooded robe made of dense silk. Even his shadow is not as dark as he is. His orange eyes are the only thing that contrasts with the rest of his body.

"Lord Dimos," says the minotaur as he bows slightly. "It seems that my time has come to purchase. It is the fashionable thing to do now, no?" Dimos grins and nods. "Yes indeed. So popular our little... boutique has become that even some of the merchant class have managed to get together enough gold. Of course, we reserve the finer, ah... merchandise for those of real taste."

"Well, I do believe I am now sufficiently intrigued," states the minotaur with a slight gleam in his eye. "Very good, very good," says Dimos rubbing his paws together. "Take Lord Soruat to the fourth room please, Matthias," he says to the small tiger by his side.

"Yes, my lord," comes the reply.

As Soruat follows Matthias out of the anteroom, he hears Dimos once more behind him, "Am I correct that canine is still your preference?"

"Always," says Soruat grinning as he follows the tiger into an adjoining room.


Matthias leads Soruat down a short corridor until they reach a certain door. "Here we are, my lord," says the tiger as he opens it.

As soon as the door is opened Lord Soruat is hit by the sudden contrast of the quiet halls to this much livelier room. This room is the size of a standard ballroom, and the space is dominated by myriad canine males, the majority without clothes. Soruat's eyes go wide as he gazes upon the wolves, foxes, coyotes, and even a few jackals all arranged in a vague grid-like pattern. About twenty nobles also occupy the room as they go from specimen to specimen examining here, and feeling there. The nobles discuss the beings with each other, and some of the naked ones talk quietly amongst themselves, discussing the nobles. Some are quiet, while others are quite eager to be chosen

"How many are there?" asks Soruat quietly in amazement.

"About one and a half hundred, my lord. Most have had some formal training; some are a bit... wilder. But all are of the finest quality. Take as much time as you need to decide."

Matthias bows and exits the room as Soruat stands awed. Soruat feels a bulge forming, but knows that even in an atmosphere such as this a noble ought to keep his composure. He walks slowly towards the array of animals and examines a few superficially. His eyes linger on a few for longer than on others: a smiling coyote with a very slim figure... a wolf with a tail that sways back and forth slowly...

"Definitely not," says a sharp voice that snaps Soruat out of his semi-dream state. He turns around to see a lupine noble arguing with an equine peer. "But look at the face! He's so cute!" says the tall horse lovingly while admiring the fox in front of him. The fox blushes and lowers his head slightly, smiling. The wolf grimaces and holds up one of the fox's arms. "That as it may be, there's still no definition here. He's like a stick." The horse shakes his head. "I'm sorry, little fox. My partner is much too picky." The two continue onwards towards a jackal as the fox's smile fades.

Soruat watches the two nobles venture off and then looks at the fox. Perhaps the arms are a little bit lacking... but the chest... and the face... Soruat walks a bit closer with the gleam back in his eye.

"What is your name?" asks Soruat softly.

The fox looks up at the minotaur addressing him. "They call me... Sansnom, sir."

Soruat looks slightly bemused. "It's a peculiar name."

The fox nods, "Yes, sir."

"I have a strange name too."

Sansnom smiles slightly.

Soruat walks around Sansnom slowly, examining all angles. "The horse was right," he whispers, "You really are very cute."

Sansnom blushes more strongly this time as Soruat steps back to get a better look. The fox is about five feet, six inches tall with fairly standard red and white fur capped with black paws and ears. The longer Soruat gazes upon him, the more he feels his lust growing. This must be the right one.

"Tell me," continues Soruat in his soft tone, "how many autumns have you seen?"

"But a score, sir."

"Very good..."

Soruat runs a strong hand over the fox's head and down his back, feeling the softness of the fur. He continues down just to the fox's perfectly shaped rear and grins as Sansnom shivers slightly at the touch. "Just one more thing to check, I suppose," says the minotaur as he bring his hand around to the front. Sansnom shudders again as the minotaur's fingers caress his sack gently. He closes his eyes as Soruat's hand coaxes his vulpine cock out of its sheath. Soruat continues for a bit until the full length is visible, about seven inches. The minotaur, grinning, strokes the cock once to elicit another shiver from the fox. He withdraws his hand and Sansnom, blushing, looks up at him.

"You're very fine, you know?"

"Thank you, sir," says Sansnom as he lowers his head once more.

"I just have one question for you..."

Sansnom's ears perk up slightly. "Sir?"

The minotaur leans his mouth right next to the fox's ear.

"Is your tailhole still virgin?"

Sansnom's eyes go a bit wider. "Yes, sir," he replies.

Soruat stands upright and beams down at the fox before him.

"Will you come home with me, little fox?"

"As you wish, master," says Sansnom, concealing a grin.


Back in the anteroom, gold changes hands between Lords Dimos and Soruat as Sansnom stands by.

"Your patronage, albeit late, is greatly appreciated, friend." Lord Dimos looks the fox over himself. "I think you'll find him most enjoyable."

"I intend to," says Soruat, grinning, as he exits the store with his arm around his new, blushing, acquisition.

Out on the main street, many folk gaze upon the large minotaur noble, gallantly clothed, and the slight fox wearing an elegant cloak far too large for him. Soruat smiles as the pair catches the attention of almost all passers-by.

"I'm not used to so much... notice," says Sansnom shyly as they walk up the street.

"Ah, but you deserve it," replies the minotaur, causing the fox to go red.

"Look at them all. Can you see their envy? They all wish you were theirs," says Soruat.

Sansnom blushes all the way to Soruat Manor.


When the pair reach the minotaur's grandiose abode, Soruat turns to Sansnom.

"Well, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful!"

The fox's eyes twinkle as he observes all the aspects of the house. It isn't as large as some nobles', but it's something to behold. The manor has a circular base and is made almost entirely out of jade, with two floors visible from the front. The lawn around the manor is kept with unparalleled workmanship.

"Glad to know my work is appreciated," says a raspy voice. Sansnom turns around in surprise. "Your master here would never get by if we weren't taking care of the place for him," continues the rat in dirt-covered work clothes.

"He speaks the truth," says Soruat, "Untrained eyes might say that this house's foundation is stone, but they haven't met our Gabriel."

"Pleased to meet you, sir," says Sansnom bowing slightly.

"No, no. You don't call me 'sir', and I don't call you two 'sir' either. I'm just Gabriel, you're just...?"

"Oh, Sansnom," says Sansnom, surprised by the rat's brusqueness.

"...Sansnom, and he's just my strife and sustenance," concludes Gabriel, looking at the smiling minotaur. "So, if you need anything... see if he can manage it himself. The gods know he keeps me busy enough on his own."

Sansnom watches, eyes wide, as the rat pushes his wheelbarrow around the side of the house. "Is he angry?" The minotaur laughs and shakes his head. "No. Like he says, he's just Gabriel."

Soruat pulls open the large front doors of the manor and gestures his fox in in front of him. Soruat almost bumps into Sansnom as the fox has stopped short in the doorway, gazing at the manor's foyer. Soruat walks to the middle of the foyer and turns around to face Sansnom, arms spread.

"And this is my lair," he says with dramatic conclusion.

Sansnom looks around to see a corridor that appears to lead around the perimeter of the house and two staircases curving together at the top that lead to the upper floor. Soruat follows the fox's gaze. "That's where we're going," he states. "Let me take your coat."

Soruat walks over to Sansnom and takes the cloak off of him leaving him completely exposed once more. He puts the cloak to the side and without warning leans down and picks up the fox in both arms. Sansnom makes a small noise in surprise, but then looks into the minotaur's eyes and smiles. "Up we go," says Soruat grinning.

The fox smiles widely as he relaxes in the minotaur's strength and is carried up the stairs. A room at the top of the stairs is already open, and Soruat carries Sansnom in. The atmosphere of this room is suddenly different, with dark wood paneling covering the jade walls and floor. A mahogany four-poster bed takes up much of one side, and Soruat places the fox on it gently. Sansnom looks up at Soruat as he sinks into the bed, then turns to his surroundings. There isn't too much else the room contains except a wardrobe and a large white fur rug that fill the rest of the room. On the wall, between the bed and the rug, a fire crackles in a large fireplace.

"Do you like it?"

Sansnom nods, silent in awe and happiness.

"Good. You get acquainted with the room, and I'll be right back," says Soruat. He pokes Sansnom's nose lovingly, and then closes the door behind himself.

Sansnom plays around with the bed a bit, shifting his weight and feeling the silk sheets and down pillows. He buries his face in one of the pillows and smiles...

Sansnom suddenly thinks about his days at school. He attended a sort of academy for animals that are trained to be slaves and servants. Some of his classmates had owners previously, and would always compare them to others'. The highest aspiration for any of them was to be sold to a Kindly Master, somebody who would treasure them as a partner as well as a possession...

And then Sansnom sees the rug. Slowly lowering himself off of the bed, Sansnom walks over to the fur rug.

"Oh!" is his first remark as he steps on to it. He reaches down to feel the rug, and then lies down completely on it, spread out. Its softness is unlike anything Sansnom has ever felt before. As much as he rolls around on it, he can't get over how much he likes its feel. He runs his paws through it, and then his feet as well. He sits up and watches the fire burn in the fireplace as he moves his paws back and forth slowly over the rug.

Sansnom is mesmerized by the fire and wakes when he hears the door opening. He turns around and sees Soruat standing in the doorway, smiling, and completely naked. Soruat closes the door as he walks in and Sansnom just looks in awe, eyes wide. For all the manual labour that Gabriel does, there must be enough left for him, thinks Sansnom. The minotaur's muscles are all perfectly defined. His legs are solid, his arms are powerful, and his chest...

"Glad you approve," says the minotaur, grinning, as he gazes down at the fox's crotch. Sansnom blushes as he sees that his cock has become completely erect just by viewing the minotaur's body.

Soruat walks over to Sansnom and gestures for him to rise. Sansnom gets to his knees from his sitting position and is about to stand when the minotaur places a hand on his head. "That's enough," Soruat whispers. Sansnom understands as he moves a bit closer to the minotaur's powerful form. He looks up and Soruat's gleaming eyes meet Sansnom's lust-filled ones. Soruat just nods slightly at the fox and runs the hand on his head down his neck slowly.

Sansnom reaches forward tentatively, and Soruat sighs as vulpine paws fondle his large ball sack, much in the same manner as he did earlier. As his balls are caressed, Soruat's cock starts to become erect, and Sansnom's lust grows with it. Sansnom watches as the bull cock elongates... nine, ten, eleven inches... He moves up and begins to stroke the massive length, feeling it grow in his paws... fourteen, fifteen, sixteen inches fully erect.

Sansnom feels the hand on the back of his head pulling him closer. As it does, he positions his muzzle in front of the massive cock. With his paws on it, Sansnom guides the cock into his mouth. At first, he closes his mouth around the tip, sucking playfully. Soruat closes his eyes as he pulls the fox onto his meat. Sansnom opens his mouth and allows seven inches in before he pulls back to the tip, causing Soruat to moan loudly. Sansnom continues is this manner a short while, and then when he lets the cock slide in, he slides his tongue into the cock's opening. The minotaur's eyes go wide. He's never felt anybody do that before. He looks down to see the fox grinning with his mouth stuffed full of bull manhood. Soruat lets the fox's tongue play around inside his cock for a bit before he feels himself get too close...

Soruat, panting, pulls back and lets his cock drop out of Sansnom's mouth. "You are amazing..." he says, and this time, Sansnom doesn't blush, but grins. "Lie down, little fox."

Sansnom is quick to comply as he spreads himself out on the amazingly soft rug. The minotaur lowers himself to his knees in front of the fox and places his hands on the fox's stomach. Sansnom closes his eyes as he feels the minotaur's powerful hands run over his body. The hands work their way down to Sansnom's footpaws, and then back up to his waist, where they stop. Sansnom opens his eyes as he sees Soruat's head lower itself onto his cock, completely engulfing it. Sansnom gasps as the minotaur keeps his cock in his mouth and caresses it on all sides with his powerful tongue. Soruat savours the sweet pre that comes from the fox's cock as he raises his head with audible pop. Sansnom stays still, breathing heavily, as Soruat strokes his cock slowly, collecting the vulpine pre in his hands. Soruat adds it to his own as he rubs his massive length, coating it completely.

The minotaur lifts the fox's legs slowly on to his shoulders as he positions his gleaming cock at the fox's virgin hole, the tip just resting against his body.

"Are you ready, my fox?" asks Soruat quietly.

"Yes... take me, master..."

Sansnom watches Soruat's warm smile as the minotaur pushes forward slowly. Their lust-filled gazes lock on each other as the bull cock stretches out the fox's anus. Neither say anything, but breathe heavily as seven, eight, nine inches of minotaur meat are inserted into the fox. Soruat pauses briefly to let Sansnom adjust. "Don't stop... I want more, master." Soruat gladly complies as he continues burying his cock in the fox. Sansnom puts his head back and gasps at this new, wonderful, sensation.

Soon enough, the entire length is inside the fox. The two smile at each other. "Now the real fun begins," says Soruat, grinning. He pulls back a few inches, and then pushes forward making the fox moan in delight. Every time the minotaur thrusts forward he thrusts with more of his cock and the fox's moans and yelps grow louder. The pair lose themselves in a frenzy of lust as the minotaur grabs Sansnom's shoulders and begins pistoning his entire length into the fox.

From down in the courtyard, Gabriel looks up at the room's window and shakes his head.

Sansnom grabs the rug in his paws as he submits completely to the minotaur's force. His ass burns with the friction of the thrusting, but he doesn't notice it. Soruat watches as his pet's cock leaks a constant stream of precum onto his soft fur. He reaches one powerful hand down to stroke Sansnom's cock as he continues to thrust deeply. Tears of happiness begin to form in the fox's eyes as he's jacked off in rhythm with the minotaur's pounding.

"Gonna... fill you up with my... bull juice," pants Soruat as he reaches his climax.

"Mark me master... make me yours," begs Sansnom as his own balls begin to draw close to his body.

At once, Soruat roars, slams his entire length into Sansnom, and begins shooting jet after jet of hot bull cum into the young fox's ass. As he's filled, Sansnom shoots his own cum wildly onto himself, the minotaur, and the rug as the minotaur keeps jacking his cock. The fox howls as his ass is filled so much that he starts leaking on to the rug.

After a minute or so, the flows recede and the two lay panting on the rug on their sides, facing each other. Soruat brings his paw covered in vulpine cum to his mouth and licks his fingers clean. "Tasty fox," he whispers. He puts his other hand down into the puddle of bull cum that has formed at Sansnom's ass and offers it to him. The fox smiles as he sucks on the bull's cum-covered fingers. "Mmmmm," is the most he can manage.

Soruat moves to remove his cock from Sansnom's ass, but the fox closes tightly around it. "Stay?" he asks quietly.

"You want to sleep like this?"

Sansnom just nods.

"Anything for a cute fox," submits Soruat as he puts his arms around Sansnom.

"So how was your first time?" queries Soruat after they've lain for a short while.

"Kindly," replies Sansnom.

The minotaur chuckles softly as the fox falls asleep in his arms.